British Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill was particularly adamant that this aspect of the tragedy remain a secret. … Churchill believed that publicizing the fiasco would hand the Germans a propaganda coup.
Although the gas was mentioned in official American records, Churchill insisted British medical records be purged and mustard gas deaths listed as the result of ‘burns due to enemy action.’ Churchill’s attempts at secrecy may have caused more deaths, because had the word gone out, more victims, especially Italian civilians, might have sought proper treatment.
The project for the biggest ships ever built for the Royal Navy has fuelled broader criticism of the defense ministry‘s handling of expensive weapons programs at a time of spending cuts across the public sector.
Rolls-Royce has sold its stake in the engine that powers the British Army’s Apache attack helicopters.
The FTSE 100 business offloaded its 50 per cent holding in the RTM322 engine programme for £249million to French aerospace rival Safran, with whom it had jointly developed the project.
A Safran subsidiary, Turbomeca, will continue to develop the engines as well as maintaining the existing machines that have already been sold into the market. A Rolls-Royce spokesman said it will use cash from the sale ‘to invest in other defence programmes that offer better returns’.
Israel has a great deal at stake in the American debate. Beyond the threats by Syria and its allies that they would retaliate against Israel for an American strike, Israel is gravely concerned about America’s waning influence in the Middle East. Israel sees Syria as a test case for Mr. Obama’s credibility in enforcing “red lines,” given his promise to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold a closed, top-secret hearing Wednesday, and several other panels in the House and Senate plan similar sessions over the next week.
02.09.2013 - 22:12 [ Rick Nolan, Abgeordneter des U.S. Repräsentantenhauses / Twitter ]
While there is no place I would rather be than home in Minnesota, spending this time with friends, neighbors and working families, I have been called back to Washington by the Democratic leadership for classified briefings on the rapidly escalating crisis in Syria, and the critical question of American military involvement in that troubled land.
I want you to know that I am vehemently opposed to a military strike that would clearly be an act of war against Syria, especially under such tragic yet confusing circumstances as to who is responsible for the use of chemical weapons. Beyond the potential for escalating the conflict and the killing, we risk danger to our ally Israel, involvement by the Russians and the Iranians, and blowback to the United States by radical groups operating in the region.
About 70 lawmakers came back from recess on Sunday for a classified briefing with administration officials, and more briefings and hearings will take place throughout the week.
Sources said Rep. Rick Nolan, D-Minnesota, was perhaps the most vocal on Monday‘s phone call. He argued the Obama administration is suffering from „historical amnesia“ and forgetting lessons from the wars in Vietnam and Iraq.
There are few things more bizarre than watching people advocate that another country be bombed even while acknowledging that it will achieve no good outcomes other than safeguarding the „credibility“ of those doing the bombing.
The day got off to a start with a 70-minute telephone briefing to the House Democratic Caucus by Secretary of State John Kerry; Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel; Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Susan E. Rice, the national security adviser; and James R. Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence.
There were 127 House Democrats on the call, nearly two-thirds of their total number.
Dem Kongress einen weiteren, äusserst unpopulären Krieg zu verkaufen ist kein leichtes Unterfangen, und viele betrachten es als extrem zweifelhaft, dass der Kongress dem jemals zustimmen wird. Die Obama-Administration hat allerdings einen Plan: mach, dass es um Israel geht.
Die dafür benötigten Palmölplantagen nehmen 700.000 Hektar in Beschlag – Land, das bis vor kurzen noch Regenwald und der Lebensraum der bedrohten Orang Utans war. Trotz der Abholzung der Regenwälder hat die EU Palmöl als nachhaltig produziert eingestuft.
I and my fellow plaintiffs have begun the third and final round of our battle to get the courts to strike down a section of theNational Defense Authorization Act(NDAA) that permits the military to seize U.S. citizens, strip them of due process and hold them indefinitely in military facilities. Carl Mayer and Bruce Afran, the lawyers who with me in January 2012 brought a lawsuit against President Barack Obama (Hedges v. Obama), are about to file papers asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear our appeal of a 2013 ruling on the act’s Section 1021.
„Well, I personally believe that — I mean, this is my belief, okay? But President Assad has been very generous with me in terms of the discussions we have had. And when I last went to — the last several trips to Syria — I asked President Assad to do certain things to build the relationship with the United States and sort of show the good faith that would help us to move the process forward,“ Kerry said in 2011.
