Der Beschluss ist jedoch noch nicht rechtskräftig, was die Fluchtgefahr von Hopp erhöht. Die langjährige Haftstrafe wird lediglich um 23 Tage verhängter Untersuchungshaft verkürzt.
Daily Archives: 16. August 2017
McCain, Taliban, Blackwater offer own Afghanistan War plans while waiting for Trump
With the Trump administration overdue in delivering a strategic plan for the 16-year-old U.S. war in Afghanistan, everyone from Sen. John McCain to the Taliban to the head of the country’s best-known private security firm is rushing to fill the policy void.
Heather Heyer‘s mother called for nonviolent action and tough dialogue even if you worry your „boss might think less of me“ as a result
Heather Heyer‘s mom: “Say to yourself ‘What can I do to make a difference?’ and that‘s how you‘re going to make my child‘s death worthwhile“
totally in awe of how strong and brave Heather Heyer‘s mother is.
Susan Bro, mother of Charlottesville attack victim Heather Heyer, thanks Pres. Trump for „denouncing those who promote violence and hatred“
FULL: President Trump Press Conference At Trump Tower (FNN)
Veröffentlicht am 15.08.2017
Trump’s Full, Heated Press Conference on Race and Violence in Charlottesville (Full) | NBC News
President Trump delivers a statement from Trump Tower after signing an executive order on the environmental review and permitting process for infrastructure projects.
Memorial service today for beautiful and incredible Heather Heyer, a truly special young woman. She will be long remembered by all!
Heather sacrificed her life in the fight for social and racial justice. She will not be forgotten.
Trump on Afghanistan: ‚It‘s our longest war in history, 17 years, that‘s unacceptable.‘
Trump to discuss Afghan strategy with security team on Friday
The administration has been working to develop a new strategy for the long-running conflict in Afghanistan and the Pakistan border region as it decides whether to deploy additional troops to combat recent Taliban advances.
Is America Headed for a New Kind of Civil War?
America’s stability is increasingly an undercurrent in political discourse. Earlier this year, I began a conversation with Keith Mines about America’s turmoil. Mines has spent his career—in the U.S. Army Special Forces, the United Nations, and now the State Department—navigating civil wars in other countries, including Afghanistan, Colombia, El Salvador, Iraq, Somalia, and Sudan. He returned to Washington after sixteen years to find conditions that he had seen nurture conflict abroad now visible at home.
Turkish FM claims there are no sea borders between Greece and Turkey
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has disputed the Treaty of Lausanne, which set out the modern borders between Greece and Turkey, saying that Ankara will not accept “de facto situations” in the Aegean Sea.
Mexican Workers March in Protest of NAFTA Renegotiations
Trade unions believe they have a right to know the terms and conditions of the NAFTA renegotiations, which they claim are inaccessible.
Argentina‘s Milagro Sala to Be Transferred to House Arrest
Argentine Judge Gaston Mercau has ruled that Indigenous leader Milagro Sala will be transferred from jail to house arrest to an apartment in the town of El Carmen in the Jujuy province.
#BND deckt Spionagetätigkeit d. #NSA in Deutschland Generalbundesanwalt übt sich in Strafvereitelung im Amt #NetBotz
Agentenaffäre: Bundesanwälte ermitteln gegen Schweizer Geheimdienst
Nach der Strafprozessordnung ist es möglich, auf eine Strafverfolgung zu verzichten, wenn „die Durchführung des Verfahrens die Gefahr eines schweren Nachteils für die Bundesrepublik herbeiführen“ würde oder „wenn der Verfolgung sonstige überwiegende öffentliche Interessen“ entgegenstehen. Aber das müsste die Regierung dem Generalbundesanwalt mitteilten, und Berlin hat in dieses Verfahren nicht politisch eingegriffen.
Wir machen Suchmaschinensoftware … für dezentrale Suche im Internet und lokale Suchportale im Intranet
(heute) Die Besonderheit von YaCy ist aber, dass es sich mit den anderen Benutzern, die ebenfalls eine YaCy Suchmaschine betreiben, verbinden kann. So entsteht ein vollständig dezentrales Peer-to-Peer Suchmaschinennetz welches mit der Anzahl der Nutzer skaliert. Diese, von der Gemeinschaft der Nutzer betriebene Suchmaschine ist nicht zensierbar und speichert auch kein Nutzerverhalten an zentraler Stelle. Das Erreichen von Informationsfreiheit durch freie, dezentrale Suchsoftware ist auch ein Projektziel.
Ich entwickle eine P2P-basierende Suchmaschine. Wer macht mit?
(15.12.2003) Hallo, ich denke wir sollten nicht von den Großkonzernen und ihren Kommerzprodukten, die uns schlußendlich manipulierte Suchergebnisse liefern, abhängig machen.
The force is strong with us
Something is happening… we have much more peers than average since a long time! #p2p #free #search #searchengine pls share your experience!
