Daily Archives: 22. Oktober 2016

22.10.2016 - 23:47 [ ACLU ]

The Constitution Leaves No Room for Secret Law

That’s why today, the ACLU — with the help of Yale Law School’s Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic — filed a motion with the FISC asking the court to release all of its opinions containing “novel or significant interpretations” of law issued between 9/11 and the passage of the USA Freedom Act in June 2015.

22.10.2016 - 17:17 [ Sputnik ]

Moskau: USA wollen Beziehungen zu Russland endgültig zerstören

„Es macht den Eindruck, dass die US-Administration nichts anderes mehr zu tun hat, als die Beziehungen zu Russland allem Anschein nach endgültig zu zerstören, damit danach mehrere Jahre für deren Wiederaufbau erforderlich werden“, so Rjabkow.

All die Erklärungen über neue Sanktionen gegen Russland wegen der Lage in Aleppo seien für Moskau derweil nicht neu. Aber: „Neu ist die Intensivität, mit der diese Sanktionsbeschwörungen wiederholt werden“.

22.10.2016 - 16:57 [ Tass ]

US-led coalition delivers air strike on civilian procession in Iraq — Defense ministry

Russian reconnaissance systems have recorded an air strike of the US-led coalition on a funeral procession in the town of Daquq, some 30 kilometers south of the Iraqi city of Kirkuk. In the air strike, dozens of civilians were killed, with women and children among them, Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman, General Igor Konashenkov said on Saturday.

„On October 21, Russian reconnaissance systems registered an air strike delivered by a pair of warplanes on the populated locality of Daquq, some 30 kilometers south of Kirkuk, where there are no ISIS militants (Islamic State, the terrorist group outlawed in Russia – eds. TASS), according to our information,“ Konashenkov said. „Eyewitnesses report that the coalition’s aviation had mistaken a funeral procession for a group of militants. Dozens of Iraqi civilians died, including women and children.“

22.10.2016 - 16:50 [ Al-Masdar News ]

Syrian Army Command: Any Turkish military presence inside Syria will be dealt with as an “occupation force”

In a statement on Saturday, the General Command said the victories which the Syrian Arab Army and its allies are achieving in the war against terrorism, especially in Aleppo, have broken Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s illusions and smashed his plots in Syria and the region and prompted him to escalate his aggression on Syria.

22.10.2016 - 16:47 [ Al-Masdar News ]

US Congressional aide asks about assassinating Assad

„That‘s against the law and it wouldn‘t make a difference anyway, because the Russians still have an interest in Syria and the Iranians still have an interest in Syria,“ Gordon concluded.

22.10.2016 - 11:53 [ Huffington Post ]

Hillary Clinton Goes All-In On Syria No-Fly Zone

Clinton did not directly answer how she would react if a Russian plane breached a no-fly zone established by the U.S.

Nor did Clinton address the Syrian casualties that might result from a no-fly zone. In a 2013 speech to Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs, Clinton told attendees that establishing a no-fly zone would “kill a lot of Syrians,” because it would require the U.S. to take out Syrian air defenses, which are located in populous areas.

22.10.2016 - 11:43 [ HillaryUnderground / Youtube ]

Trump Asked About Syria, Spends 4 Minutes Talking About Iran (Virginia Beach, 9/6/16)

Veröffentlicht am 06.09.2016
After spending 20 minutes talking about how the US needs to be tough on Iran and tough on ISIS and friendly with Russia, Trump is asked whether he supports regime change in Syria. After realizing that Middle East politics is more complicated than his simplistic slogans, he changes the subject and makes rambling comments on the Iran nuclear deal instead of answering the question.

22.10.2016 - 10:56 [ ORF ]

Meteoriteneinschlag ist vielen lieber als Trump oder Clinton

(18.10.2016) Junge US-Bürger sind einer Umfrage zufolge so unzufrieden mit den Kandidaten der Präsidentenwahl, dass fast ein Viertel von ihnen einen weltzerstörenden Meteoriteneinschlag Hillary Clinton oder Donald Trump vorziehen würden.

22.10.2016 - 10:52 [ Public Policy Polling ]

Presidential Race Shaping Up Similarly to 2012

(30.6.2016) If the choices for President were Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and a Giant Meteor hitting the earth which would you choose?
43% Hillary Clinton …
38% Donald Trump …
13% Giant Meteor hitting the earth …
7% Not sure

22.10.2016 - 10:49 [ Macedonia Online ]

13% of Americans prefer death by Meteor over Clinton or Trump

(2.7.2016) That is according to a poll by left-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP) which included the Giant Meteor option in its latest survey. 43% of respondents favored Hillary Clinton, 38% selected Donald Trump and 13% threw up their arms to welcome the Giant Meteor as the country’s new head of state. 7% of voters stated that they were undecided between Hillary, Trump, and an apocalyptic meteor.

22.10.2016 - 10:36 [ BBC ]

Nobody for President: The Americans campaigning for ‚none of the above‘

Faced with two unpalatable options, some Americans are urging voters to reject both of them.

