Daily Archives: 14. Juli 2014

14.07.2014 - 23:21 [ Norient ]


Manipulating Oriental melodies and rhythms with digital software seems in vogue – once again. This is what this collection of grime, dub-, breakcore-, hip-hop-, noise-, new-wave-dabké- and mahragan-tracks seems to suggest. Is this yet another Orientalist Trap?

14.07.2014 - 22:39 [ RT ]

Web giants make last-minute plea with FCC to preserve net neutrality

Literally tens of thousands of people have petitioned the FCC already, and a plea from comedian John Oliver last month actually caused the agency’s website to go offline due to an overwhelming number of filings being made. Along with many of those postings, the statement from Monday by the Internet Association and signed by its president and CEO, Michael Berkerman, warns that the proposed rules as written by Chairman Wheeler could open the door for ISPs to favor some content creators and distributors over others, diminishing competitiveness in the online marketplace and making it more difficult for new, fringe or underfunded websites, products, services, ideas and essentially anything that exists on the digital realm from finding an audience.

14.07.2014 - 22:09 [ allAfrica ]

West Africa: France to Launch Military Operation in Sahel Region Within Days

The new operation, dubbed Barkhan, will start in the coming days together with five countries – Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad – in the Sahel-Sahara region, Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Sunday in a television interview.

The operation aimed at combating extremist violence would consist of around 3,000 French soldiers, 1,000 of whom would stay based in northern Mali and the rest deployed to the other four countries.

Le Drian said that drones, helicopters and fighter jets would be used.

„The president wanted a reorganisation of our troops in the (Sahel) zone,“ Le Drian said.

14.07.2014 - 21:22 [ Channel NewsAsia ]

US offers Egypt late invite to Africa summit

The idea for the summit, which takes place with Washington increasingly aware of China‘s attempt to enhance its own diplomatic profile in Africa, was first announced by Obama in a speech in Cape Town in June last year.

14.07.2014 - 21:15 [ Channel NewsAsia ]

BRICS expected to announce new bank, new currency reserve fund

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov confirmed Russia‘s intention to contribute the equivalent of US$2 billion to the bank‘s reserves over the next seven years.

Starting with US$10 billion in cash and US$40 billion in guarantees, the new bank‘s reserves are expected to rise to US$100 billion.

14.07.2014 - 21:07 [ Think Progress ]

Tennessee Arrests First Mother Under Its New Pregnancy Criminalization Law

At the beginning of July, 26-year-old Mallory Loyola gave birth to a baby girl. Two days later, the state of Tennessee charged her with assault. Loyola is the first woman to be arrested under a new law in Tennessee that allows the state to criminally charge mothers for potentially causing harm to their fetuses by using drugs.

14.07.2014 - 19:54 [ Middle East Eye ]

#GazaUnderAttack – Palestine’s Dilemma: to go or not to go to the ICC

Adding further credence to the idea that the ICC option should be explored was the intense opposition by Israel and the United States, ominously threatening the PA with dire consequences if it tried to join the ICC, much less to seek justice through its activation. The American ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, herself long ago prominent as a human rights advocate, revealed Washington’s nervous hand when she confessed that the ICC “is something that really poses a profound threat to Israel.”

14.07.2014 - 19:49 [ Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen für Palästina-Flüchtlinge im Nahen Osten ]

Commissioner-General Press Briefing on the Situation in Gaza Strip

In this context, I urgently call on the Israeli Security Forces to put an end to attacks against, or endangering, civilians and civilian infrastructure which are contrary to international humanitarian law. In Gaza, risks are compounded by the very high population density. Maximum restraint must be exercised and measures of distinction, proportionality and precaution must be respected to avoid further casualties and overall destabilization. Clearly at this stage not enough is being done in that regard. Too many lives are being lost and this must end. If calm is not quickly restored, the casualty levels will become even more intolerable and unacceptable. I echo the United Nations‘ call for all parties to respect international law, and protect the civilian population. This includes an end to rocket fire from Gaza aimed at Israel, which the United Nations has described as indiscriminate.

14.07.2014 - 19:45 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

UN Security Council authorizes speeding up pace of humanitarian aid delivery in Syria

Al-Jaafari expressed Syria’s keen interest in a constructive cooperation with the United Nations and engaging agencies and organizations for addressing humanitarian needs, indicating that 96 Syrian civil organizations and 16 humanitarian NGOs have been licensed. (…)

Churkin indicated that a resolution of a humanitarian crisis is tied up with finding a political solution, emphasizing the need to resume the inter-Syrian dialogue according to Geneva communiqué.

For his part, China’s permanent representative to the UN, Li Baodong, stressed that the UN and other humanitarian organizations should work according to the resolution and respect Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, independence and unity.

