On July 5, 2011, 37-year-old Kelly Thomas was hospitalized after a run-in with police that saw him tasered multiple times, beaten with batons and the blunt side of a taser, while yelling for his father for help. Thomas, who suffered from schizophrenia, fell into a coma as a result of the incident and was removed from life support five days later.
Daily Archives: 3. Dezember 2013
Die Ermordung von Kelly Thomas durch die Polizei in Fullerton, Kalifornien
(4.8.2011) USA, Kalifornien, Fullerton. Am 5.Juli nähern sich Polizisten dem obdachlosen und geistig kranken Kelly Thomas. Sie erschlagen ihn auf offener Straße. Niemand hilft ihm.
Kritik an ‚Ethnic Profiling‘ im Verkehr
Die Wirkung des gezielten Kontrollierens von Migranten sei verheerend. Zum einen würden Migranten dadurch sichtbar gemacht, zum anderen werde den Beobachtern das Gefühl gegeben, dass sie sich vor diesen Personen verstärkt in Acht nehmen müssten. Das Bewusstsein für diese Form der Diskriminierung sei in den deutschsprachigen Ländern Europas bisher jedoch gering.
Wo es in Amerika weder Handys noch Internet geben darf
Im Jahr 1958 erklärte die Bundeskommunikationskommission das Gebiet zur Schutzzone – vor Radiowellen. Die National Radio Quiet Zone erstreckt sich über ein Gebiet von rund 34.000 km2 und ermöglicht die ungestörte Arbeit der Radioteleskope in Green Bank und Sugar Grove. In Green Bank wird nach Energie im Weltall gesucht, die äquivalent zur freigesetzten Energie einer Schneeflocke ist, die zu Boden fällt. In Sugar Grove überwacht die Nationale Sicherheitsbehörde NSA internationale Kommunikationsströme.
Military commander shot dead in southeastern Yemen
„Unknown gunmen fired at Army Commander of the 37th Armored Division, Ahmed al-Marfdy, killing him instantly at the scene in al-Qatn town in Hadramout province,“ the police officer said on condition of anonymity.
Media center of Commonwealth leaders‘ summit destroyed in fire
The minister was about to cut the ribbon to mark the opening of the exhibition when people started coming out of the building screaming that a fire has broken out, he said.
The fire has destroyed hundreds of creations by inventors, including the creative hybrid cooker which is believed to have caused the fire.
Obama names acting Pentagon deputy chief
The move was described by Marine Times, a military news outlet, as „unprecedented,“ highlighting the pressure the Pentagon is facing as it readies itself for a fight in Congress over defense budget in the coming months.
Putin und saudischer Geheimdienstchef Bin Sultan erörtern Lage in Syrien und Iran
„Die Gesprächspartner wiesen auf die positive Dynamik bei der Beilegung des Problems des iranischen nuklearen Dossiers hin und tauschten Meinungen zur Situation in Syrien im Kontext der Vorbereitung einer neuen Friedenskonferenz in Genf aus“, sagte Peskow. Details wollte er nicht preisgeben.
Resident fury as UK firm begins shale gas test drilling in Greater Manchester
Energy firm IGas has confirmed it will carry out drilling tests across the North West of England in search of large shale gas and oil deposits. The British Geological Survey estimates that the region may hold up to 1,300 trillion cubic feet of shale gas which could meet the UK’s energy demands for the next six years.
Red-herring ‘inquisition’: Guardian editor robustly defends Snowden leaks to UK MPs
Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger strongly defended his newspaper’s publication of the Snowden leaks in response to a hostile grilling by a UK parliamentary committee Tuesday, as MPs attempted to show that national security was breached.
FR: NSU-Prozess – Widersprüche bei Ex-Verfassungsschützer #nsu #nazis
Götzl hielt d. Zeugen dessen von Kolleg_innen berichtete Aussagen zum Kasseler Mord vor. Beendete dann jedoch überraschend den Prozess. #NSU
Der vorsitzende Richter befragt nun den ehemaligen VS-Mitarbeiter T. Der kann wieder Vieles nicht schlüssig erklären. #NSU
FR: NSU-Prozess – Streit um hessischen Ex-Verfassungsschützer #nsu #nazis
Sea Shepherd‘s Bob Barker in shipshape for Southern Ocean campaign against whalers
The 33-strong crew of the Bob Barker is lowering the gang plank to boost campaign funds for the anticipated battle on the Southern Ocean.
