Daily Archives: 15. September 2014

15.09.2014 - 23:56 [ OPENmedia.ca ]

You can’t spell ‘Wind’ without ‘Win’ – Everyday Canadians have done it again.

Canada, you did it again. Because over 70,000 mobile phone and Internet users just like you helped sustain a multi-year campaign to Demand Choice in our wireless market, we are now on our way to a fourth national mobile carrier.

15.09.2014 - 23:55 [ The Globe and Mail ]

Consortium of investors to buy Wind Mobile

Wind Mobile is poised to announce a deal that will give it the financial backing it needs to become a viable fourth player in Canada’s wireless industry.

The company’s Canadian founder is set to buy out Wind’s foreign owner and recapitalize the wireless carrier with the backing of several financial players, according to sources familiar with the matter.

15.09.2014 - 20:49 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Kuba: US-Blockade ist zum Finanzkrieg geworden

Nach Angaben des stellvertretenden kubanischen Außenministers Abelardo Moreno richtet die Blockade der USA gegen Kuba immer größere Schäden an. Sie sei zu einem „Finanzkrieg“ geworden, sagte Moreno, als er der Presse den Bericht über die Resolution 68/8 an die UNO-Generalversammlung vorlegte, in der ein Ende der US-Strafmaßnahmen gefordert wird.

15.09.2014 - 20:47 [ Truthout ]

Cuba Provides Health Care to Everyone Instead of Spending Trillions on War

But in Cuba, it’s different. In Cuba, people are more important than profits. Instead of investing in bombs, Cuba invests in: 1) education, including medical training; and 2) decent housing and food for all Cubans: although Cuba is a poor country, no one is starving and no one is homeless.

15.09.2014 - 20:39 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Comcast Denies Allegations of Tor Crackdown: Users Should Continue to Report any Non-Neutral Activity

The Tor Project offers a web browser that allows anyone to use the Internet while obfuscating the location of the user, and keeping traffic encrypted and secure en route, thus enabling a level of anonymity. Tor is highly popular in countries with pervasive Internet censorship and surveillance, allowing users to circumvent government firewalls while hiding the origin of their traffic.

What’s more, the browser is a staple for journalists, activists, people in witness protection programs, and everyday users who are safer and more confident online with the level of anonymity Tor provides. In fact, at EFF we encourage the use of Tor and hope that people continue to set up relays to help make the network more robust.

15.09.2014 - 20:28 [ Radio Utopie ]

U.N.O. Resolution 350 aus 1974 steht dem Plan zur Zerschlagung Syriens im Weg

(30.August 2014) Die grössten Profiteure des Abzugs der seit vierzig Jahren stationierten U.N.O.-Truppen auf den strategisch bedeutenden und an Rohstoffen reichen Gebieten der Golanhöhen an der Grenze zu Syrien sind Israel, die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Saudi-Arabien, Katar und alle weiteren Staaten, Regierungen und Wirtschaftsstrategen, die von einer Zerschlagung Syriens in mehrere Teile profitieren.

15.09.2014 - 19:20 [ Radio Utopie ]

Hannibal ad Portas

DER LETZTE Krieg ist beendet worden, der nächste hat noch nicht angefangen, nützen wir also die Zeit, um über andere Dinge zu sprechen.

Von Hannibal zum Beispiel. Hannibal? Der Mann mit den Elefanten?

Ja , genau der.

15.09.2014 - 18:45 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

UN withdraws a number of its members working in Syria Golan

The UN announced Monday it has withdrawn a number of the UNDOF members working in the Syrian Golan from several posts in the region.

AP quoted Farhan Haq, the deputy official speaker of UN as saying “In light of the deteriorating situation in the region, we have evacuated a number of sites,” adding he doesn’t believe that all sites have been evacuated.

15.09.2014 - 18:35 [ Golem ]

Mailprovider werfen Verlage aus ihren Suchmaschinen

Der Streit um das Leistungsschutzrecht führt zu weiteren Konsequenzen für Suchangebote im Netz. Über die Internetsuche von T-Online, GMX und Web.de finden sich keine Artikel von Verlagen mehr, die über die VG Media Zahlungen bei den genannten Providern eingefordert haben. Wie der Medienjournalist Stefan Niggemeier berichtete, wurden die Verlage, darunter Axel Springer, Burda, Funke, DuMont und Madsack, bereits zum 1. August 2014 ausgelistet. Die VG Media hatte im Juni bestätigt, nicht nur Google, sondern auch weitere Betreiber von Suchmaschinen wie Microsoft (Bing), Yahoo, die Deutsche Telekom und 1&1 zur Kasse zu bitten.

15.09.2014 - 18:25 [ Techdirt ]

Snowden & Greenwald Reveal PM John Key Lied About Kiwi Mass Surveillance; Key Hits Back By Calling Greenwald ‚A Loser‘

Over the weekend, Glenn Greenwald made it clear that he was going to reveal evidence of domestic mass surveillance on New Zealanders by the GCSB (the Kiwi version of the NSA). The plan was to reveal it at a political event organized by Kim Dotcom. Before Greenwald even had the chance, New Zealand Prime Minister John Key tried to preempt the story by claiming that the country had considered such options, but never actually went through with it. He also used the opportunity to toss out random ad hominem insults at Greenwald, because that‘s always convincing.

15.09.2014 - 18:24 [ Open Media ]

Stop the Internet Slowdown

Big Telecom conglomerates are about to force many of your favourite websites into an Internet slow lane, making them buffer sporadically, and return errors.

The clock is ticking: Key decision-makers are about to make a landmark ruling on this Internet slowdown3 – we have until midnight on September 15th to get on the official public record.

15.09.2014 - 18:23 [ Techdirt ]

CIA‘s John Brennan Refuses To Tell Senate Who Okayed Spying On The Senate

As you may recall, over the past few months, there‘s been a rather big story brewing, concerning how the CIA spied on Senate staffers. Specifically, after having explicitly promised not to do so, the CIA snooped on a private network of Senate staffers who were putting together the giant $40 million report on the CIA‘s torture program. The CIA tried to spin the story, claiming that they only spied on that network after realizing that those staffers had a document that the CIA thought it had not handed over to the staffers (they had), believing that perhaps there had been a security breach. However, when read carefully, the CIA‘s spin actually confirmed the original story: the CIA, against basically all of its mandates and the basic concept of the Constitutional separation of powers, had spied on the Senate. While both the Senate and the CIA asked the DOJ to investigate, eventually the DOJ said the matter was closed and there would be no prosecutions.

15.09.2014 - 18:22 [ CBS ]

Rand Paul: Obama‘s request to arm rebels in ISIS fight „a mistake“

„They‘re the weakest fighting force there,“ Paul said of the moderate Syrian rebels, pointing to a non-aggression pact with ISIS they reached last week. „Most of the arms we‘ve given to the so-called moderate rebels have wound up in the hands of ISIS because ISIS simply takes it from them, or is given them, or we mistakenly actually give it to some of the radicals. So the intervention in Syria has created a safe haven for ISIS and has made our problem much more difficult.“

15.09.2014 - 14:55 [ Heise ]

„Team Telecom“

(10. Juli 2013) Das Abkommen legt unter anderem fest, dass die Firma ein „Network Operations Center“ in den USA unterhalten muss, zu dem US-Beamte ständigen Zutritt haben. Anfragen müssen von Angestellten gehandhabt werden, die eine Sicherheitsüberprüfung bestanden haben und zur Geheimhaltung verpflichtet wurden.

15.09.2014 - 14:44 [ Mondo Weiss ]

US Congressman Danny Davis calls for lifting the blockade of Gaza

US Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) has called for a lifting of the blockade against Gaza. In a September 8th letter to the Chicago Sun Times, one of the City’s two major daily newspapers, Davis urged an end to the blockade on humanitarian and strategic grounds. Congressman Davis now joins the only two other members of Congress, Rep. Keith Ellison and Rep. Barbara Lee, who have spoken out against the blockade.

15.09.2014 - 14:44 [ trend.az ]

U.S. deceives public opinion by raising anti-IS coalition

Iran‘s Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Mohsen Pak Ayeen says that the anti-IS (Islamic State or ISIL) coalition purposefully deceives the world’s public opinion.
Pak Ayeen accused the U.S. of supporting the IS in an interview to Trend on Sept. 15, saying “the Congress of the United States already had approved several financial aids to ISIL and other Takfiri groups.”

15.09.2014 - 14:43 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Life after a massacre: The story of Ahmed and Mahmoud

“That day is carved in my memory; I relive the scene every day. Me lying on the street unable to move, smeared with blood, conquered with shock and fear, surrounded by wires and dead and dying bodies, I could only hear screams and the thunderous sound of bombs.” Ahmed said with a choked voice while sitting in a wheelchair in AlQuds hospital in Gaza.

15.09.2014 - 12:32 [ Süddeutsche ]

„Das ist vom Grundgesetz nicht gedeckt“

(4.September) Der frühere Verfassungsgerichtspräsident Hans-Jürgen Papier sagt, dass der BND, der für die Spionage im Ausland zuständig ist, nicht beliebig Ausländer abhören darf. Der Bundesregierung wirft er vor, seit 15 Jahren ein entsprechendes Karlsruher Urteil zu ignorieren.

15.09.2014 - 12:25 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Mikdad: Alliances that exclude Syria, China, and Russia may have certain agendas

He said that talk of an independent Saudi role is a joke, because Saudi Arabia is subservient to the United States and its only role is to implement policies and pay money.

Mikdad stressed that the battle which Syria has been waging for three years is all about the refusal of President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian people to accept any interference or violation of Syria’s sovereignty.

15.09.2014 - 12:24 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Syria holds Qatar responsible for terrorists’ attacks against UNDOF personnel

In a statement, which SANA got a copy of, the Foreign Ministry source added that Syria, “which has always asserted its respect of the UN mission as part of its international obligations, noticed that the two abduction cases which the Filipino battalion faced for the first time a year ago, and recently the Fijian force, were carried out with the direct complicity and incitement of Qatar.”

The source stressed that Qatar has ties with Jabhat al-Nusra- an offshoot of al-Qaeda- in terms of funding and arming the terrorist organization, ties, the source said, “are no longer unknown to the UN and the international community.”

“While stressing that the kidnapping of UNDOF personnel is an unforgivable crime, Syria affirms that Jabhat al-Nusra criminals wouldn’t have been able to commit such acts had they not been directly emboldened by Qatar as it has showed willingness to spend millions of dollars under the pretext of it making efforts to release the abducted UN personnel,” the source added.

15.09.2014 - 12:11 [ Ceiberweiber ]

Der Pseudo-Kampf gegen den Terror

Weder Regierungen wie die österreichische noch heimische Medien kommen auf die Idee, das Grundübel anzugehen: dass die USA Terror kreiern, instrumentalisieren, anleiten, um andere Regierungen zu stürzen und zugleich einen Vorwand für Interventionen zu haben. Darauf weist auch Gladio-Experte Daniele Ganser im als Video eingebundenen Ausschnitt aus einer Talkshow hin. Ganser sagt, dass Obama jüngst in einer Rede angekündigt hat, die territoriale Integrität Syriens offen zu verletzen. Nach dem Motto „ihr seid ja auch gegen den IS-Terror, wir bombardieren die Terroristen bei euch“, ohne Mandat des UN-Sicherheitsrates, ohne Syrien zu fragen.

15.09.2014 - 12:07 [ Daniele Watts / Facebook ]

Today I was handcuffed and detained by 2 police officers from the Studio City Police Department after refusing to agree that I had done something wrong by showing affection, fully clothed, in a public place.

As I was sitting in the back of the police car, I remembered the countless times my father came home frustrated or humiliated by the cops when he had done nothing wrong. I felt his shame, his anger, and my own feelings of frustration for existing in a world where I have allowed myself to believe that “authority figures” could control my BEING… my ability to BE!!!!!!!

I was sitting in that back of this cop car, filled with adrenaline, my wrist bleeding in pain, and it occurred to me, that even there, I STILL HAD POWER OVER MY OWN SPIRIT.

Those cops could not stop me from expressing myself. They could not stop the cathartic tears and rage from flowing out of me. They could not force me to feel bad about myself. Yes, they had control over my physical body, but not my emotions. My feelings. My spirit was, and still is FREE.

15.09.2014 - 12:06 [ Serienjunkies ]

Partners: Daniele Watts unrechtmäßig verhaftet

Am vergangenen Wochenende musste die US-Schauspielerin Daniele Watts die rassistischen Vorurteile der US-amerikanischen Exekutive am eigenen Leib erfahren. Bei einem Date mit ihrem Freund, dem Koch Brian James Lucas, am Sonntagabend in Los Angeles, wurde die „Partners“-Darstellerin kurzzeitig verhaftet. Denn die Polizei nahm an, da James weiß ist, dass sie eine Prostituierte sei.

15.09.2014 - 12:06 [ US Magazine ]

Django Unchained Star Daniele Watts Handcuffed on Suspicion of Prostitution After Kissing Her White Husband: Report

UPDATE: The Los Angeles Police Department released a report on Sunday, Sept. 14. It reads:

On Thursday September 11, 2014, around 3:01 p.m., patrol officers from North Hollywood Division along with a patrol sergeant responded to a radio call of indecent exposure in the 11900 block of Ventura Boulevard. The citizen who called the police to complain told the 9-1-1 operator that a male and a female were involved in indecent exposure inside a Silver Mercedes with the vehicle door open.

15.09.2014 - 11:18 [ Ceiberweiber ]

EU-Staaten als US-Vasallen

Am Beispiel der Zustände in Österreich zeige ich, was in ähnlicher Form auch für andere Staaten gilt, und was man in einem verglichen etwa mit Deutschland kleinen Land aufgrund der geringeren Zahl an Akteuren gut analysieren kann. Freilich werden auch in der deutschen Debatte letztlich stets dieselben Namen genannt – an Politikern, an Journalisten, an Talkshowgästen, die alle zusammen suggerieren, dass es nur eine Sichtweise geben könnte. Schliesslich wirken Aussagen ja austauschbar – es macht daher wenig Unterschied, ob wir einem Politiker aus Deutschland oder aus Österreich zuhören oder wo der Kommentar erschienen ist, der exakt zu politischen Statements passt; ebenso verhält es sich mit handverlesenen Experten.

15.09.2014 - 11:17 [ Willy Wimmer / Freitag ]

Stunde der Hardliner

Dem Kölner wird eine besondere Nähe zum Herrgott nachgesagt. Damit sich daraus keine Unannehmlichkeiten ergeben, relativiert er diese Mutmaßung und folgt dem Gebot, Heilige nicht anzubeten, die „keine Wunder tun“. Ein ähnliches Verhalten empfiehlt sich gegenüber der NATO.

15.09.2014 - 11:10 [ Bundeswehr ]

Unterstützung der Regierung der Autonomen Region Irakisch-Kurdistan bei der Versorgung der Flüchtlinge und beim Kampf gegen den Islamischen Staat im Nordirak

Das Einweisungspersonal sind im Kern Soldaten des Fallschirmjägerbataillons 261 aus Lebach. Die Lebacher bekommen Unterstützung von den Luftlandepionieren aus Saarlouis (Luftlandpionierkompanie 260) und Luftlandeunterstützern aus Merzig (Luftlandunterstützungsbataillon 262).