The revelations by the Bild newspaper are highly explosive. They show that the German ruling class is involved at the highest level in the illegal war and torture practices conducted by the United States. Kneip is currently head of the department “Strategy and Deployment” at the Ministry of Defence and is one of the closest associates of Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen (CDU). He is regarded as a candidate for the post of Inspector General of the Bundeswehr.
Daily Archives: 5. Januar 2015
Goldman Says JPMorgan Should Break Itself Into Pieces
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM)’s parts are probably worth more to investors than the whole after regulators proposed tougher rules penalizing firms for size and complexity, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
Uranium Producer Energy Fuels to Buy Miner Uranerz
Both companies have posted losses over the past 12 months. The price of uranium has dropped more than 25 percent since the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan, leading to a meltdown at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant and the suspension of the country’s other reactors. Four U.S. reactors shut in 2013 because they weren’t profitable or needed costly repairs.
Kuba hält historisches Rekordtief bei der Kindersterblichkeit
Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat in der Vergangenheit immer wieder die vorbildliche Umsetzung des Mutter-Kind-Programms in kubanischen Krankenhäusern und die flächendeckende Schwangerschaftsbetreuung hervorgehoben.
Scott Horton: „Lords of Secrecy: The National Security Elite and America’s Stealth Foreign Policy“ (Book Excerpt)
IN 2011, already fighting three wars in the Middle East, America decided to open military operations in Moammar Qaddafi’s Libya. The move was opposed by the leaders of the professional military, the secretary of defense, and the director of central intelligence. But other leaders of the national security team, led by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, UN ambassador Susan Rice, and presidential adviser Samantha Power, supported the concept.
From Drone Strikes to Black Sites, How U.S. Foreign Policy Runs Under a Cloak of Secrecy
We are joined by a guest who has closely followed the debate over national security and secrecy: Scott Horton, a human rights attorney and contributing editor at Harper’s Magazine, whose new book is „Lords of Secrecy: The National Security Elite and America’s Stealth Foreign Policy.“
Cinematic Warfare Heats Up
From Pyongyang comes the announcement that DPRK Pictures is soon scheduled to release its new film, The Teleprompter, a slapstick comedy, raunchy by Asian standards, of the assassination of US president Barack Obama, using a nuclear-tipped golf ball smuggled into his bag (the caddie a double agent trained by CIA but hopelessly in love with Kim Jong-un from his picture appearing in NYT and WP) set to go off on his next golfing holiday. The suspense is relieved with comedic detours into such familiar scenes as a Tuesday night meeting of NSC members, in rapt attention to Obama and Brennan’s weekly selection of candidates for drone assassination from the hit list, Obama’s practicing salutes in front of a full-length mirror in preparation for his deplaning Air Force One, late-night telephone conversations with Cheney, McCain, and other ideological soul mates on how to engender and maximize support for intervention on a global scale, as well as directorial lessons on how to appear contemplative after his mind has snapped steel-shut on policies promoting War and Wall Street.
Palestine and the ICC
The United States, of course – and this fact oddly did not feature in the flurry of news reports on “Palestine’s” request to join – has itself refused to join the International Criminal Court. And with good reason; because, like the Israelis – although this is not quite how the whole fandango was explained to us – Washington is also worried that its soldiers and government officials will be arraigned for war crimes. Think waterboarding, Abu Ghraib, the report on CIA torture…
Zur Tötung vorgeschlagen
Die Bundeswehr und der BND sind stärker in die extralegale Tötung von Terrorverdächtigen in Afghanistan involviert als bisher bekannt. Dies geht aus Medienberichten hervor, die in den letzten Tagen des Jahres 2014 veröffentlicht wurden. Demnach hat ein deutscher Generalmajor, der heute zu den engsten Beratern der Verteidigungsministerin gehört, in zumindest einem Fall auf die „Festnahme oder Neutralisierung“ eines Verdächtigen durch die ISAF gedrungen. Darüber hinaus wurden Mobilfunkdaten entgegen den Schutzbehauptungen deutscher Geheimdienstler für die Ortung von Personen im Rahmen von Killerdrohnen-Attacken genutzt. Solche Daten werden vom BND regelmäßig an US-Stellen weitergereicht. Extralegale Tötungen beruhen ohnehin in hohem Maße auf Spionageerkenntnissen, die von den westlichen Staaten, auch Deutschland, im Rahmen des Krieges am Hindukusch untereinander geteilt werden. Afghanistan ist ein Schwerpunkt der weltweiten BND-Tätigkeit. Die Bundesregierung erklärt die Tötung „feindlicher Kämpfer“ auch außerhalb von Kampfhandlungen ausdrücklich für zulässig.
