Daily Archives: 21. Februar 2014

21.02.2014 - 10:14 [ Ria Novosti ]

Putin behandelt mit Sicherheitsrat Situation in der Ukraine

An der Beratung nahmen Premierminister Dmitri Medwedew, die Vorsitzenden der beiden Kammern des Parlaments, Valentina Matwijenko und Sergej Naryschkin, der Chef der Kreml-Administration, Sergej Iwanow, der Sekretär des Sicherheitsrates, Nikolai Patruschew, sein Stellvertreter Raschid Nurgalijew, Außenminister Sergej Lawrow, Innenminister Wladimir Kolokolzew, Verteidigungsminister Sergej Schoigu, der Chef des Inlandsgeheimdienstes FSB , Alexander Bortnikow, Chef des Dienstes der Außenaufklärung, Michail Fradkow, und das ständige Mitglied des Sicherheitsrates Boris Gryslow teil.

21.02.2014 - 07:05 [ business2community.com ]

Matt Cutts Confirms That Google Has Tried Search Without Links

When I suggested last month that someday, search engines could work without links, a lot of people thought it was an interesting gedankenexperiment (they didn’t use that word but hey, it’s one of my favorite words) but didn’t believe Google is really moving in that direction. The future, by definition, remains to be seen, but today in his webmaster video, Matt Cutts revealed that Google has already experimented with a version of Google that doesn’t use links as a signal:

21.02.2014 - 07:04 [ Reuters ]

China urges Obama to cancel meeting with Dalai Lama

China urged the United States on Friday to scrap plans for President Barack Obama to meet exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama later in the day, warning it would „seriously damage“ ties between the two countries.

21.02.2014 - 06:59 [ Freedom and Justice Party ]

MB Critcizes Media Coverage of President Morsi, Legal Adviser Leaked Recording

Below is the actual translated transcript of the part of the conversation in which the protests are mentioned:

El-Awa: We are in a non-fruitful action, fruitful action is different, it necessitates dialogue to reach a solution. Without reaching a solution, Dr. Mohamed, this is useless… useless… and… I… mean…

President Morsi: It‘s useless both ways, that is what you mean, right?

El-Awa: I‘m saying this is futile to each side, it is futile for Egypt indeed…

21.02.2014 - 06:58 [ world bulletin ]

Morsi‘s lawyer to urge legal action over leaked conversation

(16.02.) Egypt‘s Arabic language daily Al-Watan released last week an audio recordings of a Morsi-Awa conversation taped during an earlier trial session.

In the conversation, Morsi expected that the army would oust incumbent army chief Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi if he becomes Egypt‘s next president.

„Those who stage a military coup are always the subject of a later military coup themselves,“ Morsi purportedly said.

21.02.2014 - 06:37 [ Süddeutsche ]

Fall Edathy: Panne bei der SPD

Die SPD hat nach Informationen der Süddeutschen Zeitung Sebastian Edathy noch nach der Warnung durch den damaligen Bundesinnenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich in ihre Mannschaft für die Koalitionsverhandlungen aufgenommen.

21.02.2014 - 04:28 [ Global Research ]

Syria’s Chemical Weapons Stockpiles to be Transferred to the Italian Mafia?

Professor Falk concludes:
“I urge you to follow the example set by public authorities and European banks that have chosen to disassociate themselves from Veolia and take the just and principled decision not to award Veolia any public service contracts. Such a measure would contribute to upholding the rule of law and advancing peace based on justice.”

21.02.2014 - 04:12 [ The Washington Times ]

2 former Navy SEALs found dead on ‘Captain Phillips’ ship

“We are monitoring the report involving the two citizens and we offer our condolences to the two families,” said U.S. Coast Guard Senior Chief Petty Officer Daniel Tremper. “An investigator from Coast Guard Activities Europe is engaged in a Coast Guard investigation but due to the nature of the investigation that will be about all that we can provide right now“

21.02.2014 - 03:47 [ Daily Slave ]

The Obama Regime’s Insane Hypocrisy On Ukraine

The on-going situation in the Ukraine is really quite ridiculous upon analyzing the hypocritical responses we have now seen from individuals within the Obama regime. It is confirmed that the United States government is spending billions of dollars to finance a large scale controlled opposition movement against the Russian friendly Ukrainian government. Many of these protesters and rioters are actually getting paid by money that comes directly from Washington DC and funneled through various non-governmental organizations or NGOs. Groups like USAID, National Endowment for Democracy and the George Soros funded Open Society Institute are all believed to be heavily involved in supporting these Ukrainian opposition forces. These NGOs claim they are trying to spread freedom and democracy to the Ukrainian people when in reality they are nothing more than fronts to help overthrow the existing government. Say what you want about the current government led by sitting President Viktor Yanukovych but he was elected into power so the Ukraine technically already has what you could call democracy. The problem is that it is not a democracy friendly to the United States and assorted Zionist interests which is why it is being targeted for elimination.

21.02.2014 - 02:53 [ Falls Church ]

Is the CIA Messing With Venezuela?

It’s hard not to suspect the horny hand of the CIA being involved in the latest wave of destabilizations against governments unfriendly to the U.S. in places like Venezuela and Ukraine, and who knows where else…

Democracy and covert machinations on the scale we see today are incompatible. You decide: Which do you want?

21.02.2014 - 02:42 [ antikrieg.com ]

Paul Craig Roberts – Geht die Ukraine in Richtung Bürgerkrieg und Konfrontation der Großmächte?

Wie weltweite Umfragen durchgehend zeigen, wird Washington als die größte Bedrohung des Weltfriedens betrachtet. Wie ich oft geschrieben habe, ist Washington nicht nur eine Bedrohung des Friedens. Washington und seine verabscheuungswürdigen europäischen Hampelstaaten stellen eine Gefahr für die Existenz des Lebens auf dem Planeten dar.

21.02.2014 - 02:23 [ Al Arabiya ]

Indian fishermen file case against Pentagon after shooting

One Indian was killed and the three others injured when the USNS Rappahannock, a refueling ship, fired on the fishing vessel, which the U.S. Navy‘s Fifth Fleet said approached at high speed and ignored repeated warnings.