Daily Archives: 15. November 2014

15.11.2014 - 20:44 [ ITAR-TASS ]

Peskov rejects Putin allegedly leaves G20 summit over Ukraine situation pressure

“This is full nonsense,” he said, adding that “Negotiators are raising this issue constantly.” “This is an ordinary routine situation,” he added.

Several media reported earlier that the Russian leader planned to leave the G20 summit before its end over the pressure exerted on him over the situation around Ukraine.

15.11.2014 - 18:21 [ Counterpunch ]

Bombs Away: Weaponized Drones Flying High

Where is the outrage?

Up until about a year ago, the anti-war movement was on fire over US Drone attacks, making and distributing films, following families of those killed and engaging in passionate discussions of international law and hounding the President and Congress. Sure, there are new wars to consider, but the old wars continue along with the old violations. Weaponized drones enacting ‘targeted killing’ remain in the vanguard. It is time for a resurgence in the anti-drone movement, and more consideration of the atrocities that result from so called ‘targeted assassination’ by the United Nations and International Human Rights NGOs, not to mention the mainstream press coverage.

15.11.2014 - 16:29 [ Washington Post ]

Obama’s bet on Iran

(9. November) As a presidential candidate seven years ago, Barack Obama shook up the foreign policy world by declaring that he favored “direct diplomacy” to reshape U.S. relations with long-standing adversaries like Syria, Cuba and North Korea. Critics, including Hillary Clinton, called him naive, and until now they have proved right. Yet as he heads into the last stretch of his presidency, Obama is doubling down on a bet that in one last case — Iran — his strategy will yield a spectacular payoff.

15.11.2014 - 16:27 [ Tasnim News Agency ]

Senator Urges France’s Push for Final Iran Nuclear Deal

“France needs to demonstrate its willingness for the deal to be concluded in the next few weeks and use its capabilities in peaceful nuclear energy, aviation, rail transportation and agriculture as leverage with US and Iran to get the economic boost and employment that (it) badly needs,” Nathalie Goulet said in an email interview with the Tasnim News Agency.

She was referring to the nuclear talks between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) with the aim of reaching a lasting agreement on Tehran’s civilian nuclear program.

15.11.2014 - 16:27 [ Zeit ]

Atomwaffen: Ein Anfang

(14. November) Vor einem Jahr hatten sich die Staaten des „E3+3“ (Frankreich, Großbritannien, Deutschland sowie USA, Russland und China) mit dem Iran in Genf auf einen ersten Schritt zur Lösung des Atomstreits geeinigt. Im Kern geht es um die Frage, wie die internationale Atomenergiebehörde (IAEO) in Zukunft kontrollieren und sicherstellen kann, dass das iranische Nuklearprogramm nur friedlichen Zwecken dient.

15.11.2014 - 15:34 [ Medium ]

Israel’s Quiet Doomsday Submarines Almost Are Ready

(17. August 2014) Right now, three Dolphin II-class submarines are under construction at Germany’s ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems shipyards in Kiel. Once the submarines complete their trials and head towards the Mediterranean, they will become the most powerful Israeli submarines ever.

More than 225 feet long, the diesel-electric Dolphin II class is part attack submarine, part nuclear strike ship and part commando taxi.

15.11.2014 - 15:29 [ CBS News ]

Iran „closer and closer to the bomb,“ Netanyahu says

(14. Juli 2013) With the sheer volume of crises raging in the Middle East – including Syria‘s civil war and infighting in Egypt, Netanyahu said, „I have a sense that there‘s no sense of urgency“ from the international community in stopping Iran‘s pursuit of nuclear power. „Yet Iran is the most important, the most urgent matter of all… Because all the problems that we have, however important, will be dwarfed by this messianic, apocalyptic, extreme regime that would have atomic bombs.“

15.11.2014 - 15:28 [ Heise ]

„Politik auf der Grundlage von messianischen Gefühlen“

(30. April 2012) Diskin bezeichnete Netanjahu und Barak als Personen, die ihre Entscheidungen aufgrund von „messianischen Gefühlen“ treffen würden. Weder in den Regierungschef noch in den Verteidigungsminister könne er Vertrauen haben. Er habe beide aus der Nähe kennengelernt und misstraue ihren Fähigkeiten, wird der frühere Shabak-Chef zitiert:

