Here inside Israel, there‘s been also a growing antiwar movement amongst Israeli Jews, but, I mean, these are–relatively, these are almost marginal numbers. The first protests, there was 500 people, the next protest 1,000 people. On Saturday there‘s going to be a big protest, with 2,500 people, at least, attending. And so, every Saturday night it‘s been growing a little bit.
Daily Archives: 25. Juli 2014
Sharif Abdel Kouddous: Bombed in Their Homes and in the Streets, Where Can Gazans Flee?
SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: Amy, I’m just coming from the south of Gaza, from Khan Younis, where people are talking of a very brutal assault on southeastern Khan Younis, particularly in the area of Khuzaa. They say this was worse than Shejaiya, the Gaza City eastern town that was attacked on Sunday in the bloodiest day of the conflict. People say the attacks began Tuesday night, the Israeli military moving in, firing very heavily with shelling—shelling, F-16s and drone attacks.
I spoke to multiple residents who said they tried to get out beginning yesterday morning. They walked out; they found Israeli tanks blocking the main streets. One group said that the Israeli tanks started firing on them. They fled back to their homes. They had to leave the wounded behind. They spent a harrowing 24 hours trying to go from house to house. They said each house they went to was shelled. And they finally ended up walking out, holding white flags and their hands above their heads, only Wednesday morning.
Russia finds friend in China as world focuses on blame for Ukraine crash
Medcalf said Western powers should be wary of isolating Russia and China to the point that they developed the kind of alliance that divided the planet decades ago.
“The extreme scenario,” Medcalf said, is that “America is in a new cold war against China and Russia at the same time. . . . I don’t think we are there yet, but this is one of the biggest tests for American diplomacy.”
Open Letter by 50 Israeli Army Reservists on Why They Refuse to Fight in Gaza
We are more than 50 Israelis who were once soldiers and now declare our refusal to be part of the reserves. We oppose the Israeli Army and the conscription law. Partly, that’s because we revile the current military operation. But most of the signers below are women and would not have fought in combat. For us, the army is flawed for reasons far broader than “Operation Protective Edge,” or even the occupation. We rue the militarization of Israel and the army’s discriminatory policies.
Internationaler Strafgerichtshof: Palästinenser klagen Israel wegen Kriegsverbrechen an
Die Offensive in Gaza sei ein Krieg gegen die Bevölkerung, argumentiert die Palästinenser-Regierung. Sie klagt gegen Israel vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof.
Death toll in Gaza now: 848 including 208 children and 82 women. Injured:5700 including 1779 children and 1112 women.
Gaza-Konflikt: Israel lehnt Kerry-Plan für Waffenstillstand ab
Von der Waffenruhe ausgenommen wären israelische Einsätze zur Zerstörung der Tunnel der Hamas gewesen, die für Terrorzwecke gebaut worden sein sollen. Die Zerstörung dieses Tunnelsystems ist das erklärte Ziel von Israels Bodenoffensive, die vor gut einer Woche begonnen hat.
For its own security, Israel must finish the job it started in Gaza
Now, in the continuation of a brutal war that began two weeks ago, the Israeli military is systematically finding and destroying those tunnels, and it is obligated to finish the job. Nothing short of this is likely to end, now and well into the future, a constant raining of Hamas missiles on Israel.
The roots and causes of the larger Israeli-Palestinian conflict are a moral tangle, one in which Israel is by no means blameless.
Who Started the Israel-Gaza Conflict?
So in Israel the question was how to respond to aggression from Gaza, and in Gaza the question was how to respond to aggression from Israel. And each side considered its own use of force–what the other side called provocation–a response to provocation.
@RadioUtopie_de Ach so..“insbesondere die Führung eines Angriffskrieges vorzubereiten, sind verfassungswidrig..unter Strafe zu stellen.“
VIDEO: Lots of Jewish fascists chanting „Leftists are sons of whores! Death to the Arabs!“ in north Jaffa #antifa972
(21. Juli)
@Daniel_Neun Nein, nein. Er wollte sich nur bei allen bedanken, die sich für seinen Chef einsetzen: DAS FRIEDLICHE ZUSAMMENLEBEN DER VÖLKER.
Heiko wollte sich mit wem anlegen,hab ich gehört?
