Archiv: Operation Celeste

10.02.2019 - 15:51 [ Mail & Guardian / ]

CIA and MI5 linked to Hammarskjöld death

(28. Aug 1998) The documents, found by a truth commission researcher investigating an apparently unrelated matter, implicate then CIA chief Allen Dulles in Operation Celeste. They also claim that the explosives used for the bomb that downed the aircraft were supplied by a Belgian mining conglomerate, Union Miniere. The company had extensive interests in copper-rich Katanga, and is known to have backed to Tshombe‘s use of mercenaries, including the group led by South Africa‘s Colonel „Mad Mike“ Hoare.

The most damning report refers to a meeting between MI5, Special Operations Executive, the CIA and the SAIMR at which it was recorded that Dulles „agrees … Dag is becoming troublesome and … should be removed“.