„Moscow considers it important to conduct an objective and professional investigation,“ ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich told reporters, adding the provocation undermined the efforts for convening an international conference on Syria.
Daily Archives: 21. August 2013
Turkey Accuses Egypt of Massacre, Egypt Responds by Endorsing Armenian Genocide Declaration
Turkey’s Islamist leader, Prime Minister Erdogan, threw another fit over the defeat of his fellow Islamists in Egypt, and disregarding his own brutal assaults on the Gezi Park protesters, demanded trials and intervention.
Britannien versucht neuerlich die Durchsetzung von Sanktionen gegen den Iran, nachdem das Höchstgericht diese zurückgewiesen hat
Die britische Regierung sagt, dass sie plant, einen neuen Weg zu finden, um Sanktionen gegen die Bank Mellat durchzusetzen, eine iranische Privatbank, nachdem der britische Supreme Court (Höchstgericht) diese Sanktionen als „irrational“ verurteilt und angeordnet hat, sie aufzuheben.
Pro-Mursi alliance calls for Friday protests against army
A grouping calling itself The National Coalition to Support Legitimacy, which has been demanding Mursi‘s reinstatement, said in a statement: „We will remain steadfast on the road to defeating the military coup.“
Europe shies away from cutting aid for Egypt
The decision acknowledges Europe‘s limited economic muscle in forcing Egypt‘s army-backed rulers and the Muslim Brotherhood supporters of deposed President Mohamed Mursi into a peaceful compromise.
European Union halts some arms exports to Egypt, but leaves aid untouched
„Doing too much would risk upsetting completely the current power in Egypt, but not doing enough risks corroborating this vision of a Europe that is extremely cynical,“ Elena Aoun, professor of international relations at Brussels University, said before the meeting.
Should President Obama pardon Bradley Manning?
In a news conference following the sentencing of Pfc Bradley Manning, his attorney, David Coombs, said that he is applying to President Obama for a pardon for the WikiLeaks source. Should Manning be pardoned?
NSA Program Found Unconstitutional Went On For 3 Years; Started Right After Telcos Got Immunity
Marcy Wheeler, however, puts two and two together, and notes that the „start“ of this admitted unconstitutional spying was in 2008 — which is exactly when the telcos received immunity from all such cases involving warrantless wiretapping.
Last of the Nixon Tapes Go Online
The Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, now part of the National Archives system, posted online the final 340 hours of tapes as well as 140,000 pages of memos and other documents. Among topics covered by the tapes are Watergate, Vietnam and a summit meeting with the Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev.
#WeekOfDeparture in Egypt, happening now
Hundreds Dead In Syrian Chemical Attack As Even Impartial Experts Allege ‚False Flag‘
So let’s see: an irrational act by a man who knows every act of his is under the interantional media microscope, and not just any act but the worst chemical weapons attack to date which would promptly force a “democratic” intervention into his country, or merely a false flag attack in which the so-called rebels, aka Qatari mercenaries, are killing their own to pin the blame, and the international retaliation, on Assad?
Syria gas attack story has whiff of Saudi war propaganda
Therefore the story is worth analyzing carefully. When we do, several things jump out as suspicious. First the newspaper breaking the story was Al Arabiya, initially saying that at least 500 people have been killed, according to activists. From there it got picked up by major international media. Making the story more fishy by the minute were reports from different media of the alleged number of dead that changed by the minute – 635 then to 800 by USA Today and 1,300 by Rupert Murdoch’s SkyNews.
And now, a message from our (Saudi) sponsors
by Pepe Escobar
There he is, Egypt‘s new pharaoh, Pinochet Sisi, in full regalia/glory. Subtitles are superfluous. This is General Abdel Fattel al-Sisi‘s Oscar moment. He‘s thanking his sponsors/producers. When he mentions „Saudi Arabia“ the room goes wild. When he mentions [King] „Abdullah“ the room goes wild.
Can‘t hit the streets tonight? At 9PM go 2 ur window w/a pot & metal. Hit the pot for 15 mins, make the emergency sound & let the world hear
Mubarak represents everything that is wrong with #Egypt, the corruption, poverty & tyranny. Free Egyptians will get their country back
Beyond Bradley Manning: The Government Has Made Its Point (UPDATED)
Beyond Bradley Manning: The Government Has Made Its Point (UPDATED)
Die EU stellt Waffenlieferungen an Ägypten ein. Jetzt.
Jetzt stellt die EU Waffenlieferungen an Ägypten ein. JETZT.
Whistleblower-Prozess: Bradley Manning muss 35 Jahre ins Gefängnis
Das Urteil gegen Manning wird zunächst von Generalmajor Jeffrey Buchanan geprüft, der die Anklage erhoben hat. Das sehen die Statuten des Uniform Code of Military Justice vor. Buchanan kann sowohl die Anklagepunkte als auch das Urteil selbst abmildern. An ihn hat Mannings Verteidigung bereits ein Gnadengesuch geschickt.
