HobbyComposer and violinist, Ysanne best known for her work with rock band Smashing Pumpkins will launch her audio-visual masterpiece, The Coldwater Project with the debut of The Mermaid Song on May 13, 2013. Known for her work with the Smashing Pumpkins, as well as original film and television music, Ysanne’s The Mermaid Song will feature two accompanying short films consisting of a ten minute live-action film and a lyrical video that will be available exclusively in the digital-bundling package. All proceeds will benefit Sea Shepherd.
Daily Archives: 10. April 2013
US Sends Egypt 140,000 Tear Gas Canisters to Use on Peaceful Protesters
by John Glaser
A shipment of teargas canisters from the United States arrived at the Abadeya Port in Suez on Sunday, according to official documents obtained by Al-Masry Al-Youm.
Die Woche im EU-Parlament: Mittelmeerunion, Romano Prodi und Internationale Arbeitsorganisation
(08.04.) Diese Woche treffen die EU-Abgeordneten in Brüssel Parlamentarier aus den Ländern der Mittelmeerunion, um Herausforderungen nach dem Arabischen Frühling zu diskutieren.
Mittelmeerunion: Treffen der Parlamentspräsidenten
(05.04.) Parlamentarier sollten eine größere Rolle spielen beim demokratischen Übergang nach dem Arabischen Frühling. Dafür will sich der Präsident des Europaparlaments Martin Schulz am 6. und 7. April bei einem Treffen der Parlamentspräsidenten der Mittelmeerunion in Marseille einsetzen.
NYC agrees to pay more than $230,000 after destroying Occupy books
Some 2,600 of those books, which included works by Shakespeare, Dostoeyevski and Ayn Rand, were never seen again, Siegel said — including a copy of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg‘s autobiography that was destroyed.
Putin held on Finland‘s criminal blacklist by ‚mistake‘
The Night Wolves says on its Web site that the club‘s prototype was born in the 1980s from the desire to protect musicians who were holding illegal concerts during the Soviet era.
Ground the Drones Protest Saturday 27 April
Disgusted by the drone wars? Join us 27 April
PMs urge stronger ties between Russia and Serbia
Dačić thanked Medvedev for a series of agreements that will be signed at the end of the meeting, and especially pointed out an agreement approving a loan to Serbia to boost its budget.
Jeremić: China supports Serbia in all priorities
Jeremić opened the Forum with the new Chinese president, and the presidents of Mexico, Kazakhstan, Finland, Myanmar, and the prime ministers of Austria, Cambodia and New Zealand.
Media Still Hype Staged Toppling of Saddam Statue as Genuine
Marking the 10-year anniversary of the statue’s toppling, The Associated Press described the memorable event: “Joyful Iraqis helped by an American tank retriever pulled down their longtime dictator, cast as 16 feet of bronze. The scene broadcast live worldwide became an icon of the war, a symbol of final victory over Saddam Hussein.”
Unmentioned in the AP report was the fact that “It was a Marine colonel — not joyous Iraqi civilians, as was widely assumed from the TV images — who decided to topple the statue,” as The Los Angeles Times reported back in 2004.
St. Bonifacius sagt Nein zu Drohnen
Die Stadt hat auch für ein landesweites zweijähriges Moratorium zum Einsatz der Drohnentechnologie im öffentlichen Raum aufgerufen bis überhaupt erwiesen ist, ob die Bilder und andere Daten als Beweismittel vor Gericht verwendet werden können.
Hamburger Professor: Gläserner Bankkunde ist verfassungswidrig
(01.10.2004) Die Ansammlung der Daten auf Vorrat sowie ihr Abruf ohne jede Kontrolle würden massive Einschnitte in das Grundrecht des Bankkunden auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung bedeuten. „Es gibt keine Zweckbindung des Abrufs, das Amt muss nur zuständig sein“, sagte er. „Und das sind viele.“
200 Stasi-Leute bleiben unerkannt
(18.10.2004) Die aus den USA zurückgekehrten „Rosenholz“-Dateien sind erst seit diesem Frühjahr so aufbereitet, daß die mikroverfilmten Karteikarten genutzt werden können. Sie enthalten rund 280 000 Datensätze zu West-Spionen der Stasi.
