Archiv: Kav LaOved (organization)

09.08.2023 - 14:22 [ ]

About Kav LaOved

Kav LaOved is a non-profit organization which aims to uphold full and equal labor rights for all workers in the Israeli labor market regardless of religion, nationality, gender or legal status. We advocate on behalf of the most marginalized workers, namely low-income Israeli citizens, refugees and asylum-seekers, Palestinians and migrant workers, through grassroots individual assistance efforts as well as policy and legal advocacy to promote systemic change.

09.08.2023 - 13:25 [ Haaretz ]

38 Human Rights Orgs Petition High Court to Strike Down Judicial Overhaul Law

The petition was signed, among others, by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, the Aguda for LGBT rights, Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow Coalition, Kav LaOved for disadvantaged workers, The Association for Ethiopian Jews, and the Adalah organization for Arab minority rights in Israel.

Several petitions against the law have already been filed, among else by the Israel Bar Association, the Movement for Quality Government in Israel, the Civic-Democratic organization and the Darkenu organization.

Additionally, private individuals, including military personnel, former Knesset members, and social activists, have submitted petitions against the law.