Parteispenden über 50.000 € – Jahr 2014
Veröffentlichung von Spenden, die im Einzelfall die Höhe von 50.000 Euro übersteigen (§ 25 Abs. 3 Satz 3 Parteiengesetz)
Politische Käuflichkeit 3.0? – Deutsche Waffenindustrie überweist 100.000 Euro an die Grünen
Aus der Parteispenden-Übersicht des Bundestages ergibt sich, dass der Südwestmetallverband sowie der Verband der Bayerischen Metall- und Elektro-Industrie allein im Dezember, außer der Linkspartei, allen im Bundestag vertretenen Parteien Großspenden hat zukommen lassen. Sogar die nicht mehr im Bundestag vertretende FDP erhielt 80.000 Euro. Hervorstechen tun bei den Spenden die 300.000 Euro für die CSU sowie die 100.000 für B’90/Die Grünen.
Rivlin slams Netanyahu: Freezing Palestinian tax revenues harms Israel‘s interests
President Reuven Rivlin on Monday slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over his decision to freeze the transfer of tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority, telling a closed meeting of more than 30 Israeli envoys to Europe that the move was damaging to Israel.
Talks on united Arab bloc to shift into high gear
Talks on creating a united Arab Knesset slate will enter high gear over the next few days in an effort to reach agreements by mid-month, after the Arab parties hold their primaries. But even if they succeed in doing so, whether the joint ticket will manage to bring Arab voters out en masse will depend greatly on the candidates chosen for this ticket.
Tibi: Let Israelis think of ICC when they murder Palestinian children
Arab MK Ahmad Tibi told Ynet on Monday that he supported Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas‘ push to join international accords which would allow the Palestinians to sue Israel for alleged war crimes. „Let them think of the International Criminal Court when they expropriate land and murder Palestinian children,“ he warned.
IDF suicide cases double in 2014
The military source said a civilian advisory committee will convene hearings with senior Personnel Directorate officials to „learn and identify the trends that will aid us in addressing the phenomenon.“
David Brooks says ‘people from around the world’ can serve in Israeli military
Months after New York Times columnist David Brooks told the Aspen Institute that his son is serving in the Israeli army and a controversy erupted over whether the Times should have disclosed this fact to its readers (the Times public editor said it should have; Brooks is a neoconservative who pushed the Iraq war), Brooks has told his readers about his son’s service. The disclosure is swaddled in parentheses deep in a column about Benjamin Netanyahu:
In Defense of a CIA Whistleblower
The trial of former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling, set to begin in mid-January, is shaping up as a major battle in the U.S. government’s siege against whistleblowing. With its use of the Espionage Act to intimidate and prosecute people for leaks in “national security” realms, the Obama administration is determined to keep hiding important facts that the public has a vital right to know.
After fleeting coverage of Sterling’s indictment four years ago, news media have done little to illuminate his case — while occasionally reporting on the refusal of New York Times reporter James Risen to testify about whether Sterling was a source for his 2006 book State of War.
NSA 2.0 oder Jobcenter wird zum Bundesnachrichtendienst?
Jetzt ist es offiziell: Die Bundesagentur plant das Auswerten von Daten aus den sozialen Netzwerken. Welche Daten die Bundesagentur genau analysieren möchte und wie diese verwertet werden ist uns noch nicht bekannt.