Russia accuses Britain of human rights hypocrisy over Snowden-gate
Russia has granted asylum to Snowden much to the anger of the United States, where the former spy agency contractor is wanted by authorities who accuse him of espionage.
Journalists under threat in Egypt
After a spate of attacks and detentions, the Committee to Protect Journalists has highlighted the targeting of media staff in Egypt.
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest on Allegations of Chemical Weapons Use in Syria
If the Syrian government has nothing to hide and is truly committed to an impartial and credible investigation of chemical weapons use in Syria, it will facilitate the UN team’s immediate and unfettered access to this site. We have also called for urgent consultations in the UN Security Council to discuss these allegations and to call for the Syrian government to provide immediate access to the UN investigative team. The United States urges all Syrian parties including the government and opposition, to provide immediate access to any and all sites of importance to the investigation and to ensure security for the UN investigative team.
Ägyptische Militärregierung wird weiter aus EU unterstützt
Falls sich die EU tatsächlich für eine „Referenz für die arabische Welt … was Rechtsstaatlichkeit angeht, was Menschenrechte angeht, was Demokratie angeht“ hält, wäre sie ohnehin verpflichtet, den Militärputsch und die Massaker auf den Straßen scharf zu verurteilen und ihre Schlüsse daraus ziehen: Das wäre auch ein erster Schritt, die Macht der Militärs in Ägypten zumindest auf lange Sicht nicht aus dem Ruder laufen zu lassen. Denn wenn Martin Gehlen in der Zeit Online schreibt, „die Armee könnte bald einflussreicher sein als unter Mubarak“, dann ist das noch untertrieben (5). Sie ist jetzt schon mächtiger als je zuvor.
White House against Military Intervention in Syria
In the letter sent to democrat Congress representative Eliot Engel, Dempsey says that the political plans of the armed groups´ leaders who try to overthrow Damascus Government by force are a risk for the U.S. interests.
Obama ‚opposed to intervention in Syria‘
The Obama administration is opposed to even limited US military intervention in Syria because it believes rebels would not support American interests.
The revelation was made in a letter to member of Congress from General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffs.
EU governments to review Egypt aid: EU‘s Ashton
European Union governments agreed on Wednesday to review assistance to Egypt while maintaining support to the most vulnerable people, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said following emergency talks on EU relations with Cairo.
Russia calls for investigation into alleged Syria chemical attack
„All this cannot but suggest that once again we are dealing with a pre-planned provocation. This is supported by the fact that the criminal act was committed near Damascus at the very moment when a mission of U.N. experts had successfully started their work of investigating allegations of the possible use of chemical weapons there,“ Lukashevich said in a statement.
Neuer C-Waffenmeinsatz in Syrien? Moskau hegt Zweifel – London fordert UN-Sondersitzung
Hinter den Berichten über einen erneuten Einsatz chemischer Waffen in Syrien vermutet Russland eine bewusste Provokation und fordert eine gründliche Ermittlung.
Britain defends top official‘s role in halting Snowden reports
Sources told Reuters on Wednesday that British Prime Minister David Cameron ordered Heywood to contact the newspaper to try to stop the revelations.
Saudi Arabia calls for emergency U.N. Security Council meeting on Syria
Saudi Arabia called on Wednesday for an emergency U.N. Security Council meeting to discuss reports of a chemical attack that opposition groups say killed hundreds of people in Syria, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said.
Diskussion um Zahlungsstopp: Ägyptens Regierungschef warnt die USA
Letztlich würde sein Land aber auch ohne die Hilfe aus Washington auskommen, betonte der Chef der Übergangsregierung. So könnte ja beispielsweise Russland militärische Unterstützung leisten. Ein Ende der US-Hilfe wäre also „nicht das Ende der Welt“, sagte al-Beblawi.
Ich geb´s zu. Möglich wär´s.
Wäre ja sowas von geschickt. Nach Washington rüberwinken, „Ja, gebt uns den Schwarzen Peter“.
Und nu, täterä, ein bisschen Hilfe für die Militärdiktatur über Ägypten, damit auch die Golfmonarchisten wieder ruhig schlafen können?
Dann jahrelang bei der Syrien-Invasion hin und her schwanken, gerade so mal NICHT ja sagen..
Vor der Libyen-Invasion zu dämlich sein im UNO Sicherheitsrat die Kriegsvollmacht zu lesen bei der man sich enthält..
Doch. Ja. Ich geb´s zu. Moskau könnte wieder einmal fähig dazu sein sich für ein imperialistisches Massaker herzugeben.
Israel in großer Sorge um Ägyptens Armee
Israel drängt die USA und die EU dazu, Ägyptens Armee im Kampf gegen die Islamisten weiterhin zu unterstützen, schreibt die Zeitung „Kommersant“ am Mittwoch.
