Daily Archives: 18. Juli 2014

18.07.2014 - 23:52 [ RT ]

Malaysia MH17 crash: 10 questions Russia wants Ukraine to answer

Some Western states and Kiev rushed to find Russian involvement in the MH17 crash having no evidence to back their claims, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister told RT. He invited Ukraine to answer 10 questions to prove their commitment to an impartial probe.

18.07.2014 - 23:29 [ ACLU ]

The NSA‘s Other Privacy Loophole

Tye also implies that the NSA could use the executive order even more broadly, making surveillance authorities like Section 215 of the Patriot Act – which the government relies upon for its bulk phone-records program – pale in comparison:

Consider the possibility that Section 215 collection does not represent the outer limits of collection on U.S. persons but rather is a mechanism to backfill that portion of U.S. person data that cannot be collected overseas under 12333.

18.07.2014 - 23:28 [ The Washington Post ]

Meet Executive Order 12333: The Reagan rule that lets the NSA spy on Americans

Public debate about the bulk collection of U.S. citizens’ data by the NSA has focused largely on Section 215 of the Patriot Act, through which the government obtains court orders to compel American telecommunications companies to turn over phone data. But Section 215 is a small part of the picture and does not include the universe of collection and storage of communications by U.S. persons authorized under Executive Order 12333.

18.07.2014 - 21:52 [ GIZMODO ]

Tor Is For Everyone: Why You Should Use Tor

EFF recently kicked off its second Tor Challenge, an initiative to strengthen the Tor network for online anonymity and improve one of the best free privacy tools in existence. The campaign—which launched with partners at the Freedom of the Press Foundation, the Tor Project, and the Free Software Foundation—is already off to a great start. In just the first few days, it‘s seen over 600 new or expanded Tor nodes—more than during the entire first Tor Challenge.

18.07.2014 - 21:46 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Deep Dive: In Defense of A Neutral Net

The Federal Communications Commission is about to make a critical decision about whether Internet providers will be allowed to discriminate against certain websites. The issue is network neutrality—the principle that Internet providers must treat all data that travels over their networks equally. On Tuesday, EFF filed comments with the FCC to weigh-in on this critical debate.

18.07.2014 - 21:43 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

EFF Gives Court More Detail on Government’s Destruction of Evidence

EFF has filed the final brief in its dispute with the government over evidence preservation in Jewel v. NSA, one of our ongoing lawsuits against mass surveillance. As the brief explains, the government has admitted to destroying years of evidence of its mass spying, and this destruction continues today. In fact, at an emergency hearing in June, the government claimed that it was incapable of complying with a court order to preserve evidence relating to the mass interception of Internet communications it is conducting under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act.

18.07.2014 - 19:41 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wer gewinnt?

ERST JETZT verstehe ich ganz, was für ein Bösewicht Winston Churchill wirklich war.

Fünf Jahre lang hielt er die Bevölkerung Londons unter den nicht aufhörenden Bombenangriffen der deutschen Luftwaffe fest. Er benützte die Bewohner Londons als menschliches Schutzschild in seinem (??) wahnsinnigen Krieg. Während die zivile Bevölkerung den Bomben und Raketen ausgesetzt war, ohne den Schutz eines „Iron Domes“ versteckte er sich in seinem Bunker unter Downing Street 10.

18.07.2014 - 19:38 [ Emran Feroz / Neues Deutschland ]

Als Merkel und Obama meinen Cousin ermordeten

(22.03.2014) Wer die Verantwortlichen als Kriminelle bezeichnet, wird schnell des »Anti-Amerikanismus« bezichtigt. An den Tatsachen ändert dies nichts: Obama und Co. sind Anzug tragende Massenmörder. Sie ermorden die einen Massen mit Kalkül, während sie andere Massen vor den Kameras belügen und betrügen.

18.07.2014 - 19:21 [ Freiheits- und Gerechtigkeitspartei (Ägypten) ]

Demonstrations Across Egypt Condemn Aggression Against Gaza, Al-Sisi Treachery

On Friday, Egypt witnessed massive rallies and human chains in Cairo and all the governorates in response to a call by the Anti-Coup Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance for a new non-violent revolutionary week under the title „Down with the US Junta“, in reference to Al-Sisi‘s subservience to Zionist and US masters.

Demonstrators chanted slogans against the Zionist aggression on Gaza amid Arab and international silence on continuing atrocities.

