Saab selbst erstattete Anzeige bei verschiedenen Gremien und zeigte sich empört über die von Interpol auf US-Geheiß herausgegebene Warnung. Er forderte eine Erklärung für diese Maßnahme und mutmaßte, dass es sich bei dem Vorfall um einen Angriff gegen seine Arbeit handelte. Er lasse sich davon jedoch nicht einschüchtern und werde seine Arbeit als staatlicher Menschenrechtsbeauftragter weiter verfolgen, sagte er.
Daily Archives: 11. Oktober 2015
Verhandlungen, Dialog und Versöhnung statt Konfrontation
Die ärztliche Friedensorganisation IPPNW hat Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier heute in einem Schreiben aufgefordert, sich gegenüber seinem israelischen Amtskollegen sowie dem Außenminister der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde dafür einzusetzen, die Gewaltspirale in Ostjerusalem und im Westjordanland zu stoppen. Steinmeier solle beide Regierungen auffordern, Berichte über „exzessive Gewaltanwendung“ zu untersuchen. Es sei an der Zeit, dass die internationale Gemeinschaft ihrer Verantwortung gerecht werde. „Die israelische Regierung muss die Besatzung endlich beenden in Übereinstimmung mit den Resolutionen des UN-Sicherheitsrates. Die Politik der Konfrontation durch Verhandlungen, Dialog und Versöhnung zu ersetzen, ist der einzige Weg für Frieden zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern“, heißt es in dem Brief.
Bekämpfung von IS: Überflug russischer Raketen über dem Irak (VIDEO)
Die kurdische Peschmerga-Miliz hat ein Video ins Internet gestellt, auf dem der Überflug russischer Marschflugkörper über dem Irak in Richtung der IS-Stellungen in Syrien zu sehen ist.
Darf britische Luftwaffe russische Jets abschießen? Moskau fordert Erklärungen
„Wir sind besorgt über diese Berichte, denn man beruft sich auf hohe Kabinettsmitglieder“, teilte der russische Botschafter Alexander Jakowenko am Sonntag mit. „Wir haben das britische Außenministerium umgehend nach Erklärungen gefragt.“ Der Diplomat verwies darauf, dass die russische Luftwaffe keine Angriffe gegen den „Islamischen Staat“ im Irak fliege.
RAF Tornados armed and dangerous: Tensions between Russia and UK escalate
Senior defence sources say it is just a matter of time before our fighters are involved in a deadly confrontation with Russian jets. One source said: “We need to protect our pilots but at the same time we’re taking a step closer to war. It will only take one plane to be shot down in an air-to-air battle and the whole landscape will change.”
RAF ready to shoot down Russian aircraft over Syria
Combat aircraft involved in Operation Shader over Iraq will be fitted with Asraam heat-seeking missiles, which can destroy any military aircraft flying today.
A senior defence source said: “Up till now RAF Tornados have been equipped with 500lb satellite-guided bombs — there has been no or little air-to-air threat. But in the last week the situation has changed. We need to respond accordingly.”
Kampfjets in Syrien: Moskau empört über angebliche britische Abschusserlaubnis
Hintergrund ist eine angebliche Angriffsfreigabe für Kampfflugzeuge der britischen Royal Air Force (RAF). Unter Berufung auf Quellen im Londoner Verteidigungsministerium meldete die „Sunday Times“, dass RAF-Piloten im Falle einer Bedrohung durch russische Jets diese abschießen dürften.
Making Money from Misery? Disaster Capitalism from the Migrant Crisis to Afghanistan and Haiti
When disaster strikes, who profits? That’s the question asked by journalist Antony Loewenstein in his new book, “Disaster Capitalism: Making a Killing out of Catastrophe.” Traveling across the globe, Loewenstein examines how companies such as G4S, Serco and Halliburton are cashing in on calamity, and describes how they are deploying for-profit private contractors to war zones and building for-profit private detention facilities to warehouse refugees, prisoners and asylum seekers. Recently, Loewenstein teamed up with filmmaker Thor Neureiter for a documentary by the same name that chronicles how international aid and investment has impacted communities in Haiti, Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea and beyond.