Zwangsräumungen: Andalusische Regierung enteignet Banken
“Heute sagen wir basta! Bis hierhin und nicht weiter!”, hat Elena Cortés, die zuständige Ministerin Andalusiens von der linken Izquierda Unida (IU), in Sevilla keinen Zweifel an ihrer Entschlossenheit gelassen. Bereits morgen früh tritt im Süden ein Gesetz in Kraft, dass es erlaubt, Banken zu enteignen, um Zwangsräumungen zu vermeiden. Ein Meilenstein in Spanien!
Banking union a priority for Lew in Europe
„Our economy‘s strength remains sensitive to events beyond our shores and we have an immense stake in Europe‘s health and stability,“ Lew told reporters
Under-pressure Austria ready to exchange more bank data
The comments came after a spokesman for EU Tax Commissioner Algirdas Semeta called it “unacceptable” that Austria was refusing to sign up to an EU-wide push towards an automatic sharing of information on bank account holders.
Luxembourg agrees to automatic information exchange to help fight tax evasion
The country added that the fiscal regime for U.S. citizens “will be dealt with in a bilateral agreement under negotiation between the governments of Luxembourg and the United States.”
Tax havens: Bank deal pressures Austria and Luxembourg
The finance ministers from the five nations wrote to European Commissioner on Fiscality, Algirdas Šemeta saying they have agreed a pilot scheme, based on the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act,
Festival of Experimental Music in Lebanon
«Irtijal means improvisation in Arabic, although since its creation in 2001, the festival has never been strictly a free improv festival and pretty much evolved to have a much wider musical reach, trying to cover all types of new and innovative music making, always seeking to cover new ground. But we like to think that Improvisation has remained the spirit that animates the festival.» (Sharif Sehnaoui, 2013)
Top five EU states push for tax transparency
In a joint letter to the EU commission sent on Tuesday (9 April), the finance ministers of the five largest EU countries say they have agreed on a „pilot“ project of „automatic information exchange“ aimed at fighting tax evasion.
The initiative is open to other member states and is based on a recently adopted law in the US – the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
Wilder Mann
Take a visual tour of Europe’s wild man traditions.
Greeks worry about their savings despite assurances “deposits are fully protected”
Governor of Central Bank Giorgos Provopoulos felt the need on Wednesday to repeat for one more time the slogan we, here in Greece, have hearing since Sunday: that “deposits in Greek banks are full protected and thus regardless of the amount”.
Defense: Israeli warships in joint exercise with Cyprus
Israel is set to send warships to the eastern Mediterranean for a joint military exercise with the Republic of Cyprus, according to World Bulletin citing a report that appeared in the Greek Fileleftheros daily.
As Congress Debates CISPA, Companies Admit No Real Damage From Cyberattacks
Recently, some of the rhetoric shifted to how it wasn‘t necessarily planes falling from the sky but Chinese hackers eating away at our livelihoods by hacking into computers to get our secrets and destroy our economy. Today, Congress is debating CISPA (in secret) based on this assumption. There‘s just one problem:
it‘s still not true.
U.S. military satellite in Sicily sparks hot protests
The planned resumption of the construction of a much-contested US military satellite communications system in the Sicilian town of Niscemi has sparked a new round of protests from local residents concerned about the environmental and health risks it could pose.
Obama budget proposal includes cuts to Social Security, Medicare – live blog
• President Obama unveiled a budget proposal that would cut $400bn from Medicare and $230bn from Social Security over the next 10 years. The budget also claims $580bn in new revenue from closing tax loopholes and instituting the so-called Buffett Rule. An overview of the proposal is here.
