Siemens has signed a research agreement with the Australian Government Department of Defence‘s Defence Science and Technology Group (DST) and the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) to advance the use of high temperature superconducting (HTS) technologies in Australia.
Daily Archives: 6. Oktober 2015
Pluto – die Überraschung des Jahres 2015
Zu den gelungenen Überraschungen des Jahres 2015 zählen sicher die erstmaligen Nahaufnahmen des Pluto durch die Sonde New Horizons. Der langsame Bilddatenstrom vom Rand des Sonnenssystems zur Erde bietet auch nach drei Monaten des Vorbeiflugs immer neue faszinierende Einblicke einer mitunter erstaunlich Erd-ähnlichen Welt.
Nobel Prize for Physics goes to Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B McDonald for neutrinos discovery
Under the quirky rules of quantum physics, the identity change can only happen if the neutrinos have mass.
Spain court revokes passport of ex-IMF chief Rodrigo Rato
Spain has revoked the passport of the former managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Rodrigo Rato, as he faces charges of fraud.
Turkey warns, millions more refugees are likely to come given Russia‘s intervention in Syria.
#Turkey‘s army also says an unidentified fighter jet locked its radar on to eight of its jets on Monday #syria
Turkish warplanes harassed by unidentified MIG-29 aircraft
Eight Turkish F-16 fighters jets were harassed by unidentified MIG-29 aircraft for four minutes and 30 seconds during a patrol flight on the border with Syria on Oct. 5, the Turkish General Staff has said.
NATO rejects Russia explanation on Turkish air space
Separately, a U.S. official told Reuters the incursions lasted more than a few seconds and described Moscow‘s assertion that the incursions were an accident as „far-fetched“.
Stoltenberg said the U.S.-led alliance had not received „any real explanation“ from Russia about the incursions.
Russian aircraft briefly entered Turkish airspace due to bad weather — defense ministry
(5.Oktober) „That is why, the incident occurred because of unfavourable weather conditions in that area,“ he said, warning against attempts to find some conspiracy motives behind the incident.
Erdogan: Russland riskiert Freundschaft mit Türkei
„Es ist bekannt, dass wir eine gute Beziehung zu Russland haben“, sagte Erdogan. „Aber wenn Russland einen Freund wie die Türkei verliert, mit dem es bei vielen Themen zusammenarbeitet, dann ist das ein großer Verlust.“ Wer die Türkei angreife, greife auch die NATO an
Break silence on air-to-air rules of conduct: U.S. to Russia
The United States and Russian militaries held a secure video conference last week in which Pentagon officials suggested protocols aimed at preventing a mishap, as the former Cold War foes carry out rival campaigns of air strikes in Syria.
But since then, Moscow has failed to follow-up, Carter said.
„We are waiting for the Russians. They owe us a response,“ Carter told reporters as he visited Moron Air Base in Spain.
“I fear that this deal will put American workers in a race to the bottom” says Congresswoman Barbara Lee Concerning TPP Deal
America’s trade policies should be designed to create good-paying jobs and improve the standard of living for American families.
Sadly, the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal reached in Atlanta is unlikely to achieve either.
This deal was written through secretive, closed-door meetings in which lobbyists and major multinational corporations had undue influence.
PM Tsipras announces Gov’t goals, budget draft sees austerity worth €6.4 bln
Short before Tsipras’ speech at the Parliament, Finance Ministry officials submitted to the Parliament the Draft Budget 2016. Projections seem not to promise a bright future.
Turkish General Staff chief expresses view about unified army of Turkic-speaking countries (exclusive)
The joint forces of four countries – TAKM (the first letters of the member-states) were established with the participation of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia in February 2013.
The organization was established to strengthen the cooperation among the law enforcement organizations of military status located in Eurasia.
Kommt es zur Umsetzung des Lagerbaus in der Türkei, dann hätte die EU jenseits ihrer südöstlichen Grenzen erreicht, was der damalige Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily (SPD) im Sommer 2004 für Nordafrika plante: Flüchtlinge außerhalb der EU festzusetzen und damit den Druck beträchtlich zu lindern, den Menschen auf die europäischen Wohlstandszentren ausüben können, wenn sie in Massen vor den Kriegen des Westens oder vor ökonomischer Ausbeutung durch Konzerne aus den reichen Industriestaaten fliehen ( berichtete [3]). Kriege wären dann für die EU auf Dauer führbar, ohne die Fluchtkonsequenzen tragen zu müssen; die ökonomische Ausplünderung ärmerer Staaten könnte folgenlos fortgeführt werden.
Europe‘s fate impossible to separate from Turkey – Erdogan
Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed Monday the need for Europe and Turkey to cooperate to provide solutions to the refugee crisis, all the while addressing pointed remarks to the former for not doing enough, Anadolu Agency reported.
Erdogan was in Brussels, speaking at a joint press conference with European Council President Donald Tusk.
U.S.-Hegemonie und die Russische Föderation wollen beide Paneuropa. Und mit dem Massenmörder Erdogan stecken auch beide unter einer Decke.
