Archiv: Barham Salih

22.01.2020 - 17:41 [ teleSUR ]

Iraqi President Meets With Trump to Discuss US Withdrawal

The Iraqi President, Barham Salih, met with his U.S. counterpart, Donald Trump, in Davos on Wednesday to discuss a number of topics, including the withdrawal of foreign forces from Iraq.

27.12.2019 - 17:59 [ ]

Iraq president Barham Salih offers to step down amid protests

He said that he would rather step down than pick a new prime minister rejected by demonstrators but as the constitution does not allow him to reject a nomination he would resign.

Parliament will now have to meet to discuss and vote on the resignation. If they endorse the move, Mr Salih will step down.

27.12.2019 - 17:54 [ Elijah J. Magnier ]

Iraq at the Crossroads: either Prime Minister al-Suheil or President Salih have to resign


“President Barham Salih has his own candidate, the current head of intelligence Mustafa al-Kadhemi. There is no veto on the personality of Kadhemi; however, the serious problem is the attempt of the President to dismiss the power of the Parliament and his rejection of the will of the largest parliamentary coalition”, said the source.

Sources in Najaf stated “the Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani has repeatedly stated that power emanates from the people and not from the President. It is the people and their representatives who make the decisions and if a new Prime Minister is rejected by the people he will not last long in office”.

03.10.2018 - 01:02 [ Rudaw ]

Barham Salih elected president of Iraq

Barham Salih has tasked Adil Abdul-Mahdi with forming the next Iraqi government, state TV reported. Abdul-Mahdi is a well-known Shiite politician and former oil minister. Ahead of Tuesday‘s vote, his name had been floated as a possible candidate for the prime minister of Iraq.