Daily Archives: 14. November 2015

14.11.2015 - 22:56 [ Ynet ]

Brazilian musician: I‘ll never go back to Israel

South American composer and singer Caetano Veloso, who performed in Tel Aviv in July with fellow musician Gilberto Gil, publishes a three-page article on the ‚occupation, segregation and violence‘ he

14.11.2015 - 21:20 [ DiePresse.com ]

Gipfel in Wien: Kerry, Lawrow & Co. einigen sich auf Zeitplan

Voraussetzung ist ein Waffenstillstand, der indes Terrorgruppen wie den sogenannten Islamischen Staat oder die al-Nusra-Front ausklammert. Die Übergangsphase inkludiert die Ausarbeitung einer Verfassung innerhalb von sechs Monaten und freie und faire Wahlen binnen 18 Monaten. Eine machbare Herausforderung, wie de Mistura es nannte. Der UN-Diplomat soll die Fäden in seiner Hand halten.

Ihre Differenzen über die Rolle Assads stellten Kerry und Lawrow hintan.

14.11.2015 - 19:19 [ The Washington Post ]

Pentagon chief Ashton Carter just fired his top military aide over ‘misconduct’

In a statement, Carter said that he had removed Lt. Gen. Ron Lewis from his position as senior military assistant. As his top military aide, Lewis was a right-hand adviser to Carter, providing him analysis on military issues, joining him at high-level meetings and traveling with him on overseas missions.

Carter said the Pentagon’s inspector general would investigate the allegations against Lewis and, if necessary, the Army would take action.

14.11.2015 - 18:59 [ Stephen Lendman / Information Clearing House ]

A Stunning Anti-War Polemic

Years ago, I read author, screenwriter Dalton Trumbo’s 1939 classic novel “Johnny Got His Gun” – one of the most stunning ever fictional indictments of war, impossible to read his chilling account of its barbarity in human terms without being deeply affected.

14.11.2015 - 18:58 [ Sputnik ]

Obama kurz vor Paris-Anschlägen: USA haben Islamischen Staat eingedämmt

US-Präsident Barack Obama hatte kurz vor der Anschlagsserie in Paris in einem Interview für ABC News erklärt, den USA sei es gelungen, die Terrorgruppierung Islamischer Staat (IS) einzudämmen. Wenige Stunden danach wurde die französische Hauptstadt durch mehrere blutige Anschläge erschüttert, wie die „Washington Times“ am Samstag berichtete.

14.11.2015 - 18:47 [ Stephen Lendman / Global Research ]

Paris Terror Attacks: Blowback or False Flag? France Declares a State of Emergency

De facto martial law legitimizes repressive police state powers. Constitutional protections are suspended. Following the April 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, a no-fly zone was ordered over a 3.5 mile radius of the incident.

Swat teams conducted pre-dawn raids throughout the greater area. Residents were terrorized. Helicopters patrolled overhead. Police and FBI operatives were everywhere. Managed news misinformation substituted for accurate reporting.

14.11.2015 - 18:44 [ Richard Sanders / Global Research ]

Justin Trudeau and the Canadian Military-Industrial Complex

Less than a day after being elected to power, newly minted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced to the U.S. President that he would be withdrawing from the war theatre against the militant group ISIL in Iraq and Syria. [1]This move was consistent with an election promise, and in fact messaging he has relayed for over a year.

14.11.2015 - 18:34 [ CTV ]

Turkish police detain 11 demonstrators against G20 summit

The state-run Anadolu Agency says police nabbed four protesters who held up placards outside a domestic flights terminal at Antalya airport on Saturday. The private Dogan news agency said the protesters were members of a left-wing group and held up banners that read: „Murderer U.S. get out of the Middle East.“

14.11.2015 - 16:02 [ Radio Utopie ]

Hintergrund: Attentate in Paris vor Syrien-Konferenz und G20-Gipfel

Paris: In Frankreich, unsere Nachbarrepublik, herrscht der vom Präsidenten Hollande ausgerufene Ausnahmezustand. Jede Wohnung darf durch Militär und Polizei nach eigenem Ermessen aufgebrochen, jede Person festgehalten und durchsucht werden.