14.07.2014 - 19:39 [ Reuters ]

U.N. Security Council authorizes cross-border aid access in Syria

The United Nations said in April that to deliver aid across borders without government consent it would need a Chapter 7 resolution, giving the council authority to enforce decisions with economic sanctions or military force.

But diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the U.N. Office of Legal Affairs believes Monday‘s resolution is strong enough to allow the United Nations cross-border aid access without approval from Damascus.

14.07.2014 - 18:49 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Kongressdebatte in Kolumbien über Álvaro Uribe und Paramilitarismus

Die Fraktion der Partei Polo Democrático Alternativo (PDA) bereitet für den ersten Sitzungstag des neugewählten kolumbianischen Kongresses eine Debatte über die Verbindungen des früheren Präsidenten und jetzigen Senators Àlvaro Uribe zum Paramilitarismus vor. Dies kündigte ihr Vorsitzender Iván Cepeda an. Die Ankunft Uribes im Kongress am kommenden 20. Juli verdiene eine Plenarsitzung, in der über den Paramilitarismus in seiner Regierungszeit von 2002 bis 2010 diskutiert werde.

14.07.2014 - 18:45 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Noch nicht auf Augenhöhe (II)

Angesichts neuer Enthüllungen über die Aktivitäten von US-Geheimdiensten in der Bundesrepublik fordern deutsche Politiker eine weitere Aufrüstung des Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND). Wie am Wochenende berichtet wurde, sollen mehr als ein Dutzend Mitarbeiter deutscher Bundesministerien als Informanten für die CIA tätig sein.

14.07.2014 - 18:34 [ ABC ]

Copter Crash Kills 2 Cambodian Military Generals

Cambodia last year took delivery of 12 of the Z-9 helicopters, a licensed version of France‘s Eurocopter AS365 Dauphin that can carry nine passengers in addition to a pilot. The aircraft were purchased with a $195 million loan made to Cambodia in 2011 by China, the closest ally of the small Southeast Asian nation.

14.07.2014 - 17:10 [ Ceiberweiber ]

Spionage an der schönen blauen Donau

Es ist keine grosse Überraschung, dass der BND-CIA-Doppelagent, der einvernommene Mitarbeiter des Verteidigungsressorts und wohl noch einige andere CIA-Quellen in Deutschland von Wien aus geführt wurden. Die Rahmenbedingungen sind in Österreich optimal, weil die Behörden geflissentlich bei allem wegsehen, was die Amerikaner – auch gegen das eigene Land – treiben.

14.07.2014 - 17:07 [ Oxford Journals ]

Neoplastic transformation of human osteoblast cells to the tumorigenic phenotype by heavy metal–tungsten alloy particles: induction of genotoxic effects

Heavy metal–tungsten alloys (HMTAs) are dense heavy metal composite materials used primarily in military applications. HMTAs are composed of a mixture of tungsten (91–93%), nickel (3–5%) and either cobalt (2–4%) or iron (2–4%) particles. Like the heavy metal depleted uranium (DU), the use of HMTAs in military munitions could result in their internalization in humans. Limited data exist, however, regarding the long-term health effects of internalized HMTAs in humans.

14.07.2014 - 16:59 [ Dense Inert Metal Explosive ]


The carcinogenic effects of heavy metal tungsten alloys (HMTA) have been studied by the U.S. Armed Forces since at least the year 2000 (along with depleted uranium (DU)). These alloys were found to cause neoplastic transformations of human osteoblast cells.[4]

A more recent U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study in 2005 found that HMTA shrapnel rapidly induces rhabdomyosarcoma in rats.[5]

The tungsten alloy carcinogenicity may be most closely related to the nickel content of the alloys used in weapons to date. However, pure tungsten and tungsten trioxide are also suspected of causing cancer and other toxic properties, and have been shown to have such effects in animal studies.[6]

In 2009, a group of Italian scientists affiliated with the watchdog group New Weapons Research Committee (NWRC) pronounced DIME wounds „untreatable“ because the powdered tungsten cannot be removed surgically.[7]

14.07.2014 - 16:55 [ Youtube ]

Norwegian Doctor: DIME (Dense Inert Metal Explosive) bombs being used in Gaza

Dr. Erik Fosse told Press TV that the majority of patients hospitalized in Gaza are civilians injured in attacks on their homes and about thirty percent of them are children.

Dense Inert Metal Explosive, known as DIME, is an explosive device developed to minimize collateral damage in warfare.

Experts say it has a relatively small but effective blast radius and is believed to have strong biological effects on those who are hit by the bomb‘s micro-shrapnel.

Fosse, a department head at a university hospital in Oslo, also says some Palestinian in the besieged enclave have been wounded by a new type of weapon that even doctors with previous experience in war zones do not recognize.

Israel also used depleted-uranium and white phosphorus shells in the besieged region during their previous assaults.