Düsterer Dienst: Recherche deckt Geschäftspraktiken von Palantir auf
Der Datenkonzern Palantir arbeitet zunehmend mit US-amerikanischen Polizei- und Stadtbehörden zusammen und hat über die Jahre auf immer mehr staatliche Aufzeichnungen Zugriff bekommen. Darunter fallen nicht nur Verdachtsmitteilungen der Polizei, sondern auch aufgezeichnete Notrufe und Gefängnisstatistiken. Ab 2011 konnte Palantir zudem Autokennzeichendatenbanken mit ausführlichen Informationen über Autobesitzer durchsuchen; Menschen also, die mit der Justiz keinen direkten Kontakt hatten. Auf der Grundlage von freigekämpften Dokumenten zeichnet nun eine ausführliche Recherche von Wired die Dienstleistungen des kommerziellen Überwachungsunternehmens nach.
Spaß mit dem Internet of Shit: Thermostat spielt ungefragt Musik ab, hat wohl ein Voice Command fehlinterpretiert.
Bonus: Benutzer sitzt im Zug.
Türkische Regierung vermutet Putschistenführer in Deutschland
Adil Öksüz soll in der Putschnacht auf dem Luftwaffenstützpunkt Akıncı den Umsturzversuch koordiniert haben. Er wurde am Morgen des 16. Juli in der Nähe des Stützpunkts festgenommen, jedoch kurz darauf auf Anweisung eines Staatsanwalts wieder freigelassen. Warum, ist bis heute ungeklärt. Es soll Videoaufnahmen geben, die zeigen, wie sich Öksüz auf dem Luftwaffenstützpunkt frei bewegt. Dabei ist der Zugang für Zivilisten eigentlich verboten. Öksüz ist seitdem untergetaucht.
Ankara sends diplomatic note to Berlin over coup suspect Öksüz
Ankara has issued a diplomatic note to Berlin asking whether the fugitive prime suspect of the July 15, 2016 coup attempt, Adil Öksüz, is in Germany, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said in an interview on Aug. 16.
In the diplomatic note delivered via the Turkish Embassy in Berlin, Ankara mentioned recent news reports in the Turkish media suggesting that Öksüz was hiding in Germany.
Quelle: Moon schlug Xi Gespräche zwischen Südkorea, USA und China über THAAD-Frage vor
Moon habe den Vorschlag beim Spitzentreffen mit Xi Anfang Juli in Berlin unterbreitet, sagte eine hochrangige diplomatische Quelle am Mittwoch. Beide waren am Rande des G20-Gipfels zusammengekommen.
Tillerson: USA wollen Anstrengungen für Dialog mit Nordkorea fortsetzen
Man werde weiterhin daran interessiert sein, einen Weg zum Dialog zu finden, sagte Rex Tillerson am Dienstag (Ortszeit) vor Reportern. Das hänge jedoch von ihm (Kim Jong-un) ab.
U.S., Chinese Military Leaders Sign Agreement to Increase Communication
The top military leaders of the United States and China signed an agreement here today that they said will improve communication between their militaries and reduce the chances of miscalculations.
Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen. Fang Fenghui of the Chinese army, chief of China‘s joint staff, signed the joint staff dialogue mechanism at the Ba Yi, the People‘s Liberation Army headquarters. Dunford is visiting China to further military-to-military ties between the two Pacific powers.
The agreement is intended for crisis mitigation, U.S. Joint Staff officials said, noting that direct communication at the three-star level in the Pentagon and the Ba Yi will „enable us to communicate to reduce the risk of miscalculation.“ Army Lt. Gen. Richard D. Clarke, the Joint Staff‘s director for strategic plans and policy, will lead the effort for the American military. The first meeting to set up the framework is set for November.
No physical changes to Irish border arrangements proposed after Brexit
Confounding speculation that the UK would advocate CCTV cameras or number plate recognition systems as part of its vision for a frictionless border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic, a new Whitehall position paper has effectively recommended no change to the current arrangements.
Proposed Law Would Turn US Borders Into Unblinking Eyes With A Thirst For Human DNA
The law would allow border security agencies to obtain Defense Department surveillance gear, with an eye on round-the-clock surveillance in some form and increased gathering of biometric information. More specifically, the bill asks for this:
„The Secretary shall create a system or upgrade an existing system (if a Department system already has capability and capacity for storage) to allow for storage of iris scans and voice prints of aliens that can be used by the Department, other Federal agencies, and State and local law enforcement for identification, remote authentication, and verification of aliens. The Secretary shall ensure, to the extent possible, that the system for storage of iris scans and voice prints is compatible with existing State and local law enforcement systems that are used for collection and storage of iris scans or voice prints for criminal aliens.“
This will be fed by the DHS‘s biometric entry-exit collection, meaning it won‘t just be foreign visitors adding to the pile of biometric data. The law calls for the program to be put in place at all high traffic ports of entry (including major airports) within two years. As we‘ve seen from previous pilot programs, there‘s no good way to ensure US persons aren‘t swept up in the biometric scanning.
Have we truly become a full-blown narco state?
