Daily Archives: 4. Oktober 2014

04.10.2014 - 23:43 [ Rationalgalerie ]

Kai Gniffke und der Gebührenzahler

Ich bin einer der Rundfunkgebührenzahler, einer von denen, die den öffentlich rechtlichen Sendern jährlich fast acht Milliarden zahlen müssen. Im gesetzlichen Programm-Auftrag der Sender ist AUSGEWOGENHEIT festgelegt, doch im Ukraine-Fall waren Sie so einseitig wie möglich. Die Würde des Menschen, steht im selben Auftrag, sei zu schützen, Sie haben sich aber mit den Verbrechern des RECHTEN SEKTORS gemein gemacht.

04.10.2014 - 21:36 [ PressTV ]

Debate: US’s dubious mission in Syria

Press TV has conducted an interview with Pepe Escobar, journalist and political analyst, from Tehran and Daniel Pipes, president of Middle East Forum, from Philadelphia in this edition of The Debate to ask them about the real intention of the United States in Syria.

04.10.2014 - 20:11 [ Truthout ]

Twelve Years Before ERT‘s Shutdown, a Dark Chapter in Greece‘s Media History

This is the third in a series of articles that will chronicle the long history of corruption, lawlessness, and censorship in Greece‘s media and journalism landscapes. This is a situation that has worsened in recent years in the midst of the country‘s severe economic crisis, but which has a deeply-rooted history in the political landscape of Greece. Part Three follows below, while the remaining articles in this series, which will cover aspects such as blogging and the internet, social media, journalism and news reporting, economic corruption, and the shutdown of national public broadcaster ERT, will be published in Truthout in the coming weeks.

04.10.2014 - 20:10 [ Radio Utopie ]

Athen: von Polizei geräumter griechischer Staatsfunk ERT sendet von Strasse

(9.11.2013) Im Juni 2013 schaltete die griechische Regierung ihrem eigenen staatlichen Fernsehsender ERT das Signal ab, nachdem die entlassenen Mitarbeiter sich weigerten, die Schliessung des Studios hinzunehmen und das Gebäude besetzt hielten.

04.10.2014 - 19:37 [ Rettet den Regenwald e.V. ]

Stoppt CETA! Stoppt Waldvernichtung für Öl!

Es ist das dreckigste Erdöl der Welt: Für Öl aus Teersand werden in Kanada riesige Flächen verwüstet und Flüsse vergiftet. Bald können Konzerne den Treibstoff ungehindert nach Europa exportieren, weil die EU das Freihandelsabkommen CETA ausgehandelt hat. Die Bundesregierung darf den Vertrag nicht unterschreiben.

04.10.2014 - 18:01 [ Bandcamp ]

The Unknown Citizens by Grorr

Based on the poem by W.H. Auden, « the unknown citizens » relates the fates of three ordinary citizens. Auden writes « Were they free? Were they happy? The question is absurd; if something was wrong, we would have known for sure ». The album takes a closer look at that question.
Via got-djent.com

04.10.2014 - 17:07 [ Google Play ]

NARU – die Nachrichtenagentur

NARU steht für Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie. Wir filtern für Euch aus der täglich wachsenden Boulevard- und Informationsflut die Nachrichten heraus, die wir einzeln oder im Zusammenhang als förderlich für Allgemeinbildung, Hintergrundwissen, politische Willensbildung und zur Einschätzung der aktuellen Situation in der Welt(Politik) erachten und verlinken auf diese Quellen.

04.10.2014 - 16:17 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wollt Ihr die Totale Weltordnung?

Der Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen ignoriert das Völkerrecht und bricht es. Gleichzeitig beruft er sich darauf und spielt sich als Weltpolitbüro auf, das über der Verfassung von souveränen Republiken wie der unseren steht.

Ein verzweifelter Versuch des Imperialismus, bereits seit geraumer Zeit auf der Flucht die Treppe hoch in der Welthierarchie, durch ein Ausweichen auf die höchste Ebene der Weltpolitik den sich anbahnenden fundamentalen Zusammenbruch seiner imperialen “Machtarchitektur” und seines zu deren Sicherheit begonnenen dreizehnjährigen Terrorkrieges noch aufzuhalten.

Der nächste Schritt wird der Versuch sein, über “Freihandelsabkommen” wie dem “Transatlantischen Freihandelsabkommen” T.T.I.P. die Weltpolitik selbst aufzulösen, samt der Staaten und ihrer Rechtsordnungen auf dem Planeten.

