Archiv: Sarah Smith

12.08.2018 - 12:12 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

Sarah Smith Wins: A MAJORITY Of Justice Democrats Just Won

The Sarah Smith results are finally in. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.

12.08.2018 - 12:11 [ Seattle Times ]

Challenger Sarah Smith advances to November election to face fellow Democrat, Rep. Adam Smith

In addition to making an issue of Rep. Smith’s corporate PAC donations, Sarah Smith said she’d contrast her anti-war activism with Rep. Smith’s more pro-military stances. He’s the ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee and in position to chair the panel if the party takes the House majority this fall.

Rep. Smith said that seniority is an asset. “It’s important to have a strong progressive person” to chair the Armed Services committee, he said Thursday

30.06.2018 - 15:09 [ ]

Could progressive newcomer Sarah Smith upset 11-term incumbent in Washington primary?

Her opponent is on the House Armed Services Committee. Congressman Adam Smith has a long history in the 9th Congressional District. So who is Sarah Smith?

„I work full time,“ Sarah Smith said. „I manage a mechanic garage. I have student debt. I have a husband. I can‘t afford to have a kid. I‘m every person in this district.“