Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari announced that participants in Vienna meeting reached an agreement about combating terrorism and political solution in Syria.
Daily Archives: 30. Oktober 2015
Progress reached on Syria, meeting to be held in 15 days — Fabius
„We have reached certain progress on some points: the transition political process, elections, the future constitution in Syria,“ Fabius said. „But there’s no complete accord. We agreed to meet here in the same composition in two weeks,“ Fabius said.
Chronisch vergiftet – Monsanto und Glyphosat (ARTE Doku)
Fast alle Menschen auf dem Land und
in der Stadt haben inzwischen das Ackergift Glyphosat im Körper.
Seit Mitte der 90er Jahre werden Teile Europas von einem geheimnisvollen Tiersterben heimgesucht. In den Ställen verenden Tausende Rinder. Die Landwirte kämpfen in ihren Beständen mit Fruchtbarkeitsproblemen, Fehlgeburten, missgebildeten Kälbern. Und: Sie erkranken selbst. Wissenschaftler stehen lange vor einem Rätsel, bis man in den Tieren hohe Mengen des Totalherbizids Glyphosat, des weltweit am häufigsten eingesetzten Pestizids, findet. Allein in der europäischen Landwirtschaft Europas werden jährlich Millionen Liter glyphosathaltiger Pestizide eingesetzt.
Ein Drittel der Ex-EU-Kommissare vollzieht dreiste Seitenwechsel
Wohin die Kommissare gewechselt sind – einige Beispiele
Prüfer übersahen Risiken bei Glyphosat
Nun aber muss die Behörde in einem bislang geheim gehaltenen Bericht an die europäische Kontrollbehörde EFSA einräumen, dass sie Hinweise auf deutlich erhöhte Krebsraten in einer ganzen Reihe von Tierstudien übersehen hat.
Russian Jets Flying Near USS Reagan ‚Normal Operations‘ – US Ship Commander
„As we sail around the ocean, several countries send aircraft out to overfly our ship, it‘s very normal routine operations,“ Rear Adm. John Alexander was quoted by the Yonhap news agency as saying.
The Russian jets just „wanted to come and look“ at the USS Reagan performing maneuvers in the Sea of Japan, he stated.
There Is No Evidence That Russia Hit Our Hospitals – MSF Rejects US Claims
Medical staff from Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) have made no claims that their hospitals were struck by Russian air strikes, the organization‘s head of emergency care told Sputnik on Thursday.
MSF‘s rejection of claims made by the White House, and repeated in the US press, that Russian air strikes had hit hospitals follows confirmation from the Red Cross that none of its personnel on the ground have made any claims about a Russian air strike on its centers in Syria.
FBI Director James Comey damages his credibility
Over the last week, FBI Director James Comey has done serious damage to his credibility as the nation’s top crime-fighter. To repeat an old saw, he has figuratively shot himself in both feet, with two ill-considered speeches on the so-called post-Ferguson world where police hold back because of fears of smartphone-wielding citizens. His comments have drawn fierce criticism from civil libertarians, law enforcement analysts, and the White House itself – and rightly so.
The Daily Dot
The American Civil Liberties Union, Brennan Center for Justice, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and more than two dozen other groups want Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to declassify information about the government‘s use of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which authorizes surveillance of communications passing through the United States that include at least one non-U.S. „person“ (citizen or resident).
The NSA Claims It Wants to Be Transparent. How About Starting With Section 702?
Unless something changes, Congress will once again be forced to vote on an expiring surveillance law — while being kept in the dark about what it actually does.
Since the Snowden revelations, Congress has been debating Section 702 of FISA, a surveillance law that is being used by the government to copy and search millions of Americans’ overseas communications. Section 702 is set to expire in 2017 — but the intelligence agencies have already made clear that they oppose certain efforts to reform the law. They have also resisted releasing critical information about how the law impacts Americans.
