Die „Sanierungs-Partnerschaft“ des ThyssenKrupp-Vorstands mit der Gewerkschaft IG Metall und den Betriebsräten ist derart eng und effektiv, dass das ursprüngliche Ziel, die Kosten im vergangenen Geschäftsjahr um 850 Millionen Euro zu senken, um 150 Millionen Euro übertroffen wurde.
Daily Archives: 25. November 2014
The Ferguson Grand Jury Decision Proves ‚The System‘ Still ‚Works‘
Many people may have hoped this would be one of those rare exceptions, but to anybody paying attention, the Ferguson grand jury‘s decision to give Officer Darren Wilson a pass on the shooting of Michael Brown was a foregone conclusion.
The road to the inevitable was unusual, however. Grand juries aren‘t there to decide guilt. They‘re only there to determine whether probable cause exists to hand down an indictment. This happens thousands of times a year all over the country, and it‘s a true rarity when indictments are not handed down.
Libyan PM says government responsible for bombing Tripoli airport
Libya‘s internationally recognized Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni said on Tuesday his government‘s air force was responsible for strikes on the airport of the capital Tripoli, controlled by a rival administration.
Latvian president to visit Georgia
Latvian President Andris Berzins will visit Tbilisi November 25 at the invitation of Georgian counterpart Giorgi Margvelashvili.
The official part of the visit will begin on November 26, the Georgian president’s administration said.
Vietnam warships visit Philippines amid South China Sea dispute
Vietnam on Tuesday showed off its two most powerful warships in the first-ever port call to the Philippines but an official said it was not trying to challenge China‘s superior naval forces amid tension in the South China Sea.
Interventionskultur (II)
Der langjährige Präsident der nach dem Friedensnobelpreisträger Carl von Ossietzky benannten Universität Oldenburg, Michael Daxner, lobt die Aufstandsbekämpfung deutscher Truppen in Afghanistan. Es sei „gut“, einer „legitimen Regierung“ militärisch dabei zu helfen, „ihr Gewaltmonopol und ihre Staatsaufgaben sicher zu erfüllen“ und diejenigen, die dies verhindern wollten, „zurückzudrängen und zu entmachten“, erklärt der Soziologe in einer aktuellen Buchpublikation. Zu diesem Zweck will Daxner nach eigenem Bekunden in die afghanischen Gesellschaftsstrukturen „hineinschauen“ und eine entsprechende „Länderkunde der Intervention“ entwickeln. Gleichzeitig fordert der Wissenschaftler, den Kriegsveteranen der Bundeswehr mehr „Respekt“ entgegenzubringen und ihre „Erfahrungen“ in die Planung künftiger Gewaltoperationen einzubeziehen. Eine renommierte friedenspolitische Zeitschrift bot ihm für seine diesbezüglichen Aussagen erst kürzlich ein Forum – und sieht sich jetzt mit harscher Kritik konfrontiert.
Paul Craig Roberts – Was die Amerikaner am Thanksgiving Day feiern
Heute ist Thanksgiving Day einfach bekannt als „Truthahntag” und eine Zeit der Einkäufe von Geschenken. Denken Sie daran, dass Sie in Wirklichkeit ein auf Kriegsverbrechen begründetes Reich feiern, wenn Sie das Thanksgiving-Mahl essen.
Kesseltreiben gegen deutsche Politiker, die eine andere Russlandpolitik fordern
Artikel von Karl-Jürgen Müller, Konstanz – Es ist Tatsache, dass derzeit alle diejenigen, die als deutsche Politiker in Sachen Russland eine andere Meinung als Frau Merkel und die sie leitende US-Regierung haben, gemobbt werden und politisch ausgeschaltet werden sollen. Heftig war schon die Polemik gegen die Altkanzler Helmut Schmidt, Helmut Kohl und Gerhard Schröder. Jetzt soll es Persönlichkeiten treffen, die in verantwortlicher Position seit Jahren versuchen, den Dialogfaden zwischen Deutschland und Russland zu pflegen, zu vertiefen und nicht abreißen zu lassen.
Monster Sunspot May Unleash Powerful Solar Flares (Video)
„This time around, it‘s more likely to have some coronal mass ejections associated with it, even though the solar flares might be smaller,“ said Gilbert, chief of the Solar Physics Laboratory at NASA‘s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. „We have a good idea, based on the structure of that magnetic field and the sunspot, that it‘s very possible that it will create some midlevel flares.“
Israel‘s hidden monster (and one very visible one)
These days our leaders don’t need any legitimacy from the West. That’s why the thugs permit themselves everything.
Like an unrequited lover, ‘NYT’ confesses itself heartbroken over Israel’s (latest) betrayal of democracy
look who’s heartbroken: The New York Times has a big editorial titled “Israel Narrows Its Democracy,” expressing such upset over the move that you’d think that Israel was a borough of New York.