Absolute majority of Americans want GMO food to be labeled
A poll conducted by the New York Times this year found that 93 percent of respondents want GMO ingredients to be properly labeled, and a similar survey done by the Washington Post in 2010 clocked in with 94 percent support.
Fort Hood prostitution trial begins
The testimony came as the court-martial began for another Fort Hood soldier accused of using the service, which Army prosecutors said preyed upon young, cash-strapped female soldiers at Fort Hood.
Thai protests turn a darker color
By Pepe Escobar
This political thriller is actually developing, right now, in real time, in Thailand. The narrative should have a global audience at the edge of their seats; but the feeling is more one of perplexity because the plot is even more muddled than in the US cable TV sagas Homeland or Lost.
Leaked paper reveals UN split over war on drugs
It is rare for such a document to leak. Normally only the final agreed version is published once all differences between UN member states have been removed.
On Covert Acoustical Mesh Networks in Air
Abstract—Covert channels can be used to circumvent system and network policies by establishing communications that have not been considered in the design of the computing system. We construct a covert channel between different computing systems that utilizes audio modulation/demodulation to exchange data between the computing systems over the air medium. The underlying network stack is based on a communication system that was originally designed for robust underwater communication.
Scientist-developed malware covertly jumps air gaps using inaudible sound
The researchers, from Germany‘s Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing, and Ergonomics, recently disclosed their findings in a paper published in the Journal of Communications. It came a few weeks after a security researcher said his computers were infected with a mysterious piece of malware that used high-frequency transmissions to jump air gaps. The new research neither confirms nor disproves Dragos Ruiu‘s claims of the so-called badBIOS infections, but it does show that high-frequency networking is easily within the grasp of today‘s malware.
CIA whistleblower’s memo on Peru declassified after eight years
A memorandum drafted in 2001 by a CIA officer, detailing assistance illegally provided by the CIA to the former chief of Peruvian intelligence, has been declassified following an eight-year court battle. In the memorandum, CIA employee Franz Boening argued that the Agency violated US law by providing material and political assistance to Vladimiro Ilich Montesinos Torres, a graduate of the US Army’s School of the Americas and longtime CIA operative, who headed Peru’s Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional (SIN) under the corrupt administration of President Alberto Fujimori.
US Citizen Charged Under UAE Cybercrime Decree
A US citizen has become the first foreigner to be charged under the United Arab Emirates‘ „cybercrime“ decree for a satirical video about young people in Dubai. Shezanne Casim, an Abu Dhabi resident, was arrested in April and charged with, among other things, violating Article 28 of the cybercrimes law, which bans „using information technology to publish caricatures that are ‚liable to endanger state security and its higher interestes or infringe on public order'“ and is punishable by imprisonment and a fine of up to 1 million dirhams (approximately 272,000 USD). The law came into effect more than one month after the video* was posted.
You Have 48 Hours to Stop Patent Trolls
This week, the full House of Representatives will vote on the Innovation Act (H.R. 3309), the best troll-killing bill we‘ve seen so far. This is a big deal: patent reform is sorely needed.
The bill passed out of the House Judiciary Committee two weeks ago with a strong, bipartisan 33-5 vote. Now that it‘s facing the whole House, it‘s time to mobilize.
TSA now overseeing warrantless vehicle searches for cars parked at airports
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has now expanded its intrusive searching protocol to include the interior of parked cars left at the airport. Reports of vehicle searches have been reported at multiple airports since this summer.
Since roughly June, airports have been performing vehicle searches of cars parked in front of terminals. According to their signs, this is being done in accordance with TSA mandates and local authorities.
Die „Hauptstelle für Befragungswesen“ und der BND: Enttarnt und abgewickelt
der Dialog ist in dem Standardwerk „Pullach intern“ dokumentiert.
Referatsleiter: „Mir ist aufgefallen, dass in Meldungen aus der Zone als Quelle neuerdings angeführt wird: von einem Mitarbeiter im SED-Zentralkomitee.“
Gehlen: „Ja, und?“
Referatsleiter: „Wir haben doch gar keinen Mitarbeiter im Zentralkomitee.“
Gehlen: „Wer will uns das Gegenteil beweisen?“ Der Referatsleiter protestierte. Man könne doch nicht so tun als ob. Gehlen reagierte genervt: „Natürlich können wir.“
‚Deutsche haben 2014 mehr Geld‘, dann sind wohl 60% der Bürger keine richtigen Deutsche. :)
Gruseliges Machtdenken
Union und SPD haben in der vergangenen Woche gegen die Stimmen der Opposition erstmals in der Geschichte des Bundestags einen „Hauptausschuss“ eingesetzt. Bis zur Regierungsbildung soll der Ausschuss die Arbeit von 22 Fachausschüssen der vergangenen Legislatur übernehmen. Was stört Sie daran?