When We Fumigate Flies and Mosquitoes, Are We Poisoning Ourselves?
It was the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), a USDA agency, that was finally able to clarify for me that OIRSA was the agency behind the spraying.
Why the US Bombing of an Afghan Hospital Is a War Crime
„We tried to take a look into one of the burning buildings. I cannot describe what was inside. There are no words for how terrible it was. In the Intensive Care Unit six patients were burning in their beds.“
Demonstrationen in Istanbul, Rufe nach Rücktritt Erdogans
Die Demonstranten forderten den Rücktritt von Präsident Erdogan; die AKP sei für die Gewalt in der Türkei verantwortlich.
Pregnant Woman and her 2-year old Child Killed in Israeli Bombardment, Four Family Members Injured
The WAFA News Agency said an Israeli F-16 fighter jet fired two missiles close to the family home, southeast of Gaza City, causing damage to several homes and killing the woman.
Israelis demonstrieren zur Absetzung Netanjahus
Hunderte linksgerichtete Israelis haben bei Demonstrationen in Tel Aviv den Rücktritt von Netanjahu gefordert.
Ein Demonstrant sagte dazu: Gewalt ist keine Option für den Konflikt zwischen Israel und Palästina. Provokationen würden von Israel ausgehen und nicht von Palästina. Ein Großteil davon gehe von Israel aus. Bei 11 Tagen Gefechten und Auseinandersetzungen in Beitolmoghaddas im Westjordanland und in Gaza sind vier Israelis und 20 Palästinenser ums Leben gekommen.
West Bank female bomber injures Israeli soldier, Israeli airstrike Gaza bombing aftermath
A Palestinian woman detonated an explosive in her car at a checkpoint in the West Bank on Sunday, injuring an Israeli soldier and herself. an Israeli airstrike killed a pregnant Palestinian woman and her 2-year-old daughter, a Gaza health official said.
Palästina, Westjordanland: „Weiblicher Bomber“ steigt bei Polizeikontrolle aus Wagen, dann angebl. Explosion im Wagen, aber Scheiben intakt.
Betrug – Ursula von der Leyen gibt in ihrem Lebenslauf an, zwei Stationen an der Stanford University absolviert …
Two F16 aircrafts violate Syrian airspace, target electric power plants in Aleppo
Two F16 aircrafts belonging to the so-called US-led coalition violated the Syrian airspace on Saturday, targeting the infrastructure and destroying two power plants in al-Rudwaniya area to the east of Aleppo city, a military source said.
According to the source, the two aircrafts violated the Syrian airspace at 10:00 AM Saturday morning.
The source considered the incident a “breach of the international law.”
The attack caused power outage in the targeted area, the source added.
The CIA in Guatemala: A Chilling Account of Dirty Secrets & Covert Operations
We now invite you to watch this video of a presentation made by Jennifer Harbury, an American whose late Guatemalan husband, a Mayan indigenous activist, was “disappeared” by the military. After hunger strikes and investigations, she learned that Efraín Bámaca Velásquez had been tortured and then killed — and that the CIA knew all about it. Her story is a powerful one.
Convicted ex-CIA agent arrested, released (2)
An ex-CIA agent who was convicted of abducting Muslim cleric Hassan Mustafa Omar Nasr from Milan in 2003 was arrested Monday at Lisbon‘s airport and released two days later, Turin Chief Prosecutor Armando Spataro told ANSA on Thursday. Sabrina De Sousa, who has American and Portuguese nationality, was among 22 CIA agents convicted in Italy in the case of the rendition of the Egyptian cleric, an Islamist suspected of recruiting jihadi fighters. Nasr, whose case led to the world‘s first judicial examination of the controversial practice of rendition in the so-called war on terror, got a prison term of six years for international terrorism in December 2013. De Sousa, who faces six years in prison if extradited to Italy, has said in interviews the operation had been „approved by Washington“ and that she had been „abandoned“ by her superiors. Portuguese authorities seized her passport, pending a decision on her extradition.