„Sie sind keine Personen, denen ich persönlich vertrauen kann, dass sie Israel zu einem Ereignis solchen Ausmaßes führen könnten und dies auch durchführen“

15.11.2014 - 15:27 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Former Shin Bet chief slams ‘messianic’ PM, Barak

(29. April 2012) Diskin proceeded to pull out a sheet of paper that contained a biblical quote from the Prophet Zachariah. The former Shin Bet chief read out the text, a description of the characteristics of a messiah.

Looking up from the paper, Diskin asked the audience, “Is this how you see our two ‘messiahs?’ One from [the] Akirov [Towers luxury residential building in Tel Aviv, where Barak lives]… and one from… Caesarea [where Netanyahu has a home], are these really messiahs?” “I’m telling you, I’ve seen them from up close, and they’re not messiahs.“

15.11.2014 - 15:12 [ Times of Israel ]

Security chiefs refused order from PM in 2010 to prepare military to strike Iran within hours if necessary, TV report says

(4. November 2012) The report cited sources close to Ashkenazi and Dagan – who since stepping down from their respective posts have both been outspoken in their opposition to a strike on Iran – to the effect that as the two men were leaving the meeting, Netanyahu “matter-of-factly” instructed them to initiate the “P Plus” code, which is essentially a readying of the military to imminently launch an attack.

Ashkenazi and Dagan reportedly vehemently objected to the order.

15.11.2014 - 15:10 [ Think Progress ]

REPORT: Israeli Security Officials Say Netanyahu ‘Tried To Steal A War’ With Iran In 2010

(5. November 2012) The request, delivered to the top seven security officials but not to the full security cabinet, angered Dagan and Ashkenazi, leading Dagan to reportedly say that Netanyahu and Barak “tried to steal a war –- it was as simple as that.” To Dagan, the meeting betrayed standard protocol for launching a war. “You may end up going to war based on an illegal decision. Only the security cabinet is authorized to make such a decision,” he said.

15.11.2014 - 15:04 [ New Yorker ]

The Iran Plans

(17. April 2006) One former defense official, who still deals with sensitive issues for the Bush Administration, told me that the military planning was premised on a belief that “a sustained bombing campaign in Iran will humiliate the religious leadership and lead the public to rise up and overthrow the government.” He added, “I was shocked when I heard it, and asked myself, ‘What are they smoking?’ ” (…)

“There’s no pressure from Congress” not to take military action, the House member added. “The only political pressure is from the guys who want to do it.” Speaking of President Bush, the House member said, “The most worrisome thing is that this guy has a messianic vision.” (…)

One of the military’s initial option plans, as presented to the White House by the Pentagon this winter, calls for the use of a bunker-buster tactical nuclear weapon, such as the B61-11, against underground nuclear sites.

15.11.2014 - 14:59 [ Washington Post ]

U.S. Is Studying Military Strike Options on Iran

(9. April 2006) Israel is preparing, as well. The government recently leaked a contingency plan for attacking on its own if the United States does not, a plan involving airstrikes, commando teams, possibly missiles and even explosives-carrying dogs. Israel, which bombed Iraq‘s Osirak nuclear plant in 1981 to prevent it from being used to develop weapons, has built a replica of Natanz, according to Israeli media, but U.S. strategists do not believe Israel has the capacity to accomplish the mission without nuclear weapons.

15.11.2014 - 14:51 [ Michel Chossudovsky / Reutlinger Friedensgruppe ]

ATOMKRIEG GEGEN DEN IRAN – Hat Frankreichs Präsident nur ausgesprochen, was vom US Strategic Command längst vorbereitet wird?