Berliner protestieren gegen steigende Mieten
„Sie konnte sich nicht vorstellen nach dem Tag weiterzuleben, aber durch unser Bündnis hat sie uns wenigstens versprochen an morgen zu denken, weil man kann nicht für jemanden kämpfen, der jetzt sterben will.“
Panik in Yokohama nach Twitter-Meldung über Raketenstart in Nordkorea
Die Behörden der japanischen Großstadt Yokohama haben ihre Bürger aus Versehen per Twitter über den Start einer nordkoreanischen ballistischen Rakete informiert (…)
Erst zwanzig Minuten später wurde die Meldung wieder gelöscht – Zeit genug, um Panik zu stiften.
Oberster Nato-Befehlshaber inspiziert Patriot-Batterien an türkisch-syrischer Grenze
Der Oberste Nato-Befehlshaber für Europa, Admiral James Stavridis, besucht heute die an der türkisch-syrischen Grenze stationierten Batterien von Fla-Raketensystemen Patriot, berichten türkische Medien.
Erdogan postpones Gaza visit at Obama‘s urging
Following meeting with Kerry, Turkish premier announces he‘ll visit Gaza after trip to Washington in mid-May, Turkish media reports
US-Außenminister Kerry reist zu Treffen mit Syrien-„Freundesgruppe“ nach Istanbul
US-Außenminister John Kerry, der in der vorigen Woche Istanbul besucht hatte, soll Ende April wieder in die Bosporus-Metropole reisen und dort an einem Treffen der Syrien-„Freundesgruppe“ teilnehmen, wie türkische Medien am Mittwoch berichten.
G8 Ministers to Meet With Syrian Opposition
Britain is hosting a meeting of foreign ministers of the Group of Eight countries Wednesday and Thursday in London. Some of the ministers will meet with members of the Syrian opposition on the sidelines of the meeting
Obama‘s EU Trade Deal Would Include New Political Powers For Corporations
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been advocating for a new trade deal between the U.S. and EU for more than a year, and President Barack Obama endorsed the project in his 2013 State of the Union address.
Future of Europe: Reding shares vision for “United States of Europe”
“We must embark on the road to a United States of Europe,” Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding urged, speaking at an event organised by European Institute in Washington, on 5 April.
Shocking Video from Maine Prison Shows a Restrained Prisoner Being Tortured with Pepper Spray
„You‘re never going to win… Bottom line is the house wins every time.“
That‘s what Maine Correctional Center Captain Shawn Welch said to a prisoner who was strapped into a restraint chair, his face coated with pepper spray and his legs shaking in pain and fear.
So werden Gefangene in Amerika gefoltert
Paul Schlosser sitzt eine 7-jährige Haftstrafe wegen Raub ab. Vorher diente er als Sanitäter im US-Militär, leidet aber seit seiner Entlassung unter Depressionen. Vor dem besagten Tag sass er zwei Monate in Einzelhaft, worauf er sich aus Protest selbst Schnitte zufügte, was oft nach langer Isolation bei Gefangenen passiert. Weil er seine Bandagen entfernte und sich weigerte behandelt zu werden wurde er an den Stuhl gefesselt und erfuhr von Shawn Welch die folgende Sonderbehandlung.
Ich habe ja in meinem Leben schon viele wirklich grotesk bescheuerte Ideen gehört. Manche bekloppt, manche sehr bekloppt, einige unglaublich bekloppt, und dann ist da noch das hier.
Da schlägt jemand vor, eine Online-Demonstration im Piraten-Mumble zu machen.
Eine Demonstration.
Im Piraten-Mumble.
Die Spaltung des Landes verfestigt sich
Während sich das private Nettovermögen allein zwischen 2006 und 2011 um 1,5 Billionen Euro auf gut zehn Billionen Euro erhöht hat, ist das Nettovermögen des Staates in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten um mehr als 800 Milliarden Euro gesunken
Es gibt tatsächlich etwas was ich nicht verstehe: Welche devoten Schwachsinnigen wählen immer noch diese Contras von „Die Linke“?