Shin Bet Tells Israeli Government: Abbas Not Encouraging Terror
A senior official at the Shin Bet security service said at the weekly Israeli government meeting that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is not encouraging terrorism „and is even instructing his security forces to prevent terror attacks as much as possible.“
يحيي حسان كان يقول لابنه محمد الناجي الوحيد من القصف الإسرائيلي فجر اليوم „كنا 4 اليوم أصبحنا 2، اصحي اصحي يا رهف“
Rehaf , 3‘years old child girl killed today in #Gaza. Have a good day @POTUS
Palestinian woman and child killed in Gaza as attacks and reprisals continue
An Israeli airstrike on a Hamas target in the Gaza Strip on Sunday brought down a nearby house, killing a Palestinian woman and her daughter, hospital officials said, as a wave of violence in the region triggered fears of wider escalation.
Joint List MKs rally in Tel Aviv, Umm al-Fahm
(10.Oktober) The Arab-Jewish Hadash party held a rally in the heart of Tel Aviv, promoting coexistence and calling for the end of the “occupation.” In the northern Arab city of Umm el-Fahm, Arab legislators held a march that included the Islamic Movement in Israel, which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has blamed for incitement to violence.
The Palestinian who survived the Nahariya lynch reveals he was saved by a Jew who laid on top of him to protect him
VIDEO from yday: Jews in Netanya attempt to lynch a Palestinian, chanting „death to Arabs“ Assailants are still free
Report: Retired general tapped to lead ISIL fight stepping down
According to the report, officials cited Allen‘s frustration with the way the White House is micromanaging the war effort and its failure to provide enough resources. Sources also said the decision comes mainly from the health of his wife, who has an auto-immune disorder. It is expected that his deputy, Amb. Brett McGurk, will take on his responsibilities while the administration searches for a long-term replacement.
Special Presidential Envoy Allen Travel to Amman, Jordan
(2.10.2015) Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL General John Allen will travel to Amman, Jordan on October 3, 2015 to meet with senior Jordanian government and security officials. General Allen will discuss Coalition efforts to degrade and defeat ISIL and recent developments in the region.
Abu Dhabi to Invest in Russia’s Nuclear Projects, Agriculture Sector
Russian Direct Investment Fund and UAE state Mubadala investment company also created a platform for joint investment projects in Russia with the target total volume of up to $7 billion.
Putin Holds Meeting With Saudi Arabia Defense Minister in Sochi
The meeting is also attended by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Trade and Industry Minister Denis Manturov, Energy Minister Alexander Novak and Ingushetia‘s leader Yunus-Bek Yevkurov.
Earlier in the day, the Russian leader met with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
Syrian army advances with help of intensified Russian air strikes
Russian war planes pounded Syrian rebels unaffiliated with Islamic State on Sunday, insurgents said, helping Moscow‘s ally Bashar al-Assad reclaim territory and dealing a fresh setback to the strategy of Washington and its allies.
Irakische Luftwaffe greift Konvoi des IS-Anführers an
Nach Angaben des irakischen Portals Shafaq News war Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi zu einem Treffen der IS-Spitze unterwegs. Sein Autokonvoi sei im Raum al-Karabil aufgespürt und angegriffen worden. Das Schicksal des IS-Chefs sei noch unbekannt. Darüber hinaus bombardierten irakische Jets nach Angaben aus Bagdad den Ort des geplanten IS-Führungstreffens und tötete mehrere Führungsköpfe der Dschihadistenmiliz.
Russia, Iran Don’t Trust US, Assume Leadership in Iraq
Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria no longer trust US intelligence agencies. After the establishment of their joint intelligence headquarters in Baghdad, the region has experienced a significant shift of power, DWN wrote.
