Archiv: Frederick Fleitz

24.05.2018 - 20:06 [ ]

John Bolton Uses ‚Shadow‘ Council To Help Vet White House Hires

John Bolton relies on an outside group of advisers with ties to think tanks and organizations that will only reinforce the administration‘s desire to wage war.

24.05.2018 - 19:57 [ New York Times ]

Meet the Members of the ‘Shadow N.S.C.’ Advising John Bolton

One of Mr. Bolton’s longtime associates, Charles M. Kupperman, a former Reagan administration official and defense contracting executive, has taken a temporary leadership post on the National Security Council, while at least three others — Frederick H. Fleitz, Sarah Tinsley and David Wurmser — are believed to be under consideration for posts.

Mr. Bolton’s relationships with most of the associates date back decades, to his days working in positions related to foreign policy in the Reagan administration.