As part of our Open Wireless Movement, we set out to create router software that would make it easier for people to safely and smartly share part of their wireless network. Protecting hosts, so their security is not compromised because they offer open networks, is one of the goals of the router software we released. However, as research published by Independent Security Evaluators (ISE) and others has shown, almost every popular home router has serious security flaws.
Daily Archives: 4. August 2014
Tor on Campus, Part II: Icebreakers and Risk Mitigation Strategies
In part one of this blogpost, we discuss why it makes good sense to contribute to the Tor project on university campuses, and we offer some examples of students who have been able to set up relays or exit nodes in recent years.
Tor on Campus, Part I: It’s Been Done Before and Should Happen Again
German newspapers recently reported that the NSA targets people who research privacy and anonymity tools online—for instance by searching for information about Tor and Tails—for deeper surveillance. But today, researching something online is the near equivalent to thinking out loud. By ramping up surveillance on people simply for reading about security, freedom of expression easily collapses into self-censorship; speech is chilled; people may become afraid to research and learn.
A university president gave up $90,000 to give his minimum wage workers a raise
The lowest paid workers on campus currently make $7.25 per hour, the federal minimum wage. They‘ll now make $10.25 per hour, an increase that will stay in effect even after the university hires a new full-time president.
House Whip Sends Bible To Every Hill Office For ‚Decision-Making‘ Guidance
Lynn said in response to Palazzo‘s letter. „When it comes to religion, our nation is pluralistic and diverse. Rather than look to the Bible or any other religious book to craft our nation‘s public policy, we would do well to examine another source instead, one that was actually created to guide governance.
It‘s called the Constitution.“
In Fatal Flash, Gaza Psychologist Switches Roles, Turning Into a Trauma Victim
“You are,” he said, “like a prison doctor treating a victim of torture, making the prisoner healthy to be interrogated and tortured again.”
Mexico: Electoral Reform Threatens the Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples
At the end of May, Mexico’s National Congress approved a political-electoral reform that will organize federal and local elections for the year 2015. Such a reform represents a step backward for indigenous towns in Mexico because it does not consider the way in which they elect authorities through their own system of „uses and customs“ legitimate.
Video: Norman Finkelstein & 25 Others Arrested at Israeli U.N. Mission Protesting Gaza Assault
In New York City, a group of demonstrators blocked traffic by laying down in the streets outside Israel’s Mission to the United Nations on Tuesday. Twenty-six people were arrested after refusing police orders to disperse. The action was organized by the author and scholar Norman Finkelstein.
Henry Siegman, Leading Voice of U.S. Jewry, on Gaza: „A Slaughter of Innocents“
Born in Germany three years before the Nazis came to power in 1933, Siegman’s family eventually moved to the United States. His father was a leader of the European Zionist movement that pushed for the creation of a Jewish state
“Man fühlt sich sich an die Lobeshymnen im Märchen ´Des Kaisers neue Kleider´ erinnert”
Die Rede von Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jörg Jäkel, Gruppe Nordlichter, heute auf der 232. Montagsdemo der Bürgerbewegung gegen das urbane und regionale Umbauprogramm “Stuttgart 21″ (S21).
Tag der Mobilmachung
(1. August 2014) Es wirkt wie grausamer Hohn, daß Wilhelm II., dem selbst die radikalsten Gegner der Monarchie bezeugen, daß er ehrlich den Frieden der Völker so sehr gewollt hat, daß ihm von anderer alldeutscher patriotischer Seite der Vorwurf der Zaghaftigkeit – um es gering auszudrücken – nicht erspart worden ist, im sechsundzwanzigsten Jahr seiner Regierung das deutsche Volk zu den Waffen rufen muß, zu den Waffen in einem Kriege, der, keine Spitzfindigkeit der Welt kann es wegdisputieren, ein reiner Verteidigungskrieg ist, denn es gibt keinen Staat in Europa, dessen Friedensliebe so echt und so bewahrt ist wie des Deutschen Reiches.
Israel, your brand is tanking
Over the last day or so there have been more and more signs that Israel’s image is tanking due its latest massacres in Gaza.
Dear Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Al Franken,
Bernie, I have had a strong connection with Vermont since my college crowd founded a hippy farm in Vermont. They are still there, pillars of their communities now, some grandparents, and all of them supporters of yours. I will be talking to them about how you have compromised every principle that you say guides you, how you failed to reject the disgusting AIPAC and its resolution calling this Israeli barbarism “self-defense.”