Secret FDIC Plan to Loot Bank Accounts
It shouldn‘t surprise. It‘s already policy. Market analyst Graham Summers explained. Depositor theft is coming. Europe is banker occupied territory. So is America.
Wissen Sie Vollbürger eigentlich, wer da gestern aus Offshore zu Besuch nach Berlin kam?
Ihr erstes Date
US-Finanzminister Jacob Lew trifft Wolfgang Schäuble in Berlin
Mahnwache gegen Stuttgart 21: 1.000 Tage und 1.000 Nächte
Stuttgart: Am Freitag, 12.4.2013 feiert die Mahnwache gegen Stuttgart 21 ihren tausendsten Tag des Bestehens.
Gespaltene EU: Mit Deutschland ist kein Euro-Staat zu machen
Ihr damaliger Industrieminister Nicholas Ridley hatte im Jahre 1990 in einem unvorsichtigen Interview im „Spectator“ genau das ausgesprochen, was Thatcher selbst dachte – aber niemals sagte. Die geplante Währungsunion sei seine deutsche Verschwörung mit dem Ziel der Machtübernahme in Europa. Ridley musste deswegen seinen Hut nehmen. Thatcher wurde kurze Zeit später entthront.
Castortransporte? Philippsburg kündigt `zivilen Ungehorsam` an
Bund und Länder wollen erst in den nächsten Wochen festlegen, in welche Zwischenlager die restlichen Atommülltransporte alternativ zu Gorleben gehen sollen. Die Stadt Philippsburg will keinen fremden Atommüll im Zwischenlager am gleichnamigen Kraftwerk akzeptieren – und kündigt schonmal “zivilen Ungehorsam” an. Atomkraftgegner sind argwöhnisch.
Höhere Pfändungsfreigrenzen für P-Konto
Die Erhöhung hat auch Einfluss auf das P-Konto (Pfändungsschutz-Konto). Damit erhöhen sich die gesicherten Beträge ab Juli 2013 automatisch mit
Grillo Says His Party ‘French Revolution Without Guillotine’
(29.03.) “We’re going to win with our ideas and our strength because we’re a miracle,” Grillo said in an interview broadcast today on his website. “We are the French Revolution without the guillotine.”
Possiamo dire che in Italia è in corso una rivoluzione come in Egitto, forse più grande di quella?
Assolutamente sì, perché in Egitto forse rimpiangono Mubarak? Qua nessuno sta rimpiangendo Fini, Casini, nessuno rimpiangerà Bersani, nessuno rimpiangerà Berlusconi.
Botched ATF sting in Milwaukee ensnares brain-damaged man
ATF agents running an undercover storefront in Milwaukee used a brain-damaged man with a low IQ to set up gun and drug deals, paying him in cigarettes, merchandise and money, according to federal documents obtained by the Journal Sentinel.
Spanish industrial output drops 6.5%
Spanish industrial output fell faster in February, dropping by 6.5 percent from the same month a year earlier following a decline of 4.9 percent in January, official statistics released on Wednesday showed.
M5S Parliamentarians Protest Deadlock by Occupying Both Chambers
They said they would and they did.
Andalusia may embargo some family homes subject to eviction orders
Region will also fine banks and real estate companies for leaving homes empty
The high price of the euro
(07.06.2010) German chancellor Angela Merkel says: ‘If the euro fails, Europe fails’. To save the single currency, the European Central Bank has abandoned all its prudent principles. But what is really being saved? The currency, Europe’s weaker economies – or the banks?
Thatcherism hasn‘t failed: it has infected all our politics
The left misleads us and maybe itself when it says that Thatcher‘s policies, extended by New Labour and then by the coalition, have failed. The drastic results of these policies were intentional. Their target was „the enemy within“ – working-class power and the so-called culture of entitlement.
Athina Onassis Sells Skorpios Island to Russian Billionaire
According to the same reports the contracts for the deal are being drafted by two major law firms, one of which is based in Geneva, Switzerland and the other in Athens, Greece. The reports present the sale as done deal and both parties ready to sign.