Daily Archives: 8. September 2015

08.09.2015 - 20:57 [ ceiberweiber.myblog.de ]

Bundesheer: Auf nach Syrien?

Vor zwei Jahren hat das österreichische Verteidigungsministerium dem amerikanischen heimlich Soldaten für Syrien angeboten; jetzt probiert man es wieder, jedoch ganz offen. Nach einem jahrelang verfolgten Kurs des Zerstörens der auf Landesverteidigung ausgerichteten Heeresstruktur (zwecks politischer und militärischer Integration Österreichs in die NATO) lässt man Minister Gerald Klug von einer Syrien-Mission träumen, natürlich alles der Flüchtlinge wegen.

08.09.2015 - 20:39 [ Science Direct ]

A CFD study on the effectiveness of trees to disperse road traffic emissions at a city scale

Furthermore, the primary focus of this study is on the interaction of trees with wind flow dynamics. It was found that in effect, trees have a regionally beneficial impact on road traffic emissions by increasing turbulence and reducing ambient concentrations of road traffic emissions by 7% at pedestrian height on average.

08.09.2015 - 20:27 [ University Herald ]

Trees Improve Quality Of Air By Decreasing Pollution Levels

For the study, researchers focused on the city of Leicester, where up to 90 percent of some atmospheric pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide are emitted by traffic. They looked at ways trees could help to reduce air pollution in cities. To do this, they created a model with aerial mapping company Bluesky based on 3D representation of the city of Leicester with buildings, road and trees databases.

08.09.2015 - 17:21 [ Voice of America ]

Turkey, Iraqi Kurdistan Seal 50-Year Energy Deal

(5.Juni 2014) Turkey and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq on Wednesday announced the signing of a 50-year deal to export Kurdish oil to the north.

KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani unveiled the deal during a speech to Iraqi Kurdistan‘s parliament in Irbil, capital of the Kurdish-dominated region in northern Iraq.

08.09.2015 - 17:20 [ Al Monitor ]

Realities behind historic Erdogan-Barzani meeting

(29.November 2013) The Diyarbakir meeting of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iraqi Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani is significant in many aspects. Due to intra-Kurdish political divisions, the meeting — held as part of the [Kurdish] opening process in Turkey — angered the duo of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP). Its reverberations are likely to spark serious political rows in Turkey, Syria and Iraq.

08.09.2015 - 17:14 [ Hurriyet ]

Turkish nationalists beat compatriot after presuming him to be Kurdish

Around 200 people convened for a march to protest the PKK but ultimately attacked the local headquarters of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), which focuses on the Kurdish issue, in the Muratpaşa district, the report said.

After midnight as the demonstration was over, 10 people in the crowd attacked a man at a tram stop “because he had darker skin,” according to the report. An undercover police saved the man from being lynched.

08.09.2015 - 17:07 [ Radio Dreyeckland ]

Mit der Karte Erdogan erntet die EU/US Kriegspolitik-Allianz einen neuen Anstieg der aus Syrien kommenden Flüchtlinge

Nach den Wahlerfolg der HDP und dem IS-Massaker in Suruc an HDP Mitgliedern hat Erdogan ca. 150 Regionen im Osten der Türkei unter Ausnahmerecht gestellt. Gegen Einräumung von Luftoperationen der USAF von der Türkei aus, hat Erdogan sich freie Hand geholt, die kurdischen Milizen in Syrien und im Osten der Türkei zu bekriegen.
Erdogans Krieg zur Erlangung seiner Präsidialdiktatur lässt erkennbar zunehmend jede Hoffnung unter den Geflohenen weichen, jemals nach Syrien zurückzukehren. Dies meint auch Jan Keetman, der über lange Jahre aus der Türkei und dem mittleren Osten für viele Medien berichtet hat.