President Obama Claims CIA Torture Was Okay Because People Were Scared And The CIA Is A ‚Tough Job‘
On Friday, we wrote briefly about President Obama‘s „admission“ that „we tortured some folks.“ At the time I was going off of the press reports of the conference, but now that I‘ve read the full transcript of his statement, it‘s much worse than just that brief comment. Here‘s the relevant portion:
Elie Wiesel plays the Holocaust trump card in Gaza
Call if cognitive dissonance – using Jewish suffering as a rallying call while Jews causing suffering to others in the name of that suffering is too confusing for most folks. Say the Holocaust and people think Gaza. It isn’t a comparison. It’s a deep revulsion to violence in the name of innocents suffering.
@RepSteveIsrael Some Bosnian Serb politician, circa 1994: „Why isn‘t anyone talking about Rwanda!!“ Is that really the best you‘ve got?
To those who send me angry tweets about my supporting Israel in Gaza, where‘s your anguish @ deaths of 170k Syrian civilians? Why silent?
8 US Congresspeople who voted NO on Israel
The four Democrats were Keith Ellison (MN-05), Zoe Lofgren (CA-19), Jim Moran (VA-08, and Beto O‘Rourke (TX-16).
The four Republicans are Justin Amash (MI-03), Walter Jones (NC-03), Tom Massie (KY-04), and Mark Sanford (SC-01).“
Ken Loach slams BBC coverage of Israel‘s war on Palestine at broadcaster‘s Bristol HQ
Celebrated film-maker claims many BBC staff embarrassed by their employer‘s pro-Israeli bias
Millions of people‘s personal details, including income, qualifications and energy use could be shared across Whitehall
Millions of people could have details of their income, benefits, qualifications, criminal past and even energy use shared between government departments, under radical plans being drawn up in Whitehall.
Ministers claim the plan could prevent fraud, cut energy bills and save families money.
But it risks reigniting the debate about privacy and what the state knows about everyone in the country.
Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza and ‚the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip…
Moshe Feiglin is Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset
Devil’s Game: How the U.S. Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam
The great historianScreen Shot 2014-08-03 at 11.10.28 PM Robert Dreyfuss’ latest book, “Devil’s Game,” is about the fallacy of our foreign policy, how we precipitate hatred, misunderstood the radical Islamists, and how it’s partially our fault. It’s a very interesting book.
Doppelbild-Rätsel: „Krone“ verwendet Kriegsfoto
Da es derzeit anscheinend nicht genügend Kriegsschauplätze gibt, musste ein Foto aus Afghanistan herhalten, aufgenommen wurde es im August 2013. Die „Krone“ hat fünf Fehler „eingebaut“, verändert wurde beispielsweise der Gewehrkolben eines Soldaten.
Student group participates in ‚Texas Stands with Gaza‘ protest
Students on both sides of the issue said that UT students should be proactively educating themselves on the conflict.
Standing up for tolerance on Tisha Be‘av
The Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance is trying to act responsibly in the face of threats; the complicated social fabric of Jerusalem will not be torn apart by brotherly hatred.
Tisha‘a BeAv, a jewish day of fast commemorating the destruction of the temple. Expect massive vandalism of Pal‘ property in E.Jerusalem.
A right-wing march will take place tonight in east Jerusalem to mark Tisha beAv
Israel’s Coming “Civil War”: The Haredi Jews Confront the Militarized Secular Zionist State
(21. Februar 2013) Via the mass media and public pronouncements Zionist politicians and the state incite Israeli hatred against the Haredim: A study in 2006 claimed that over a third of Israeli Jews identified the Haredim as the most unpopular group in Israel .
The Haredim, on the other hand, have reason to fear and loath the secular militarist Zionist state and politicians: They claim that after World War II in the Zionist-controlled relocation camps for refugee Jewish children in Teheran, the Jewish Agency imposed Zionist ideology and militarist anti-religious policies in order to cut Haredim children off from their spiritual roots. According to one Haredim report many religious Jewish youth from Poland , mostly survivors of the Holocaust and Soviet Russia, were subjected to “unimaginable mental and physical cruelty with one goal in mind: (the) obliteration of Judaism”.