18.07.2014 - 19:19 [ Techdirt ]

Level3 Proves That Verizon Is Absolutely To Blame For Netflix Congestion… Using Verizon‘s Own Blog Post

Verizon tried to spin the story back in its favor last week, with a blog post about „the congestion myth,“ in which it claimed that the real problem was how Netflix chose to route its traffic to Verizon. It presented the following nifty chart, claiming that there was no congestion at all on Verizon‘s network, and saying that it was all about how Netflix was choosing to deliver its traffic to Verizon‘s network:

18.07.2014 - 19:18 [ Techdirt ]

UN Report Says Mass Surveillance May Violate International Law

The good folks over at the EFF have a detailed overview of a new report from the UN, which has basically found that mass surveillance, similar to that which is carried out by the NSA and GCHQ can often violate international law. The full report is just 16 pages, but the EFF version highlights some of the key lines. The biggest is the report‘s rejection of the whole „collect the haystack“ approach to mass surveillance. The UN report makes it clear that this is not a reasonable approach, especially when it is not shown to be „necessary and proportionate.“

18.07.2014 - 19:13 [ Organisation der Vereinten Nationen ]

UN rights chief warns of ‘disturbing lack of transparency’ for digital mass surveillance

The top United Nations human rights official today warned of the “disturbing” lack of transparency in governmental surveillance policies and practices, “including de facto coercion of private sector companies to provide sweeping access to information and data relating to private individuals without the latter’s knowledge or consent.”

18.07.2014 - 19:12 [ Techdirt ]

Copyright Lawyers Prime The Pump For The Return Of SOPA

Since the death of SOPA/PIPA two and a half years ago, Hollywood (and Congress) have tiptoed lightly over any proposed copyright reform, insisting that they‘ve learned their lesson and that they won‘t try to bring back SOPA. Of course, with the big comprehensive copyright reform effort going on in DC, you can totally expect that the legacy copyright industry will do its best to put in place the parts of SOPA that it most wanted. That process appears to have kicked off in earnest last week, with the IP Section of the American Bar Association releasing a White Paper entitled A Call For Action For Online Piracy And Counterfeiting Legislation. I should warn you that, according to the genius intellectual property experts at the ABA‘s IP Section, clicking on that link may be a violation of their copyright.

18.07.2014 - 19:11 [ Techdirt ]

UK Government Admits Spying On Innocent Citizens, Reveals Flawed Assumption Underlying ‚Collect It All‘ Surveillance

This statement is extremely important, because it lays bare the fallacy at the heart of the „collect it all“ approach of surveillance practised by GCHQ and the NSA. It conveniently ignores the fact that until recently this was not how the intelligences services worked, for the simple reason that it was impossible to gather communications on such a vast scale (for example, opening all letters, or tapping all phones), or to search through them.

18.07.2014 - 19:10 [ Havanna Times ]

Fidel Castro Blames Ukraine and Israel

„As is known, young Israeli men and women, well prepared for productive work, will be exposed to die without honor or glory. I do not know what military doctrine the Palestinians will use, but I know a fighter ready to die can defend even the ruins of a building as long as he has a rifle, as demonstrated by the heroic defenders of Stalingrad [in World War II].

I only wish to express my solidarity with this heroic people defending the last inch of what was their homeland for thousands of years. „

18.07.2014 - 19:07 [ Madonna / Google+ ]

No more killing of innocent people and that there will be Peace in the Middle East!

„Its Nelson Mandela Day! Lets do what we can to follow in his footsteps! He fought to end Apartheid in South Africa! Lets pray that there will be no more separation between Palestine and Israel. No more killing of innocent people and that there will be Peace in the Middle East! #revolutionoflove #strongerthanfear #artforfreedom“ -Madonna

18.07.2014 - 19:03 [ Business Standard ]

South African High Commission celebrates Nelson Mandela Day

„I am happy to see the enthusiastic participation from students, artists and our staff in the various events we have organised and hope that his message of peace resonates with societies all around the world,“ said South African High Commissioner F K Morule.

18.07.2014 - 17:15 [ Netzwertig ]

Was Telegrafie und Internet gemeinsam haben: Von Weltfrieden und Informationsüberflutung

(09.10.2012) Auch Diplomaten zeigten sich über die mit dem Telegraf rasant beschleunigenden Kommunikationsprozesse besorgt. Die neue Erwartungshaltung an sie, blitzschnell mit Stellungnahmen auf aktuelle Sachverhalte reagieren zu müssen, würde zu voreiligen Kommentaren führen und damit Konflikte anheizen, statt sie zu entspannen. Der Autor zitiert einen französischen Historiker, der nach dem Deutsch-Französischen Krieg 1870/1871 behauptete, dieser sei durch nicht sorgfältig gewählte Worte als Konsequenz aus der Existenz der Telegrafie ausgelöst worden.