(27. Januar 2006) Im Augenblick befindet sich das JFCCSGS in einem Zustand „erhöhter Bereitschaft“, militärische Handlungen auszulösen, die gegen den Iran oder Nordkorea gerichtet sind. Die operative Umsetzung eines solchen Vorgehens trägt den Code-Namen Concept Plan („Conplan“) 8022 – das Planungstableau für strategische Szenarien, die Kernwaffen einbeziehen. „Conplan 8022“ ist speziell auf die so genannten neuen Bedrohungen zugeschnitten, womit nicht nur Iran und Nordkorea gemeint sind, sondern auch andere potenzielle Produzenten von Atomwaffen und Terroristen.

„Es gibt nichts, was sie (die Amerikaner – der Verf.) daran hindert, ›Conplan 8022‹ bei begrenzten Szenarien gegen russische und chinesische Ziele anzuwenden“, schrieb Hans Kristensen vom Nuclear Information Project im Japanese Economic Newswire vom 30. Dezember 2005. Oberbefehlshaber George Bush würde in diesem Fall dem Verteidigungsminister einen entsprechenden Befehl geben, der seinerseits die Stabschefs anzuweisen hätte, „Conplan 8022“ in Kraft zu setzen. Dabei gibt es eine aufschlussreiche Besonderheit:

Bei „Conplan 8022“ ist der Einsatz von Bodentruppen nicht vorgesehen.

15.11.2014 - 14:48 [ Standard ]

Chirac verplappert sich zur iranischen Bombe

(10. Februar 2007) Am Dienstag lud Chirac die Journalisten nochmals zu sich und nahm seine Äußerungen, dass eine iranische Bombe nicht gefährlich wäre, zurück.

Den Angaben zufolge sagte Chirac am Dienstag, seine Bemerkungen vom Vortag seien eine „extrem schematische Verkürzung“ des Sachverhaltes. Er nehme die Formulierung zurück.

15.11.2014 - 14:46 [ Tagesspiegel ]

„ … und Teheran wäre ausradiert“

(2. Februar 2007) Reportern der „New York Times“, der „International Herald Tribune“ und des französischen Wochenmagazins „Le nouvel observateur“ sagte Chirac am Montag in einem Interview, für sich genommen sei es „nicht so gefährlich“, wenn der Iran eine Atombombe besäße. Gefährlich sei die Proliferation. Denn: „Wohin würde der Iran diese Bombe schicken? Nach Israel? Sie würde keine 200 Meter in der Atmosphäre zurücklegen und Teheran wäre ausradiert.“

15.11.2014 - 14:42 [ Washington Post ]

Not Just A Last Resort? A Global Strike Plan, With a Nuclear Option

(15. Mai 2005) In the secret world of military planning, global strike has become the term of art to describe a specific preemptive attack. (..)

a confluence of events, beginning with the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and the president‘s forthright commitment to the idea of preemptive action to prevent future attacks, has set in motion a process that has led to a fundamental change in how the U.S. military might respond to certain possible threats. Understanding how we got to this point, and what it might mean for U.S. policy, is particularly important now — with the renewed focus last week on Iran‘s nuclear intentions and on speculation that North Korea is ready to conduct its first test of a nuclear weapon.

15.11.2014 - 14:41 [ Washington Times / casi.org.uk ]

Bush Approves Nuclear Response

(31. Januar 2003) A classified document signed by President Bush specifically allows for the use of nuclear weapons in response to biological or chemical attacks, apparently changing a decades-old U.S. policy of deliberate ambiguity, it was learned by The Washington Times. „The United States will continue to make clear that it reserves the right to respond with overwhelming force” including potentially nuclear weapons ”to the use of [weapons of mass destruction] against the United States, our forces abroad, and friends and allies,“ the document, National Security Presidential Directive 17, set out on Sept. 14 last year.

A similar statement is included in the public version of the directive, which was released Dec. 11 as the National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction and closely parallels the classified document.

However, instead of the phrase „including potentially nuclear weapons,“ the public text says, „including through resort to all of our options.“

15.11.2014 - 14:28 [ Hamburger Abendblatt ]

Israel probt Angriff auf Irans Atomanlagen

(21. Juni 2008) Wie Quellen im Pentagon bestätigten, diente das Manöver dem Üben der Luftbetankung und bestimmter Kampftaktiken. Es seien mehrere Routen über dem Mittelmeer, Gibraltar und Griechenland abgeflogen worden, um die 1600 Kilometer lange Strecke zwischen Israel und der Atomanlage von Natans zu simulieren.