Israel Narrows Its Democracy
The political battle could yet bring the government down. Neither argument justifies a fundamental change to Israeli law and guiding principles.
Having experienced the grievous legacies created when a government diminishes the rights of its people, we know this not the path that Israel should take.
Debunking Netanyahu’s propaganda on Jerusalem
did you know:
2. If you are not Jewish in Jerusalem you do not have citizenship and do not have the right to vote for government. Palestinians have residency and although the majority of families have been stewards of the city for generations they do not have the right to vote for any national government.
3. Jerusalem Al/Quds is the largest Palestinian metropolis and capital, but as a central business district it has been cut off from the workforce in the suburbs — causing over 5,000 business to close in just one decade (since the Wall was built) and in some area’s causing unemployment rates to rise over 75%.
Europe‘s ideals overshadowed by bureaucracy, pope tells EP
„The great ideals that inspired Europe seem to have lost their power of attraction, in favour of the bureaucratic, technical emphasis of its institutions,“ the pope said.
Greece’s general strike affects public transport, ferries, planes, Nov 27/2014
Greece’s public and private sector unions ADEDY and GSEE will launch a 24-hour anti-austerity general strike on Thursday, November 27th 2014. The general strike is expected to paralyze the country as next to civis servants, also bank employees, and public transport workers as well as seamen and air traffic controllers will join the protest.
Jean-Claude Juncker muss sich nach nur drei Wochen im Amt einem Misstrauensvotum stellen. Yeah, haben die Linken doch endlich mal ihren Arsch hoch gekriegt? Aber nicht doch!
Das kam von den UKIP-„Euroskeptikern“ um Nigel Farage. Die Linken würden niemals ihren Arsch hochkriegen. Dafür sind die viel zu zufrieden in der Opposition. Jeder kriegt sein Gehalt, ab und zu mal ein Redebeitrag, der von allen ignoriert wird. Läuft doch prächtig!
Corporate Sovereignty‘s Chilling Effects
As we‘ve noted before, corporate sovereignty — known more formally as investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) — has emerged as the most contentious element of the transatlantic trade deal TAFTA/TTIP, currently being negotiated. Not only has the ISDS chapter been put on hold pending the analysis of 150,000 submissions to a consultation held on the subject, but top EU politicians continue to flip-flop nervously on the subject.
Renzi undaunted by Northern League rise
The League was the only centre-right party to perform well in Sunday‘s regional elections, claiming over 20% of the vote in Emilia-Romagna, more than twice as much as ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi‘s Forza Italia (FI).
PHOTOS: #FERGUSON COMES TO #BROOKLYN: Protest After NYPD Kills Unarmed #AkaiGurley
Akai Gurley–another unarmed black man murdered by the racist #NYPD. Akai, 28 years old, was gunned down in a stairwell in the Pink Houses on Linden Blvd. in East New York on Thursday night. We write for two reasons: (1) as NYC Solidarity for Palestine we offer our condolences to the parents, family and friends of Akai and (2) we hereby announce that we will be postponing our Solidarity Open Mic scheduled for today. Our black brothers and sisters have never had their human dignity respected in this country. We know that black lives don’t matter to the police just like we know Palestinian lives don’t matter to the Israeli colonial forces. So, today we stand together by postponing our event that we worked hard on to take our bodies and our love and rage to the streets.
Iran‘s Ever-Ticking Nuclear Clock: Countdown to Nothing
(22. November) With nuclear negotiations nearing their latest deadline in Vienna this weekend, we are hearing – once again – that it‘s „crunch time“ for diplomacy and anything less than a comprehensive deal sets the stage for war.
While a fair and just nuclear deal would certainly be in the best interest of all parties involved, we‘ve heard all this before. The „clock“ has long been „ticking“ when it comes to Iran, or so we‘ve been told for over a decade now.
Jamal Zahalka bravely speaking the truth!
Hier der Mitschnitt von Zahalkes Rede.Und wie sie ihn aus der Knesset schleifen. WEHRLOS! ABER NICHT EHRLOS.
Jamal Zahalke quotes German intellectual Johanna Arendt. Thanks for that. Good choice. At least #Balad is a true political party.
Feiglin boots MK from plenum for calling him ‘fascist’
The Balad party leader rose to the podium to argue against the controversial “Jewish State” bill. Early in his remarks, he referenced a 1941 article by Jewish intellectual and Holocaust survivor Hannah Arendt against the idea of a Jewish state. Zahalka claimed that Arendt had argued that a Jewish state could only offer Palestinians second-class citizenship
Months after ‘holy war’ IDF dispatch, top officer says there’s no religious coercion in army
Givati Brigade commander Ofer Winter sent out a letter to his troops during Gaza war, saying they were heading into Gaza Strip to wipe out an enemy that defames God.