Israel befürchtet eine Katastrophe für die gesamte Region, wenn zum Schutz der demokratischen Werte Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Ägypten verhängt werden.
Ägyptens Regierung sieht keine politische Konfrontation im Land
Die blutigen Auseinandersetzungen mit vielen Hunderten Toten in Ägypten sind nach der Einschätzung der Übergangsregierung keine politische Konfrontation.
The UAE Brings in Russia to Support the Egyptian Government
(19. August) The US is now aligned with Turkey, Qatar and Sudan against Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Both latter countries support terrorists, but they are not, currently, fans of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Militärhilfe: Ägyptens Regierungschef warnt USA vor Zahlungsstopp
Mit 1,3 Milliarden Dollar unterstützt Amerika das ägyptische Militär jedes Jahr. Jetzt diskutieren US-Politiker einen Zahlungsstopp. Das wäre ein „Fehler“, aber kein Problem, tönt Regierungschef Beblawi: Man werde sich dann eben an Russland wenden.
The American Dream rewards few, enslaves millions
I‘ve been working odd jobs and starting businesses all my life. It‘s a hustler spirit fitting with my immigrant roots, a key part of my identity. Quintessentially American, even. Self-reliance is something I‘m proud of – I‘ve always loved Westerns. For an avowed socialist, it‘s all a bit problematic.
Soviet invasion of Prague, 1968 – a picture from the past
Czech photojournalist Libor Hajsky on the day that Soviet tanks invaded Czechoslovakia to crush Alexander Dubček‘s Prague Spring, on Radio Praha:
Egypt court orders Mubarak released
Former president will remain in custody for at least 48 hours pending a possible appeal by prosecutors.
UK National Security Adviser intervened in Guardian case: source
Kim Darroch, Britain‘s National Security Adviser and one of Prime Minister David Cameron‘s closest aides, was involved in talks with the Guardian newspaper to try to get it to hand over or destroy spy secrets leaked by Edward Snowden, two sources told Reuters.
Guardian told to destroy NSA files for national security, says Clegg
Clegg‘s spokesman confirms that Sir Jeremy Heywood made request on instructions of David Cameron
Pope calls for peace in Egypt
(17.August) Pope Francis has renewed his call for peace and reconciliation in Egypt. In a statement, the vice-director of the Vatican Press Office, Father Ciro Benedettini, CP, said the Holy Father “continues to follow with growing concern the serious news coming from Egypt and continues to pray for end to violence, and that the parties choose the path of dialogue and reconciliation.”
Arab League seeks to justify „popular revolution“ in Egypt
(06.Juli) The Secretary-General of the Arab League has left Cairo for an international tour in order to drum up support for the military coup in Egypt and try to convince people that it was a „popular revolution“. Dr Nabil Elaraby said that he intends to „clarify“ the situation to foreign leaders.
Arab League chief asks UN to look into report of Syria gas attack
Arab League Secretary General Nabil Elaraby called on Wednesday for United Nations inspectors to immediately investigate reports of a chemical attack near the Syrian capital that activists say has killed more than 200 people, Egypt‘s state news agency said.
Pictured: The hard drive containing documents leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden destroyed with ANGLE GRINDERS on David Cameron‘s orders
PM asked Sir Jeremy Heywood to warn paper against publishing material
GCHQ later went to Guardian‘s office and helped staff smash hard drives
White House say it is ‚difficult to imagine‘ U.S. government taking that action
It also emerged Mr Cameron knew in advance David Miranda would be held
NSA-Affäre: Britischer Premier steckte hinter Drohungen gegen den Guardian
Großbritanniens Premierminister David Cameron war direkt verantwortlich für die Warnungen an den Guardian, es würde ernste Konsequenzen haben, wenn die Dokumente von Edward Snowden nicht übergeben oder zerstört würden.
Italy: Govt at risk if Senate ejects Berlusconi warns senior conservative
If the centre-left votes to expel Silvio Berlusconi from the Senate upper house of parliament over his criminal conviction, the former premier‘s centre-right party will scupper Italy‘s fragile coalition government, a senior conservative politician said on Monday.
Italian Senate vote on Berlusconi’s future in fall
A senator says the Italian Senate will vote on whether or not to confirm ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi‘s ban from public office before November.
Unless we make a successful case for Europe (and for a different Europe), Euro-skeptic forces will gain ground and Europe’s decision-making processes will be blocked. The choice is clear, and it will have to be made sooner rather than later.
Italy can‘t miss EU presidency chance, premier says
‚2014 will be historic year‘
ALMA Takes Close Look at Drama of Starbirth
Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have obtained a vivid close-up view of material streaming away from a newborn star. By looking at the glow coming from carbon monoxide molecules in an object called Herbig-Haro 46/47 they have discovered that its jets are even more energetic than previously thought. The very detailed new images have also revealed a previously unknown jet pointing in a totally different direction.