“Jews against Genocide” Protest Gaza Attack at Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum. Light Children’s Dolls on Fire
Saturday, 12th July, a group called Jews Against Genocide (JAG) held a memorial service for Palestinian children killed by Israel in its current attack on Gaza. JAG set aflame to a pile of dolls covered in red paint at Yad Vashem, Israel’s holocaust memorial museum. Jews Against Genocide (JAG) is a movement of Jews from all over the world, including Israelis, who are protesting against Israel’s intent to commit genocide against the non-Jewish indigenous people of Palestine.
VIDEO: Jews are arrested at the Friends of the IDF office in NY protesting the bombing of #Gaza
Press Release: From Tel Aviv to Toronto, Los Angeles to London, Chicago to San Francisco, Jews Say No to Israeli Genocide
[The following press release was originally posted on the website of the International Jewish anti-Zionist Network.]
From Tel Aviv to Toronto, Los Angeles to London, Chicago to San Francisco, Jews Say No to Israeli Genocide
We call on Jews all over the world to follow the call from Haider Eid, political activist and commentator, to “besiege Israeli consulates,” and to protest Zionist events attempting to justify Israel’s massacre of Palestinians. Below are reports of actions Jews against genocide are taking or participating in.
No ceasefire without justice for #Gaza. Won‘t “return to living death” of siege & blockade say civil society leaders
Meretz leader: Israel should not have gone into Gaza
Israeli ground troops had already entered Gaza when Meretz Party Chairwoman Zehava Gal-On was asked by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu what she would do in his place. She immediately answered that she would never have gotten into this situation in the first place, because she would have given the Palestinian unity government a chance. She believes that if that had happened, the current escalation could have been avoided.
Tyler Levitan, IJV on CTV re: Gaza, Hamas & Israeli bombardment
Reacting to Israel‘s massacre in Gaza on CTV National News.
U.S. reveals worldwide visa and passport database has crashed
The U.S. Department of State said Thursday it is working as quickly as possible to fix the Consular Consolidated Database, responsible for worldwide issuance of passports and visas, which suffered a non-malicious technical disruption earlier this week.
Turkish Jews ‚not party to Gaza conflict‘
Turkish academic Arslantas points to the difference between Israel and Judaism, and comments: „It cannot be accepted that Turkish Jews pay for Israel‘s bad policies.
“Similarly, it would be wrong to describe the anti-Israel protests as ‚anti-Semitism‘; they are two different things.”
‘Abbas’s family leaves Ramallah for Jordan’
(22.7.2014) Members of the family of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas have secretly left Ramallah for Jordan, according to the online newspaper Rai Al-Youm.
“For the first time and secretly, all the members of President Abbas’s family have left to their residence in Amman,” the Monday report said.
Turkey begins protests against Israel‘s military operation in Gaza Strip
„Some Western countries turn a blind eye to Israel‘s actions,“ he added. „This testifies to the fact that they are also supporters of military aggression against the Palestinians.“
Jordanians Demonstrate in Support of Gaza, Hamas
Jordan has repeatedly demanded that Israel stop its „brutal aggression“ and „targeting civilians“ in Gaza.
The kingdom, which has a 1994 peace treaty with Israel, is home to more than two million Palestinian refugees, as well as large numbers of Jordanians of Palestinian origin.
A protest for palestine on Holleywood‘s Walk of Fame. „Just another dead palestinian.. keep moving“ #GazaUnderAttack
5 Palestinians killed in West Bank amid protests against Gaza assault
The five deaths on Friday come after a Palestinian was killed by Israeli forces late Thursday in clashes at Qalandia, bringing the total death toll in the West Bank to nine as thousands have marched in protest against the Israeli assault on Gaza over the last two weeks.
The victims were identified as Khaled Azmi Khaled Yousef, 18, Hashem Abu Maria, 47, Tayeb Abu Shehada, 22, Sultan al-Zaaqiq, 30, and Abd al-Hamid Breigheth, 35.
Egypt sides with Israel in conflict with Hamas
Today‘s situation is different from 2012, the last conflict between Israel and Hamas. At the time, Morsi brokered a cease-fire that Hamas accepted.
Two years later, the Egyptian government, which has accused Hamas of helping militants attack soldiers and police in Egypt, is doing little to help the Palestinians.
Projekt Baseline: Google misst den menschlichen Körper aus
Dazu werden unter anderem Körperflüssigkeiten wie Urin, Blut und Tränenflüssigkeit untersucht. Dabei werden auch aktuelle Entwicklungen des Google-X-Teams verwendet, wie beispielsweise die den Blutzucker messende Kontaktlinse.
