Daily Archives: 2. Juli 2015

02.07.2015 - 18:46 [ Times of Israel ]

Hamas, Hezbollah said to discuss Israel ceasefire

The meeting will mark Marzouk’s second powwow with the Hezbollah leader in a month.

The two are expected to discuss Hamas’s reported backchannel talks with Israel over a long-term ceasefire.

02.07.2015 - 18:24 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Saudi Arabia Reluctantly Finds Common Ground With Israel About Iran

(18.Juni) JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia—After launching into a tirade about the malicious designs of their perfidious foe, three Saudi academics and analysts on separate recent occasions began by pronouncing “Israel”—and then, catching their error of habit mid-word, corrected themselves to say “Iran.”

The custodian of Islam’s holiest sites in Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia has long preached the message of Islamic unity, albeit on its own terms. That…

02.07.2015 - 17:59 [ Mondo Weiss ]

US and Israeli pressure on Nigeria to sell out Palestine at U.N. amounted to ‘national security threat’

(29.Mai 2015) You may recall that last December the Security Council considered a resolution to call for an end to the occupation, and that the motion failed because it only got eight yes votes. Nigeria abstained after it had been expected to support the resolution. Now Nigerian Foreign Minister Aminu Wali has apologized to the Palestinian Authority for abstaining. From Middle East Monitor, citing the newspaperAl Quds:

The statement said that Wali has officially apologised to the Palestinian ambassador, citing huge pressure put on his country pushing it to vote against the Palestinian motion. He said that the pressure amounted to a “national security threat”.

The statement does not say who applied the pressure.

02.07.2015 - 17:55 [ allAfrica.com ]

Nigeria: Boko Haram – Mossad, CIA to Probe Security Agencies

(5.September 2011) PRESIDENT Goodluck Jonathan may have set up a probe committee primarily of Israeli and the United States of America (USA)-recommended intelligence officers to examine the entire Nigerian security apparatus.

The joint operation known as MOSSAD and the CIA, led by the Israeli Ambassador to Nigeria, Moshe Ram, is also to oversee the MOSSAD probe of the Nigerian security agencies against the suspected infiltration of sympathisers of Islamic terrorism.

02.07.2015 - 17:34 [ Radio Utopie ]

“Teile und Herrsche”: Attentate auf die Bevölkerungen von Nigeria und Ägypten

(1.Januar 2011) In zwei brutalen Diktaturen, die von den USA und ihren alliierten Staaten wie Deutschland gestützt und finanziert werden, ereignen sich am Neujahrstag obskure Attentate. Die Darstellungen der „Sicherheitsbehörden“ sind absurd, widersprüchlich und wechseln blitzschnell. Die Presse folgt ohne zu fragen. Aus dem Hut gezogen werden wieder einmal die „Islamisten“ und die „Al Kaida“. Betrieben wird nach der alten römischen Strategie „Teile und Herrsche“ die Spaltung der unterdrückten und ausgebeuteten Bevölkerung in sich bekämpfende Christen und Muslime.

02.07.2015 - 17:24 [ Bild ]

Chaos, Krawalle, Spar-Proteste | Droht Griechenland ein Militär-Putsch?

(16.Februar 2012) Doch wie schnell ein Einsatz des Militärs außer Kontrolle geraten und zu einer Machtübernahme der griechischen Generäle führen könnte, belegt die Aussage eines hohen Generals: „Wenn sie mir sagen, ich soll Panzer schicken, um die Banken zu beschützen, dann werde ich sie schicken, aber ich selbst werde drin sitzen und die erste Granate auf die Banken abfeuern!“​

02.07.2015 - 15:55 [ Fusion ]

The tragedy of Puerto Rico, America’s very own Greece

Puerto Rico, like Greece, is the poor southern cousin of a politically-motivated monetary union which was not designed with such populations in mind. Like Greece, it is burdened with a massive debt it can’t realistically pay back. Like Greece, it is therefore going to default. And like Greece, that default is going to prove extraordinarily painful, in large part because of the constraints being imposed from the north.

