Watch our 25th Anniversary live celebration on Sunday beginning at 3 pm EST with guests Oliver Stone, Diane Duston, John Pilger, Nat Parry, Ray McGovern, Spencer Oliver and Gareth Porter right here. Watch it live here with your hosts Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria:
Archiv: Robert Parry
Although journalism was always a loose extension of establishment power, something has changed in recent years. Dissent tolerated when I joined a national newspaper in Britain in the 1960s has regressed to a metaphoric underground as liberal capitalism moves towards a form of corporate dictatorship. This is a seismic shift, with journalists policing the new „groupthink“, as Parry called it, dispensing its myths and distractions, pursuing its enemies.
The Berkeley Tribute to Robert Parry
A tribute to Robert Parry, the founder and editor of Consortium News, was held in Berkeley last month. Here is the video of the event and excerpts from the speakers who celebrated Bob’s life.
In Gedenken an Robert Parry, Gründer von Consortiumnews
(1/2018) Robert Parry gehörte zu den wenigen professionellen Journalisten, die den Mut aufbrachten, ihre Karriere bei den etablierten Zeitungen aufzugeben und zu den Pionieren, die eine eigene Website im Internet aufstellten, um die Menschen über die wahren Zusammenhänge in der Politik aufzuklären und mit eigenen Mitteln finanzierten. Entsprechend gross sind die Bemühungen, solche unabhängigen Stimmen zu unterdrücken und zum Schweigen zu bringen, wie wir es in gerade in jüngster Zeit wieder erleben.
Consortium News at Left Forum in New York to Honor Bob Parry
(2.6.2018) In an era in which just a handful of powerful corporations own virtually all of the mainstream media that dominates mass communications in America, a viewpoint such as Bob’s is crowded out of the mainstream. The internet has given a place for dissent to be heard. But in this hyper-partisan and unprincipled age of journalism, dissenters who are shut out of the corporate media are dismissed as unhinged or as propagandists. Consortium News seeks to remain in the forefront of the struggle against such repression.