Dieser Artikel nun dreht sich nicht um den Hergang der gestrigen Attentate in Paris, auch nicht über die der Öffentlichkeit präsentierte Schnitzeljagd nach weiteren Attentätern im Zuge neuer Vorfälle. Vielmehr werden ein paar Sachverhalte und subjektive Einschätzungen aufgezählt, die der aktive Teilnehmer der Öffentlichen Meinung in der Republik im eigenen Interesse nicht aus dem Blick verlieren sollte.

14.11.2015 - 16:00 [ Washington Post ]

Time to ground Congress

House Republican leaders this month did something that should outrage Americans of all parties and creeds: They declared that the people’s representatives will be working only two days a week next year.

The House will be in session just 111 days in 2016.

14.11.2015 - 15:56 [ Radio Dreyeckland ]

Das Schweigen über das Morden in Silvan/Nordkurdistan brechen! Demo, Sa. 14.11. 16 Uhr Karlsplatz (Freiburg)

Gespräch mit Mustafa Cicek, vom Kurdistan Solidaritätskomitee Freiburg über die aktuelle Lage in Silvan, wo das türkische Militär im Auftrag Erdogans defacto Krieg gegen die Bevölkerung führt. Das Solidaritätskomitee ruft für den morgigen Samstag, um 14 Uhr zur Demonstartion auf dem Freiburger Karlsplatz auf.

14.11.2015 - 15:55 [ Iran German Radio ]

Deutschland bietet Frankreich Unterstützung der Anti-Terror-Einheit GSG9 an

In einer Erklärung verkündete der deutsche Innenminister, dass er mit seinem französischen Kollegen in Kontakt stehe und bereit sei, die Anti-Terror-Einheit GSG9 nach Frankreich zu entsenden. Die Spezialeinheit GSG9 wurde als Grenzschutzgruppe 9 am 26. September 1972 aufgrund der Erfahrungen bei der Geiselnahme von München gegründet.

14.11.2015 - 15:55 [ Techdirt ]

DEA Boss Joins FBI In Declaring ‚Ferguson Effect‘ To Be A Real Thing; Offers Up ‚Stuff I Heard‘ As Evidence

anecdotal evidence works best when actual evidence is lacking. The same can be said for the „War on Cops,“ which has been cobbled together using a regression to the mean following a historic low (2014) and a random smattering of social media posts about „putting wings on pigs,“ etc.

James Comey remains resolute that this „effect“ is leading to spikes in crime (themselves possibly a regression to the mean after years of historic lows). Now he has another federal ally in the „War on Logic.“

14.11.2015 - 14:18 [ Außenministerium der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (State Department) ]

Remarks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

SECRETARY KERRY: We talked, first of all, about the events in Paris, which follow on events in Beirut and events in Iraq. And we are in absolute and total agreement that these kinds of attacks are the most vile, horrendous, outrageous, unacceptable acts on the planet; that under any category – we don’t know who did it, but they are acts of terror. So we are witnessing a kind of medieval and modern fascism at the same time, which has no regard for life, which seeks to destroy and create chaos and disorder and fear.

And the one thing we can say to those people is that what they do in this is stiffen our resolve – all of us – to fight back, to hold people accountable, and to stand up for rule of law, which is exactly what we are here to do. And if they’ve done anything, they have encouraged us today to do even harder work to make progress and to help resolve the crises that we face.

14.11.2015 - 13:06 [ Sputnik ]

Pentagon: ‚Not Right Time‘ for Safe Zone Along Turkish Border in Syria

The United States does not believe the time is right to establish a safe zone or a no-fly zone on Turkey‘s border with Syria, Operation Inherent Resolve spokesperson Colonel Steven Warren told reporters on Friday.