08.09.2015 - 17:06 [ Mondo Weiss ]

The U.S. has responsibility for Syrian refugees because we started destructive wars

They say half of the Syrian population is displaced, trying to stay out of the way of the war between ISIS, various Al-Qaeda offshoots, militias, and the the regime of Bashar al-Assad. It was a vibrant country of 17 million with infrastructure in 2003. But today the country is destroyed by the civil war that broke out following the United States war on Iraq (2003-2010), the United States war on Afghanistan (2003-present), revolution in Egypt, and Europe’s armed intervention in Libya and the toppling of Gaddafi. More than 250,000 are dead as a result of this war. More than 3.5 million refugees have fled the country. Where can they go? What do they find? What sufferings and uncertainties do they experience?

08.09.2015 - 16:57 [ Trend.az ]

Iran, Austria sign 4 cooperation documents

Senior officials in the presence of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Austrian counterpart Heinz Fischer signed the documents in Tehran, Iran’s State IRINN TV reported on Sept. 8.

08.09.2015 - 16:23 [ Press TV ]

Pentagon has no viable plan in Syria to fight ISIL: Jeff Steinberg

Observers say Syrian President Bashar al-Assad still plays a pivotal role in his country and any plan devised for the Syrian crisis would fail if it does not take into consideration the right of the Syrian people to shape their own future.

Steinberg said the only viable alternative to resolving the Syrian crisis is a diplomatic solution.

“Ultimately the only viable option is a diplomatic solution and I think the Russians are initiating diplomatic work and concluded that they have to strengthen the credibility of Assad and the Damascus government’s position in order to effectively carry out a diplomatic solution,” he said.

The foreign-sponsored conflict in Syria, which flared in March 2011, has reportedly claimed more than 240,000 lives up until now.

08.09.2015 - 16:20 [ Sputnik ]

Karsai über Anti-IS-Kampf: Westen soll auf Putin hören

„Wenn sie (die USA und die Nato – d. Red.) spüren, dass sie nicht in der Lage gewesen sind, den Terrorismus zu bekämpfen, dann ist es Zeit für sie, mit den großen Mächten der Welt Konsultationen aufzunehmen, die auch Nachbarn von Afghanistan sind: Russland, China, Indien und dem Iran“, fügte Karsai hinzu…. Dabei deutete der afghanische Ex-Präsident darauf hin, dass die Terrormiliz „Islamischer Staat“ nicht selbständig im Irak und in Syrien an Kraft hätte gewinnen können. „Keiner kann so militärisch aktiv und so schnell sein ohne Unterstützung von außen“, so der afghanische Ex-Präsident. Karsai sprach in diesem Zusammenhang von einer „ausländischen Hand“ und von „ausländischem Interesse“ am IS-Aufstieg.

08.09.2015 - 16:04 [ The Times of India ]

Captain courageous in line of Yemen fire

One of the highlights of 2015 for the Indian armed forces has been Operation Raahat — a massive evacuation exercise involving brave and highly precise rescue of nearly 4,000 nationals from Yemen where a Saudi-led air campaign against Shia Houthi fighters had left hundreds dead and injured. Captain Milind Mohan Mokashi, commanding the new 2,200-tonne naval offshore patrol vessel INS Sumitra, was the operation‘s shining star.

08.09.2015 - 12:48 [ Deccan Herald ]

Israel bans journalists from voicing opinion on air in new law

The Union of Journalists in Israel called the article an „addition that was snuck in the middle of the night and in the dark,“ one which is „bizarre and harms democracy… and constitutes inappropriate involvement by legislators.“

08.09.2015 - 11:09 [ Deutsche Bundesregierung ]

EU investiert in ein sicheres Europa

Der ISF-Fonds besteht aus dem Instrument Außengrenzen und Visa und dem Instrument für polizeiliche Zusammenarbeit und Krisenmanagement. Er finanziert nationale Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Grenzverwaltung und Grenzüberwachung der Mitgliedstaaten, insbesondere durch den Einsatz von modernen Technologien. Über den ISF werden außerdem Maßnahmen finanziert, die die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit bei der Strafverfolgung verbessern und die Fähigkeit der Mitgliedstaaten stärken, Sicherheitsrisiken wie Terrorismus und gewaltbereiter Radikalisierung, Drogenhandel, Cyberkriminalität, Menschenhandel und anderen Formen organisierter Kriminalität wirksam zu begegnen.