Auch Werte zur Herzfrequenz sollen dauerhaft aufgezeichnet und ausgewertet werden. Die Daten werden nicht von Google direkt gesammelt, sondern von einer beauftragten Klinik.
Aufruf: Auflösung der Verfassungsschutzämter
„Ich unterstütze den Aufruf zur Auflösung der Verfassungsschutz-Ämter!
Der Inlandsgeheimdienst ist überflüssig, gefährlich und unkontrollierbar. Wir fordern daher die Auflösung der geheimdienstlichen Ämter für Verfassungsschutz.“
Ronny Blaschke: Unbescholten überwacht – im Visier des Verfassungsschutzes
In der Videoserie „unbescholten überwacht“ der Humanistischen Union machen Betroffene ihre Überwachungserfahrung durch den „Verfassungsschutz“, den deutschen Inlandsgeheimdienst, öffentlich.
Die Bundesregierung zur Rechtswidrigkeit der gesamten deutschen Auslandsaufklärung: “legal, illegal, scheißegal!”
Dass führende Verfassungsrechtler dem Bundesnachrichtendienst eklatante Grundrechtsverletzungen vorwerfen, ist der Bundesregierung egal. In einer abbügelnden Antwort auf eine kleine Anfrage behauptet sie einfach das Gegenteil. Zudem deutet sie an, gar nichts mehr zum Thema sagen zu wollen, so lange der Untersuchungsausschuss noch läuft – also jahrelang.
Stellt euch mal vor, was passieren würde, wenn China von Google fordern würde, Links auf ihren Zensurlisten weltweit zu löschen, und nicht nur in China. Wir würden ihnen ins Gesicht lachen.
Wir würden uns darüber lustig machen, was für megalomanische Schwachköpfe das sind, die sich für die ganze Welt für zuständig halten.
Genau das fordern jetzt EU-Datenschützer von Google.
Neuer Anti-Terrorismus Gesetzentwurf in Frankreich weitet Netzsperren aus
Als Vorbild für den französischen Gesetzentwurf werden explizit deutsche und britische Gesetze genannt. Artikel 10 des Entwurfs erlaubt etwa, dass bei einer Online-Durchsuchung auch nicht-lokal gespeicherte Daten (z.B. in der Cloud) einbezogen werden können. Die gleiche Möglichkeit sieht hierzulande der deutsche Paragraf 110 Abs. 3 StPO vor.
In photos: Over 1,000 New Yorkers protest Israel’s attack on Gaza
Over 1,000 New Yorkers took to the streets on Thursday in a protest meant to call attention to U.S. complicity in Israel’s attack on Gaza. The march streamed past federal and local government buildings while demonstrators chanted “Free, free Palestine” and “Not another nickel, not another dime, no more money for Israel’s crimes.” Demonstrators held up signs calling for an end to U.S. aid to Israel and voiced support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, chanting, “Israel bombs, we protest—boycott, sanction, and divest!”
NY Times reports source of UNRWA school attack is unclear even though Israel said they did it
Even odder, New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren seems to think that readers should pay less attention to what is happening in Gaza – which is her beat!
‘The unity is stronger than ever’: Report from historic march on Qalandia checkpoint in solidarity with Gaza
Fireworks burst at the separation wall, lighting the heads of Israeli soldiers who are poised ready with loaded guns. Overhead, flare guns also brighten the scene at Qalandia checkpoint, quickly followed by shots from Israeli snipers that race into the burgeoning crowd. In the middle of the haze and chaos Palestinian politician Dr. Mustafa Barghouti is clear in his definition of the events unfolding around him, “The Intifada has started. This is the Intifada! Peaceful and nonviolent but as you have seen, they encountered us with gunshots,” Barghouti told Mondoweiss. Amidst his words, molotov cocktails hit the military watchtowers, while young men scrambled by in a desperate attempt to get the wounded out of the line of fire.
Raw AP footage of West Bank Clashes
Israeli army & its propagandists boasting of killing „240 terrorists“ in #Gaza. Total death toll currently 832
Israel macht sich in Brasilien Freunde, verweist bei der Frage der Verhältnismäßigkeit ihrer Gaza-Offensive auf das 7:1 bei der WM.
Executive Order — Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change
(1. November 2013) By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to prepare the Nation for the impacts of climate change by undertaking actions to enhance climate preparedness and resilience, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy.