Iraq agrees to share intelligence with Russia, Iran and Syria
(28.September) Iraq says it has reached a deal to share intelligence with Russia, Iran and Syria in the fight against ISIS militants.
The announcement on Saturday from the Iraqi military cited „the increasing concern from Russia about thousands of Russian terrorists committing criminal acts within ISIS.“
Anti-IS-Kampf: Putin erstaunt über US-Absage, hofft doch noch auf Mitwirkung
„Wir sagten: Gebt uns Ziele an. Sie lehnten das ab“, sagte Putin in einem Interview für den russischen TV-Sender Rossija-1. „Das ist nicht nachvollziehbar, besonders dann nicht, wenn sie es wirklich besser wissen und gegen den Terrorismus kämpfen wollen.“
Iraq hints it would accept Russian support in ISIS fight
(9.Oktober) Faily emphasized that Baghdad is not looking elsewhere but said it would „seriously consider“ offers of support. „We think that overall there has to be a higher sense of urgency because of the situation in Iraq, and because we cannot co-exist one extra day with ISIS,“ he said.
Turkish Air Force attacks PKK camps in northern Iraq
Some 49 members of the group were killed as a result of the operation.
Turkey sees Islamic State hand in Ankara bombings – security sources
Oct 11 Initial indications suggest Islamic State was responsible for twin bombings in the Turkish capital Ankara and investigations are focusing on the radical Islamist group, two senior Turkish security sources told Reuters on Sunday.
France to agree aerospace deals with Saudi Arabia: sources
France and Saudi Arabia are to agree big aerospace contracts when French Prime Minister Manuel Valls visits the kingdom on Tuesday, sources close to the matter said on Sunday.
Journalist Matthew Keys für Beihilfe zu 40-minütigem Anonymous-Hack verurteilt
Die Anschuldigungen gründen sich auf Aussagen des LulzSec-Hackers Sabu, der als Informant für das FBI tätig war. Keys hatte die Vorwürfe in einer Vernehmung durch die Polizei zugegeben, versuchte dies aber später zurückzunehmen da er zum Zeitpunkt der Vernehmung Antidepressiva genommen habe und daher nicht ‚bei Sinnen‘ gewesen sei. 2014 entschied eine Richterin jedoch, dass die Medikamente keine Auswirkung auf Keys Urteilsvermögen hatten.
Bunte Girlanden: Wurzel- und Knollengemüse lufttrocknen
Heute wird Obst und Gemüse zumeist im Backofen oder im Dörrapparat mehrere Stunden lang getrocknet, was jedoch Energie verbraucht. Besser ist es, sich auf die klassische, herkömmliche Art des Lufttrocknens zu besinnen. Unsere Eltern und Grosseltern fädelten noch Apfelringe oder Pilzstücken auf eine Schnur, viele werden das noch kennen.
Monsanto vs. Freedom of Information Act
On March 9, three former presidents of the American Association for the Advancement of Science—all with ties to Monsanto or the biotech industry—wrote in the pages of the Guardian to criticize the use of the state FOIA laws to investigate taxpayer-funded scientists who vocally defend Monsanto, the agri-chemical industry, their pesticides and genetically engineered food. They called the FOIAs an „organized attack on science.“
Ein lautes, unübersehbares Nein zu TTIP und CETA
Wer mit den Menschen auf der Demo gesprochen hat, versteht sofort, weshalb der Widerstand nicht aufhören wird – es sind einfach so viele gesellschaftliche Bereiche, die durch TTIP und CETA unmittelbar betroffen sind, so viele verschiedene Motive für die Menschen, sich dem entgegen zu stellen.
Das globale Finanzsystem: Die Titanic auf Kollisionskurs
Was steckt dahinter? Ganz einfach: Spekulation und Manipulation. Die großen Finanzinstitutionen nutzen ihre Einstufung als „too big to fail“, um hemmungsloser denn je zuvor am Rad des Casino-Kapitalismus zu drehen. Unter Einsatz riesiger Geldsummen, die ihnen von den Zentralbanken zu Nahe-Null-Zinsen zur Verfügung gestellt werden, manipulieren sie die Märkte mittlerweile nach Belieben.