Jan Korte: Dass es den Hauptausschuss nicht geben müsste. Der Bundestag könnte Ausschüsse bilden, wie wir es beantragt haben; er könnte unabhängig vom Ausgang der Koalitionsbildung arbeiten. Das grundsätzliche Problem ist ja, dass die beiden größten Fraktionen im Parlament einfach mal sagen: Wir führen Koalitionsverhandlungen, wir müssen unsere Posten noch verteilen und so lange passiert hier erst mal nichts. Der Bundestag als Gesetzgeber wird von einer Regierung, die es noch nicht einmal gibt, praktisch beiseite geschoben.
Aber der Hauptausschuss ist doch nur für eine „Zwischenzeit“ eingerichtet, wie es der parlamentarische Geschäftsführer Michael Grosse-Brömer (CDU) versprochen hat. Klingt doch ganz harmlos…
… und ist tatsächlich verharmlosend. Eigentlich sagen Union und SPD mit der Einsetzung dieses Ausschusses: Die Verteilung von Posten in den zukünftigen Ausschüssen und in der zukünftigen Bundesregierung ist uns wichtiger, als eine inhaltlich fundierte und vom Grundgesetz vorgeschriebene Arbeit des Parlaments. Das Machtdenken, das dem innewohnt, ist überhaupt nicht harmlos, sondern gruselig.
Tagesordnungen der Plenarsitzungen
Aktuelle Tagesordnungen:
Andreas T. und der Zufall – das Medienlog vom Dienstag 3. Dezember 2013
“Hätte der als V-Mann geführte Neonazi weder etwas mit dem Mord an dem Internetcafébesitzer zu tun noch mit dem NSU, wäre er als Entlastungszeuge des in Nöten geratenen VS-Mitarbeiters T. aufgerufen worden. Gefährden kann dieser Neonazi den hessischen Verfassungsschutz nur, wenn er eine Verbindung zu dem Mord und zu den Mördern herstellen kann.”
Hallo? Politik? Ist da jemand zuhause? „Architekt des NSU als V-Mann enttarnt“
(6. Oktober)
Die Neonazistin Schneiders – Anwältin von #Wohlleben – sagte im #nsu Prozess, Tibor Retz (ehem. NPD Jena) sei V-Mann gewesen #vs #nazis #fb
(28. November)
NSU-Prozess: Rechtsextremist André K. belastet V-Mann
(21. November)
Spitze des Eisbergs?Verfassungsschutz Ministerium räumt ein: V-Mann war Ku-Klux-Klan-Chef
#NSU (11. November)
Investigator says close to naming people behind Arafat‘s death
A Palestinian investigator said on Tuesday he would soon name the people he believed were responsible for the death of former leader Yasser Arafat, almost a decade after he started searching for suspects.
South Korean Politicians Want Video Games Placed Alongside Drugs And Alcohol In Legislation For Addiction
As you should know by now, there are people in this world that think an addiction to the internet and/or video games is a thing. As in, a real thing, a real disorder. This, despite all the evidence that there is no such disorder and that video games are no more addictive than work or school. But scaring the hell out of people with official-sounding terminology makes for great business, leading to care-givers and hospitals opening up entirely new revenue-generators practices for treating these heretofore unproven „diseases.“
France to allow private security on shipping fleet: PM
Countries that allow the deployment of private armed security teams on their flagged vessels include Britain, Germany and the United States.
Constitutional court delays ruling on election laws
Italy‘s Constitutional Court said Tuesday that it will need more time to review the country‘s controversial election laws, the subject of numerous demands for reform.
Italy PM Letta to seek new confidence vote on December 11
In a formal step to mark the change from the previous coalition, the lower house will vote on the confidence motion on the morning of December 11, followed by a vote in the Senate in the afternoon, the ministry for relations with parliament said.
Italy proud of sacrifices made for recovery, president says
Crisis-stricken Italy should be „satisfied and proud of efforts made for the recovery of public finances,“ Italian President Giorgio Napolitano said on Tuesday.
