Archiv: Gammastrahlung / Gammablitze / gamma-rays / gamma-ray bursts

26.04.2024 - 02:52 [ ]

Earth got hammered by cosmic rays 41,000 years ago due to a weak magnetic field

(24 April 2024)

The question is, Do periods of low magnetosphere intensity also correlate with major upheavals in Earth‘s biosphere, the complete zone of our planet over which life exists, ranging from mountaintops to the deepest ocean trenches?

„Understanding these extreme events is important for their occurrence in the future, space climate predictions, and assessing the effects on the environment and on the Earth system,“ Sanja Panovska, a scientist at GFZ Potsdam in Germany, said in a statement.

15.09.2020 - 20:05 [ Informationsdienst Wissenschaft ]

P-ONE: Neues Observatorium im Pazifik für hochenergetische kosmische Neutrinos

Astronomen beobachten das Licht, das von entfernten Himmelsobjekten zu uns kommt, um das Universum zu erkunden. Licht verrät jedoch nichts über hochenergetische Ereignisse außerhalb unserer Galaxie, wie etwa über die Jets aktiver galaktischer Kerne, Gammastrahlenausbrüche oder Supernovae. Denn auf ihrem langen Weg durch das Universum verlieren Photonen mit extrem hohen Energien einen Teil ihrer Energie durch Interaktion mit anderen Teilchen.

14.05.2020 - 21:31 [ Wired ]

The Science of Temperature Is Weirder Than You Think

One way to transfer energy is with electromagnetic waves. Visible light is one type of electromagnetic radiation; there’s also infrared, x-rays, gamma rays. These are all the same type of waves but with different wavelengths. And they can all transfer energy.

29.09.2018 - 13:39 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

Fermi Talks Tech: The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) as a Solar Monitor

(21.9.2018) Some of these triggers are due to the cosmological Gamma-ray Bursts, others to sporadic bursting sources of impulsive high-energy emission within our galaxy such as Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters or accreting binary systems. (…)
This has happened nearly 1200 times during the mission, with most of the triggers arising during the most active part of the solar cycle.

29.09.2018 - 13:37 [ Cornell University Library ]

Astrophysics – High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena: First HAWC Observations of the Sun Constrain Steady TeV Gamma-Ray Emission

(16.8.2018) The likely cause is hadronic cosmic rays undergoing collisions in the Sun‘s atmosphere after being redirected from ingoing to outgoing in magnetic fields, though the exact mechanism is not understood.

29.09.2018 - 13:31 [ Physics Today ]

A puzzling gamma-ray survey of the Sun

(14.8.2018) Our star appears to unleash its most energetic photons during the quiet phase of its 11-year cycle.


The flux significantly exceeded that predicted by the one and only model that takes on cosmic-ray interactions with solar gas.

29.01.2015 - 05:15 [ ]

Focus: Gamma-Ray Bursts Determine Potential Locations for Life

The researchers found that there was a 60% chance we were hit in the past 1 billion years or a 90% chance if one looks back 5 billion years—consistent with previous estimates based on preliminary models of GRBs. It’s possible, then, that a nearby GRB could have caused one of the mass extinctions recorded in the fossil record. In fact, the Ordovician extinction, which occurred around 440 million years ago, had certain signatures of a GRB-induced event, such as a greater extinction rate among surface-dwelling marine life as compared with bottom-dwellers