Archiv: Fujifilm Holdings Corporation

07.04.2020 - 19:32 [ ]

Japanese flu drug ‚clearly effective‘ in treating coronavirus, says China


Zhang Xinmin, an official at China’s science and technology ministry, said favipiravir, developed by a subsidiary of Fujifilm, had produced encouraging outcomes in clinical trials in Wuhan and Shenzhen involving 340 patients.

“It has a high degree of safety and is clearly effective in treatment,” Zhang told reporters on Tuesday.

Patients who were given the medicine in Shenzhen turned negative for the virus after a median of four days after becoming positive, compared with a median of 11 days for those who were not treated with the drug, public broadcaster NHK said.

07.04.2020 - 19:18 [ Bloomberg ]

Ebola Drug From Japan May Emerge Among Key Candidates

(August 7, 2014)

Favipiravir is in the final stages of human studies in the U.S. as a treatment for flu. A Phase II study in the U.S. using 10 grams of the drug showed the medicine reduced flu symptoms against a placebo. The U.S. phase III study of the treatment for flu is scheduled to be completed around March 2015, the company said last month.

The U.S. Department of Defense funded the trials to improve the country’s response capability and protect the military from flu pandemics, its BioDefense Therapeutics unit said in an October statement.

07.04.2020 - 19:17 [ ]

Israel among the first countries to receive new Japanese coronavirus drug


Katz praised the work of Jerusalem‘s diplomatic mission in Tokyo, the Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Health Ministry for „having successfully brought this groundbreaking research to Israel.“