Daily Archives: 3. September 2017
I will be meeting General Kelly, General Mattis and other military leaders at the White House to discuss North Korea. Thank you.
UN Secretary-General condemns DPR Korea‘s underground nuclear test
Following today‘s underground nuclear test by the Democratic People‘s Republic of Korea (DPRK), United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has condemned the act as “yet another serious breach of the country‘s international obligations.”
According to a statement issued by a UN spokesperson, the Secretary-General also said that DPRK‘s action undermined international non-proliferation and disarmament efforts and is also profoundly destabilizing for regional security.
“The Secretary-General reiterates his call on the DPRK leadership to cease such acts and to comply fully with its international obligations under relevant Security Council resolutions,” the statement said, noting that Mr. Guterres remains in contact with all parties concerned.
Statement by IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano on DPRK
Today’s nuclear test by the Democratic People‘s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is an extremely regrettable act. This new test, which follows the two tests last year and is the sixth since 2006, is in complete disregard of the repeated demands of the international community.
In its resolutions, most recently in 2371, the Security Council has reaffirmed its decisions that the DPRK shall not conduct any further nuclear tests and shall abandon all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programmes in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner. Once again, I strongly urge the DPRK to fully implement all relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the IAEA.
The Agency continues to closely follow developments in the DPRK’s nuclear programme, which is a matter of grave concern. We remain ready to contribute to its peaceful resolution.
UN must impose oil embargo on N Korea ASAP. If China or Russsia veto, US must sanction any1 doing business with NK, including Bank of China.
Bullshit (englisch vulgär für Quatsch, Schwachsinn, Blödsinn; wörtlich: Bullenscheiße) steht für:
Grüße aus dem All: Wissenschaftler messen 15 fremde Signale mysteriöser Objekte aus fernen Galaxien
Anonymous meint, die NASA hält Informationen über außerirdisches Leben zurück.
Trump says ‘we’ll see’ about attacking North Korea after announcement of hydrogen bomb test
Mnuchin also mentioned that he‘s spoken to Trump since the test took place.
Pressure on Washington to find right North Korea response
In my conversations with key US officials who are properly plugged into North Korea, the picture is grim, but there also remains some room for maneuver to defuse any potentially catastrophic outcomes.
Putin, Xi visit exhibition of Chinese arts and crafts
Later Russian and Chinese Presidents continued to exchange opinions on key bilateral and global problems at a working dinner
Russia says it has seen no positive impact from North Korea sanctions
When asked if Russia would support new sanctions against North Korea after it carried out a nuclear bomb test on Sunday, Peskov said: “The Russian Federation is ready to take part in all discussions on North Korea problems within a framework of United Nations Security Council and in other forms.”
Die Woche im Rückspiegel betrachtet
How should Beijing respond to Pyongyang‘s new nuclear test?
(heute) The latest nuclear and missile activities of North Korea will make the UN Security Council discuss new sanctions against Pyongyang and more stringent sanctions are inevitable. Despite the anger of the Chinese public toward North Korea‘s new nuclear test, we should avoid resorting to rash and extreme means by imposing a full embargo on North Korea.
If China completely cuts off the supply of oil to North Korea or even closes the China-North Korea border, it is uncertain whether we can deter Pyongyang from conducting further nuclear tests and missile launches.
US picks up another UN victory as Security Council may seek new resolution against North Korea
(30.8.2017) “The world is united against North Korea. There is no doubt about that it is time to recognize the danger they are putting themselves in,” Haley told the Security Council late last night.
“The U.S. will not allow their lawlessness to continue and the rest of the world is with us,” she said.
Haley’s attempt to get a quick condemnation through the Security Council was praised by one Security Council diplomat who said it was “a bold throw of the dice by Nikki Haley to try and get it agreed, and succeeded in getting it agreed.”
