Daily Archives: 5. Dezember 2016

05.12.2016 - 20:40 [ Raumfahrer.net ]

Letzte Daten aus dem Pluto-Charon-System

Die US-amerikanische Raumsonde New Horizons hat die letzten Daten, die sie während des Vorbeifluges an Pluto und Charon gesammelt hatte, zur Erde übertragen. Die Daten befanden sich seit Juli 2015 in digitalen Aufzeichnungsgeräten an Bord der Sonde. Während ihrer Beobachtungskampagnen im Pluto-Charon-System konnte die Sonde wegen der starr montierten Hauptantenne und der über den Sondenkörper verteilten Instrumente große Datenmengen nicht unmittelbar Richtung Erde schicken.

05.12.2016 - 20:34 [ Daily Sabah ]

Turkey‘s new intelligence satellite Göktürk-1 goes into orbit

Göktürk-3, a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) reconnaissance and surveillance satellite system is being developed using domestic resources. It will also provide high-resolution images from any location in the world, day and night, to fulfill the intelligence requirements of the Turkish military. With the first phase of the Göktürk-1 project complete, the satellite is being planned for launch by the end of 2019.

05.12.2016 - 20:27 [ Kelly Hayes / Truthout ]

#NoDAPL: Why the Black Snake Isn‘t Slain

In my years of organizing, I have learned that concessions should not be met with less action, but with more. When the opposition is weakened, in any way, we should swing harder until whatever we are fighting simply can‘t pull itself from the floor again. This round may have been won, but there will be more battles to come, and if we do not remain vigilant, I have no doubt we will lose them.

05.12.2016 - 20:18 [ Truthout ]

We‘ve Been Sold a Lie for Two Decades About Genetically Engineered Foods

„When you begin to genetically engineer organisms by mixing plant and animal genes, you now have the ability to alter ecosystems, which can have unintended consequences,“ Robert Colangelo, founding farmer and CEO of Green Sense Farms, America‘s largest network of commercial and sustainable indoor vertical farms, told AlterNet. „Mankind does not have a good track record when it tries to alter nature.“

05.12.2016 - 19:46 [ Truthout ]

Life Without Politicians: A Mexican Indigenous Community Finds Its Own Way

At a time when people in diverse areas of the world, including the United States, are very frustrated with politicians, the citizens of Cherán are trying to find their own way apart from traditional institutions. They want to demonstrate that it is possible to build a safer and better society by recovering the Indigenous Purepecha ancestral practices and values and adapting them to modern times.

05.12.2016 - 13:52 [ Al-Masdar News ]

Exclusive: More militants surrender to Syrian Army in rural Damascus

Al-Masdar News has exclusively learnt that the militants have made it this early morning to the Command Center of the 1st Armoured Division located in the city in order to conclude an agreement held earlier with the Syrian authorities.

The surrendered militants will remain in their city after having their status settled and handing over all their weapons to the Syrian government.

05.12.2016 - 11:55 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Verfolgung der Rohingya

Menschenrechtler konstatieren schon seit Jahren, die Bundesregierung habe ihr ehemaliges Interesse an Menschenrechten in Myanmar verloren, seit sie mit der Übernahme der Regierung durch Aung San Suu Kyi in Naypyitaw auf besten Zugang zur Macht in dem strategisch wichtigen Land hoffen kann. Das aktuelle Schweigen Berlins belegt dies erneut.

05.12.2016 - 09:55 [ Griechenland-Blog ]

Theodorakis: Griechenlands Premier ist Merkels Laufbursche

„Genosse Alexis, ich ziehe den Hut vor Dir, weil Du ein gewiefter Kerl bist. Der Gewiefteste in Griechenland seit 450 v. Chr. bis heute. Weil Du machst was Du willst und Dich um niemanden kümmerst. (…) Du spielst den Revolutionär, und wenn Du zurückkehrst, wirst Du das, was Du warst, nämlich der Laufbursche für die Erledigungen Merkels, Obamas und Junckers, über die Du in Havanna hergezogen bist – und wieder zu lasten des klugen griechischen Volks, weil dieses beschloss, von Leuten ohne Anhänger und Ehrgefühl regiert zu werden, die „Regierung“ spielen.

Auf Wiedersehen beim Schinder.“

05.12.2016 - 09:48 [ Zeit.de ]

Italien: Neuwahlen, nur wann?

Eine andere Option von Mattarella wäre, sofort für den Frühling oder Sommer 2017 Neuwahlen anzusetzen. Dazu würde der Präsident das Parlament auflösen. Erschwert wird diese Möglichkeit durch Renzis Reformpaket, mit dem das Wahlrecht bereits in Teilen verändert worden ist:

05.12.2016 - 09:44 [ Politico ]

Dunford: Pentagon to review ISIL strategy for Trump

„We‘re going to review that, obviously,“ Dunford said of the strategy to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as ISIL or ISIS. „The president-elect has indicated he wants to review that.“

„We met with the transition team on Wednesday and began a dialogue that will be ongoing here over the next several weeks,“ he said.

05.12.2016 - 09:36 [ Korea Herald ]

More than 2 million take to streets calling for Park’s resignation

Up to 2.3 million people took to the streets across the nation on Saturday in their sixth consecutive weekend rally, to demand the President Park Geun-hye‘s resignation over an influence-peddling and corruption scandal.

If organizers’ figures are correct, the rally is the biggest in the nation’s history, estimated at more than double the size of that in June 1987, when about a million people poured onto the streets to fight for democracy.

05.12.2016 - 09:35 [ Yonhap ]

Speculation grows over Park‘s fourth address over scandal

Observers said that the embattled president may specify the exact time for her resignation during a speech that could be made on Tuesday or Wednesday — at least a few days before an impeachment motion is put to a vote on Friday.

05.12.2016 - 09:31 [ Japan Times ]

Abe dismisses report that Obama administration opposed Trump meeting

The administration of President Barack Obama conveyed its opposition to Japan over Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s meeting with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump in mid-November in New York, a diplomatic source said Sunday. On Monday, Abe dismissed the report as false.

Washington urged Tokyo not to go ahead with such an unprecedented meeting, saying the 70-year-old businessman had not yet assumed the presidency, the source said.

05.12.2016 - 09:30 [ CNN ]

Carter looks to shore-up US-Japan military alliance

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter arrived in Japan Monday, a visit that comes amid fears that President-elect Donald Trump might pivot away from the decades-long US-Japan security alliance and heightened concern over the North Korean threat.
„Our alliance with Japan has never been stronger,“ Carter told reporters while en route to Yokota Air Base near Tokyo.

05.12.2016 - 03:37 [ Radio Utopie ]

Das tiefe Grollen des Planeten: alle Erdbeben der letzten15 Jahre

Die rein wissenschaftlich erfassten seismologischen Daten der National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration geben allen Aktivisten gegen das Betreiben von Atomkraftwerken, dem Fracking, der Erdöl- und Erdgasindustrie sowie das Bauen von Strassen und Hochhäusern an gefährdeten Orten ein Werkzeug zur Vertiefung ihrer warnenden Argumentationen in die Hand, um die weitere Umweltzerstörung und bleibende Verseuchung der vielfältigen Landschaften zu verhindern.