Daily Archives: 25. September 2016

25.09.2016 - 21:51 [ Sputnik ]

Syrian Army Denies Airstrikes Against Civilian Targets in Aleppo

(23.9.2016) „Our air force did not attack any civilian target or infrastructure that could be used by civilians,“ Brigadier General Samir Suleiman, head of the Syrian Army information department, told Sputnik.

„We attack only military targets and large groups of terrorists conducting thorough reconnaissance prior to the strikes,“ Suleiman stressed.

25.09.2016 - 13:54 [ Radio Utopie ]

Von „Notstandsgesetzen“ zu „Selektoren“: Das anstehende historische Verfassungsurteil über die G 10-Kommission

(4.7.2016) Nach der in Deutschland historisch-traditionellen Wahrnehmungsstörung und Zeitverzögerung und dem moralisch-politischen Totalausfall einer weiteren Generation von Deutschen, entscheidet nun das Bundesverfassungsgericht nach eigenen Angaben in Organstreitverfahren 2 BvE 5/15 also im Jahre 2016, ob wenigstens das 1968 durch die „Notstandsgesetze“ installierte letzte parlamentarische Feigenblatt vor der Willkür von Staat, Spionen und geheimdienstlichen Komplex hält.

Würde das Bundesverfassungsgericht entscheiden, dass die Regierung selbst diesem Geheimgericht G 10-Kommission keine Unterlagen herausrücken muss – welches im elektronischen Zeitalter des 21. Jahrhunderts nicht nur Verantwortung trägt für sämtliche Spionage der Bundesbehörden gegen die Menschen im Inland, sondern auch gegen die Telekommunikation der Menschen weltweit, durch Anzapfen der Internetknoten und Telekommunikationsverbindungen über deutsches Territorium – kann Karlsruhe erstens seinen Laden gleich ganz dichtmachen und muss zweitens zugeben, dass weder Westdeutschland, noch die heutige Berliner Republik jemals eine parlamentarische Demokratie waren.

25.09.2016 - 13:47 [ Wolfgang Neskovic / Netzpolitik.org ]

Ehemaliger Geheimdienst-Kontrolleur: Wir brauchen ein Sonderstrafrecht für Geheimdienst-Mitarbeiter

Der jüngste Bericht der Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragten offenbart, mit welcher erschreckenden Hemmungslosigkeit die Nachrichtendienste Gesetzesbrüche und Grundrechtsverletzungen begehen. Nichts und niemand scheint sie dabei aufhalten zu können.

Weder der Gesetzgeber noch das Kanzleramt, aber auch nicht das Parlamentarische Kontrollgremium und eine empörte Öffentlichkeit scheinen in der Lage zu sein, Gesetzes- und Grundrechtstreue der Nachrichtendienste sicherstellen zu können. Mit abenteuerlichen Rechtskonstruktionen („Weltraumtheorie“, „Funktionsträgertheorie“) versuchen die Nachrichtendienste, ihrem Tun den Anschein der Rechtmäßigkeit zu verleihen.

Das juristische Niveau dieser „Argumentationen“ gleicht den Ausführungen minderbegabter Jurastudenten nach einer durchzechten Karnevalsnacht.

25.09.2016 - 13:18 [ Telegraph ]

Hillary Clinton will reset Syria policy against ‚murderous‘ Assad regime

(29.7.2016) Hillary Clinton will order a „full review“ of the United States‘ strategy on Syria as a „first key task“ of her presidency, resetting the policy to emphasise the „murderous“ nature of the Assad regime, foreign policy adviser with her campaign has said.

Jeremy Bash, who served as chief of staff for the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency, said Mrs Clinton would both escalate the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and work to get Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, „out of there“.

25.09.2016 - 13:14 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Hillary Clinton supported Iraq war because of Israel, say Matthews and Landler

(14.5.2016) „Matthews: Her key decision politically which hurt her in the 2008 race was supporting the authorization for going to war in Iraq. How did she turn on that… How did she get to that decision. How has she reviewed it since?

Landler: First of all, She’s acknowledged that was a mistake

Matthews: What’s that mean, though, what’s mistake mean?

Landler: OK, she’s acknoweldged that was a mistake because she said she wasn’t given access to the full intelligence dossier, right?

Matthews: That’s not a mistake.

Landler: And the point is she didn’t read the full NIE that actually talked about whether Saddam had weapons of mass destruction or not.

Matthews: Well did he have nuclear weapons? I’ve got no evidence that ever have suggested we knew or thought he did. But they sold it.

Landler: That’s right. She sort of hung it on her being deceived by the administration when the argument is she probably didn’t do adequate due diligence to figure out the truth.

Matthews: Why did she want to vote yes?

Landler: I think it was a combination of what I said earlier, which is her own instincts, plus you have to also acknowledge, New York senator, post-9/11, worried about her own–

Matthews: Concerned about Israel, too.

Landler: Precisely. Worried about her own possible political future.“

25.09.2016 - 13:06 [ commondreams.org ]

Libya: Obama Admits Clinton‘s „Greatest Moment“ Was His „Worst Mistake“

(12.4.2016) During a telling interview with Fox News this weekend, Obama admitted that „failing to plan for the day after“ the 2011 U.S.-backed toppling of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi was „worst mistake“ of his presidency.