18.07.2014 - 17:10 [ Harvard ]

“The Path to Freedom”? Transocean and German Wireless Telegraphy, 1914-1922

Schwedler was chief editor of the German government-owned news
agency, Transocean, from 1918 to his death in May 1936. Transocean had developed from a news agency founded in 1913 with the explicit purpose of spreading German news overseas. This became especially urgent after World War I, when the news agency cartel contract between Reuters, Agence Havas, Associated Press and the German Wolffs Telegraphisches Bureau (WTB) was renegotiated such that the WTB was only responsible for news within Germany’s borders. (…)

Histories of news agencies have, quite correctly, emphasized the fundamental link between the spread of the telegraph and the foundation of news agencies in the mid-nineteenth century. The “Big Three” news agencies were all founded in this period: Agence Havas in 1835, the WTB in 1849, and Reuters in 1851.

18.07.2014 - 17:00 [ Marco Althaus / academia.eu / Google Cache ]

Folge dem Kabel!

Der Telegraf gibt den „Engeln des Schlachtfelds“ auf der Krim Publicity. Der Telegraf wird bald zum Geburtshelfer der ersten großen internationalen NGO, dem Roten Kreuz. Rücken kann das WTB Reuter, Havas und später die Associated Press zu Kartellabsprachen bringen: Sie teilen die Welt in exklusive Gebiete auf, die noch heute sichtbar sind. Aber das WTB muss Regierungsdepeschen vorrangig senden, alle Politikberichte passieren zuerst Bismarcks Beamte, und der Staat greift bei Personal und Redaktion ein. Bismarck kann sich 1874 sogar ein Pressefreiheitsgesetz leisten: Längst hat er sich an der Quelle eingenistet. Die Presse hat zum WTB keine Alternative. Der Deal fliegt erst später auf. Verleger beschweren sich bitterlich, verlangen die Öffnung, im Reichstag fliegen die Fetzen. Doch bei der Netzpolitik bleibt der Kanzler eisern. Telegrafenamt wird zum Machtmittel Desinformation per Telegraf ist sein Metier. Schon 1870 hat er mit der frisierten Emser Depesche Krieg mit Frankreich ausgelöst. Dreist manipuliert Bismarck die WTB-Meldungen über die Kaiser-Attentate 1878, um eine Empörungswelle und eine Mehrheit für das Sozialistengesetz zu erzeugen. Neben dem WTB wird das Kaiserliche Haupttelegrafenamt – hier sitzt heute die Hauptstadt-Repräsentanz der Deutschen Telekom – zum Machtmittel.

18.07.2014 - 16:50 [ Technische Universität Darmstadt ]

Wolff‘s Telegraphisches Bureau 1849 bis 1933: Agenturpublizistik zwischen Politik und Wirtschaft

1. Die politische und ökonomische Situation
der deutschen Länder zur Zeit der
Gründung des WTB (1849) 8
2. Die Gründungsphase des WTB 15
2.1 Die Person des Gründers 15
2.2 „National-Zeitung“ und WTB 16
2. 3 Das Telegrafensystem 19
2.4 Die Zeitungen und ihr Publikum 21
2.5 Art und Umfang des WTB-Materials 24
3. Expansion und Annäherung an die Regierung 28
3.1 Erwerb des WTB durch eine Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien 28
3.2 Konkurrenzkampf mit Reuter 36
3.3 Der Kartellvertrag 48
3.4 Ausbau der nationalen Organisation 54
3.5 Neuregelung des Verhältnisses zum Staat
(Modus vivendi) 59
4. Das WTB im Spiel europäischer Machtpolitik 65
5. Vom Ende der Ära Bismarck bis zum Ausbruch
des 1. Weltkrieges 91
5.1 Das WTB im Lichte öffentlicher Kritik 91
5.2 Die Verbreitung des amtlichen Nachrichtenmaterials 98
5.3 Zweigstellengründungen im Inland 105
5.4 Der internationale Nachrichtenaustausch unter
der Kontrolle der Presseabteilung des AA 108
5.4.1 Die Kartellverträge von 1900 … 130
5.4.2 Nachrichtendienstprojekte in Übersee 135
5.5 Wachsende Kritik und verstärkte Konkurrenz 143
6. Das WTB im 1. Weltkrieg 157
6.1 Nachrichtendienst und Propaganda 163
6.2 Versuche zur Reorganisation des Auslands-
nachrichtendienstes 169VIII
6.3 Hugenbergs Griff nach dem WTB 187
6. 4 Ein Resümee 192
7. Das WTB in der Weimarer Republik 194
7.1 Die finanzielle Situation des Nachrichtenbüros zu Beginn der Republik 198
7.2 Das WTB als Dienstleistungsbetrieb der Reichsregierung 202
7.3 Der Nachrichtendienst in den besetzten Rheingebieten 210
7.4 Die Tage des Kapp-Putsches im März 1920 213
7 .5 Betriebliche Reform 217
7.6 Das ungeliebte Nachrichtenbüro 221
7.7 Sinkende Bedeutung des WTB 233
7.8 Das Reich wird Mehrheitsaktionär beim WTB 238
7.9 Auflösung des WTB und Gründung des DNB 247