14.07.2014 - 13:27 [ Amt für die Koordinierung humanitärer Angelegenheiten der Vereinten Nationen ]

Occupied Palestinian Territory: Gaza Emergency – Situation Report (as of 11 July 2014, 1500 hrs)

– 114 Palestinians have been killed since the beginning of the Gaza emergency, of whom 88 (77%) are civilians.
– Some Israeli attacks have raised concerns about the targeting of civilians and civilian objects, including the destruction of homes of alleged members of armed groups.

14.07.2014 - 13:26 [ MONDOWEISS ]

Jewish activists light children’s dolls on fire at Yad Vashem to protest Gaza attack

Saturday, 12th July, a group called Jews Against Genocide (JAG) held a memorial service for Palestinian children killed by Israel in its current attack on Gaza. JAG set aflame to a pile of dolls covered in red paint at Yad Vashem, Israel’s holocaust memorial museum. Jews Against Genocide (JAG) is a movement of Jews from all over the world, including Israelis, who are protesting against Israel’s intent to commit genocide against the non-Jewish indigenous people of Palestine.

The Yad Vashem security guard attempted to disrupt the memorial, confiscated JAG’s fire extinguisher, and called the Israeli police to arrest the participants.

We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

14.07.2014 - 13:20 [ Ahmed Moor / Palestine News Network (PNN) ]

How it started in Gaza

In the beginning, Zionists invaded Palestine. They expelled the Palestinians and Gaza, an ancient place that hosted Ramses II, Alexander the Great, and Salahuddin, became a tent city. A wasteland for the dejected and destitute.

It didn‘t take long for Palestinians in Gaza to begin to fight to reclaim their homes from the Ashkenazis that displaced them. The Fedayeen – refugee militiamen – commenced with overnight raids as soon as the shock of their ignominious defeat began to wear.

The first Israeli massacre in Gaza occurred in 1956. My father was a small boy at the time, but he remembers how the men were rounded up and shot. Today, his grand-nephews and -nieces, also refugees, also born in camps, cower in terror as the third generation of Ashkenazis in Palestine shows them their place. Life in the shadows, balanced precariously on obsidian with fire on either side – that‘s their inheritance.

14.07.2014 - 13:17 [ ceiberweiber.at ]

Willy Wimmer zur Kriegsgefahr im Osten Europas

Dass Medien das Vorgehen des ukrainischen Präsidenten Poroschenko gegen sogenannte „Separatisten“ in der Ostukraine permanent loben, trübt auch die Wahrnehmung für das Eskalieren der Situation. Willy Wimmer war Staatssekretär im deutschen Verteidigungsministerium, gehörte lange Jahre dem Bundestag an und nimmt immer wieder engagiert gegen den NATO-Aggressionskurs Stellung. Im Kommentar „Alarmstufe ‚Rot'“ warnt er eindringlich davor, die bestehende Kriegsgefahr zu übersehen:

14.07.2014 - 13:16 [ Palästinensische Befreiungsorganisation / Abteilung für Kultur und Information ]

PNN: 24 Palestinians arrested overnight, including several Members of Parliament

The Israeli Occupation Forces arrested 23 Palestinians overnight in the West Bank, including 10 Palestinian Members of Parliament. The arrests took place in Bethlehem, Ramallah, Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem, Salfit and Hebron.

This arrest campaign started during clashes that erupted all over the West Bank in solidarity with Gaza and against the Israeli attacks. Several Palestinians were injured with live ammunition, rubber bullets and suffered from tear gas suffocation.

14.07.2014 - 12:42 [ Electronic Intifada ]

Video: Israeli lynch mob hunts for Palestinians in Jerusalem

In this video shot and edited by Boycott from Within activist Ronnie Barkan a gang of young Israeli men can be seen stopping cars to determine whether the drivers were Arabs.

This occurred as Israelis gathered in Jerusalem on 5 July to chant “Death to the Arabs!” and “Death to leftists!” just days after Palestinian teenager Muhammad Abu Khudair was kidnapped and burned alive.

14.07.2014 - 12:38 [ Wikipedia ]

Birthright Israel

Taglit-Birthright Israel (Hebrew: תגלית‎), also known as Birthright Israel or simply Birthright, is a not-for-profit educational organization that sponsors free ten-day heritage trips to Israel for Jewish young adults, aged 18–26. (..)

About one-quarter of funding comes from the Government of Israel, and about one-fifth is contributed by Jewish organizations and communities, such as North American Jewish Federations through the United Jewish Communities (UJC), Keren Hayesod, and the Jewish Agency for Israel; and many leading private philanthropists through the Birthright Israel Foundation, including Charles Bronfman, Michael Steinhardt, and Lynn Schusterman. The program also receives funding from the German government, through the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.