France pushing for ‘safe zones’ in Syria
Paris is pushing for “safe zones” to be set up in Syria where citizens would be out of reach of regime forces and militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said Tuesday, Al Arabiya reported.
UK Government Brings In Yet More Counter-Terrorism Measures — Including Internal Exile
„in response to the increased threat we face and in response to the police and security services telling us this is what they need, we will legislate to allow TPIM [Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures] subjects to be relocated to different parts of the country.“
Yes, you read that correctly: the new bill will introduce internal exile for the UK. The parallels between the UK and Soviet Russia become more painfully apparent by the day.
An end to the holy oil war?
It supports (or at least did so until Sunday night) the radical Islamists, yet has sort of diplomatic relations with Israel. It provided funds to the IS, yet continues to host the largest US military base in the Gulf region.
Saudi Arabia says Islamic State ordered attack on Shi‘ites in al-Ahsa
Seven members of the Sunni-ruled kingdom‘s Shi‘ite minority were shot dead in the Eastern Province district of al-Ahsa on Nov. 3 as they marked their holy day of Ashoura.
British intelligence could not have stopped soldier‘s murder: report
Britain‘s security services could not have prevented two men hacking to death a British soldier in broad daylight on a London street last year, even though one of the killers had been investigated five times, lawmakers said on Tuesday.
Revealed: MI5 ‚would have been able to prevent‘ Lee Rigby‘s killing if US internet companies had alerted authorities to killer‘s online threats to ‚murder a soldier‘
Both men were known to MI5 but spies ruled they were not a major threat
NSA Chief Warns Of Pending Cyberattack… Which He Wants To Make Easier With Backdoors
as law enforcement, intelligence officials and clueless commentators keep pushing for less encryption and more backdoors, those in the actual security world know that the best way to keep things secure is with more encryption, not less. It means fewer security holes and backdoors, not more. And yet the NSA seems to be working actively against that.
Rightwing flamethrowers see a US role in the battle for Jerusalem
Rightwing American Zionists are responding to the increasing violence in Israel and Palestine in a predictable way– seeing an American role in the conflict.
Here is flamethrower Seth Lipsky, granted a platform at Haaretz, to say that now is the perfect time for Republicans to join “the Battle of Jerusalem” and push for the U.S. to recognize Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jewish people.
Bundesheer: Krach mit den Milizverbänden
In der Medienberichterstattung wirkt es wie ein persönlicher Konflikt, wenn Generalstabschef Othmar Commenda den Präsidenten der Milizverbände, Brigadier Michael Schaffer aus seinem Beraterstab entfernt. Per Brief beklagt sich Commenda, dass es Schaffer an Loyalität fehle; dieser kontert, dass er zum Heer und zur Landesverteidigung loyal sei. In dieser Eigenschaft kritisiert Schaffer, dass mit dem bestehenden Heer auch die Miliz an die Wand gefahren wird.
S21: Hunderte Bürger fordern Vernehmung aller Zeugen! Wasserwerfer-Prozess nicht überstürzt einstellen, Herr Stickelberger!
Am heutigen Dienstag um 14:30 Uhr übergeben Stuttgarter Bürger an Justizminister Rainer Stickelberger das Ergebnis einer spontanen Unterschriftensammlung der letzten zwei Tage: 640 Bürger fordern mit ihrer Unterschrift den Justizminister auf, dass der Wasserwerfer-Prozess fortgeführt wird und dass alle Zeugen gehört werden.
AKVorrat bittet um Spenden
Der Arbeitskreis Vorratsdaten (AKVorrat) hat sich nach der erfolgreichen Abschaffung der Vorratsdatenspeicherung ein neues Ziel gesetzt. Wir wollen unsere Arbeit für einen starken Datenschutz und die Einhaltung unserer Grundrechte im Internet fortsetzen. Das Ziel unseres nächsten Projektes ist es alle Anti-Terrorgesetze in Österreich daraufhin prüfen zu lassen, ob sie mit unserer Verfassung im Einklang sind.
Ferguson “brennt” – langfristige Inszenierung eines versuchten Bürgerkriegs
Alle Indizien deuten darauf hin, dass mit der Anrufung der Grand Jury ein Schauprozess inszeniert wurde, um die Bevölkerung vor Ort zu reizen, zur Weissglut und zu “ungesetzlichen” Handlungen zu bringen. Die Entscheidung der Grand Jury hat nur symbolischen Charakter und nichts mit dem eigentlichen Gerichtsprozess und der Anklage durch einen Staatsanwalt zu tun.
Momentum to recognise Palestinian state growing: UN chief
The recent momentum in the West in favour of recognising Palestine as a state will grow further, the UN Secretary-General said Monday.
Ban Ki-moon‘s remarks came at a General Assembly meeting in observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
„Indeed – as we see around the world – Governments and parliaments are taking action. That momentum will grow,“ said Ban.