FBI Documents Reveal New Information on Baltimore Surveillance Flights
The new internal documents, obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests, reveal that the government was doing more than just monitoring the situation with regular cameras. The FBI was using advanced technology like infrared and night-vision cameras, and it is holding on to surveillance video it recorded from the sky.
New details released about high tech gear FBI used on planes to monitor Freddie Gray protests
Nathan Freed Wessler, an ACLU attorney, said the capabilities available to the FBI are one more example of old laws and new surveillance tools potentially coming into conflict.
Verlängerung der Terrorgesetze und Totalüberwachung bis 2021 soll am 5. November durchgewunken werden
„Untersuchungsausschuss“, Grüne, „Linke“, „Sonderermittler“ und Regierung versuchen unter allerlei Nebelkerzen die Verlängerung von Terrorgesetzen und Totalüberwachung vor deren Auslaufen Ende 2015 noch schnell durch den Bundestag zu bekommen. Dabei stellen sich alle Parteien, alle Parlamentarier, alle etablierten Organisationen, alle Gerichte, alle Juristen, alle Bürgerrechtler und die gesamte Informationsindustrie weiter um die Wette tot.
Strategische Verschiebungen
Vieles spreche jedoch dafür, dass „den chinesischen Maßnahmen zum Ausbau der Inseln … ein eher defensives, auf Bewahrung des Status quo zielendes Kalkül zugrunde“ liege. Um eine Eskalation des Konflikts zu verhindern, rät Becker dringend dazu, „alle Konfliktparteien zu einer möglichst rationalen Beurteilung der Lage zu bewegen“: „In einem ersten Schritt sollte die europäische Politik … von dem Narrativ einer entscheidenden strategischen Bedeutung der umstrittenen Inseln Abstand nehmen, das vor allem medial vermittelt wird.“
Ins nächste Kriegsgebiet
Der geplante Einsatz reiht sich ein in eine Serie von Interventionen, die von Mali über Südsudan, das Horn von Afrika und den Libanon bis in den Irak reichen und einen geographischen Ring um Europa abdecken. Strategen benennen diesen Ring als vorrangiges Gebiet des Berliner Strebens nach Kontrolle – bei Bedarf auch mit militärischen Mitteln.
Israel hosts its largest-ever international air force exercise
A number of other countries, including Germany, also sent pilots and officers to observe the exercise, but did not take part.
Israel joins UN space panel
The decision was made with 117 votes in favor to one vote against from Namibia.
Russian emergencies minister offers help in putting out Ukraine ammunition depot fire
The fire broke out on Thursday at a depot where about 3,500 tons of ammunition for the multiple launch rocket systems Grad, Smerch and Uragan are stored
U.S. court will not halt NSA phone spy program before ban
A U.S. appeals court on Thursday refused to immediately halt the government‘s bulk collection of millions of Americans‘ phone records during a „transition“ period to a new federal scheme that bans the controversial anti-terrorism surveillance.
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York said it would not disturb Congress‘ decision to provide a 180-day period for an „orderly transition“ to a new, targeted surveillance system from the sweeping National Security Agency program that the court found illegal on May 7.
Report: Western Arms Deals Corrupt Arab Nations, Feed Conflict
Transparency International, it should be noted, was reported in January 2015 to have accepted a US$3 million donation from Munich-based engineering multinational Siemens. The money was from a fund that Siemens established after settling a corruption case with the World Bank in 2009. Another past benefactor of the organization, Balfour Beatty construction — Britain‘s ‚Halliburton‘ admitted to massive bribery.
EFF Discovers More Leaky ALPR Cameras Accessible Via The Web
Not only are automatic license plate readers (ALPRs) in use all over the nation, but the companies behind them are less interested in securing their systems than selling their systems.