Those responsible for Ankara attack should resign: CHP
“We demand an inspection on the reasons for such a big weakness at the security and intelligence bodies,” read the statement.
”We want all political figures with responsibility who have negligence in this incident resign even it is too late.”
What will the Nov 1 polls change in Turkey?
(13.September) On Nov. 1, Turkey will hold its fourth election in the last 20 months with hopes that it will be the last one and will help to reduce the political tension in the country by paving the way for the establishment of a stable government to immediately address Turkey’s pending issues. Public opinion surveys suggest that the new parliament will again be composed of four political parties with none of them having majority to form single-party government.
Deutsche lehnen sich gegen Handelspakt mit USA: Hunderttausende bei TTIP-Demo
Die USA und die EU verhandeln bislang im Geheimen über das TTIP-Abkommen, das eine Freihandelszone von Hawaii bis Litauen vorsieht. Obwohl der Pakt 53 Länder und zwei Drittel der Weltwirtschaft tangiert, kennen laut WikiLeaks nur Großkonzerne die Details.
Palestinians Say Pregnant Woman, Child Killed Following Israeli Strike in Gaza
(11.Oktober) Israel Air Force aircraft struck targets in the Gaza Strip early on Sunday after a rocket was launched at Israel. Gaza officials reported that a pregnant woman and a 2-year-old child were killed after the strike caused a nearby house to collapse.
Kerry to Netanyahu and Abbas: Act to Reinstate Calm in West Bank, Jerusalem
(10.Oktober) The American administration is trying to restrain the escalation in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry holding telephone calls with both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas over the weekend. Kerry urged the leaders to act to reduce tensions and reinstate calm .
Two different versions of the same events in Gaza reveal Jodi Rudoren’s bias
Joel Greenberg, a veteran journalist, covered the same story for the Financial Times. Here are two paragraphs from Greenberg’s report:
Officials in Gaza said six Palestinians were killed and dozens wounded. Witnesses said the shots were fired by snipers at Israeli guard posts along the fence, where Israel enforces a 100-meter-wide no-go zone inside Gaza.
Israeli strike on Hamas in Gaza kills Palestinian woman, child
An Israeli air strike on a Hamas target in the Gaza Strip on Sunday brought down a nearby house killing a Palestinian woman and her daughter, hospital officials said, as a wave of violence in the region triggered fears of wider escalation.
Schauble plans a pan-European Solidarity Levy so that Germany avoids paying for the Refugees Crisis
German Finance Minister Wolgang Schaeuble is a great man. And great men have great plans. Especially when it comes to charge others with taxes.
White House Takes The Cowardly Option: Refuses To Say No To Encryption Backdoors, Will Quietly Ask Companies
As we said at the time, option 1 was the only real option. You take a stand. You talk about the importance of encryption in protecting the public.
However, it appears that the White House has taken the cowardly approach.
Versteckte Schulden bedrohen Renten in Griechenland
Bei den Kassendefiziten offiziell nicht auftauchende versteckte Schulden in Höhe von 13 Milliarden Euro strangulieren die Sozialversicherungsträger in Griechenland.
Why Do Senators Keep Lying About What CISA Would Be Used For?
We keep asking if the politicians supporting CISA — the „Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act“ can explain just what security breaches it would have stopped — and they can‘t. Because the answer is that it wouldn‘t have stopped any of them. And yet, the politicians pushing CISA never seem to waste an opportunity to pretend that each new big computer hack would have been stopped if only CISA had been in place. A few months ago it was the OPM hack and, now, apparently it‘s the T-Mobile/Experian hack.
Both Senators Richard Burr and Dianne Feinstein (the two leading members of the Senate Intelligence Committee from each party) have been taking swings at anyone who won‘t support the bill, and have cited the T-Mobile customer breach as a reason to support it: