A coup against the man in the White House is under way. This is not because he is an odious human being, but because he has consistently made clear he does not want war with Russia.
This glimpse of sanity, or simple pragmatism, is anathema to the “national security” managers who guard a system based on war, surveillance, armaments, threats and extreme capitalism. Martin Luther King called them “the greatest purveyors of violence in the world today.”
„When the situation in the South China is generally stable, and if there is no major disruption from outside parties, with that as the precondition then we will consider during the November leaders‘ meeting, we will jointly announce the official start of the COC consultation,“ Wang told reporters.
„The atmosphere this year is different from the past. Thanks to our considerate efforts, the current situation in the South China Sea is showing positive momentum. We also fully recognize the trend towards relaxation in the South China Sea,“ he added.
Eine Grundversorgung, die kommerzialisiert und unter die Kontrolle des privaten Kapitals gestellt wurde, was dazu geführt hat, dass ein immer größerer Teil der Chilenen von dieser Basisversorgung ausgeschlossen ist.
(Juli 2010) The Post investigation uncovered what amounts to an alternative geography of the United States, a Top Secret America created since 9/11 that is hidden from public view, lacking in thorough oversight and so unwieldy that its effectiveness is impossible to determine.
It is also a system in which contractors are playing an ever more important role. The Post estimates that out of 854,000 people with top-secret clearances, 265,000 are contractors. There is no better example of the government‘s dependency on them than at the CIA, the one place in government that exists to do things overseas that no other U.S. agency is allowed to do.
Most of these contractors do work that is fundamental to an agency‘s core mission. As a result, the government has become dependent on them in a way few could have foreseen: wartime temps who have become a permanent cadre.
„We will not allow rogue anonymous sources with security clearances to sell out our country,“ the attorney general said Friday.
Nach tagelanger harter Kritik hat US-Präsident Donald Trump seinen Justizminister Jeff Sessions öffentlich gelobt. Nachdem in Washington viele Jahre lang vertrauliche Informationen an die Medien weitergegeben worden seien, sei es „toll“, dass der Generalstaatsanwalt nun dagegen vorgehe, schrieb Trump am Samstag im Onlinedienst Twitter.
Die Hisbollah-Miliz aus dem benachbarten Libanon, die an der Seite der Armee kämpft, sprach von erheblichen Fortschritten in der Stadt, die rund 50 Kilometer vor der Grenze zur Provinz Deir al-Sor liegt, die noch fast vollständig unter Kontrolle der IS-Extremisten ist.
The Chinese foreign minister has has urged his North Korean counterpart to abide by UN resolutions and stop provoking „the international community‘s goodwill“ with missile launches and nuclear tests.
Wang Yi said he and Ri Yong Ho had an intensive conversation during which China urged North Korea to maintain calm after they met in Manila on the sidelines of a regional meeting.
(all times local):
2:35 p.m.
The United States says it will be watching China closely to ensure it fully and continuously implements new U.N. sanctions on North Korea.
Susan Thornton is the top U.S. diplomat for Asia. She says in the past, there’s been a pattern in which China complies with sanctions after a North Korean provocation, but then slips back over time.
Thornton says the U.S. wants to ensure that with the new sanctions, there’s “not this kind of episodic back and forth that we’ve seen.”
Großbritannien hat laut Brüssel mit der EU eine 100-Milliarden-Euro-Rechnung offen. Nun soll London bereit sein, etwa die Hälfte zu überweisen – stellt dafür aber Bedingungen.
Since The Electronic Intifada published the exposé of Ivri, many social media users in Europe have expressed outrage that the EU hired a genocidal racist to star in an official video.
The terminally ill man was asked doctors to put him on life supporting machines and prolong his life for just five days in order to secure that his widow receives his pension. The tragedy showing the despair people suffering due to austerity measures took place in a hospital in Larissa, Central Greece.
According to the latest pension reforms, widows loss their right to receive their husband’s pension if they are younger than 55 years old.
The man’s wife would turn 55 in a couple of days.
Der Weltsicherheitsrat hatte nach Nordkoreas ICBM-Test am 4. Juli Beratungen über schärfere Nordkorea-Sanktionen aufgenommen. Nach dem neuerlichen Test am 28. Juli konnte zunächst eine Einigung mit China erzielt werden. Auch Russland stimmte nach anfänglichem Widerstand schließlich zu.
Die Chefdiplomatin war am Samstag in Manila eingetroffen und zunächst mit ihren Amtskollegen aus Brunei, Singapur, den Philippinen und Indonesien zu Einzelgesprächen zusammengekommen.
Der ehemalig CIA-Analyst und heutige Friedensaktivist Ray McGovern berichtet über den gewaltlosen Widerstand, den US-Bürger gegen den Drohnenkrieg leisten.
Eine zentrale Frage der aktuellen Aufstocker-Studie des Berliner Sozialwissenschaftlers Sven Osterberg ist, ob „das Mandat nicht nur neue Aufgaben für die Politiker, sondern auch neue Nebeneinkünfte und Nebentätigkeiten generiert“. Dies ist vor allem dann ein Problem, wenn es sich um Funktionen in Unternehmen handelt. Denn über Aufsichtsrats-, Beirats- oder ähnliche Posten erhalten Unternehmen einen privilegierten Zugang zu ‚ihren Abgeordneten‘.
“Another destabilizing factor in the region is the scaling up in [South] Korea of the THAAD — the US anti-missile defense elements. We have repeatedly noted that… this also undermines the overall military balance in the region and calls into question the security of neighboring states,” the Russian diplomat added.
Manila, Philippinen – für die Insel Mindanao, im süden der Philippinen war der 5. August 2017 ein erdbebenreicher Tag, gleich 6 Beben erschütterten 5 Regionen der 2. grössten Insel des Archipels.
Drei bewaffnete Männer haben heute Abend, 5. August 2017 ein Einkaufszentrum überfallen und um sich geschossen, hunderte von Kunden rannten um ihr Leben.
Außerdem informierte Çavuşoğlu seine Kollegen darüber, dass in der nahen Zukunft die Türkei eine Botschaft in Laos eröffnen werde und somit in jedem ASEAN-Land eine diplomatische Mission haben werde.
The meeting of the two ministers appeared to be in good spirits, and was a rare international get-together that included North Korea as a participant.
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson landed Saturday in Manila on his first official trip to Southeast Asia as the United States continues to call for a legally binding mechanism to prevent conflicting territorial claims in the South China Sea from erupting into violent confrontations.
The 50th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM) and Related Meetings take place in the Philippine capital of Manila on August 2-8, bringing together the heads of foreign offices from 27 states.
Diplomats say disagreements over North Korea‘s missile tests and territorial disputes in the South China Sea have prevented the region‘s top diplomats from promptly issuing their joint communique
ASEAN and China have agreed on a framework for how they will go about drafting a code.