The admission followed similar comments made by the president in a lengthy interview with the Atlantic published this month during which he called Libya „a mess“ and privately described the failed state as a „shit show.“

Given that the overthrow of Gaddafi is „one of the policies cited by Clinton as one of her chief accomplishments,“ as Vanity Fair‘s Tina Nguyen notes, Obama‘s statements could be problematic for the former secretary of state.

25.09.2016 - 13:05 [ Salon.com ]

Even critics understate how catastrophically bad the Hillary Clinton-led NATO bombing of Libya was

(2.3.2016) The New York Times published two lengthy pieces this week detailing Hillary Clinton’s role in the 2011 NATO bombing of Libya. Both are important documents, and provide much insight into how, as secretary of state for the Obama administration, Clinton played a uniquely hands-on role in the war.

Sec. Clinton pressured a wary President Obama to join France and the U.K. in the war, the Times reported.

25.09.2016 - 13:02 [ Wikileaks ]


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05794498 Date: 11/30/2015 RELEASE IN FULL

The best way to help Israel deal with Iran‘s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad. Negotiations to limit Iran‘s nuclear program will not solve Israel‘s security dilemma. Nor will they stop Iran from improving the crucial part of any nuclear weapons program — the capability to enrich uranium. At best, the talks between the world‘s major powers and Iran that began in Istanbul this April and will continue in Baghdad in May will enable Israel to postpone by a few months a decision whether to launch an attack on Iran that could provoke a major Mideast war. Iran‘s nuclear program and Syria‘s civil war may seem unconnected, but they are. For Israeli leaders, the real threat from a nuclear-armed Iran is not the prospect of an insane Iranian leader launching an unprovoked Iranian nuclear attack on Israel that would lead to the annihilation of both countries. What Israeli military leaders really worry about — but cannot talk about — is losing their nuclear monopoly.

25.09.2016 - 12:59 [ Sputnik ]

WikiLeaks: Clinton wollte Assad stürzen und Syrien für Israel vernichten

(28.3.2016) „Syrien ist eine andere Sache. Wenn wir in der Arabischen Republik Syrien jedoch erfolgreich sind, wird dies die gesamte Region buchstäblich verwandeln. Erstens wird ein weiterer brutaler Diktator einer massiven Verurteilung vonseiten des Volkes und der Opposition unterzogen. Zweitens wird der ganze Nahe Osten zum Besseren verändert, weil der Iran seinen Halt verlieren wird. Danach wird Teheran weder Israel bedrohen noch die Region destabilisieren können“, so Clinton.

25.09.2016 - 12:51 [ Huffington Post ]

Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath

(14.2.2016) Saudi Arabia and Turkey, the leading Sunni powers in the Middle East, view Iran, the leading Shia power, as a regional rival for power and influence. Right-wing Israelis view Iran as an implacable foe that controls Hezbollah, a Shi‘a militant group operating in Lebanon, a border state of Israel. Thus, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel have all clamored to remove Iran‘s influence in Syria.

25.09.2016 - 12:50 [ CNBC ]

Bill Clinton‘s advice to Hillary: ‚Be a grown up‘ as voter anger boils over

„There‘s a lot of populism, because there‘s a lot of road rage. People believe the political and economic order have let them down.“

Clinton called his wife „a sort-of ‚answers person‘ not an ‚anger person.‘ I mean you feel anger, but, you‘ve got to be yourself,“ he said. „Just go out there and try to be the grown-up in the room.“

25.09.2016 - 11:29 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Al-Moallem delivers Syria’s speech at UN General Assembly’s 71 session

Everyone knows full well that terrorism would not have spread through my country if it hadn’t been for the external support of well-known countries. It is no longer a secret that Qatar and Saudi Arabia have played a part in this, promoting their Wahhabist Takfirist ideology and their death fatwas that have nothing to do with Islam. They have bragged about supporting terrorism in every way, sending into Syria thousands of mercenaries, equipped with the most sophisticated weapons. Meanwhile, Turkey has opened its border to let in tens of thousands of terrorists from all around the world and has provided them with logistical support and training camps under the supervision of Turkish and Western intelligence. It has even supplied these terrorists with direct military support, as was the case in Idlib, Aleppo, and rural Lattakia.

25.09.2016 - 10:56 [ theStranger.com ]

Hillary Clinton Is a Neocon Warmonger, In a Capitol Hill Sticker

(2.9.2016) By posting this, partisans will accuse me of aiding and abetting Donald Trump. Search this post for pro-Trump statements. You will not find any. This is a post to remind progressives that Hillary Clinton—the leading candidate to become the commander of an obscene military arsenal—is more hawkish than Barack Obama (the guy with a kill list), to the point where she has aligned herself with a roster of prominent Bush-affiliated conservatives and neocons.