Wäre Obama intelligent – und eindeutig ist einer, der Susan Rice zu seiner nationalen Sicherheitsberaterin macht, nicht intelligent – würde er einfach den Angriff gegen Syrien in den Hintergrund schieben und verschwinden lassen, während der Kongress am 9. September zurückkehrt, um sich mit den unlösbaren Problemen des Budgetdefizits und der Schuldenbegrenzung zu beschäftigen.
On Feb.14, 2003, French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin told members of the United Nations Security Council that taking part in the war in Iraq without absolute proof of weapons of mass destruction and without a UN endorsement was not an option for France.
„Bottled Life“ deckt auf, wie Konzerne den Menschen ihr eigenes Wasser als teures Lifestyleprodukt verkaufen, indem sie sich weltweit den Zugriff auf wertvolle Quellen sichern. Journalist Res Gehriger verfolgt die Spur von Nestlé und lässt uns tief blicken in die Strategien eines der mächtigsten Akteure im Milliardengeschäft mit dem Flaschenwasser.
Gegen die Privatisierung der Wasserversorgung kämpft aktuell das bisher größte europäische Bürgerbegehren right2water. Zeitgleich zum Kinostart im September 2013 werden mehr als eine Millionen Unterschriften der Protestbewegung an die deutschen Behörden übergeben.
A representative of the European Commission told the Terrorism Working Party on 30 July that „it was planning to increase the financial support“, [5] although it is currently unknown by how much. In the last seven years Atlas has already seen its income from the Commission increas by around 500%.
Für ihre Doktorarbeit hat Anna Terschüre die Bestnote „summa cum laude“ erhalten. Die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender versuchen die Erkenntnis der Autorin zwar von der Öffentlichkeit fern zu halten. In einem Verfahren von Rossmann und Sixt gegen die erneuerte Rundfunkabgabe wird die Doktorarbeit aber schon als wichtiges Dokument gewürdigt.
But the Saudi monarchy, though lacking Israel‘s readiness to attack Iran, can share the Jewish state‘s concern that neither may now look with confidence to Washington to curb what Riyadh sees as a drive by its Persian rival to dominate the Arab world.
Jack Goldsmith, a Harvard Law professor who resigned from the Bush administration over its executive overreach, wrote in Lawfare that “the proposed Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) focuses on the Syrian Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) but is otherwise very broad” and that it “does not contain specific limits on targets”.
Am Dienstag werde ich im Berliner TAZ-Café, 19 Uhr, mit dem Kollegen Udo Vetter und dem IT-Experten und Hacktivisten Daniel Domscheit-Berg über den NSA-Skandal und die Möglichkeiten parlamentarischer Kontrolle und Konsequenzen sprechen.
Still, it‘s another angle to keep in mind this week — Congress won‘t just debate the contentious issue of whether or not to authorize the use of force, but also how to approve of military action, if at all.
„Ich finde diese Initiative überaus angebracht und richtig“, sagte Putin, nachdem Valentina Matwijenko, die Vorsitzende des Parlamentsoberhauses, diese Initiative artikuliert hatte. „Es gibt keinen besseren Weg als einen direkten und offenen Dialog, bei dem die Argumente und Standpunkte dargelegt werden.“
I appeal strongly for peace, an appeal which arises from the deep within me. How much suffering, how much devastation, how much pain has the use of arms carried in its wake in that martyred country, especially among civilians and the unarmed! I think of many children will not see the light of the future! With utmost firmness I condemn the use of chemical weapons: I tell you that those terrible images from recent days are burned into my mind and heart. There is a judgment of God and of history upon our actions which are inescapable! Never has the use of violence brought peace in its wake. War begets war, violence begets violence.
With all my strength, I ask each party in this conflict to listen to the voice of their own conscience, not to close themselves in solely on their own interests, but rather to look at each other as brothers and decisively and courageously to follow the path of encounter and negotiation, and so overcome blind conflict. With similar vigour I exhort the international community to make every effort to promote clear proposals for peace in that country without further delay, a peace based on dialogue and negotiation, for the good of the entire Syrian people.
Die Vorbereitung und Führung eines Angriffskrieges von deutschem Boden wird zudem im Grundgesetz verboten. Daran hat sich auch die Bundesregierung zu halten und den USA die Nutzung ihrer Militärbasen für einen Syrienkrieg zu untersagen.