Dabei sollen die Piloten auch den Abwurf taktischer Atomwaffen geübt haben.

15.11.2014 - 14:28 [ Electronic Intifada ]

Germany made Palestinians „indirect victims of Holocaust,“ says author Max Blumenthal

EF: Not long after your trip to Gaza, you started using the hashtag #JSIL (Jewish State of Israel in the Levant) on Twitter. Making this kind of comparison between the group Islamic State and Israel is taboo in Germany. Why did you dare to do this?

MB: It is strange that you equate, in Germany, IS with Hamas or describe the entire Palestinian national movement as “heirs of the Nazis,” while there is such an outrage regarding my comparison. It was not a direct one-to-one comparison, but I wanted to point out the hypocrisy behind supporting one religiously exclusive state that forces minorities out of its territory while attacking another.

15.11.2014 - 14:22 [ Inquirer.net ]

ISRAELI LEADER: Treat Hamas like Japan in WWII

(13. Januar 2009) „We must continue to fight Hamas just like the United States did with the Japanese in World War II,“ Avigdor Lieberman said, according to the website of the Jerusalem Post newspaper.

Japan surrendered in 1945 after atomic bombs were dropped on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

15.11.2014 - 14:21 [ Independent ]

Avner Cohen: Yitzhak Rabin would have opposed sale of nuclear weapons

(25. Mai 2010) It is important, too, to remember that Mr Peres would not have had the authority to sell nuclear devices to another country. Ultimately, the minister who would have been in charge of this was the prime minister, and I believe that both the then head of the Israeli nuclear programme, Shalhevet Freier, and Yitzhak Rabin would have opposed the sale of nuclear weapons, not just to South Africa, but to anyone.

15.11.2014 - 14:14 [ Fefe ]

Man darf sich bei TTIP nicht so an den Schiedsgerichten aufhalten. Der Rest ist genau so schlimm.

Wenn man nicht das Lobbyisten-Modell sondern das der Uno anwendet, um die Folgen von TTIP vorherzusagen, dann kommen da plötzlich ganz andere Zahlen raus: Export geht runter, BIP geht runter, Einkommen gehen runter, Arbeitsplätze werden vernichtet, der Anteil von Arbeit am BIP ginge weiter runter, den Regierungen gingen Einnahmen verloren, und die finanzielle Instabilität würde wachsen.

15.11.2014 - 14:06 [ Fefe ]

Frankreich will jetzt „wegen der Ukraine“ ihre Hubschrauberträger doch nicht an Russland liefern. Und „Merkel verliert die Geduld mit Putin“. Ich komm mir vor wie im falschen Film.

Merkel entblödet sich sogar nicht, Putin Expansionsstreben vorzuwerfen. Ich möchte bei der Gelegenheit nochmal auf die Karte mit den Nato-„Erweiterungen“ verweisen. Offensichtlich, wenn wir es tun, ist es eine freundschaftliche Osterweiterung, wenn Putin es tut, ist es „Expansionsdrang“.

15.11.2014 - 12:26 [ Uri Avnery / Radio Utopie ]

Wein, Blut und Benzin

Das Dorf KAFR KANA in der Nähe von Nazareth ist wahrscheinlich der Ort, an dem Jesus – so erzählt es das Neue Testament – Wasser in Wein verwandelt hat. Jetzt ist es ein arabisches Dorf, in dem die israelische Polizei Steine in Blut verwandelt.

15.11.2014 - 12:02 [ Youtube ]

Jon Stewart Learns What Happens When You Criticize Israel

(22. Juli) „Many have accused Jon Stewart of being pro-Hamas for expressing sympathy for the residents of Gaza, where more than 500 people have been killed — including at least 100 children — in recent fighting with Israel.

