Archiv: American Near East Refugee Aid (Anera) / organization

30.08.2024 - 18:41 [ American Near East Refugee Aid (Anera) ]

Lead Vehicle in an Anera-Coordinated Convoy Hit in an Attack en Route to Hospital. Four Killed.

Shortly after departing Kerem Shalom, initial reports indicate that four community members with experience in previous missions and engagement in community security with Move One stepped forward and requested to take command of the leading vehicle, citing concern that the route was unsafe and at risk of being looted.

The four community members were neither vetted nor coordinated in advance, and Israeli authorities allege that the lead car was carrying numerous weapons. The Israeli airstrike was carried out without any prior warning or communication.

“According to all the information we have, this is a case of partners on the ground endeavoring to deliver aid successfully,” says Anera President and CEO Sean Carroll. “This should not come at the cost of people’s lives.”

No Anera staff were harmed, though one Anera employee, who was in the second vehicle, witnessed the incident at close range.

30.08.2024 - 18:31 [ Washington Post ]

Israel strikes aid convoy organized by U.S. humanitarian group, killing 5

The Anera convoy was carrying medical supplies and fuel to a hospital in Rafah, and its route was coordinated in advance with the IDF.

08.02.2024 - 20:42 [ Humanity First USA / Twitter ]

The conditions in #Gaza have escalated to an extreme extent. The death toll is reaching almost 28,000 and almost everyone in Gaza is severely impacted by the continuous bombing and lack of resources.

Donate NOW to help us as we partner with @AneraOrg and @HumanityFirstUK to serve the people on the ground!