08.09.2015 - 11:02 [ Scroll.in ]

The scariest bill in Parliament is getting no attention – here’s what you need to know about it

(Juli 2015) One of the most troubling features of the creation of a databank is the consent form to be signed by a person donating blood for DNA analysis. Along with name, gender and address, the form also asks for caste to be listed.

India has a history of unwarrantedly linking caste and community with criminality. Members of decriminalised tribes regularly report being harassed by the police and even having false cases foisted on them simply because they are linked to a certain community. Tagging caste onto genetic data can result in unfair profiling and identification errors.

08.09.2015 - 10:47 [ Radio Utopie ]

Biometrische Pässe – Bausteine eines Überwachungskonzeptes?

(Sept. 2008) Aus all diesen Berichten wird ersichtlich, dass wir es nicht mehr nur mit Visionen zu tun haben, sondern dass vieles bereits in Umsetzung begriffen ist. Wie bei vielen Forschungen der heutigen Zeit handelt es sich um Dual-use-Techniken, die wesentlich auch gefördert werden durch den militärisch-industriellen Komplex. Die zum Teil vorgeschobenen Ideen, wie diese Techniken genutzt werden sollen, wirken oft lächerlich.

08.09.2015 - 10:37 [ Radio Utopie ]

Fingerabdrücke von Babies und Kleinstkindern für biometrische Datenbank: Tests in Afrika


Ein Programm: Impfen und Erfassen der Fingerabdrücke – Afrika als Labor für die Bill & Melinda Foundation

08.09.2015 - 10:36 [ Gbooza ]

Harmonising biometric data collection

The Director General of NIMC, Chris Onyemenam, at a recent presidential briefing, noted that Nigeria’s journey on the data harmonisation bid is still a long way ahead. He disclosed that the agency has the data of seven million people from its pilot efforts so far, which it is presently seeking to integrate with the 20 million persons registered during the on-going Bank Verification Number (BVN) exercise embarked upon by banks for account owners. When the exercise is completed, it is hoped that the captured 27 million persons can be quadrupled in the next three months, and, collaborating with other related agencies, brought to a total of 108 million in the national database.

08.09.2015 - 10:30 [ Business Line ]

No compromise on right to privacy

Digital freedom had a big win earlier this year, with the Supreme Court striking down the draconian and unconstitutional section 66A of the IT Act, in response to a PIL that I filed in January 2013. Currently, India does not have a specific legislation on privacy and data protection. The right to privacy is only recognised by Indian courts in bits and parts, as traditionally contained in common law and criminal law.

08.09.2015 - 10:07 [ Business Standard ]

Privacy concerns multiply as govt cross-links massive databanks

This threat of profiling is not restricted to one country. It would be a matter of concern when India completes the linkages of all databanks. Work is underway to develop a National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID), which would provide intelligence and investigating agencies real-time access to 21 databanks, including banking, credit card, income tax, election identity card, travel details, call records, PAN card, property, income tax and driving licence details of 1.2 billion people. The government‘s defence is that it can anyway get access to such information under the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) and NATGRID will expedite the process…. „The UIDAI Bill was never tabled and there is no law which allows the government to collect biometric data. It cannot introduce a law with retrospective effect and scrapping of UIDAI will have large financial implications,“ said a senior official, requesting anonymity.

08.09.2015 - 06:12 [ Reuters ]

French Socialists head for election rout

(1.September) French President Francois Hollande‘s Socialists, hit by internal divisions, splits with other left-leaning parties and his own deep unpopularity, face defeat in regional elections in December that bodes ill for their chances in the 2017 presidential race.

08.09.2015 - 06:11 [ Standard ]

Lauschangriff in Villa von Polens Ex-Premier Tusk

(27.August) Polnische Ex-Geheimdienstagenten, die unter dem Namen „Wiener Gruppe“ bekannt sind, sollen über 700 Stunden an geheimen Tonaufnahmen aus der Villa des ehemaligen Premiers Donald Tusk verfügen. Die Gruppe soll das Material vornehmlich Interessenten aus Wien angeboten haben, berichtet die polnische Tageszeitung „Gazeta Wyborcza“ am Donnerstag.