Saudi Arabia’s state-owned defense company has forged a deal with Spanish shipbuilder Navantia for a joint venture to build five warships, state media said Thursday.
The agreement was signed between the state-owned Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) and Spain’s shipbuilder, Navantia, on Thursday, paving the way for the two sides to set up a joint venture in the kingdom for constructing the five battleships, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.
Archiv: Navantia
New Spanish high-tech submarine has one hitch: it doesn’t fit in its naval base
The Spanish government is due to approve the new spending ceiling for the sub project, bringing the total tab up to €3.9 billion from an initial budget of €2.1 billion. That means that each of the four submarines will come with a price tag of nearly €1 billion, nearly twice as much as initially expected.
Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinz in Spanien – umstrittener Waffendeal geplant
Spanien will die Zusammenarbeit mit Saudi-Arabien verstärken und plant trotz heftiger Kritik die Lieferung von fünf Korvetten des Unternehmens Navantia an den Golfstaat. Der mögliche Grossauftrag sollte am Donnerstagabend eines der zentralen Themen bei einem Treffen zwischen dem spanischen Ministerpräsidenten Mariano Rajoy und dem saudi-arabischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman in Madrid sein.