02.07.2015 - 12:33 [ Staatlicher Informationsdienst von Ägypten ]

Egypt denies plans to deploy US troops in Sinai

(25.11.2012) On Facebook, Armed Forces spokesman Colonel Ahmed Ali said the Armed Forces would never accept the presence of foreign troops or bases on Egyptian soil.

The only foreign forces present in Egypt are the Multinational Force and Observers, comprising elements from 13 countries, working since the Israeli withdrawal from Sinai in 1982 to ensure that both sides comply with the peace agreement, Ali said.

02.07.2015 - 12:31 [ The Day ]

Walker asks no U.S. forces in Sinai

(11.September 1975) New London – Thomas C. „Pete“ Walker of New London, national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, says that under no circumstances should the United States place its military forces in the Sinai.
„The Sinai must never become a Middle East variaton of Southeast Asia,“ Walker said in a statement.

02.07.2015 - 12:21 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Varoufakis “will resign” if Greeks vote YES, prefers “to cut arm off than deal without Debt Restructuring”

Speaking to Bloomberg TV on Thursday morning, Varoufakis said among others:
* “If a yes vote, I will not be finance minister on Monday night
* I prefer to cut my arm off rather than sign an agreement without debt restructuring
*Syriza is going to be the major force in Greek politics come Monday no matter what happens.

02.07.2015 - 09:34 [ Alexis Tsipras, Ministerpräsident der Hellenischen Republik ]

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ message

A popular verdict is always so much stronger than the will of a government alone. And I would like to reiterate that democratic choice is a core European tradition. During very important moments in European history, the people have made important decisions through referenda.

This happened in France, and in many other countries, concerning the referendum on the European constitution. This happened in Ireland, where the referendum temporarily voided the Treaty of Lisbon and led to a renegotiation, that resulted in better terms for Ireland. Unfortunately, in Greece’s case, we’ve been subjected to different standards.

Personally, I would have never expected that democratic Europe would not understand the need to give some space and time to a people to sovereignly make a choice about their future.

The prevalence of extreme conservative forces led to the decision to asphyxiate our country’s banks–with the obvious aim of blackmailing not just the government, but each each citizen individually.

It is unacceptable in a Europe of solidarity and mutual respect to have these disgraceful images:

02.07.2015 - 08:55 [ Außenministerium der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ]

Statement on Cuba: Remarks John Kerry Secretary of State Vienna, Austria July 1, 2015

This transition, this moment in history, is taking place because President Obama made a personal, fundamental decision to change a policy that didn’t work and that had been in place not working for far too long. I believe that’s leadership, and I appreciate that leadership. And President Castro felt similarly that it was time for a change. Both leaders agree that concentrating on the issues and possibilities of the future is far more productive than remaining mired in the past. And I would say as we look at the world today with conflicts that we see and even these negotiations taking place here in Vienna, it is important for people to understand that things can change, that leadership can be effective and can make a difference.

02.07.2015 - 08:51 [ Ajatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Oberster Rechtsgelehrter der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

Die roten Linien Irans bei den Nuklearverhandlungen

(23.Juni) Ajatollah Khamenei unterstrich: „Im Iran sind alle, die Regierung, das Parlament, die Judikative und die Sicherheits- und Militärorgane und alle anderen Einrichtungen und ich selber, für ein gutes Nuklearabkommen, welches respektvoll, fair und entsprechend dem Wohl und den Interessen Irans verfasst wird. Er fuhr fort: Wir streben zwar die Aufhebung der Sanktionen an, sehen in ihnen aber auch eine Art Gelegenheit, denn sie haben uns veranlasst den Kräften und Kapazitäten im Inland größere Aufmerksamkeit zu widmen

02.07.2015 - 06:57 [ Yanis Varoufakis, Finanzminister der Hellenischen Republik ]