Israelische Siedler warnen vor Bürgerkrieg
(13.09.2004) Zehntausende Israelis haben am Sonntagabend in West-Jerusalem gegen die Regierungspläne zum Abzug aus einigen ihrer Siedlungen in den besetzten Palästinensergebieten demonstriert. Repräsentanten der rechten Bewegung riefen die israelischen Soldaten dazu auf, Befehle zur Evakuierung von Siedlungen zu verweigern und kündigten bewaffnete Gegenwehr an. Eine Drohung, die in Israel angesichts einiger extrem-radikaler Siedlergruppen niemand auf die leichte Schulter nimmt. Bereits auf der sonntäglichen Kabinettssitzung wandte sich Ministerpräsident Ariel Scharon gegen die „Hetzkampagne, mit ihren absichtlichen Aufrufen zum Bürgerkrieg“.
A 35-year-old Israeli ultra-orthodox civilians has died of the wounds he sustained in the bulldozer attack in Jerusalem.
The night it became dangerous to demonstrate in Tel Aviv
(13. Juli) I have to say this clearly: it is not just these fascists, Eliassi and his people, or those carrying Liberman’s posters and the rest of the thugs. It comes from the top. It comes from a government which serially incites against Arabs and the Left. It comes from MK Yariv Levin sitting in the Channel 10 News studio, boldly lying about the Gaza siege policy, and refusing to allow Ran Cohen from Physicians for Human Rights to talk, calling him a liar, saying Channel 10 was derelict in its duty when it allows the government to be criticized on the air – criticism which was entirely hard, dry facts. It comes from policemen, who are quite adept at attacking Left-wing demonstrations, or ultra-Orthodox ones, and of course Arab ones – but somehow stand in silence in the face of fascists marching through the streets. And it comes from a prime minister who has been silent for weeks while masses flood the streets, attacking Arabs, swearing, humiliating, a whole population group feeling threatened and isolated, with nobody to turn to.
Clashes between Israelis over Gaza war
(20. Juli) The captain of a youth soccer team in Be‘er Sheva wrote on his facebook page Sunday „send left-wing voters to the gas chambers and clean this country of leftists,“ drawing outrage both over the use of Holocaust imagery and the violent nature of the statement, Israel‘s Channel 7 news reported.
In the center of Tel Aviv, hundreds of ant-war activists faced right-wing protesters, some affiliated with the radical, banned, Kach movement, who shouted at them „traitors“ and „go to Gaza.“
#Wikileaks-Dokumente: :#Israel manipuliert Wirtschaft in #Gaza
@BILD Tja, Kollegen. Wo isses denn, Euer Recht auf Vergessen? Ja wo isser denn, der „digitale Radiergummi“? ICH HAU EUCH AUF DIE SCHNAUZE!
Krieg im Heiligen Land | Israel dankt für deutsche Hilfe
Livni sagte mit Blick auf die Resolution des UN-Sicherheitsrates: „Wir entscheiden, wann der Krieg endet, nicht die Staatengemeinschaft.“ (…)
Steinmeier betonte zugleich: „Wir müssen geduldig an einem Waffenstillstand arbeiten.“
Einmischung zwecklos: Livni wird deutlich
Die israelische Außenministerin Zipi Livni hat ihrem Kollegen Frank-Walter Steinmeier für die deutsche Hilfe bei der besseren Absicherung der Grenze zum Gazastreifen gedankt. (…)
Steinmeier sagte: „Wir müssen geduldig an einem Waffenstillstand arbeiten.“
@BILD ändert Datum zu Livni-Steinmeier-Turtelei bei letztem Gaza-Massaker in Jan 2009. Zufall?
UNRWA-Sprecher: Israels Militär leugnet systematisch Kriegsverbrechen
(12. Januar 2009) In einem Live-Interview auf “Press TV” berichtete der Sprecher des UNO-Palästinenserhilfswerks UNRWA Christopher Gunnes von der Situation in Gaza. Er sprach von einer “flip-flop”-Kriegspropaganda der israelischen Militärs, welche beständig Kriegsverbrechen begingen und diese anschliessend leugneten.
Die Reihenfolge, so der UNO-Sprecher, sei immer gleich. Zuerst folge z.B. der Beschuss von UNO-Fahrzeugen und Gebäuden der UNRWA in Gaza durch Israels Militär.
Wenn das bekannt werde, so Gunnes, leugneten die Israelis zunächst alles. Dann erfänden sie neue Lügen, wie z.B. den Beschuss der eigenen Streitkräfte aus den UNO-Gebäuden. Würden diese wiederlegt, erfänden sie einfach neue, usw.
Jews of Conscience Call to End the Violence in Gaza
Rob Wohl an Organizer with #IfNotNow led the vigil with an opening statement addressed to the community center.“We are here to call on the DC Jewish Community Center to join our call to stop the war on Gaza, lift the siege, and forge a path of freedom and dignity for the people of Palestine.”
