Archiv: Alexa Lavoie

19.02.2022 - 18:16 [ Ezra Levant / Twitter ]

5. Trudeau has had a vendetta against Alexa ever since she asked this question of him during the election debates (after trying and failing to keep her kept out):

19.02.2022 - 18:12 [ Ezra Levant / Twitter ]

3. Here is video of the attack. I understand we have more footage. Unprovoked, targeted violence, beating a woman with a stick, and shooting her at point-blank range with a tear gas round.

19.02.2022 - 18:08 [ ]

BREAKING: Rebel News journalist Alexa Lavoie attacked by Ottawa police

Rebel News CEO Ezra Levant has spoken with Alexa and with legal counsel. We will sue the police on Alexa‘s behalf.