Dabei spielt die “Europäische Union” eine Schlüsselrolle. Und in ihrem Berliner Machtzentrum dessen schlecht getarnter Steigbügelhalter von Kapitalismus und Imperialismus: die sogenannte “Linke”.

Eine kleine Analyse.

04.10.2014 - 16:14 [ New Yorker ]

Holder’s Disappointing Tech Legacy

Holder was in charge during what will be remembered as one of the most depressing periods in recent memory in terms of the government’s disregard for digital rights. His legacy is marred by invasions of electronic privacy and prosecutions of nonviolent hackers. It is a sour disappointment, especially from an Administration that originally promised so much more.

04.10.2014 - 16:05 [ trend.az ]

Italian ambassador takes office in Turkmenistan

Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Italy’s Ambassador Marco Mancini Oct. 3.

Mancini arrived in Ashgabat to present his credentials, according to national TV channel ‘Turkmenistan’.

04.10.2014 - 14:31 [ Guardian ]

Judge orders Guantánamo Bay force-feeding videos to be released

A US federal judge has ordered the disclosure of videotapes that show the force feeding of an inmate on hunger strike at the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

Days before the first legal challenge to the force feeding was due to begin, Judge Gladys Kessler of the Washington DC district court on Friday ordered the US government to prepare public versions of 28 videos showing a Syrian detainee, Abu Wa’el Dhiab, forcibly removed from his cell and fed through a tube inserted through his nose into his stomach.

04.10.2014 - 12:39 [ Syria TV ]

President al-Assad receives congratulations on Eid al-Adha

Al-Ma’rawi congratulated the President on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, which honors the willingness of Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his promised son Ishmael as an act of submission to God’s command, before God then intervened to provide Abraham with a lamb to sacrifice instead.

President al-Assad also received congratulations from Minister of Justice Najm Hamad al-Ahmad, Minister of Awqaf (Religious Endowments) Mohammad Abdul-Sattar al-Sayyed and Grand Mufti of the Republic Ahmad Badr-Eddin Hassoun.

04.10.2014 - 12:06 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Staatstrauer in Venezuela nach Mord an Politiker

Das Präsidialamt Venezuelas hat wegen der Ermordung des PSUV-Abgeordneten Robert Serra und dessen Lebensgefährtin María Herrera eine dreitägige Staatstrauer angeordnet. Der Doppelmord ereignete sich am Mittwochabend in der Wohnung der Opfer im Stadtteil La Pastora der Hauptstadt des südamerikanischen Landes.

04.10.2014 - 11:35 [ The Rainforest Site ]

Humans Aren’t the Only Animals with Language — Learn All About How Cotton-Top Tamarins Communicate!

Primate specialists have determined that cotton-top tamarins, which are fluffy little monkeys native to Colombia, are able to use various combinations of chirps and whistles to communicate sophisticated, grammatically structured messages to each other!

By varying pitch, frequency, and combinations of calls, cotton-top tamarins are able to send out warnings, announce their location, signal the presence of food, and much, much more.

Find out more about the incredible language of the cotton-top tamarin in the video below!

04.10.2014 - 06:44 [ Dennis J. Kucinich / Huffington Post ]

The Real Reason We Are Bombing Syria

(23. September) The fact can‘t be refuted: ISIS was born of Western intervention in Iraq and covert action in Syria.

This Frankenstein-like experiment of arming the alleged freedom-seeking Syrian opposition created the monster that roams the region. ISIS and the U.S. have a curious relationship — mortal enemies that, at the same time, benefit from some of the same events:

a) Ousting former Iraqi President Nouri al Maliki for his refusal to consent to the continued presence of U.S. troops in his country.

b) Regime change in Syria.

c) Arming the Kurds so they can separate from Iraq, a preliminary move to partitioning Iraq.

04.10.2014 - 06:43 [ trend.az ]

Turkey, US discuss safe no-fly zone

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden discussed the terrorist activities of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant both in Syria and Iraq in a phone conversation Friday evening, Turkish presidential sources said.