Nordkorea Situation: Wer jetzt kein Öl-Embargo unterstützt, ist Teil der Kriegslobby
Wie von uns am Mittwoch beschrieben, versucht die Kriegslobby in der Nordkorea Situation eine erneute Kraftprobe. Das Regime in Pjöngjang hat offensichtlich in ihrem Massenvernichtungswaffen-Testgebiet bei Punggye-ri nach eigenen Angaben eine Wasserstoffbombe gezündet, die auf eine ballistische Interkontinentalrakete montierbar ist. Die Explosion hatte laut südkoreanischen Experten eine Stärke von rund 50 Kilotonnen und war mindestens fünfmal stärker als bei der letzten Zündung einer Nuklearwaffe durch das nordkoreanische Militär.
Bislang weigern sich nicht nur die Staatsführungen von China und Russland, sondern auch die der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika im Weltsicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen gegen Nordkorea ein Öl-Embargo zu verhängen.
North Korea: New sanctions may include oil embargo
Immediately after the test, three opposition parties ― LKP, the Bareun Party and the People‘s Party ― criticized liberal President Moon Jae-in‘s initiative for talks with North Korea.
Abe govt appears to be pushing UN Security Council to impose a full oil import embargo on North Korea.
CTBTO Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo on the unusual seismic event detected in the Democratic People‘s Republic of Korea
“If confirmed as a nuclear test, this act would indicate that the DPRK‘s nuclear programme is advancing rapidly. It constitutes yet another breach of the universally accepted norm against nuclear testing; a norm that has been respected by all countries but one since 1996. It also underlines yet again the urgent need for the international community to act on putting in place a legally binding ban on nuclear testing once and for all. I urge the DPRK to refrain from further nuclear testing and to join the 183 States Signatories who have signed the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). I sincerely hope that this will serve as the final wake-up call to the international community to outlaw all nuclear testing by bringing the CTBT into force,” said Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO).
Broadcast quality footage will be posted in the CTBTO Newsroom as it becomes available.
The CTBT bans all nuclear explosions. The Treaty will enter into force once signed and ratified by the remaining eight nuclear technology holder countries: China, Egypt, the DPRK, India, Iran, Israel, Pakistan, and the United States.
Nordkorea gibt erfolgreichen Test von Wasserstoffbombe bekannt
Nordkorea soll nach eigenen Angaben eine auf eine ballistische Interkontinentalrakete montierbare Wasserstoffbombe erfolgreich getestet haben.
Nordkoreas staatliches Fernsehen meldete, dass der Start um 12 Uhr erfolgreich gewesen sei.
Der Bericht erfolgte etwa drei Stunden nachdem ein künstliches Erdbeben mit einer Stärke von 5,7 im Umkreis von Punggye-ri im Landkreis Gilju in der Provinz Nord-Hamgyeong registriert worden war.
Südkoreas Generalstab vermutet Erdbeben als nordkoreanischen Atomtest
In Nordkorea hat sich ein künstliches Erdbeben ereignet, das als sechster Atomtest des kommunistischen Landes vermutet wird.
Dies teilte Südkoreas Generalstab mit.
Um 12.30 Uhr Ortszeit sei ein künstliches Erdbeben mit einer Stärke von 5,6 in Punggye-ri im Landkreis Gilju in der Provinz Nord-Hamgyeong registriert worden.
Kambodscha: Hochverratsvorwurf gegen Oppositionsführer Kem Sokha
Die Spannungen in dem südostasiatischen Land haben zuletzt zugenommen. Im kommenden Jahr steht eine Wahl an. Es wird damit gerechnet, dass die Opposition den seit mehr als drei Jahrzehnten regierenden Hun Sen herausfordern wird. – derstandard.at/2000063522596/KambodschaHochverratsvorwurf-gegenOppositionsfuehrerKem-Sokha
Cambodian opposition leader Kem Sokha arrested over alleged plot with U.S
“It’s an act of treason with conspiracy with a foreign country, betraying his own nation. This requires arrest,” Hun Sen told a group of garment workers according to the pro-government Fresh News website.
Hun Sen said of the alleged foreign third party: “It’s the United States.”