Zur Gefahr von gesetzlicher Kontrolle über Computer
Wie gefährlich Gesetze sein können, die zur Überwachung von Technologien entworfen wurden, zeigt ein Artikel von Cory Doctorow im Wired Magazine. Computer sind nicht nur allgegenwärtig und leiten uns langsam aber sicher in eine Science-Fiction-artige Welt, sondern sie sind auch unfähig zu unterscheiden, welche der von ihnen auszuführende Aktion positive oder negativen Konsequenzen haben könnte. Deswegen versuchen Institutionen und Regierungen Software einbauen zu lassen, welche Computer von der Ausführung bestimmter Programme abhält.
U.S. delays sending 1,500 troops to Iraq: report
The United States has delayed its plans to deploy 1,500 more troops to conflict-stricken Iraq, due in part to a lack of a budget and opposition from congress, officials quoted by online U.S. news outlet World Tribune reported on Sunday.
Motion Picture Association of America
Die Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) ist der Verband der sechs großen amerikanischen Filmproduktionsgesellschaften, namentlich Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., Sony Pictures Entertainment, Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group, Universal Studios und 20th Century Fox. Sie sieht sich als Interessenvertretung der gesamten amerikanischen und weltweiten Film- und Fernsehindustrie und betreibt in deren Namen Lobbyismus.
MPAA Wants Regulators To Force ISPs To Block Sites ‚At The Border‘
When SOPA died its inglorious death, the MPAA‘s best shot at ISP-level site blocking died with it. But the MPAA is nothing if not stubborn and is still willing to wreak havoc on the internet in exchange for a slight dip in infringement.
Turkey permits first new church in 90 years
Turkey’s Islamic-rooted government has authorized the building of the first church in the country since the end of the Ottoman empire in 1923, AFP has learned.
254. Montagsdemo gegen S21: “Wir als Bewegung müssen weiter aktiv sein”
Die Rede von Parkschützer Matthias von Herrmann auf der heutigen 254. Stuttgarter Montagsdemo der Bürgerbewegung gegen das urbane staatlich-kommerzielle Umbauprogramm “Stuttgart 21″ (S21). Die Rede trägt den Titel “Rettet unsere Stadtbahn vor Stuttgart 21!”.
“Manchmal wäre Hirn im Kopf besser als Benzin im Blut”
Guten Abend liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des Stuttgarter Kopfbahnhofs.
Ende November vergangenen Jahres kam ein „blauer Brief“ aus Brüssel nach Berlin geflogen. Absender war die Europäische Kommission.
Hollande announces talks with Merkel on ‚the future of Europe‘
France’s head of state, François Hollande, announced on France Inter that he has accepted an invitation from Martin Schulz, the President of the European Parliament, to a meeting with the German Chancellor on Sunday 11 January.
What will the Germans do for us?
The German Chancellor is acutely conscious that a single unguarded comment by her could torpedo Mr Cameron’s promised European renegotiation before it has even started. But if Mrs Merkel discreetly signals flexibility on the crucial issue of immigration, the Prime Minister can go into the election campaign with a trump card in his hand.
David Cameron to host London talks with Angela Merkel
The talks will also lay groundwork for the G7 summit, being held at Schloss Elmau in the Bavarian Alps in June.
The German government said the discussions would focus on the bilateral relationship between the UK and Germany, as well as European and international issues.
Möglicher Euro-Austritt Griechenlands: Linkspopulistische Syriza lässt sich nicht einschüchtern
Besonders deutliche Worte gebrauchte der CDU-Politiker und Europaparlamentarier Elmar Brok: Wenn am 25. Januar die linkspopulistische Syriza eine Mehrheit erhalte und wie angekündigt den Spar- und Reformkurs abbreche, „dann wird es keine weitere Unterstützung geben“, sagte er im ZDF-„Morgenmagazin“. „Das muss völlig klar sein.“
Kurssturz: Angst vor Euro-Aus Griechenlands erschüttert Aktienmärkte
Kritik an der Debatte übten die EU-Kommission und Frankreichs Präsident Francois Hollande. Über mögliche Szenarien wie einen Euro-Austritt Griechenlands spekuliere die Kommission nicht, sagte eine Sprecherin der Behörde in Brüssel. Die Mitgliedschaft in der Gemeinschaftswährung sei gemäß dem Vertrag von Lissabon „unwiderruflich“.