25.09.2016 - 10:45 [ Mondo Weiss ]

In full page NYT ad, liberal Zionist group calls for ethnic segregation to retain Jewish majority within Israel

The Daniel S. Abraham Center for Peace, a prominent liberal Zionist Israel lobbying group, purchased a full-page newspaper advertisement in Friday’s edition of the New York Times, calling for the immediate separation of Israelis and Palestinians into separate countries to keep Israel as a Jewish majority state.

“Separation between Israelis and Palestinians is Essential. No separation today means a Palestinian majority by 2020,” warned the public service announcement.

25.09.2016 - 10:44 [ Jewish News Service ]

Former Israeli official: $38 billion arms deal good for Israel’s long-term planning

The new 10-year $38 billion Israeli security deal with the U.S. enables Israel to budget for long-term defense plans and prepare for a future after the nuclear deal with Iran ends, said Israeli Maj. Gen. (ret.) Yaakov Amidror in a press call Thursday hosted by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA).

25.09.2016 - 10:29 [ 20min ]

Darüber stimmt die Schweiz heute ab

Zum Dritten entscheidet das Volk, ob der Nachrichtendienst mehr Kompetenzen erhalten soll. Bei einem Ja dürfte er Telefongespräche abhören, Privaträume durchsuchen und verwanzen, in Computer eindringen und Ortungsgeräte verwenden. Heute dürfen Menschen nur im öffentlichen Raum und auf öffentlichen Webseiten beobachtet werden.

25.09.2016 - 10:27 [ Daily Caller ]

FBI Docs: Obama Used Pseudonym To Email Hillary’s Server

The FBI documents do not reveal what Obama’s pseudonym was, or what was in the text of the email. The subject, “Re: Congratulations,” combined with the date (June 28, 2012) suggests it may have been about the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the constitutionality of Obamacare.

The email was never previously released, with lawyers citing “presidential communications privilege” to avoid turning them over under the Freedom of Information Act.

25.09.2016 - 08:42 [ Amnesty International ]

Nachrichtendienstgesetz (NDG): Kabelaufklärung

(3.12.2015) Das neue Nachrichtendienstgesetz (NDG) gibt dem Geheimdienst zahlreiche neue Mittel in die Hand, die das Recht auf Privatsphäre beinträchtigen. Amnesty kritisiert insbesondere die Kabelaufklärung als eine Form der verdachtsunabhängigen Massenüberwachung. Amnesty empfiehlt deshalb, das neue Gesetz in der Abstimmung am 25. September abzulehnen.

25.09.2016 - 08:33 [ ch.ch ]

Elektronische Stimmabgabe

Dank der elektronischen Stimmabgabe können Sie per Internet an den Wahlen und Abstimmungen teilnehmen und brauchen sich nicht mehr persönlich an die Urne zu begeben.

Diese neue Möglichkeit zur Ausübung der politischen Rechte wird seit dem Jahr 2000 allmählich aufgebaut. Deren Einführung ist sehr anspruchsvoll.

25.09.2016 - 08:32 [ Alles Schall und Rauch ]

E-Voting – Grösste Gefahr für die Demokratie!

(11.November 2006) Als Softwareentwickler mit 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Informatik kann ich nur Alarm schlagen und auf die grosse Gefahr hinweisen die mit jeglicher elektronischer Wahl verbunden ist. Bei so einer Methode verschwindet jede Stimmabgabe in einer Maschine, einem „schwarzen Loch“, und niemand kann überprüfen ob die Zahl die dann angezeigt wird wirklich stimmt. Die elektronische Stimmabgabe hat keinen Papierbeleg und somit keinen Beweis der nachkontrolliert und nachgezählt werden kann. Damit gehen geheime und demokratische Wahlen vor die Hunde. Das muss das Stimmvolk wissen.

25.09.2016 - 08:19 [ Roger Wicker, U.S. Senator / Youtube ]

Wicker Outlines Administration’s Failures in Syria

Veröffentlicht am 22.09.2016
Watch as U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., a senior member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, questions Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford during a committee hearing to review U.S. national security challenges and ongoing military operations.

25.09.2016 - 07:43 [ 21stcenturywire.com ]

EXCLUSIVE: The REAL Syria Civil Defence Expose Nato’s ‘White Helmets’ as Terrorist-Linked Imposters

(23.9.2016) White Helmets founder Le Mesurier, who graduated from Britain’s elite Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, is said to be an ‘ex’ British military intelligence officer involved in a number of other NATO ‘humanitarian intervention’ theatres of war, including Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq, as well as postings in Lebanon and Palestine. He also boasts a series of high-profile posts at the UN, EU, and UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Not to mention his connections back to the infamous Blackwater (Academi).

25.09.2016 - 07:24 [ Syrian War Blog ]

The White Helmets: al-Qaeda‘s Firefighters

(2.8.2016) Many analysts have denied that the White Helmets have any links to extremists whatsoever. Even when presented with photographs that seem to prove a link, they deny it. Analysts were outraged when Raed Saleh was barred from entering the US to accept the InterAction Humanitarian award. They claimed that pro-Assad Americans were slandering the Syrian Civil Defense organization with zero evidence. This article will present a trove of evidence that proves involvement with extremist groups. Much of this evidence is new, apparently not spotted by Westerners until now.