Daily Archives: 16. April 2017

16.04.2017 - 23:53 [ Washington Post ]

As tensions with North Korea flare, Trump spends quiet weekend at Mar-a-Lago

Just hours before North Korea fired a failed ballistic missile, President Trump spent his morning enjoying the blue, breezy weather here on Florida’s eastern coast Saturday, zipping around the greens of his private golf club.

The day before, the president also passed the morning playing golf at Trump International Golf Club, according to someone who saw him on the course.

16.04.2017 - 23:47 [ Washington Post ]

Is Israel an ‘apartheid’ state? This U.N. report says yes.

(16.3.2017) Titled, “Israeli Practices Toward the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid,” the report was written by Richard Falk, a former U.N. special rapporteur to the Palestinian territories known for harsh criticisms of both Israel and the United States, and Virginia Tilley, professor of political science at Southern Illinois University.

The two concluded that Israel has established an apartheid regime aimed at dominating the Palestinians. Their recommendations include reviving the U.N. Center Against Apartheid, which closed in 1994 after South Africa ended its apartheid practices. The report also urges support for a boycott, divestment and a sanctions campaign against Israel.

16.04.2017 - 23:43 [ Guardian ]

Censored in Israel, praised by Merkel: the novelist who is a ‘threat to Jewish identity’

Dorit Rabinyan’s story of an affair across the Israeli-Palestinian divide became a cause célèbre. As the book is published in Britain, she talks about her year in the firing line

16.04.2017 - 23:39 [ Haaretz ]

Will Israeli Internet Censorship Law Prevent the Next Terror Attack?

But experts in the field say the proposed legislation simultaneously goes too far in censoring content awhile doing too little to prevent it from being widely disseminated.

“The problem with the law is that it is designed to block the Israeli public from viewing content but does not to prevent people from posting things that could harm the security of the country. This is a law that will let the police obtain an order blocking access to a specific website without bringing the person who posted it to justice,” says Jonathan Klinger, a lawyer specializing in information law and legal adviser to the Digital Rights Movement organization.

16.04.2017 - 23:27 [ Wired ]

Major Leak Suggests NSA Was Deep in Middle East Banking System

The new leak includes evidence that the NSA hacked into EastNets, a Dubai-based firm that oversees payments in the global SWIFT transaction system for dozens of client banks and other firms, particularly in the Middle East. The leak includes detailed lists of hacked or potentially targeted computers, including those belonging to firms in Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Syria, Yemen, and the Palestinian territories.

16.04.2017 - 23:17 [ Aranews.net ]

Kurdish party rejects outcome of Turkish referendum

“Whether the official announcement is Yes or No, we will object to 2/3 of ballots. Our data indicates a manipulation in the range of 3-4%,” HDP spokesman Osman Baydemir said.

“AA [Anadolu Agency] states 99% of ballot boxes have been opened. But the Supreme Election Council states that 91% of ballot boxes have been opened,” he added.

16.04.2017 - 23:15 [ Junge Welt ]

Regime der Restauration

Das Referendum findet unter den Bedingungen des Ausnahmezustandes und in den kurdischen Landesteilen des Kolonialkrieges statt. Die Regierung bediente sich schamlos aller ihr zur Verfügung stehenden staatlichen Mittel einschließlich der gleichgeschalteten Medien. Dagegen sah sich das in Kurden und Linke, Kemalisten und Radikalislamisten sowie abtrünnige Faschisten gespaltene Nein-Lager auch nach Ansicht der OECD deutlichen Behinderungen ausgesetzt. Diese reichten von Versammlungsverboten über die Festnahme von Flugblattverteilern und vorab gemeldeten Wahlurnenbeobachtern bis zu Angriffen von Schlägertrupps.

16.04.2017 - 23:12 [ Kurier.at ]

Reaktionen zu Türkei: „Dunkle Stunde für alle Demokraten“

Derzeit liegen die Verhandlungen auf Eis. Von einem endgültigen Abbruch hat die EU bisher abgesehen.
Kanzleramtschef Peter Altmaier (CDU) zeigte sich zurückhaltend zum Ausgang des Verfassungsreferendums. Die Bundesregierung werde das „in einer freien und demokratischen Wahl“ zustande gekommene Ergebnis akzeptieren, sagte Altmaier am Sonntagabend in der ARD.

16.04.2017 - 23:10 [ Krone.at ]

Türkei sagte „Evet“: Das bringt Erdogans neues Präsidialsystem

Mehrere Amtszeiten: Der Präsident darf der Verfassungsreform zufolge nur für zwei je fünfjährige Amtszeiten gewählt werden. Diese Zählung wird allerdings nach Inkrafttreten der Reform 2019 neu beginnen, sodass Erdogan noch zweimal antreten könnte. Gibt es in der zweiten Amtszeit vorgezogene Neuwahlen, darf der Präsident ein drittes Mal kandidieren. Außerdem sollen die Parlaments- und Präsidentschaftswahlen künftig gleichzeitig stattfinden – um sicherzustellen, dass der Präsident derselben Partei angehört, die im Parlament die Mehrheit hat. K

16.04.2017 - 18:13 [ PoliticsHome.com ]

Angela Merkel had ‘secret briefings from MI6’

Mrs Merkel’s apparent regard for UK intelligence has angered some in her own Federal Intelligence Service (BND), Focus added, especially as she allegedly handed over a file of its reports as thank you for the British data.

The Chancellor’s office did not comment on the story or allegations that Mrs Merkel passed on information from German secret services without their permission.

16.04.2017 - 17:23 [ Sputnik ]

Fillon Convinced He’ll Advance Into 2nd Round of French Presidential Election

Answering to the question about his „main enemy,“ Fillon named extremism because „extremist was the enemy of France.“

The first round of French presidential election is set for April 23, while the run-off is scheduled for May 7. According to recent OpinionWay poll, Fillon is set to come third in the first round, following the National Front party leader Marine Le Pen and independent candidate Emmanuel Macron.

16.04.2017 - 15:40 [ Yahoo News ]

Melenchon, France‘s ‚unbowed‘ hard left candidate

Melenchon „invented political stand-up. He‘s become a showman,“ said former Socialist Party colleague Julien Dray. „This style keeps him from being too harsh. He‘s in teaching mode, the old professor giving lessons about the world and how to change it.“

Melenchon also has an internet edge, boasting more than a million followers on Twitter and his own YouTube channel — a way to circumvent the traditional media, which he accuses of bias.

16.04.2017 - 11:09 [ RT ]

Britischer Außenminister Boris Johnson bietet Russland Mitgliedschaft bei Anti-IS-Koalition an

In seinem Samstagsartikel für das Blatt Telegraph schrieb der Politiker, dass Moskau damit seine strategischen Interessen in Syrien wahren und in Zukunft ein fruchtbareres Verhältnis zum US-Präsidenten Donald Trump finden könne. „Sie haben noch Zeit, auf der richtigen Seite des Konfliktes zu sein“, betonte Boris Johnson.