So on Monday night‘s „Daily Show,“ just about the entire roster of correspondents popped up to scream at him any time he uttered the word „Israel.“

15.11.2014 - 12:00 [ Canada.com ]

Jon Stewart on criticism of his coverage of Israel

There is an absurdity in dogma and rigidity and even that question has dogma, but on the other side. It’s so interesting to me that people want to define who is a Jew and who is not. And normally that was done by people who weren’t Jewish but apparently now it’s done by people who are, and I find that very interesting. It’s more than nationalism.

You can’t criticize Israel, right?

No. And you can’t observe (Judaism) in the way you want to observe. And I never thought that that would be coming from brethren. I find it really sad, to be honest.

I know the feeling.

Yeah, and you see it and it is pretty vicious. And how are you lesser? How are you lesser? It’s fascistic. And the idea that they can tell you what a Jew is. How dare they?

15.11.2014 - 11:31 [ Youtube ]

Sheldon Adelson Calls Obama to Nuke Iran!

Veröffentlicht am 24.10.2013
Appearing at the Yeshiva University in New York earlier this week, a prominent supporter of the GOP and backer of Mitt Romney during the last election cycle, Sheldon Adelson, said Obama should drop a nuke on Iran instead of negotiating with its new president, Hassan Rouhani.

„What are we going to negotiate about? I would say ‚Listen, you see that desert out there, I want to show you something,'“ Adelson told the audience. „You pick up your cell phone and you call somewhere in Nebraska and you say, ‚OK let it go.‘ And so there‘s an atomic weapon, goes over ballistic missiles, the middle of the desert, that doesn‘t hurt a soul. Maybe a couple of rattlesnakes, and scorpions, or whatever. Then you say, ‚See! The next one is in the middle of Tehran. So, we mean business. You want to be wiped out, go ahead and take a tough position and continue with your nuclear development. You want to be peaceful. Just reverse it all, and we will guarantee you that you can have a nuclear power plant for electricity purposes, energy purposes.'“
The audience responded with applause.

15.11.2014 - 11:20 [ Internet-Law ]

Das Rechts- und Verfassungsverständnis des BND ist nicht von dieser Welt

Hätte das Rechts- und Verfassungsverständnis des BND, das definitiv nicht von dieser Welt ist, nicht so ernsthafte und weitreichende Folgen, müsste man es schlicht als albern bezeichnen. Die fehlende rechtsstaatliche Gesinnung, die die Behörde Bundesnachrichtendienst offenbar wie einen roten Faden durchzieht, stellt für diesen Staat und diese Gesellschaft aber leider ein ernsthaftes Problem dar.

15.11.2014 - 11:14 [ iHLS - Israel´s Homeland Security Home ]

Israel to receive its fifth Dolphin-class submarine within a year

The Israeli navy’s fleet of Dolphin-class subs is expanding. The fifth vessel is expected to arrive in Israel within a year’s time and join its “deep sea fleet”. The submarine, which has already been inaugurated at Kiel, Germany, is scheduled to arrive at its home base after work is completed on the weapons systems, engines and electronics, rendering it operational.

15.11.2014 - 11:06 [ Ria Novosti ]

Moskau: USA bremsen vermutlich Ermittlung zum Boeing-Absturz

„Das Material, das wir hatten, wurde an die zuständige internationale Kommission übergeben. Wir stehen in ständigem Kontakt mit den Behörden und den entsprechenden Strukturen der Niederlande, die diese Ermittlung leiten. Gerade wir und nicht etwa die USA, die Niederlande, die Ukraine, Malaysia oder Australien haben die ICAO (Internationale Zivilluftfahrtorganisation) als die für diese Sphäre zuständige Institution in diese Arbeit einbezogen.“

15.11.2014 - 11:03 [ Alles Schall und Rauch ]

Das MH17 Satellitenbild ist ein Fake

Wer steckt dahinter? Die Meldung, das Foto stammt von westlichen Geheimdiensten, kann durchaus stimmen. Motiv? Es dient zur Diskreditierung von Russland und auch der alternativen Medien die darauf reinfallen. Das typische Vorgehen der Geheimdienste mit Desinformation, wie bei 9/11 mit dem „no plane“. Ist alles Teil des Informationskrieges.