Protesters climb Trevi Fountain to denounce joblessness
Millions of Italians are unemployed or underemployed as the economy endures its deepest recession in 20 years.
EU accuses Italy of missing debt targets
The European Union on Tuesday accused Italy of not respecting debt-reduction targets.
Italy Attempting To Have Copyright Enforced By Regulators, Not Courts
As it stands, the proposal is currently being reviewed by the EU to see if it complies with EU directives. A ruling in favor of the AGCOM plan would have a huge negative impact on Italy, innovation and culture.
Colombian president ‚optimistic‘ about peace, to meet Obama Tuesday
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, bound for Washington on an official visit, said on Monday he remains cautiously optimistic about peace talks with Marxist FARC rebels taking place in Cuba.
Hollywood Studio Bosses Ask Obama To Help Improve Relationship With Silicon Valley… While Pressing TPP That Will Harm Silicon Valley
Just before Thanksgiving, it appears that President Obama got to spend some time with the heads of the various major film studios, during which they made two key requests:
Help them improve their relationship with the tech industry.
Push forward with the various maximalist copyright proposals found in the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) agreement.
German Court Tells Wikimedia Foundation That It‘s Liable For Things Users Write
the one thing that worries me quite a bit about the German internet scene is its very dangerous view of secondary liability — in that German law and courts tend to lean towards blaming the intermediary for the actions of their users. I learned this the frightening way on stage at conference in Germany, under some very hot lights (in a decommissioned airport) where a somewhat angry questioner in the audience insisted that some comments written on Techdirt by some of our users were „illegal in Germany“ and that, under German law, I was liable for them.
Senat kommt den Forderungen nicht nach: „Die Ausführungen zum staatlichen Mitverschulden verlassen den Bereich der Spekulation nicht“. #NSU
NSU-Prozess – Schützt jemand den Agenten, der am Tatort war?
Schülerproteste in Paraguay gegen schlechte Bildung
In der vergangenen Woche haben tausende Schüler der Oberstufe gegen die unzureichende Bildungspolitik in Paraguay demonstriert.
Innenministerkonferenz – Hamburg wird Facebook-Fahndung empfehlen
Neumann stützt sich in seiner Einschätzung auf die Untersuchungen einer Projektgruppe von Bund und Ländern. Deren Ergebnisse wird er als Berichterstatter bei der diesen Mittwoch beginnenden Tagung seinen Ressortkollegen vorstellen. Er werde sich klar für diese Art der öffentlichen Fahndung aussprechen. Gerade junge Menschen seien über das Internet zu erreichen.
Five Ways We‘re Being Violated by Big Business
We already pay dearly for energy, medicine, banking, and telecommunications services. But a little research reveals that we‘re paying more — much more — in a variety of ways that our business-friendly mainstream media won‘t talk about.
‘Modern slavery’: Intl delegation decries migrant rights abuses in Qatar
“Professional and poor workers alike tell the same stories; they came to Qatar with optimism and good will, only to face despair when their employer decides they are disposable and refuses to pay wages, sack them without benefits and or refused to sign their exit permit,” said Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).
Mörderischer Sprit
Seit 2008 haben die deutsche und die europäische Politik den Märkten Lebensmittel entzogen, um den Agrosprit zu fördern – auf Geheiß der mächtigen Agroindustrie, in ihrem Streben nach privatem Profit.
Altmaier und Merkel: ‚Söldner der Agroindustrie‘
talien, Dänemark, Belgien und die Niederlande geht dieses tödliche Kalkül zu weit – sie plädieren immer noch für einen niedrigeren Deckel. Wenn Deutschland sich diesen Ländern anschließt, rückt eine Sperr-Minorität in greifbare Nähe, die das 7-Prozent-Modell blockiert. In einer neuen Verhandlungsrunde kann dann der Deckel wieder nach unten gedrückt werden.
Die Bundesregierung muss aufhören, sich zum “Söldner der Agroindustrie” zu machen, fordert auch der ehemalige UN-Sonderberichterstatter für das Recht auf Nahrung, Jean Ziegler, in einem aktuellen Gastbeitrag für die Süddeutsche Zeitung. Wenn Peter Altmaier am 12. Dezember in Brüssel die Hand hebt, muss ihm klar sein: Wir Bürger/innen wollen keine „freie Fahrt“ auf Kosten der Ärmsten der Armen.
What can you learn about me from 24 hours of my metadata?
What have you learned about me from this 24 hours in metadata? Tell me in the thread below.