04.10.2014 - 06:42 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Read the genocidal sermon a notable Atlanta rabbi gave this Rosh Hashanah

Last Thursday Rabbi Shalom Lewis of Congregation Etz Chaim in the Atlanta suburb of Marietta, Georgia gave what can only be understood as a call to genocide in his Rosh Hashanah sermon to welcome in the Jewish new year. The sermon, republished in full below, calls for a war on Islam and Muslims worldwide. Lewis says a “holy crusade” against Islam is needed to”exterminate it utterly and absolutely.”

04.10.2014 - 06:41 [ Techdirt ]

The NSA‘s Clearance Rack Goes Public, Offering An Assortment Of Declassified Patents For Use In The Private Sector

All the money being poured into the NSA (under the cover of darkness) over the past several years is paying off. Taxpayers who helped fund the NSA‘s programs have the opportunity to pay even more money for the privilege of licensing the non-classified fruits of the agency‘s labor.

04.10.2014 - 06:33 [ Ansa ]

Renzi says danger in status quo, urges revamp of EU

Renzi has been pressing hard for a relaxation of the EU‘s budget rules, particularly the 3% limit, in terms of spending on investments like infrastructure.
He expressed solidarity with the government of France, which announced this week it would not meet the 3% limit until 2017 and would not impose austerity measures on its public to speed things up.

04.10.2014 - 06:30 [ Techdirt ]

CIA Inspector General Can‘t Find A Single Example Of CIA Overclassification

A few days ago, we wrote about the CIA redacting information regarding the price it paid for a single Amiga computer back in 1987. After such news reports came out, the CIA admitted that this was an error and shouldn‘t have been redacted. Of course, the only reason the documents with that information came out in the first place was because of the efforts of former CIA agent Jeffrey Scudder, who had come across a bunch of classified documents internally that he realized should no longer be classified. Based on that, he filed a FOIA request for those documents — leading the FBI to come after him and end his CIA career (despite his actions being entirely legal).

04.10.2014 - 04:24 [ Propagandaschau ]

Transatlantische PR-Agitatoren trommeln für TTIP

Wir greifen das Thema an dieser Stelle deshalb auf, weil es kürzlich in der Washington Post einen interessanten Einblick in die Motivation dieser Schreiberlinge gab. So berichtete die Post über einen Tweet der US-Botschaft, in dem die Botschaft bezahlte Propagandisten Pro-TTIP suchte, die sich über die negative Berichterstattung ärgern würden und sich 5.000-20.000$ dazu verdienen wollten:

04.10.2014 - 04:02 [ interfax ]

Self-proclaimed Donetsk People‘s Republic claims all airport terminals under control (Part 2)

„All the terminals are under our control, and a DPR flag has been raised over one of them, although mopping up is still continuing,“ a member of the DPR Defense Ministry headquarters told Interfax.
He acknowledged, however, that it is too early to talk about full control of the entire airport territory.
„There is a lot to fight for there. Preliminary findings indicate that enemy forces could be in underground installations there,“ he said.

04.10.2014 - 00:37 [ Middle East Eye ]

Maliki slams Turkey troop authorisation as Islamic State rolledback in Iraq

Former Iraqi Prime Minister and current Vice President Nuri al-Maliki has slammed Turkey’s authorisation of ground troops in Syria and Iraq,

Maliki, who stepped aside as PM in August following mounting US pressure, issued a statement on Friday dubbing Turkey’s decision “unjustified” and calling on the Iraqi parliament to reject the notion of having foreign troops on Iraqi soil.

04.10.2014 - 00:33 [ ICBUW Deutschland ]

Aktionswochenende gegen Uranwaffen, 3.-4. Oktober

Uranwaffen und die Bundeswehr: Frieder Wagner (Filmemacher), Prof. Peter Horn (Uni München), Prof. Viktor Meineke (Sanitätsakademie der Bundeswehr)
Die Bundeswehr besitzt keine Uranwaffen und setzt sie auch nicht ein. Dennoch ist von DU-Opfern innerhalb der Bundeswehr die Rede, gibt diese Vorsichtsregeln für den Umgang mit DU-Munition heraus. Wie ist die Lage tatsächlich?

Die Katastrophe von Remscheid: Veronika Wolf (BUND Remscheid, Bürgerinitiative Absturz)
Am 8.12.1988 stürzte eine amerikanische A 10 in ein Wohngebiet der Stadt – mit dramatischen Folgen für die Bevölkerung. Neben den sieben unmittelbaren Opfern starben in der Folgezeit viele Menschen an Krebs. Eine Bürgerinitiative kämpft immer noch um eine umfassende Aufklärung.