Why we recommend a NO in the referendum – in 6 short bullet points

1. Negotiations have stalled because Greece’s creditors (a) refused to reduce our un-payable public debt and (b) insisted that it should be repaid ‘parametrically’ by the weakest members of our society, their children and their grandchildren
2. The IMF, the United States’ government, many other governments around the globe, and most independent economists believe — along with us — that the debt must be restructured.
3. The Eurogroup had previously (November 2012) conceded that the debt ought to be restructured but is refusing to commit to a debt restructure

02.07.2015 - 06:54 [ Yanis Varoufakis, Finanzminister der Hellenischen Republik ]

Beginnings: From the dictatorship of the Colonels to the tyranny of economics

I was born in Athens back in the mists of 1961. Greece was, at the time, struggling to shed the post-civil war veil of totalitarianism. Alas, those hopes were dashed after a brief period of hope and promise. So, by the time I was six, in April of 1967, a military coup d’ etat plunged us all into the depths of a hideous neo-Nazi dictatorship. Those bleak days remain with me. They endowed me with a sense of what it means to be both unfree and, at once, convinced that the possibilities for progress and improvement are endless. The dictatorship collapsed when I was at junior high school. This meant that the enthusiasm and political renaissance that followed the junta’s collapse coincided with my coming of age. It was to prove a significant factor in the way that I resisted conversion to the ways of Anglo-saxon cynicism in the years to come.

02.07.2015 - 06:23 [ ORF ]

US-Militär befürchtet schleichenden Machtverlust

Die USA hätten es nun mit vielen gleichzeitigen Herausforderungen sowohl von anderen Staaten als auch von „überregionalen Netzwerken unterstaatlicher Gruppen“ zu tun, darunter die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS). Alle würden die technische Entwicklung etwa durch Soziale Medien und Internetangriffe zu ihrem Vorteil nutzen.

02.07.2015 - 06:20 [ Times of Israel ]

Iran among states posing ‘serious security concerns,’ says US military

WASHINGTON — America’s new military strategy singles out states like China and Russia as aggressive and threatening to US security interests, while placing states such as Iran and North Korea in a list of opponents who pose “serious security concerns” to America and its allies.

It also warned of growing technological challenges and worsening global instability.

02.07.2015 - 06:19 [ Defense News ]

Pentagon Releases New National Military Strategy

The Pentagon has released a new National Military Strategy, the first update to that document since 2011 — one that warns the threat of major war with another nation is „growing.“

The strategy is being updated to reflect the new global security situation, one in which the US is facing near-peer adversaries like Russia and China while simultaneously having to handle diffuse militant groups like the Islamic State.

02.07.2015 - 06:07 [ Techdirt ]

Lawsuit Filed After Export-Import Bank Official Swears He ‚Accidentally‘ Deleted All Of His Responsive Text Messages

Sure, Freedom of Information laws are great, but they have their downsides. For one thing, they clearly signal to agencies which records are being sought. It‘s unavoidable. To answer a request, an agency needs to know what it‘s looking for. Once the request is out in the open, efforts can begin in earnest to excise information anyone affected doesn‘t want made public.

I‘m not saying anyone did anything wrong, but it very definitely looks like someone did something deliberately wrong.

02.07.2015 - 05:53 [ terz ]

Freispruch nach 7 Jahren Untersuchungshaft: Ende einer juristischen Farce

Am Freitag, den 22.05.2015 ist Faruk Ereren vom Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Düsseldorf vom Vorwurf des Mordes freigesprochen worden. Faruk sollte – so der Vorwurf – von Deutschland aus 1993 telefonisch einen Anschlag in der Türkei in Auftrag gegeben haben, wofür es aber bis heute keinerlei Beweise gibt. Der einzige Belastungszeuge Genc, der über Dritte von diesem Telefonat gehört haben will, ist während des gesamten Verfahrens nicht vor einem deutschen Gericht erschienen. Nichtsdestotrotz hat sich die deutsche Justiz in diesem Verfahren zu einem willfährigen Handlanger der türkischen Behörden gemacht.