18.07.2014 - 16:39 [ Intercept ]

NBC News Pulls Veteran Reporter from Gaza After Witnessing Israeli Attack on Children

Ayman Mohyeldin, the NBC News correspondent who personally witnessed yesterday’s killing by Israel of four Palestinian boys on a Gazan beach and who has received widespread praise for his brave and innovative coverage of the conflict, has been told by NBC executives to leave Gaza immediately. According to an NBC source upset at his treatment, the executives claimed the decision was motivated by “security concerns” as Israel prepares a ground invasion, a claim repeated to me by an NBC executive. But late yesterday, NBC sent another correspondent, Richard Engel, along with an American producer who has never been to Gaza and speaks no Arabic, into Gaza to cover the ongoing Israeli assault (both Mohyeldin and Engel speak Arabic).

18.07.2014 - 16:25 [ Common Dreams ]

Israeli Ground Invasion Kills 28 More Palestinians, Forces Fire Unknown ‘White Poisonous Gas’

A toxic gas is being fired at Palestinians. “Dozens of Palestinians, including children, arrived at hospitals suffering from suffocation after inhaling a white poisonous gas fired by the Israeli army in the northern Gaza Strip and in the Shawkah neighborhood near Rafah, to the south,” Dr. Ashraf Al-Qidra, a spokesperson for the Health Ministry in Gaza, stated.

18.07.2014 - 16:23 [ Common Dreams ]

NBC Pulls Its Best Journalist from Gaza Just as Israel Invades

He told the world what he saw. NBC’s rival networks, including CNN and others, cited and republished Mohyeldin’s reports. The story went viral—with all the shaken details of murdered children, grieving parents, and shredded families that so often get lost in mainstream telling.

That, apparently, was unacceptable to Mohyeldin’s superiors. The notion that “security” had anything to do with NBC’s decision was nonsense—when they replaced Mohyeldin with Engel, any remote possibility that they were concerned about the security of one but not the other was beyond laughable.

This is a political move, whether initiated by frightened NBC executives on their own or demanded directly by powerful pro-Israel advertisers or other power-brokers. And it threatens to undermine the significant gains that have already been made in changing the U.S. discourse on Israel-Palestine in recent years.

The coverage is already different—Israel was unable to keep the international press out of Gaza during this most recent assault. The ground invasion now underway is going to make that coverage much more difficult. We’re going to need people like Ayman Mohyeldin more than ever.

18.07.2014 - 16:11 [ South Dublin Today ]

People Before Profit remove Israeli flag from Dun Laoghaire Harbour

Cllr Hugh Lewis, People Before Profit, says he, along with People Before Profit members and supporters, has removed the Israeli Flag from Dun Laoghaire Harbour. As a ground invasion begins in Gaza last night and the number of Palestinian deaths rises to over 260, including over 50 children, the Israeli flag was flying this morning in Dun Laoghaire Harbour despite numerous requests to the Harbour Company to remove it.

The Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company, in conjunction with the Royal St, George Yacht Club has, for the past week, been flying the flag of Israel as part of a European Sailing Competition.

18.07.2014 - 16:04 [ Jewish Voice for Peace ]


Jewish Voice for Peace chapters call for a withdrawal of Israeli troops, an end to the bombing, and an end to the Israeli occupation

July 17, 2014—Deeply concerned Jews across the US are organizing in solidarity with Palestinians to call for an end to the devastating assault on Gaza. Since July 7, Israel has killed upwards of 220 Palestinians in Gaza, nearly 80% of whom were civilians including 44 children. In a coordinated effort in cities across the US, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) chapters have organized street protests, demonstrations and civil disobedience actions to call for an end to the invasion, an end to the bombing, and an end to the ongoing occupation of Palestine.

18.07.2014 - 15:56 [ Daily Mail ]

Could Jews become a minority in Israel? Higher Palestinian birth rates could lead to power shift in one-state solution

(1. November 2011) ‚To keep the majority, the rule within the Jewish majority, which will mean apartheid.

‚Or free elections, which will mean a Palestinian majority and the end of the Jewish state.‘

The problem has been dubbed a ‚demographic timebomb‘ by Israeli commentators.