There are not too many narco states in the world, and there isn’t one to be envied by others. A short list begins with Afghanistan, which produces 90 percent of the world’s opium. Followed by Burma (Myanmar), whose opium king used to control three-fourths of the world’s supply of heroin. Then Mexico; 7,000 have been killed since 2008, and the leader of the Sineloa cartel, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, has become, according to Forbes magazine, the 701st richest man in the world with $1 billion. Then Colombia, the world’s top producer of cocaine; then Peru, which follows Colombia in cocaine; then Bolivia, which follows Peru. Then the Bahamas, which acts as the cocaine transshipment point from Colombia to the US. Here, the narco king runs his business from jail.
Philippine police kills 32 in drugs war‘s bloodiest day
Philippine police killed 32 people in dozens of anti-drug operations in a province north of the capital, Manila, in the single deadliest day of President Rodrigo Duterte‘s unrelenting war on drugs.
Saudi Government Looking To Jail More Citizens For ‚Harming Public Order‘ With Their Religious Tweets
The internet may be an amazing communication tool, but it‘s also a handy way for governments to keep an eye on their citizens. Saudi Arabia uses the internet for multiple things — mainly monitoring dissent and controlling communication.
An expansive cybercrime law, coupled with longstanding statutes outlawing criticism of the official religion, have made it easy for the Saudi government to jail critics and cut off communications platforms. Bloggers have been imprisoned and encrypted services asked for technical details presumably in hopes of inserting the government into private conversations.
Defending Hateful Speech Is Unpleasant But Essential, Even When Violence Is The End Result
There‘s a huge gap between defending someone‘s right to speak and defending what they‘re saying. As some people need to be constantly reminded, free speech is not speech without consequences. Ignorant, nasty, brutish statements deserve the criticism they receive. What they shouldn‘t be met with is calls for the government to step in and tell everyone what sort of speech is permitted. Those protesting the statue‘s removal had every right to be heard, no matter how ridiculous their arguments and beliefs.
The Misguided Attacks on ACLU for Defending Neo-Nazis’ Free Speech Rights in Charlottesville
(Ironically, just last month, the ACLU was the target of a similar de-funding campaign by the anti-Islam, pro-Israel right for the group’s defense of Muslim-American activist Linda Sarsour; such is life as a principled civil liberties proponent).
But we will not be silent in the face of white supremacy. Those who do stand silent enable it. That includes our president.
For this reason, the ACLU of Virginia defended the white supremacists‘ right to march.
The First Amendment is a critical part of our democracy, and it protects vile, hateful, and ignorant speech.
Netanyahu Hates Israelis
(18.1.2017) Republican Party consultant Arthur Finkelstein was the one who let Benjamin Netanyahu in on the secret: It’s about being Jewish, not Israeli. He told Netanyahu that there is only one question to pose in Israel: “Are you more Israeli or more Jewish?” If the answer is “Israeli,” he elaborated, the person facing you is a leftist. If the answer is “Jewish” he’s on the right side of the map. That’s the entire story, said Finkelstein.
Wie Netanjahu Israels Medien „reformiert“
(11.5.2017) Öffentlich-rechtlicher Sender abgedreht. Premier mischt überall mit – auch auf dem Zeitungsmarkt sorgt er für Ärger.
Wie Israels Premier Netanjahu den öffentlichen Rundfunk kontrollieren will, beschreibe ich @tagesspiegel
Netanyahu Leverages Independent Kurdistan Against the Meddling Turkey, Iran
Last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a delegation of 33 Republican Members of Congress that he supports the creation of an independent Kurdish state in what is currently still known as Iraq. Netanyahu is not alone in favoring giving statehood to Iraq’s non-Arab, most prosperous and democratic region – Obama’s VP Joe Biden advocated Kurdish independence when he ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, only to switch sides when he joined the White House team.
UPDATED: Kurdistan Referendum delegation discusses independence with foreign envoys in Baghdad
The Kurdistan Region‘s Referendum High Council‘s delegation on Tuesday met with US Ambassador to Iraq Douglas Silliman in Baghdad to discuss the upcoming vote for independence on Sep. 25.
Turkey says Kurdish Iraq‘s referendum could worsen situation, lead to civil war
A planned independence referendum in Kurdish northern Iraq could make the situation in the region worse and even lead to a civil war, Turkey‘s foreign minister warned on Wednesday.
Former NSA Official Argues The Real Problem With Undisclosed Exploits Is Careless End Users
As leaked NSA software exploits have been redeployed to cause computer-based misery all over the world, the discussion about vulnerability disclosures has become louder. The argument for secrecy is based on the assumption that fighting an existential threat (terrorism, but likely also a variety of normal criminal behavior) outweighs concerns the general public might have about the security of their software/data/personal information. Plenty of recent real-world examples (hospital systems ransomed! etc.) do the arguing for those seeking expanded disclosure of vulnerabilities and exploits.
Syrian army comes closer to encircling Islamic State in central Syria desert
The Syrian army and its allies advanced in the central Syrian desert on Monday and could soon encircle an Islamic State pocket, part of a multi-pronged thrust into eastern areas held by the jihadist group.
The Last Note in God‘s Magnum Opus by Schizoid Lloyd
released November 4, 2014
Berlin Atonal Festival – 16.-20.08.2017
The Kraftwerk complex contains the Main Stage, Stage Null and all installations and other programme activities, as well as Tresor, Globus and OHM. One festival ticket allows entry to all areas.