Daily Archives: 7. Juli 2013

07.07.2013 - 18:12 [ The Telegraph ]

Tony Blair hired ex Israeli army intelligence officer despite envoy role

The 30-year-old was previously a policy adviser to Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, working with security agencies and senior officials.

Mr Blair has been involved in sensitive negotiations between the Israeli government and Palestinian Authority. The former prime minister is the unpaid envoy to the Middle East for the Quartet – the group that represents the US, Russia, the United Nations and Europe.

07.07.2013 - 17:44 [ AllGov ]

Border Patrol Set to Weaponize Drones

When Customs and Border Protection (CPB) first got its drones, the rationale for the acquisition was that the unmanned aircraft would help improve monitoring and surveillance along the U.S.-Mexico border.
But now, CPB may be thinking about arming its Predator drones with “non-lethal weapons.”

07.07.2013 - 15:45 [ Deutsche Schuldenberatung ]

Die Reform der Verbraucherinsolvenz 2014

Auf den ersten Blick überwiegen die Vorteile einer Privatinsolvenz. Aber es sollte jeder Schuldner auch die langfristigen Auswirkungen einer Privatinsolvenz berücksichtigen und ggf. die Chance einer außergerichtlichen Einigung bevorzugen.

07.07.2013 - 15:37 [ Berliner Wassertisch ]

Organklage im Nacken: Senat und Veolia drücken beim Rückkauf aufs Tempo

Eine juristische Prüfung der Verträge birgt für den Wasserkonzern das Risiko, dass die Privatisierungsverträge von Anfang an für nichtig erklärt werden könnten. Dann würde eine Rückabwicklung notwendig, bei der unrechtmäßig erhaltene Gewinne mit der Rückkaufsumme zu verrechnen wären. Für den SPD/CDU-Senat bestünde die Gefahr, dass die mit der Teilprivatisierung verknüpften Machenschaften der beiden Parteien die öffentliche Diskussion bestimmen könnten.

07.07.2013 - 15:29 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Venezuelas Präsident Maduro in Moskau und Minsk

Neben anderen Vertretern Lateinamerikas hat Venezuelas Präsident Nicolás Maduro an dem 2. Gipfeltreffen Erdgas exportierender Länder in Moskau teilgenommen, das unter der Leitung des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin im Kreml stattfand.

07.07.2013 - 13:29 [ Centre for Islamic Pluralism ]

THE NOUR PARTY Egyptian Wahhabis Exploiting the ‘Salafi’ Mask

The Nour Party embodies Wahhabism, the fanatical interpretation of Islam that is the sole official religious doctrine in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The media have tiptoed around the authentic character of the Nour Party, with leading sources noting only that the Nour Party’s program is derived from or influenced by Saudi Wahhabism. But the Nour Party reproduces Wahhabism – the ideology that inspired Osama Bin Laden – in its entirety.

07.07.2013 - 13:18 [ L.A. Times ]

Egypt‘s ultraconservative Islamists see an opening in Morsi‘s ouster

Nour is facing criticism for its stance. Many Morsi supporters at a rally Friday denounced Nour as betraying the country‘s first Islamist president. Ironically, in the eyes of strict Salafists, Nour made the same mistake as the Brotherhood: sacrificing religious principles for political power.

„Nour is now finding itself somewhat ostracized within the mainstream Islamist movement because of its support for military intervention,“ said Sultan.

07.07.2013 - 13:10 [ Weißes Haus ]

Readout of the President’s Meeting with the National Security Council Regarding the Situation in Egypt

(06.07.) In line with that position, the United States categorically rejects the false claims propagated by some in Egypt that we are working with specific political parties or movements to dictate how Egypt’s transition should proceed. We remain committed to the Egyptian people and their aspirations for democracy, economy opportunity, and dignity. But the future path of Egypt can only be determined by the Egyptian people.

07.07.2013 - 13:09 [ Kreml ]

Security Council meeting

(05.07.) The nature of military conflict and the methods of its development and conduct are changing before our very eyes. We are seeing development of robotised combat systems and high-precision weapons. Colleagues, the specialists know that these high-precision weapons come close to strategic weapons in capability and ultimately are affecting the global balance of power.

Militarisation of outer space and cyberspace continues. There is broader use of special operations methods and soft power instruments. We need to take all of these factors into account in our practical work.

07.07.2013 - 12:45 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Democracy Defense Front Statement on the Legal Status of the Coup in Egypt

On July 3, 2013 Egypt’s army commander, the Defense Minister, mounted a full-fledged coup d’état against the legitimate elected President of Egypt and suspended the Constitution endorsed by popular referendum on December 25, 2012.

We declare illegal, null and void all decrees issued and actions taken by the Defense Minister, and say as follows:

(1) The Elected President of Egypt, who is also the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, did not resign nor transfer any of his powers to any person or entity, including the Defense Minister, who was appointed by the President himself.

(2) Announcing the military coup, the Defense Minister also suspended the Egyptian Constitution approved by the Egyptian people in 2012 in a most credible, fair and free referendum, although this Constitution itself is the legal basis and source of the Defense Minister’s legitimacy, and does not allow any authority to suspend, repeal or abolish any of its provisions.

(3) The Defense Minister appointed Judge Adli Mansour, Chief Justice of Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court, as the country‘s president, in an unprecedented move where a minister „appoints“ a President of State.

(4) All Constitutional Court judges, including judge Adli Mansour, were appointed by the President of the Republic according to a Mubarak-era law. Hence, the appointment of Judge Adli Mansour as President by the Defense Minister is a manifest violation of the Constitution and legal provisions. The decree was issued by someone who had no authority to do so, to appoint as President someone who had no right to take that position.

(5) The Defense Minister’s decree to suspend the Constitution is null and void. Therefore the constitutional situation remains as it were. The elected legitimate president remains unchanged and those who mounted the coup remain outside the law and the Constitution.

Finally, the Democracy Defense Front calls on all states as well as international and regional organizations and all the free world not to deal with the illegitimate coup government, and to stand firm with the Egyptian people in their quest to regain their democracy and their Constitution.

God bless Egypt – free and civilian democracy

07.07.2013 - 12:37 [ The Sun ]

We’re youngry

The findings — in a survey for Tesco, foodbanks charity the Trussell Trust and anti-food waste charity FareShare — come as figures show nearly a million 16 to 24-year-olds are jobless. It also found more than a fifth of households with children are in food poverty.

07.07.2013 - 07:52 [ Radio Utopie ]

“Parlamentarisches Kontrollgremium”: B.N.D.-Präsident bestätigt Zusammenarbeit mit N.S.A., Verfassungsschutz weiß von nichts

Der Präsident des Bundesnachrichtendienst (B.N.D.) Gerhard Schindler hat in der Sitzung des “Parlamentarischen Kontrollgremiums” der Geheimdienste des Deutschen Bundestages am 3. Juli (wir berichteten) die Zusammenarbeit mit der National Security Agency (N.S.A.) bestätigt. Dies gaben nun offenbar Mitglieder des P.K.G. über den “Spiegel” bekannt. Zudem veröffentlichte das Blatt heute Aussagen von Edward Snowdern aus “verschlüsselten emails”, welche dieser noch vor dem 9. Juni, der Bekanntgabe von Edward Snowden als der Quelle des “Guardian”, mit Jacob Appelbaum und Laura Poitras wechselte.