Georgian troops prepare to participate in new NATO mission in Afghanistan
The Minister of Defence of Georgia Mindia Janelidze met with the commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) under the auspices of NATO and US troops in Afghanistan, General John F. Campbell during an official visit to this country, the ministry of defence of Georgia told Trend Jan.5.
Three people executed in Iran
Three people were publicly executed the morning of Jan.5 in the center of Torqabeh and Shandiz cities in Razavi Khorasan province of Iran, the Iranian news website YJC (Young Journalists Club) reported.
Terrorist group members arrested in Iran
The name of the terrorist group, as well as the names of those arrested are not specified, according to Iran’s tasnimnews website.
Now Monbiot is smearing the BBC too
(16. Oktober 2014) Recently I criticised Guardian columnist George Monbiot for lavishing the term “genocide denier” on anyone who disagrees with him about the events in Rwanda 20 years ago. I described Monbiot as a “McCarthy of the left”, after he waged a campaign of vilification of prominent dissident intellectuals Ed Herman and David Peterson for seeking to critically re-examine the west’s official narrative about Rwanda – that the Hutu majority alone committed a genocide against the Tutsi minority – and questioning whether Rwanda’s current Tutsi president, Paul Kagame, and his RPF forces were not also deeply complicit in the slaughter.
Monbiot’s witch-hunt has also targeted others on the left, such as Noam Chomsky, who supported Herman and Peterson’s right to engage in the critical study of what they call the “politics of genocide”.
Rwanda‘s Untold Story Documentary
Twenty years on from the Rwandan genocide, This World reveals evidence that challenges the accepted story of one of the most horrifying events of the late 20th century. The current president of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, has long been portrayed as the man who brought an end to the killing and rescued his country from oblivion. Now there are increasing questions about the role of Kagame‘s Rwandan Patriotic Front forces in the dark days of 1994 and in the 20 years since.
Iraqi Kurds to send new batch of fighters to Kobani
The first batch of 150 fighters made their way into Kobani through Turkey on Oct. 28. They were replaced by the second batch on Dec. 6.
Libyan warplane bombs Greek-operated oil tanker at port, two dead
A Libyan warplane from forces loyal to the internationally recognized government bombed a Greek-operated oil tanker anchored offshore, killing two crewmen in an escalation of a battle between the country‘s rival factions.
India, Pakistan step up border fighting ahead of Kerry visit
Indian and Pakistani troops intensified cross-border firing on Monday, killing an Indian border guard and forcing hundreds of villagers to flee, escalating tensions before visits by top U.S. officials.
Turkey, U.S. to finalize Syrian rebel training this month: official
The training is expected to start in March, simultaneously with similar programs in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, the Turkish official said. The aim is to train 15,000 Syrian rebels over three years.
EU Commission puts an end to Grexit nonsense: “Euro membership is irrevocable”
PS I supposed, the EU started to worry about the profits for Eurozone member states, after the Grexit scenarios pushed down the common currency into a nine-year low.
President Hollande grants the Greeks right to vote
I am so relief. Honestly. And I am so impressed by the divine generosity of a French president granting me the right to vote and decide about my own destiny. Joining the Club of Scaremongers Society, French President Francois Hollande said Monday that “The Greeks are free to choose their own destiny.”
So nice and simple? Of course not. In the same breath Hollande added that Greece has to stick to its European commitments.
Citi-Vorschlag gegen drohende Deflation: EZB soll Bürger beschenken
Hunderte Euro für jeden Bürger – geschenkt. So soll die EZB die drohende Deflation bekämpfen, fordert der Citi-Chefökonom Willem Buiter im SPIEGEL. Das Verbot der direkten Staatsfinanzierung hält der Banker für ein Desaster.