14.11.2015 - 13:03 [ Iran German Radio ]

Kreml: Putin wird am 23. November nach Iran reisen

Russland spielte bei den iranischen Atomverhandlungen, die letztendlich im Juni zu einem Abkommen führten, eine wesentliche Rolle und hofft, Wirtschaftskooperationen mit Iran auszubauen.

14.11.2015 - 12:59 [ International Solidarity Movement ]

Internationals and Palestinian arrested in Bil’in demonstation

Palestinian activist Mohammed Khatib, American Jewish Code Pink activist, a Finish activist and Italian activist, Antonio Fresta, were arrested. Antonio was assaulted and repeatedly pepper-sprayed from close range in the face.

14.11.2015 - 12:55 [ International Middle East Media Center ]

Three Palestinians Killed, 154 Injured, On Friday

The death of the three Palestinians on Friday, brings the number of slain Palestinians since October 1 to 86, including 18 children and four women, one of the slain women from Gaza, was killed along with her child.

14.11.2015 - 12:36 [ IPPNW ]

Studie „Don’t Bank on the Bomb“

Zehn deutsche Banken und Versicherungen investieren mehr als zehn Milliarden US-Dollar (fast neun Milliarden EUR) in Firmen, die die verheerendsten Massenvernichtungswaffen und deren Trägersysteme herstellen. Diese Unternehmen profitieren von Milliardenverträgen für die „nukleare Aufrüstung“, die die Atomwaffenstaaten vorantreiben. Mehr als 25 Millionen US-Dollar investieren deutsche Banken und Versicherungen beispielsweise in die Firma Boeing, die seit Jahrzehnten verantwortlich für die Entwicklung und Produktion von US-Langstreckenraketen ist. Boeing baut das Heckteil für die neue B61-12-Atombombe, deren Stationierung in Deutschland voraussichtlich ab 2020 geplant ist.

14.11.2015 - 12:34 [ International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons ]

The 2015 report is now available!

The report that shows a 50% increase in financial institutions limiting and excluding investments in companies producing nuclear weapons. The report also shows a decline in the number of banks, pension funds and insurance companies still investing in these weapons of mass destruction, which underpins the need for an international prohibition on nuclear weapons, including the financing of nuclear weapons.

14.11.2015 - 12:13 [ Lobby Control ]

So funktioniert Lobbyismus: Ein Schreibtisch direkt im Ministerium

Die Menschen in der kleinen Stadt Raunheim bei Frankfurt leiden unter Fluglärm. Trotz Nachtflugverbot herrscht Betrieb über der Stadt. Wie ist das möglich? Ein Beispiel für Lobbyarbeit der Touristikbranche. Dieser Report zeigt, wie Lobbyismus in Deutschland funktioniert – und mit welchen Tricks Unternehmen Einfluss auf Politik und Gesetze nehmen.

14.11.2015 - 12:04 [ World Socialist Web Site ]

Bundesregierung bereitet neuen Kampfeinsatz in Afghanistan vor

Spiegel Online zufolge soll das Bundeskabinett den Mandatstext für 2016 bereits am kommenden Mittwoch beschließen. Anschließend soll der Bundestag darüber beraten und dann in seiner letzten Sitzungswoche vor der Weihnachtspause über den Antrag der Bundesregierung befinden. Laut dem Nachrichtenmagazin soll die Bundeswehr zudem länger im Norden Afghanistans aktiv bleiben als bisher vorgesehen. Die Ausbildungsmission in Masar-i-Scharif, der viertgrößten Stadt des Landes, werde bis mindestens Ende 2016 fortgesetzt.

14.11.2015 - 11:59 [ RT ]

‘Are you really journalists?’ Moscow slams Reuters for biased bombshell on Syria

The Foreign Ministry confirmed to Reuters that Moscow is in contact and in consultation with its partners, but emphasized that there was “certainly” no such document in the works.

“After an hour-and-a half, the report, which widely spread throughout the world’s media, was published without a relevant comment from Russian Foreign Ministry,” Zakharova said, pointing out that at the same time, Reuters did not hesitate to quote some of its “unnamed sources.”