Is our Sun falling silent?
(18 January 2014) „I‘ve been a solar physicist for 30 years, and I‘ve never seen anything quite like this,“ says Richard Harrison, head of space physics at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire. (…)
„If you want to go back to see when the Sun was this inactive… you‘ve got to go back about 100 years,“ he says.
Livingston and Penn paper: “Sunspots may vanish by 2015″.
„Figure 3. – A linear fit to observed magnetic fields extrapolated to the minimum value observed for umbral magnetic fields; below a field strength of 1500G as measured with the Fe I 1564.8nm line no photospheric darkening is observed.“
Let us all hope that they are wrong, for a solar epoch period like the Maunder Minimum inducing a Little Ice Age will be a worldwide catastrophe economically, socially, environmentally, and morally.
Sun goes spotless, baffling scientists
For past four or more days, telescopes pointed at the sun have detected only a handful of sunspots, sometimes none at all, in a “very weird” development that is baffling scientists, said Alan Duffy, an astrophysicist at Swinburne University.
“Sunspots can change all the time, but when you should be seeing many dozens at any one point of time, it’s quite strange that we’re not seeing any at all,” Dr Duffy said. “We don’t have any idea why that is.”
Recht und Order
Der Terminus “Executive Order” nun ist in der Republik Deutschland weithin unbekannt. Nichtsdestotrotz sind es maßgeblich diese Befehle der jeweiligen US-Präsidenten, die die Welt, wie wir sie heute kennen, erschaffen haben.
Right to be forgotten: Wikipedia chief enters internet censorship row
Internet search engines such as Google should not be left in charge of „censoring history“, the Wikipedia founder has said, after the US firm revealed it had approved half of more than 90,000 „right to be forgotten“ requests.
UN Chief Slams Israeli Attacks on Gaza: At Least 828 Palestinians Killed
“Why are you continuing to kill people?” Ban asked, adding “there are many other ways to resolve this issue without killing each other.” The Palestinian death toll is now at 828, with over 5,200 wounded.
Israel hits 30 houses in Gaza Strip
The Israeli military said it hit 45 sites in Gaza, including what it said was a Hamas military command post, while Gaza militants continued to fire dozens of rockets at Israel, with one hitting an empty house.
Protest Egypt‘s Betrayal of Gaza
Remember Tamarrod and Shahbag, Rabaa and Motijheel
I think protesting at Israel and the British who put them there is important. However as a Musalman, I think folks are wrong and dopey to background the complicity of despicable Egypt and the morons who supported the Tamarod enabled coup there last year that set back progress in so many ways. So many stupid, Tehrir-drunk Egyptians…. who were scared and unable to rise to the civilisational moment and duped. This Gaza genocide is possible because of Tamarod, make no mistake, the demons pulling apart Muslim societies are assisted by our own civilisational suicidal tendancies.
In Crete, a naval protest to stop the chemicals of war
As NATO prepares to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons on board a warship in the Mediterranean Sea, a local movement in Crete stages a big naval protest.
Israel cabinet split on Kerry‘s Gaza ceasefire bid
NYT reports Kerry offered seven-day Gaza ceasefire deal set to come into effect Sunday, however many in Netanyahu‘s government object to the deal, cabinet set to convene in afternoon.
Going live on @democracynow in few minutes. Will be live streamed here too! >
from @AP Gaza office I can see major parts of Gaza city being shelled with artillery now. #GazaUnderAttack
Matteo Renzi‘s plan to abolish Italian Senate runs into 7,850 problems
Asking senators to vote for their own abolition was always going to be a tough mission – even for the ever-confident Matteo Renzi. So it is hardly surprising that the Italian prime minister‘s flagship reform bill – on which he has staked his career – has run into a few problems in the upper house of parliament – 7,850 of them, to be precise.
Grillo cries ‚coup,‘ calls for Napolitano to quit
On Thursday around 100 lawmakers from the M5S and the Left Ecology Freedom (SEL) party walked out of parliament and staged a protest outside the presidential palace after government parties said that the controversial debate-cutting ‚bear trap‘ to limit the duration of speeches in parliament would be used on opponents who are filibustering.
Renzi confirms referendum
Premier Matteo Renzi on Friday confirmed that his government will hold a referendum on its revamp of the Senate once it is approved in parliament, adding that this should silence critics to the way the executive is trying to push the package through.