U.S.-Russia agreement on Syria might help on Ukraine: Finnish leader
If Russia and the United States were able to agree on ways of solving the Syrian crisis, this might help towards the two powers finding common ground on Ukraine, Finnish President Sauli Niinisto said on Monday.
..und sich selbst als Aggressor. Wie in der Ukraine. So saudämlich kann man in Moskau gar nicht sein. Das ist kein Zufall.
#Syria Die Rolle Russlands in dieser Posse des Imperialistischen Komplexes ist es offenbar die NATO als glaubwürdig erscheinen zu lassen..
Russia says checking claim its plane violated Turkey‘s airspace for second time
„The Turkish foreign ministry summoned our ambassador for the second time on Monday,“ Igor Mityakov, the Russian embassy‘s press attached, was quoted as saying. „The Turkish side handed over information linked to a violation of its airspace. The Russian side is checking the data,“ he said.
Syrien plant Bodenoffensive im Westen – Russland verletzt zum zweiten Mal den türkischen Luftraum
Der Vorfall habe sich bereits am Sonntag ereignet. Deswegen sei erneut der russische Botschafter einbestellt worden, sagte ein Vertreter des türkischen Aussenministeriums.
Türkei: Russland bestätigt Verletzung des türkischen Luftraums – SPIEGEL ONLINE
Türkei fängt russischen Kampfjet ab und bestellt Botschafter ein
(5.Oktober 2015) Die türkische Armee hat am Montag einen russischen Kampfjet an der Grenze zu Syrien abgefangen. Russland bestätigte den Vorfall, den die Nato als „inakzeptabel“ bezeichnete.
Afghan forces called for air strike in Kunduz: U.S. general
U.S. Army General John Campbell fell short of squarely acknowledging U.S. responsibility for an air strike that killed 22 people in an Afghan hospital run by aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) on Saturday.
Venezuela hits back at U.S. for questioning its democracy
Venezuela‘s foreign minister on Monday blasted her U.S. counterpart John Kerry for questioning the country‘s democratic credentials ahead of legislative elections the ruling socialists are forecast to lose.
The spat follows a nascent rapprochement earlier this year between the two ideologically-opposed nations.
Manchester: „Scharfschützen auf Grossdemonstration nur als Beobachter“
Die Begründung ist haaresträubend. Ein Sprecher der Greater Manchester Police: „Wegen des Parteikongresses gehören sie zur aktuellen Beobachtung der grössten, jemals stattgefundenen Demonstration. Sie wurden ausschliesslich zur Observierung und Unterstützung der Polizei eingesetzt. Mit ihren Gewehren haben sie eine stärkere Sicht als mit jedem anderen Fernglas. Sie waren nicht dort, um auf Menschen zu schiessen.“
Staatengemeinschaft beschließt Agenda 2030: Der große Weltenplan
(26.September 2015)
Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development
This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom.
We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.
All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan. We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet.
Welt im Wandel: Gesellschaftsvertrag für eine Große Transformation – Zusammenfassung für Entscheidungsträger
(17.März 2011) Die Idee des Gesellschaftsvertrages knüpft an Vorlagen im Naturrecht der frühen Moderne an, seine Neuauflage steht heute im Wesentlichen vor vier Herausforderungen:
1.Der nationale Territorialstaat kann aufgrund der fortschreitenden wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Globalisierung nicht länger als alleinige Grundlage des Vertragsverhältnisses angenommen werden.
Seine Bewohner müssen grenzüberschreitende Risiken und Naturgefahren sowie die legitimen Interessen Dritter, nämlich anderer Mitglieder der Weltgesellschaft,verantwortlich einbeziehen.
2.Die herkömmliche Vertragslehre ging von der Fiktion völliger Gleichheit aller Gesellschaftsmitglieder aus. Angesichts der disparaten Verteilung von Ressourcen und Fähigkeiten in der heutigen Weltgesellschaft müssen gerechte globale Ausgleichsmechanismen greifen.
DARPA Wants To Use Genetically Engineered Organisms To Make Mars More Earth-Like
(27.Juni 2015) Before these genetically engineered organisms can make it to Mars, however, they will first be tested out here on Earth as a means of repairing environmental damage. According to Jackson, extremophile organisms can be re-engineered for that purpose, taking advantage of their inate ability to survive in scarred wastelands to rehabilitate areas after man-made or natural disasters strike.
DARPA: We Are Engineering the Organisms That Will Terraform Mars
(24.Juni 2015) With enough practice turning Earth’s damaged landscapes back into places hospitable for life, Jackson thinks we’ll have what it takes to eventually try to colonize the solar system. This is something that obviously doesn’t even really have a timeline, it’s technology that’s in its infancy, and much of the work being done is classified—but the implications are exciting nonetheless.
Gov’t Secures $810.2 Million World Bank Grant for Climate Change Project
(5.Oktober 2015) The SDGs, also called Global Goals and Agenda 2030, are an inter-governmentally agreed set of targets relating to international development.
They will follow on from the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which expire at the end of 2015.
The project, titled: ‘Improving Climate Data and Information Management’ also includes the provision of technical assistance in climate resilience planning for relevant beneficiary agencies; improvements in their project preparation and management capabilities; and public education awareness and information dissemination.