Obama Administration Ignores Human Rights Considerations, Approves Lockheed’s $11 Billion Sale of Military Equipment to Saudi Arabia
The sale marks the first major export of U.S.-built warships in years, according to Reuters. “This sale demonstrates the enduring U.S. commitment to building robust diplomatic and security partnerships essential to promoting peace and stability in the Gulf region,” one U.S. official who was not authorized to speak publicly told the news service. Congress has 30 days to block the sale, but that’s unlikely to happen.
Men in Black in 5 seconds
Posse um die lukrativen Öl-Felder in der irakischen Region Kurdistan
(19.Juni 2014) Der nun vor kurzem angelaufene Export von Öl-Vorkommen aus dem irakischen Kurdistan – wie gesagt: ohne entsprechendes Bakschisch an die lieben Demokraten zu Bagdad – läuft über eine Ende 2013 fertiggestellte Pípeline von den Öl-Feldern Khurmalas (hier die Position von Khurmula zwischen Erbil und Kirkuk) hoch zur irakischen Grenzstadt Faysh Khabur (Fish khabur) am Dreiländereck zwischen Irak, Türkei und Syrien.
Wo genau die neue Pipeline verläuft, welches Konsortium sie gebaut hat und welches sie betreibt, darüber hüllten sich die Beteiligten in Schweigen.
Millionengeschäft durch Öl-Schmuggel: Geheimpipeline des IS in Türkei vermutet
Der Ex-Mitarbeiter der CIA und heutige Oberermittler des Auswärtigen Ausschusses des US-Senats, John Kiriakou, vermutet, dass die Terrormiliz „Islamischer Staat“ illegal Öl über die Staatsgebiete des Irakischen Kurdistan und der Türkei mit Begünstigung der einheimischen korrumpierten Behörden liefert.
US ready to cooperate with Iran to resolve Syria crisis – State Department (exclusive)
The US State Department’s Persian Language Spokesperson Alan Eyre, who serves also as member of the US nuclear negotiator team with Iran told Trend Oct. 30, „To resolve the Syrian crisis, Washington is ready to cooperate with every nation, including Tehran and Damascus“.
New Zealand pushes for U.N. action to break Middle East deadlock
The two-page draft, seen by Reuters on Thursday, also asks both sides to avoid provocative acts and not to question the „integrity or commitment of the other party or its leaders.“
The text was circulated this week to the 15-member council, Israel, the Palestinians and other countries in the region to gauge reaction.
Die Strategie des Regime Change ist gescheitert
(2.Oktober 2015) Eine Unterscheidung in „gute“ und „schlechte“ Terrorgruppen in Syrien macht die westliche Politik unglaubwürdig
BVerfG-Urteill: Libyen-Einsatz war eine Ausnahme
(23.September 2015) …bleibt die Frage, ob dieser „Einsatz“ nun auch innerhalb der Bundeswehr als solcher bezeichnet wird und das Label „zufällig bewaffnete Dienstreise“ verliert.
Deutsche Kriegsschiffe vor Libyen: Staatsparteien, Militär und Informationsindustrie decken Vorbereitung zum Angriffskrieg
(4.März 2011) Der Staat Deutschland begeht, 69 Jahre nach dem Rückzug seiner faschistischen Truppen aus Libyen, wieder einen kriegerischen Akt in Nordafrika. Bereits seit Wochen sind deutsche Luftlande-Einheiten in Libyen aktiv. Deutsche Kriegsschiffe liefen bereits vor Ausbruch des Aufstands in Libyen aus. Alle Staatsparteien – CDU, CSU, SPD, FDP, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Die Linke – lügen, kollaborieren oder verschweigen die Wahrheit vor der Öffentlichkeit. Aus Staatsmedien und Informationsindustrie strömt Militär-Propaganda.
German UN diplomat to take over Libya peace effort
A former German ambassador to Iraq and Egypt, Kobler has led Monusco, the UN‘s largest peacekeeping mission, for the past two years.
The 62-year-old former chief of staff to Germany‘s ex-foreign minister Joschka Fischer joined the United Nations in 2010, serving as deputy envoy to Afghanistan and later special representative in Iraq, from 2011 to 2013.
Libyen: Der Staat, den es nicht gibt
(27.Oktober 2015) Die für die dritte Phase der EU-Militärmission Eunavfor Med ins Auge gefasste Strategie, Schlepperboote zu versenken sowie Schlepperbanden auf libyschem Boden durch Kommandoaktionen oder Luftangriffe auszuschalten, birgt hohe Risiken und geringe Erfolgsaussichten.
UN-Vermittlung in Libyen gescheitert
(29.Oktober 2015)
Hillary Defends Her Failed War in Libya
(14.Oktober 2015) Using contested intelligence, a powerful adviser urges a president to wage a war of choice against a dictator; makes a bellicose joke when he is killed; declares the operation a success; fails to plan for a power vacuum; and watches Islamists gain power. That describes Dick Cheney and the Iraq War—and Hillary Clinton and the war in Libya.
UN fails to secure Libyan peace deal after three missed deadlines
(4.Oktober 2015) The United Nations Libya peace process ended in shambles in New York with chief negotiator Bernardino Leon admitting that after a year of talks, he had failed to mediate a deal.
U.S., Chinese navies agree to maintain dialogue to avoid clashes
The U.S. and Chinese navies held high-level talks on Thursday after a U.S. warship challenged China‘s territorial assertions in the South China Sea, and a U.S. official said they agreed to maintain dialogue and follow protocols to avoid clashes.
How The EU‘s Proposed New ‚Privacy‘ Rules Will Be A Tool For Massive Censorship
We recently wrote about some concerns about the new Data Protection Directive that is being set up in Europe. The law is driven by people with good intentions: looking to better protect the privacy of European citizens. Privacy protection is an important concept — but the current plans appear to be so focused on privacy protection that it gives very little regard for the unintended consequences of the way it‘s been set up. As we wrote in our last post, Daphne Keller at Stanford‘s Center for Internet and Society is writing a series of blog posts raising concerns about how the new rules clash with basic concepts of free speech. She‘s now written one about the immensely troubling setup of the „notice and takedown“ rules included in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Canadian Judge Says Asking For A Copy Of A Legally-Obtained But Paywalled Article Is Circumvention
One of the worst ideas that the copyright maximalists have managed to foist on the world is that there should be anti-circumvention laws forbidding users from doing a range of entirely sensible things with their own possessions, simply „because copyright“. Required by the WIPO Copyright Treaty, and implemented by the DMCA (pdf) in the US, and Copyright Directive in the EU, anti-circumvention laws have reduced people in the US to begging for permission to unlock their mobile phones, or to check whether software in their car is lying about emissions. In the EU, they are not even allowed to beg.
China to start work on supercollider by 2020, staking claim as science leader
The final concept design for the project is on track for completion by the end of 2016, Wang Yifang, director of the Institute of High Energy Physics at the China Academy of Sciences, told the China Daily.
UK supports Dubai police fair despite UAE torture record
The human rights organisation Reprieve – which assists British and other victims of police torture in the Emirates – has previously raised concerns with UKTI about its support for the event. Reprieve‘s research has found that some 75 per cent of prisoners in Dubai Central Jail reported having been tortured into ‚confessing‘. They include British citizens who say they were subjected to electric shocks. Despite this, a recommended ‘product requirement list’ given to UK companies ahead of this week’s event included the category ‚Public Order Equipment – Electronic‘.
World Council of Churches welcomes draft resolution on nuclear weapons
The First Assembly of the WCC in 1948 denounced nuclear weapons as „a sin against God“, and WCC has repeatedly reaffirmed the Christian responsibility to safeguard God‘s creation and protect human life from such weapons of mass destruction. “The ecumenical goal of eliminating nuclear weapons is an expression of our commitment to a pilgrimage of justice and peace”, said Tveit.