Given the tremendous antipathy towards Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, many Americans will be holding their noses on 8 November and voting for the lesser of two evils – whomever they believe that might be. But some are calling for a total pox on both houses, in a vocal online drive to „Vote Nobody“.

22.10.2016 - 09:55 [ Sputnik ]

Generalstab: 1200 Terroristen holen zu Angriff auf Aleppo aus

Nun stünden insgesamt 1200 Bewaffnete südwestlich von Aleppo angriffsbereit, „darunter mindestens 30 Selbstmordattentäter“. „Sie sind mit Panzern, Panzerwagen und mehr als 20 großkalibrigen Maschinengewehren auf Pickups bewaffnet“, so der General. Er beschuldigte „die so genannten moderaten Rebellen und deren Betreuer“, jede Normalisierung in Aleppo zu behindern. Russland hatte zuvor seine einseitige Feuerpause für die umkämpfte syrische Großstadt verlängert.

22.10.2016 - 09:48 [ Reuters ]

Turkey PM criticizes ‚provocative‘ Iraqi leadership

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on Saturday criticized Iraq‘s leadership, saying it was „being provocative“ with recent comments and said Ankara will continue to have a presence in Iraq.

„In recent days, there have been warnings from Iraq. We will not listen to this, nobody can tell us to not be concerned about the region,“ Yildirim told a conference of his ruling AK Party, which is being held this weekend in western Afyon province.

22.10.2016 - 09:47 [ Hurriyet ]

Turkey-US seek new ground in ISIL fight

The United States wants to ramp up joint efforts with Turkey to destroy the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Iraq and Syria, but expects Ankara to be part of integrated efforts with Iraq, according to the U.S. secretary of defense.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter conducted several meetings with Turkish officials on Oct. 21 amid escalating tensions between Turkey and Iraq over the fight against ISIL. He held meetings with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım and Defense Minister Fikri Işık.

22.10.2016 - 09:15 [ Samuel Oakford / Irin ]

EXCLUSIVE: Iraq War records reignite debate over US use of depleted uranium

Update: On 20 October 20, CENTCOM officially confirmed to IRIN that the US-led coalition had fired rounds of depleted uranium (DU) munitions at targets in Syria on the 18 and 23 November 2015. It said that the munitions were chosen due to the nature of targets on those days. A spokesperson for CENTCOM said earlier denials were due to „an error in reporting down range.“

22.10.2016 - 08:56 [ 0xdeadbabe / Medium.com ]

My name is Todd and Clare, and I’m from the UN

It turns out it’s ridiculously easy to join something called the “UN Global Compact”. You just create a business, prepare a “letter of commitment” to the Compact’s principles, and then upload that letter signed by the CEO to their website.

However, it doesn’t mean the Compact will let you stay friends with them forever. But maybe, it’ll be long enough to upload a letter pleading with the UN, suggesting that Julian Assange was grooming an eight year old for sex.

Wait, what?

22.10.2016 - 08:44 [ Sputnik ]

„Putin war´s“: Wie Medien Leser mit Fotos verstümmelter Kinder manipulieren

Der Westen gibt Moskau und den Assad-Truppen die Schuld an sämtlichen Kriegsopfern in Aleppo, wobei die Lesermeinung dabei oft mit Fotos manipuliert wird. Die Wahrheit spielt dabei keine Rolle – Hauptsache mehr Blut und verstümmelte Kinder auf den Titelseiten. In einem Interview erzählt der Vater eines „Putin-Opfers“ nun die Wahrheit.

22.10.2016 - 08:26 [ RT ]

Washington will IS-Kämpfer aus Mosul nach Aleppo umlenken

Der US-geführte Großangriff auf die vom IS-gehaltene irakische Millionenstadt Mosul hat begonnen. In Syrien sind die Optionen Washingtons und der US-geführten anti-Assad-Kriegsverbrecher-Koalition zusammengeschmolzen. An Sieg ist nicht mehr zu denken. Ost-Aleppo droht zu fallen. Nun sollen IS-Kämpfer aus Mosul in Syrien gegen Assad und Russland weiterkämpfen.

22.10.2016 - 08:22 [ Heise.de ]

Erdogan meldet Anspruch auf Mosul an

(18.10.2016) Dazu kommen wahrscheinlich türkischen Einheiten, die seit 2015 in Bashiqa stationiert sind, da trotz Einspruch der irakischen Regierung der türkische Präsident Erdogan unbedingt auch militärisch einen Griff auf Mosul haben will. Al-Abadi wiederholte, dass türkische Soldaten nicht an der Offensive teilnehmen dürfen.

22.10.2016 - 08:20 [ Voice of America ]

Turkey, Iraqi Kurdistan Seal 50-Year Energy Deal

(5.6.2014) KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani unveiled the deal during a speech to Iraqi Kurdistan‘s parliament in Irbil, capital of the Kurdish-dominated region in northern Iraq.

The agreement comes amid growing international criticism over the deepening relationship between Iraq‘s Kurdish region and Turkey — a relationship that bypasses Iraq‘s central government, straining Baghdad‘s relations with Irbil and Ankara.