‘Peace process hangs from a thread,’ UN warns ahead of Day of Solidarity with Palestinians
United Nations officials today voiced their solidarity with the people of Palestine, while calling on both sides involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to cease acts of violence, overcome their differences, and resume peace talks with a clear framework towards resolving the decades-long dispute.
“Regrettably, as we meet here today, the path towards a durable peace remains uncertain,” said Sam Kutesa, President of the General Assembly, during a special meeting of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People held this morning at UN Headquarters in New York to mark the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
Netanyahu welcomes decision to extend Iran nuclear talks
„We are anxiously monitoring the nuclear talks with Iran,“ Netanyahu said in a statement on his official English-language Facebook page, noting the Israeli government was working on all fronts – both diplomatic and via the world media – to protect Israel‘s interests in the talks.
Ukraine leader, under pressure from West, pledges new government soon
Ukraine will take the first steps this week towards forming a new government, President Petro Poroshenko said on Monday, seeking to assuage concern among his Western allies that the delay is holding up reform and imperiling Western assistance.
Amr Darrag: All Opposition Voices Welcome
On claims that ElBaradei contacted the Muslim Brotherhood, Dr. Darrag added: „Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei did not communicate with me, and did not communicate with any member of the Muslim Brotherhood since the coup.
Muslim Brotherhood Hails Friday November 28 Protests; Seeks January 25 Revolution Goals
The Muslim Brotherhood affirms the right of every segment and faction of the Egyptian people to express their opinion freely without incrimination or false accusations.
The Brotherhood warns the coup regime and its security and intelligence apparatus against committing any acts of violence, sabotage, destruction or killing of innocent people and then blaming their crimes on the Egyptian people‘s peaceful Revolution.
History bears witness to the junta‘s notorious treachery, and the whole world knows how they perpetrated these crimes repeatedly.
Innenministerien wollen “terroristische Internetinhalte” löschen lassen und durch Gegenpropaganda ersetzen
Vor ihrer Oktober-Sitzung hatten sich die Innenminister aller EU-Mitgliedstaaten mit den Internetkonzernen Twitter, Google, Microsoft und Facebook zu einem informellen Abendessen getroffen, auch die EU-Kommission war eingeladen. Ziel war, “Instrumente und Techniken” zu entwickeln, um den “terroristischen Onlineaktivitäten” entgegenzutreten.
Italy hails Egypt as a ‚strategic partner‘
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on Monday hailed Egypt as a „strategic partner“ of Italy and Europe in the latest sign of Cairo‘s rehabilitation on the international stage.
Egypt warplanes hit Libya militias, officials say
(15. Oktober) Egypt deepened its involvement in the fight against Islamist militias who have taken over key parts of Libya on Wednesday, with officials saying Egyptian warplanes have bombed their positions in the eastern city of Benghazi.
The two officials, who have firsthand knowledge of the operation, said the use of the aircraft was part of an Egyptian-led campaign against the militiamen that will eventually involve Libyan ground troops recently trained by Egyptian forces.
Sisi: No Egyptian forces in Libya, we protect borders from within
Turning to Libya, he said in the event that Egypt intervenes directly in Libya, it will not hesitate to announce the move.
All Egypt has done so far was helping the Libyan national army and parliament through the Libyan government, he said.
President Sisi vehemently denied the presence of Egyptian air or ground forces or even military jets in Libya, saying Egypt protects its borders from within.
Libya needs more than military intervention, he said, adding that NATO‘s work in Libya was not complete as the regime was toppled but state institutions were not rebuilt.
Unidentified jet strikes Libya airport
Witnesses and local media report at least one air strike on Mitiga airport in Tripoli but scale of damage is unclear.
Libyan soldiers who were ordered home in disgrace after ‚unacceptable‘ breakdown of discipline at UK barracks now claim ASYLUM
– Two men are charged with raping a male victim in a park after night out
– Two others admitted sex attack on woman ago but one man denies it
– ‚Handful‘ of the soldiers have since claimed asylum in the UK
Whole programme training 2,000 soldiers has been axed
Troika, Greece to meet in Paris to negotiate stalled progress review
(24. November) Greek government officials will meet with representatives of the Troika-lenders in Paris tomorrow Tuesday. The meeting aims to break a deadlock that occurred after the Greek government refused to obey some of the Troika commandments and the Country’s lenders insisted.
US supports Georgia’s intention to join NATO
During the session of NATO Parliamentary Assembly held in The Hague, head of the US delegation, Michael Thorner expressed support to Georgia’s desire to join the NATO.
World‘s biggest arms company Lockheed Martin set to grab chunk of privatised NHS
DOCTORS have expressed dismay at reports that an international arms firm is considering a bid for a £1bn NHS contract to run GP support services in England.