AM #Steinmeier auf #boko15: Wir müssen internationale Ordnung von morgen mitgestalten. Brauchen dafür starke Partner. #Klima #Agenda2030
(24.August 2015)
The sun is now virtually blank during the weakest solar cycle in more than a century
(30.April 2015) The sun is almost completely blank. The main driver of all weather and climate, the entity which occupies 99.86% of all of the mass in our solar system, the great ball of fire in the sky has gone quiet again during what is likely to be the weakest sunspot cycle in more than a century. The sun‘s X-ray output has flatlined in recent days and NOAA forecasters estimate a scant 1% chance of strong flares in the next 24 hours. Not since cycle 14 peaked in February 1906 has there been a solar cycle with fewer sunspots. We are currently more than six years into Solar Cycle 24 and the current nearly blank sun may signal the end of the solar maximum phase. Solar cycle 24 began after an unusually deep solar minimum that lasted from 2007 to 2009 which included more spotless days on the sun compared to any minimum in almost a century.
Orbiter‘s Long Life Helps Scientists Track Changes on Mars
(20.September 2005) Boulders tumbling down a Martian slope left tracks that weren‘t there two years ago. New impact craters formed since the 1970s suggest changes to age-estimating models. And for three Mars summers in a row, deposits of frozen carbon dioxide near Mars‘ south pole have shrunk from the previous year‘s size, suggesting a climate change in progress.
Dramatischer Klimawandel auf dem Mars: Kommt jetzt der interplanetare Zertifikatehandel?
Die Politik ist angesichts dieser neuen Erkenntnisse besorgt. Ist dies ein indirekter Beweis für die Existenz einer Marsbevölkerung die emissionstechnisch über die Strenge geschlagen hat? Die Suche nach Leben auf dem Mars wird daher immer wichtiger. Auch Marsmenschen haben keinen Freifahrschein in Punkto CO2-Emissionen. Sollten wir den Mann vom roten Planet nun endlich ausfindig machen, so drohen ihm hohe Emissionsvertragsstrafen. Nur ein beherztes Eingreifen kann nun noch das Planetensystem retten. Helfen Sie mit und stoppen Sie die interplanetare CO2-Verseuchung. Sachdienliche Hinweise auf CO2-intensives Leben auf dem Mars nehmen wir gerne unter entgegen.
Greener on the Other Side – Climate Models Agree: Nature Is Wrong!
Petition: Forget ‘Climate Change’, Energy Empowers the Poor!
The computer climate models that are the only reason for fears of dangerous, manmade global warming have proven wrong. They predict warming at twice the rate actually observed since the 1970s, and they failed to predict the complete absence of warming since January 1997. There remains, therefore, no good reason for the fears.
It follows that policies to fight global warming fight a non-problem. They waste trillions of dollars needed instead to help the world’s poor meet much more urgent needs. In developed countries they slow, stop, or reverse economic growth, destroy jobs, and raise energy costs, harming everyone—especially the poor and elderly. And, by depriving developing nations of the abundant, affordable, reliable energy they need to rise and stay out of poverty, they would condemn them to more generations of poverty, disease, suffering, and death.
New Petition and Videos Expose and Oppose the Dangers of Climate Alarmism
As UN officials and climate alarmists worldwide rush toward a global agreement to limit carbon dioxide emissions to fight global warming—an agreement unsupported by sound science and that would harm the poor—the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation announces the release of a petition, Forget ‘Climate Change’, Energy Empowers the Poor and a new supporting YouTube video series, Greener on the Other Side: Climate Alarmism—Facts, Not Fear.
Paramount Pictures Thinks A Discussion Of GhostVPN Is Really A Pirate Link To The Movie Ghost
Torrentfreak has the latest round of ridiculously bad DMCA takedown notices coming from a major Hollywood studio. Whereas in the old days, we‘d see takedowns occur based on a single word, it appears that here, Paramount has upgraded its auto-censorbot to use two words. Here it appears that anything that is vaguely associated with a movie, plus the word „utorrent“ must automatically be wiped from the internet. Take, for example, this conversation on the utorrent forums about how to configure Cyberghost VPN. It‘s all pretty innocuous, but Paramount Pictures apparently hired one of these fly-by-night censorship outfits by the name of IP-Echelon to take it down, because clearly any use of the word „Ghost“ and „utorrent“ must be infringing — even when „ghost“ isn‘t even written out as a separate word.
Was passiert mit dem Streikrecht in Großbritannien?
In Großbritannien plant die konservative Regierung eine massive Beschneidung des Streikrechts: Ankündigung geplanter Streiks 14 Tage vor Beginn, Nennung der Namen von Streikposten, Kriminalisierung bei Missachtung und hohe Hürden bei der Wahlbeteiligung sind nur einige der geplanten Maßnahmen. Mit ihrer Mehrheit im Parlament können die Tories die Vorlage einfach durchsetzen, bei der zweiten, allerdings noch vorläufigen Lesung ist genau das passiert.
Aktueller Stand im Fall des toten Flüchtlings in #Saalfeld: kein Hinweise auf „Einwirken durch Dritte von außerhalb“