UNRWA Condemns Israeli Strike Next to UNRWA School Killing Civilians
(03. August) We vigorously condemn today’s Israeli strike and find it incomprehensible that such violence has happened again, only four days since we carried out dead and wounded civilians who had sought refuge in a UN installation. We again call on the Israeli authorities immediately to investigate this appalling incident in Rafah. We made two similar calls after the shelling incidents at our schools housing thousands of displaced people in Beit Hanoun and Jabalia, which caused multiple deaths and injuries. We fully expect the result of these three investigations to be transmitted to us.
„Was in #Gaza passiert, ist unmenschlich und unerträglich“ – Luxemburgs Außenminister Jean Asselborn bei MDR INFO
House Passes Three Bipartisan Cybersecurity Bills to Protect Critical Infrastructure
On July 28, 2014, the House of Representatives passed three bills aimed at enhancing the cybersecurity efforts of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in certain critical infrastructure sectors, including the energy sector: 1
H.R. 3696 – the National Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection Act (NCCIPA), the primary bill of the three, which passed by voice vote;
H.R. 2952 – the Critical Infrastructure Research and Development Act (CIRDA), a bill promoting cybersecurity research and development, which passed by voice vote and
H.R. 3107 – the Homeland Security Cybersecurity Boots-on-the-Ground Act, a bill seeking to bolster the cybersecurity workforce, which passed by a 395-8 vote.
House Passes Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Critical Infrastructure from Cyber Attack
Specifically, the House passed H.R. 3696, the National Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, introduced by Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Subcommittee Chairman Patrick Meehan (R-PA) and Subcommittee Ranking Member Yvette Clarke (D-NY). In addition, the House passed H.R. 2952, the Critical Infrastructure Research and Development Advancement Act, introduced by Subcommittee Chairman Meehan and H.R. 3107, the Homeland Security Cybersecurity Boots-on-the-Ground Act, introduced by Subcommittee Ranking Member Clarke.
DLF-Interview mit luxemburgischem Außenminister Jean Asselborn: „Das Gebiet wird zum Friedhof“ .. deutliche Worte #Gaza
Israel fühlt sich UNgeliebt
Israel hat erneut eine Schule der Vereinten Nationen im Gazastreifen bombardiert. Ban Ki Moon nennt das „Wahnsinn“. Das Verhältnis zwischen Israel und den UN droht noch schlechter zu werden.
Turkey abolishes tender results on issuance of biometric passports
Turkish Interior Minister Efkan Ala instructed to abolish the results of the tender for the issuance of biometric passports to Turkish citizens, which was previously won by the French „Gemalto“ company, according to the Turkish „Sabah“ newspaper.
Lebanese army advances in border area, finds 50 bodies
The Lebanese army has described the incursion as a planned attack carried out by Sunni radicals including the Islamic State, an al Qaeda offshoot that has seized large areas of territory in Iraq and Syria.
Palestinians accuse Israel of breaking truce
Ashraf al-Qudra, the Gaza Health Ministry spokesman, said 30 people, mostly women and children, were wounded in the strike on Monday on a house in Shati refugee camp.
An Israeli military spokeswoman told news agency Reuters she was checking the report.
Missile Strike at Al-Shati Refugee Camp Kills 10, Including 8 Children
(28. Juli) “I saw a massacre,” says one survivor, “There were heads off bodies, shoulders half torn, hands gone, chests opened.”
Roger Waters UN Address – Nov 29, 2012
Roger Waters, speaking on behalf of the Russell Tribunal, delivers a very nicely put speech in front of delegates on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. This day also marks an important development in the Palestinians‘ bid to statehood as they are now recognized as a non-member observer state. Hopefully the world sees both sides of the story and that both conflicting parties go into negotiations towards a two-state peaceful solution and put an end this long and dragged out conflict. Enough is enough!
Why are human beings so cruel? „Americans Against Israeli Violence“. #PeaceInTheMiddleEast #gaza
Good morning from #Gaza 1841killed 9370 injured On my way to the hospital , hope to arrive safely !! I‘ll try to tweet till I arrive
If you can handle it follow @DrBasselAbuward. He shared this: #Gaza child in ice cream fridge, no space in morgues.
Also nochmal: Wann kommt die neue USPD?
Nicht vergessen:die Contras von @dieLinke können leider nichts machen.Das konnten sie noch nie. Komisch, oder? … #Gaza