“Thus the central media with a long history has opted for the publication of perspective from unnamed sources, while they had been given an official comment by Russian Foreign Ministry,” Zakharova said.

14.11.2015 - 10:59 [ Wiener Zeitung ]

Syrien-Konferenz in Wien sucht erneut nach Lösungen

Neben den UNO-Vetomächten USA, Russland, China, Großbritannien, Frankreich nehmen u.a. auch Deutschland, der Iran und Saudi-Arabien an den Gesprächen teil. Vertreter aus Syrien selbst sitzen nicht mit am Tisch. US-Außenminister Kerry kam bereits am Freitagabend in Wien an. Irans Außenminister Mohammad Jawad Zarif wird ebenfalls kommen.

14.11.2015 - 10:35 [ Hassan Rouhani, Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

In an interview with TV channel France 2 and French radio Europe 1; President: France can be Iran’s economic partner

(13.11.2015) Developing Iran-France ties is to the benefit of both countries, said President Rouhani in an interview with TV channel France 2 and French radio Europe 1, adding: “France’s history and culture has a special place in Iranian nation’s public opinion and France can be one of Iran’s economic, political, and cultural partner”.

Regarding his forthcoming first visit to Europe, President said: “Iran has been a party to the NPT for many years and has cooperated with the IAEA based on the Safeguards Agreement”.

14.11.2015 - 10:25 [ Kreml ]

Condolences to President of France Francois Hollande

The telegram of condolences sent by Vladimir Putin to French President Francois Hollande reads, in part:

“I would like to express our deepest condolences to you personally and to the people of France in connection with the death of a large number of peaceful citizens in an unprecedented series of terrorist acts in Paris.

This tragedy is additional proof of the barbaric nature of terrorism that is posing a challenge to human civilisation. It is obvious that to counter this evil effectively the entire international community needs to truly join efforts.

I would like to confirm the readiness of the Russian side to closely cooperate with our French partners in investigating the crime committed in Paris. I expect both the originators and perpetrators to be justly punished.

In this hour of trial for France I would like you to convey our sincere sympathy and support to the families and friends of the victims and our wishes of a speedy recovery to all those who suffered at the hands of the extremists.”

14.11.2015 - 10:23 [ Weißes Haus ]

Readout of the President‘s Call with President Francois Hollande of France

President Obama spoke by phone this evening with President Hollande of France to offer the condolences of the American people for the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris earlier this evening. The President reiterated the United States‘ steadfast, unwavering support for the people of France, our oldest ally and friend, and reaffirmed the offer of any necessary support to the French investigation. The two leaders pledged to work together, and with nations around the world, to defeat the scourge of terrorism.

14.11.2015 - 10:18 [ Kurier ]

Syrien-Konferenz im Schatten des Terrors in Paris

Während die Welt im Eindruck der verheerenden Terror-Anschläge von Paris steht, wird auf in Wien heute erneut nach Lösungen im Syrien-Krieg gesucht. Vertreter von 17 Ländern und drei internationalen Organisationen, darunter EU und UNO, beraten. Dabei soll eine Liste von Oppositionellen aufgestellt werden, die dann mit dem Regime in Damaskus über einen politischen Übergangsprozess verhandeln sollen.

14.11.2015 - 05:20 [ Ars Technica ]

Beware of ads that use inaudible sound to link your phone, TV, tablet, and PC

Privacy advocates are warning federal authorities of a new threat that uses inaudible, high-frequency sounds to surreptitiously track a person‘s online behavior across a range of devices, including phones, TVs, tablets, and computers.

The ultrasonic pitches are embedded into TV commercials or are played when a user encounters an ad displayed in a computer browser. While the sound can‘t be heard by the human ear, nearby tablets and smartphones can detect it. When they do, browser cookies can now pair a single user to multiple devices and keep track of what TV commercials the person sees, how long the person watches the ads, and whether the person acts on the ads by doing a Web search or buying a product.