Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maiziere, dessen Spitznamen „Terrorthomas“ sich kreuzbrave Bürgerrechtler ausgedacht haben (nicht ich), möchte in einer von der „Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung“ abgedruckten Regierungserklärung namens „Leitlinien für einen starken Staat in schwierigen Zeiten“ konkret erstmal Folgendes:
Daily Archives: 3. Januar 2017
Building Totalitarianism in Europe – The Last Coup of Victoria Nuland
Victoria Nuland, the US Assistant Secretary of State, did not spend much time and energy with Christmas and New Year celebrations this year. She has another very urgent and pressing problem to solve, before leaving the State Department, and this is the “Cyprus conflict”. The way she wants to solve this conflict is by transforming a second member of the EU, after Greece, into a protectorate.
Rethinking The Cost of War
What if casualties don’t end on the battlefield, but extend to future generations? Our reporting this year suggests the government may not want to know the answer
Auch die „F.D.P.“ deckt die optische Massenerfassung der Bevölkerung
Die „Liberalen“ sollten sich bei ihrem kommenden Dreikönigstreffen überlegen ob sie wieder in den Bundestag wollen oder nicht.
Now Italy Wants To Make ‚Fake News‘ Illegal
A few weeks ago, we wrote about how German officials were supporting a plan to criminalize „fake news“ and now Italy wants to join in on the fun.
Länder zerreißen de Maizières Reformpläne für den Kampf gegen Terrorismus.
Terrorgefahr in Deutschland: De Maizière will Abschiebezentren einrichten
Zwei Wochen nach dem Anschlag eines mutmaßlichen Islamisten auf einen Berliner Weihnachtsmarkt kritisiert de Maizière, dass die Befugnisse des BKA zu eng gefasst seien. „Wir brauchen einheitliche Regeln und eine bessere Koordinierung, zum Beispiel bei der Kontrolle von Gefährdern.“ Der Bund benötige eine „Steuerungskompetenz über alle Sicherheitsbehörden“.
Interior ministry in migrant clampdown: Gov’t moots identification and expulsion centres
The new provisions come as the government considers establishing identification and expulsion centres (CIE) in every region.
Mass expulsions says Salvini
Anti-immigrant Northern League leader Matteo Salvini said Tuesday there would be „mass expulsions“ of migrants when the League gained power, after the most recent revolt in a migrant centre in Italy.
UK‘s opposition Labour ‚too weak‘ to win an election: think tank
Opinion polls consistently put Labour about 10 percentage points behind the Conservatives and if replicated at the next election due in 2020, Labour would win less than 200 seats in the 650-seat House of Commons for the first time since 1935, the left-wing Fabian Society said.
Arrears to Greece’s state expected to exceed €100bn in 2017
An increase of arrears to the state continues unabated despite accelerated rates of confiscations and seizures of debtors’ bank accounts, incomes and other assets in 2016 by the independent authority for public revenues.
Another 890 million euros were added to the total in November 2016, with the latter now reaching the stratospheric level of 94 billion euros, with the number of debtors — legal entities and individuals — exceeding 4.31 million.
No proof Russian hacking influenced U.S. election: Trump spokesman
„There is zero evidence that they influenced the election,“ Sean Spicer told Fox News.
Gabriels Sicherheitsvorschläge zu Videoüberwachung und Abschiebehaft gehen zT deutlich über das hinaus was SPD in Ländern mitgetragen hat.
Leider ist mit der SPD nicht mehr drin gewesen. Aber es ist wenigstens ein Anfang – Videoüberwachung und Burkaverbot
Will Democrats Ever Stop Punching Themselves In The Face?
(8.12.2016) Nancy Pelosi wants to assure you that everything is fine in the Democratic party. She is wrong. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.
Democratic National Committee
Das Democratic National Committee (DNC) ist die nationale Organisation der Demokratischen Partei der Vereinigten Staaten. Es betreibt Fundraising und stellt die politischen Positionen der Gesamtpartei dar.
Wenn die Demokratische Partei den US-Präsidenten stellt, arbeitet das DNC sehr eng mit ihm zusammen.
ABC News continues to “normalize” Donna Brazile as DNC chair
Why is Jonathan Karl interviewing Brazile in the first place? And if he’s going to do that, how does one sit there and politely rehash the last election with her without poking the obvious elephant in the room? It has been 62 days since CNN severed their ties with Donna Brazile over the fact (no longer an “allegation”) that she cheated during one of the Democratic presidential primary debates and attempted to cheat during a second one in Flint, Michigan. And yet ABC News is inviting her to sit down for a casual New Years Day chat like any other political analyst.
Will Netanyahu Be Forced to Resign? A Guide to His Investigation
What is Netanyahu suspected of? Is Israel heading toward elections? Who could possibly replace him as prime minister? As the investigation unfolds, here is a look at what may follow.
Israel: Polizei befragt Netanjahu wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen
Gegen den israelischen Regierungschef wird wegen des Verdachts der Vorteilsnahme ermittelt. Erstmals haben Polizei und Generalstaatsanwalt dies öffentlich bestätigt.
Schäuble auf den Kopf gestellt: Portugal bringt seine Wirtschaft auch ohne Austerität auf die Beine
Die Trendwende in Portugal hingegen führt sogar dazu, dass im kommenden Jahr die Sozialleistungen weiter ausgebaut werden. Sie lesen immer noch richtig: ausgeweitete Sozialleistungen. Die von der konservativen Vorgängerregierung eingeführten Sondersteuern sowie Lohn- und Rentenkürzungen werden zurückgenommen.
Libya deputy PM quits, saying he has ‚failed‘
„I‘m resigning because I have failed,“ said a visibly moved Kouni, who is originally from southern Libya and represents the Tuareg minority in the GNA.
Ex-Egyptian judge commits suicide in jail
Shalabi was arrested on Saturday shortly after he resigned his post over suspected involvement in a hefty bribery case in which a purchasing manager in the State Council is the main defendant.
UPDATE: Hollande arrives in Erbil to reaffirm France’s commitment against ISIS
He later visited Peshmerga on the frontlines near Bashiqa with the Kurdish President Masoud Barzani.