Inflationsrate 2014: voraussichtlich + 0,9 % gegenüber 2013
Gegenüber November 2014 verändern sich die Verbraucherpreise voraussichtlich nicht.
Yair Lapid: a Liar, a Hypocrite, or Simply Irresponsible?
Meretz Chairwoman Zehava Gal-On attacked Yesh Atid Chairman Yair Lapid on Sunday, accusing him of lying during the current election campaign.
According to Gal-On, Lapid personally signed and approved transfers to the World Zionist Organization‘s Settlement Division during his tenure as Finance Minister, despite his claims to the contrary.
Iran joins European gas race
The recent sworn enemies are in talks now as well. The negotiations led by several European countries (France, UK, Germany, Italy) with the National Iranian Gas Company on the issue of cooperation in the construction of gas processing plants and gas pipelines both in the country and from Iran to Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan and other countries, are the striking example of that.
Saudische Monarchie zielt auf Einmarsch im Irak und lässt entsprechende Kriegspropaganda streuen
(5. August 2014) Unter dem seit Ausbruch des Terrorkrieges in 2001 üblichen extremen und unlogischen Geheuchel hat die Monarchie in Saudi Arabien schon vor Wochen Zehntausende von Soldaten an der Grenze zum Irak zusammengezogen und behauptet, sie aus aus diesem beschossen worden.
Two Saudi guards killed in attack on Iraq frontier: Saudi ministry
Saudi Arabia boosted its security on the frontier in July, adding thousands of troops to back up a border guards force, after the Islamic State group seized swathes of territory in Iraq including Anbar province on the kingdom‘s border.
ISIL ‚breaking down,‘ says Iraq interior minister
„The province of Saladin, which is mostly controlled by ISIL, will be recaptured within the next few days,“ Ghabban said.
This will also help retake Mosul through a larger operation, he added.
China urges ‚relevant parties‘ to avoid tension on Korean peninsula
Foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying made the remarks at a daily news briefing. The sanctions came in the wake of a cyberattack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, which the White House has said was supported by the reclusive country.
Turkish police hold special operations
Turkish media reported on Feb. 25, 2014 that in 2011 telephone conversations of about 7,000 people associated with the representatives of both the ruling and opposition parties, including family members of the prime minister were wiretapped, as part of the anti-terrorist operation carried out by the Istanbul prosecutor‘s office against ‘Salam’ terrorist organization.
Angeblicher Austritt Griechenlands aus dem Euro-System: Plumpe Erpressung des griechischen Wählers
(24. Mai 2012) Ich habe keinen biologistischen Ansatz wie z.B. Thilo Sarrazin. Für mich gibt es so etwas wie klug nicht, nur trainiert. Insofern wird vielleicht plausibel, wenn ich wieder einmal konstatieren muß in einem Land voller Schwachsinniger zu leben.
Die Bundesregierung kann Griechenland gar nichts – DIE WELT
#Griechenland #Grexit
Bundesregierung hält Ausscheiden Griechenlands aus dem Euro für verkraftbar
Entgegen ihrer bisherigen Linie ist die Bundesregierung bereit, Griechenland notfalls aus der Eurozone ausscheiden zu lassen. Kanzlerin Angela Merkel und Finanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble (beide CDU) halten einen Austritt des Landes aus der Gemeinschaftswährung für verkraftbar.
Und wovon träumst Du nachts?
Wenn man Ratten, an deren Gehirne man Elektroden angeschlossen hat, in einem Labyrinth ein Stück Käse suchen lässt, dann werden im Gehirn bestimmte Muster von Elektroden angeregt. Wenn die Ratte hinterher schläft, wird genau dieses Elektrodenmuster in umgekehrter Reihenfolge angesprochen – die Ratte lernt.
PM meets Palestinian counterpart
Hamdallah reiterated that „any further negotiations by the Palestinian side will be considered through Jordan.“
He also highlighted the depth of the strategic ties linking both the countries, and expressed pride at the level of cooperation between the two sides, stressing that Jordan is the „strategic depth of Palestine.“