Archiv: bankers camp

23.09.2018 - 13:26 [ ]

Jeremy Corbyn must resist the calls to back a second EU referendum

The concerted effort to bounce the Labour Party into supporting a second referendum must be defeated; it is an affront to the millions who voted to Leave the EU and even greater number who want the Government and Parliament to get on with it. A second referendum by any name is a device to renege on the 2016 referendum result.

It would be the height of hypocrisy to claim to respect the Brexit vote yet make plans to reverse it. Having a second referendum if the first goes ‘the wrong way’ is the practice of the EU and one of the reasons why many people wanted out of that undemocratic institution.

23.09.2018 - 13:17 [ ]

BREXIT SHOCK: Yanis Varoufakis reveals EXACTLY what the EU will do next to STOP us leaving

Mr Varoufakis BBC Radio 4’s Broadcasting House that the “only solution” for Prime Minister Theresa May’s “abysmal” negotiating position would be a general election in Britain, which could result in the EU forcing the country into a Norway-style Brexit deal.

He added: “Mrs May is then allowed to go away in peace and to have a new government that negotiates a Norway-style agreement for Britain for a five-year period at least so that Mrs Merkel and Mr Macron can say ‘ok, well this is a problem for our successors’.”

23.09.2018 - 13:15 [ ]

Jeremy Corbyn faces losing 19 MPs if Labour tries to block Brexit – shock poll claims

Research showed that any attempt by Jeremy Corbyn‘s MPs at Westminster to frustrate the departure from the EU would lead to Labour candidates facing defeat in 19 of its 25 most marginal constituencies held by the party.

The survey, carried out by the polling firm IQR for the Brexit-supporting pressure group Global Britain comes on the eve of the start of the Labour conference in Liverpool, where delegates are expected to vote on calls for the party to back a second EU referendum.

23.09.2018 - 13:11 [ People's Exit ‏/ Twitter ]

We call on all @UKLabour conference delegates to oppose a #PeoplesVote. This would do no good for the country. Instead focus of a #GeneralElection and #GetTheToriesOut!!!!! #LabourConference #LabourConference2018 #PeoplesExit #Lexit #Brexit #PCPB #SocialistSunday

23.09.2018 - 12:48 [ ]

Brexit is the Left’s friend, so why are Labour zealots defending Brussels?

The great European mystery is why the political Left so reflexively supports the EU, the euro, and the “neoliberal” erosion of worker interests by Brussels.

One can see why the corporatist Right might find this regime congenial. It is marvellous for the owners of capital. It allows companies to hold down wages through cross-border labour arbitrage. Old Labour used to called the EU a “bankers ramp” and that is exactly what it has become.