Die Angriffe der US- Amerikaner und ihrer westlichen Alliierten auf Bashar al- Assads Syrien stehen offenbar in Kürze bevor. Ein eindeutiger Hinweis darauf ist auch, dass es bereits informelle Anfragen von NATO-Staaten bezüglich Überflugsgenehmigungen für Österreich gab – die das Außenministerium nach Informationen der „Krone“ aber nicht erteilen wird.
An aerial photograph taken during a RAF Bomber Command night raid on Berlin, 2 September 1941, shows bombs exploding, search lights and anti-aircraft fire
„On the 7th of September, here [in St Peter‘s Square], from 7 pm until midnight, we will gather together in prayer, in a spirit of penitence, to ask from God this great gift [of peace] for the beloved Syrian nation and for all the situations of conflict and violence in the world“, Pope Francis said.
The report late Sunday by Globo‘s news program „Fantastico“ was based on documents that journalist Glenn Greenwald obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. Greenwald, who lives in Rio de Janeiro, was listed as a co-contributor to the report.
Government sources said Sunday that French intelligence had compiled information showing the Syrian regime had stockpiled more than 1,000 tonnes of chemical agents, including Sarin gas, mustard gas and more powerful neurotoxic agents.
„In a complicated situation like this, we need to stick to principles, in other words the constitution, which does not oblige the president to hold a vote, nor even a debate,“ foreign affairs committee chief Elisabeth Guigou, a veteran of the ruling Socialist Party, told France Info radio.
I can tell you right away: no, it doesn’t! It doesn’t really matter what the Christian-Democrat, conservative and neo-liberal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and her Social-Democrat challenger Peer Steinbrueck exchanged on clever and quick statements, announcements and criticism last night, during their TV-duel. It doesn;t really matter what they said over Greece and its debt crisis.
Rights organizations must take positive action against violations and abuses of detainees’ rights in Egypt or they risk losing all credibility and relevance.
The movement behind deposed President Mohamed Mursi, founded in 1928, formally registered itself as an NGO in response to a lawsuit that argued it had no legal status.
The Brotherhood was formally dissolved by Egypt‘s army rulers in 1954. The judicial panel‘s recommendation is not binding
Wir berichteten vor etwa einem Monat über die Special Operations Division der DEA – eine Behörden-überspannende (FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA) Einheit, die lokale Polizei und DEA mit Informationen versorgt, die aus den verschiedensten geheimdienstlichen Quellen gewonnen werden. Um die SOD geheim zu halten, sollen die Beamten im jeweiligen Fall verschleiern, dass die Ermittlungen auf Informationen beruhen, die die SOD lieferte. Im Zweifelsfall sollen Ermittlungsverläufe und Beweise “rekonstruiert” werden, um vor Gericht lückenlos und plausibel zu erscheinen.
The scale and scope of the project could, The Times says, be larger than the NSA‘s phone call logging efforts. Those records remain in AT&T‘s control, but in one of the more unusual twists, trained AT&T employees sit alongside DEA agents (at the DEA agent‘s offices) to help facilitate access to the phone records upon request.
The slides were given to The New York Times by Drew Hendricks, a peace activist in Port Hadlock, Wash. He said he had received the PowerPoint presentation, which is unclassified but marked “Law enforcement sensitive,” in response to a series of public information requests to West Coast police agencies.
Die Daten liegen demnach bei AT&T und werden auf Basis einer sogenannten „administrativen subpoena“ durchsucht. Die muss weder ein Richter noch eine Jury ausstellen, sondern es reicht eine Bundesbehörde wie die DEA (US-Drogenbekämpfungsbehörde).
The ministry said in a statement that the new Deputy Prime Minister Paulo Portas and Finance Minister Maria Luis Albuquerque will visit Brussels, Frankfurt and Washington this week to get to know officials from the lending institutions to Portugal‘s bailout.
The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, is criticised by leadership rival Peer Steinbrück over austerity measures in Greece, during a televised debate prior to the German elections.
Contractors like Snowden, who leaked some of America‘s most closely guarded secrets, were not included in the plans to reinvestigate 4,000 security clearances, the paper said.
Deputy Syrian FM says US strike in Syria will destabilize Middle East, ‚would amount to support for al-Qaeda‘; claims Obama hasn‘t thought through all the ‚consequences‘