Archiv: Team Claire

23.10.2018 - 18:38 [ Team Claire ‏/ Twitter ]

Lots of excitement in COMO this morning! Huge shoutout to all the students who showed up to knock doors and recruit more volunteers before class. It’s like the shirts say, #KnockVoteWin! #TeamClaire

23.10.2018 - 18:12 [ Claire McCaskill ‏/ Twitter ]

Uh oh. Like the sun coming up in the morning. Tax cuts for the wealthy… now Rs planning cuts to Social Security and Medicare to cover the increasing deficit they caused. Not on my watch. Republicans Set Sights On Cutting Social Security


23.10.2018 - 18:03 [ St. Louis Post-Dispatch ]

Obama hasn‘t endorsed McCaskill. Why not?

In his unprecedented engagement in political campaigns so close to his presidency, Barack Obama has officially endorsed hundreds of local and statewide Democratic candidates around the country.

Conspicuously off the list so far: Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., who was one of Obama’s most important early endorsers …

23.10.2018 - 18:01 [ Bloomberg ]

The Left Is Sabotaging the Best Democratic Senator

If we lived in a better world, these investigations would lead to results that might bring the crisis to an end. Company executives and physicians would be indicted. And Congress would pass laws to stop the practices she has exposed. But we don’t live in that world, in no small part because senators like McCaskill have become dinosaurs.