Daily Archives: 3. September 2014

03.09.2014 - 22:30 [ Change.org ]

An: Chuck Hagel Suspend the Weapons Transfer Program that is Militarizing Police

Our police officers are not our military. Yet military weapons meant for battlefields like the ones I served on as an Army Officer in the Gulf War are being transferred to local police departments around the country. Put simply, these weapons are not intended for local policing and often result in escalating – not solving – situations. We’re seeing this right now in Ferguson, Missouri.

03.09.2014 - 17:52 [ Fefes Blog ]

Habt ihr schon gehört, wer der neue EU-Kommissar für die digitale Agenda wird? Kommt ihr NIE drauf! Günther Oettinger!

Dass Oettinger nicht als „Digital Native“ gilt, wird seinen Chef kaum stören. Der ehemalige luxemburgische Premier ist nämlich selber keiner.

Und da sieht man mal wieder: Selbst wenn man sich sicher ist, dass es mit Juncker schlimm wird, ist man dann doch im Einzelnen immer wieder überrascht, wie schlimm es wird.

03.09.2014 - 16:02 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Did LA pro-Israel group conceal right-wing identity from Hollywood celebs and media?

On August 23, the Los Angeles group Creative Community for Peace (CCFP) released a widely reported on statement in Billboard Magazine – “200 Hollywood Heavyweights Support Israel.” What was not reported is that CCFP is a “creative” front group for the right-wing, pro Israeli settler nonprofit StandWithUs, that has a close relationship with the Israeli government.

03.09.2014 - 15:59 [ Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen für Palästina-Flüchtlinge im Nahen Osten UNRWA ]

UNRWA Commissioner-General, Pierre Krähenbühl, makes his first visit in office to Switzerland

The UNRWA Commissioner-General, Pierre Krähenbühl, has made his first official visit in office to Switzerland. During the two day trip, he met the President of the Swiss Confederation and Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Didier Burkhalter; the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yves Rossier and other senior officials of the Foreign Ministry, including the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation. Mr. Krähenbühl also met with the Swiss Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee.

03.09.2014 - 15:57 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Deconstructing J Street’s statement on the latest Israeli land grab

J Street had trouble finding its voice during Israel’s bombardment and invasion of Gaza. When finally found, its voice was on the one hand and on the other. A bit like Tikkun circa 1987 – without the moral outrage and the politics of meaning.

Now after some internal infighting and desertions, J Street is back, ostensibly seizing the moment with Israel’s confiscation of Palestinian land on the West Bank. Yes, back it is, but to where is the important question.

03.09.2014 - 15:56 [ Mondo Weiss ]

‘It’s 120 years that the world has opposed our construction, and we’ll continue to do it’: Naftali Bennett defends Israeli settlement expansion

Finance Minister Yair Lapid warned Tuesday that Israel was eroding its international support, as criticism abroad mounted of its biggest grab of Palestinian land since the 1980s. Lapid complained the security cabinet had not been consulted about Sunday’s announcement of the confiscation of 400 hectares (988 acres) of land in the occupied West Bank to pave the way for further settlement building.

03.09.2014 - 15:36 [ ACLU ]

For the Poor, Every Arrest is a Gamble

If you‘re rich like Lindsey Lohan, you can be charged with assault and let off the hook – all with the help of a highly paid, private lawyer. But if you‘re poor and accused of even the most minor misdeed, you spin the #WheelofJusticeNY at your own risk. Any outcome – from losing your kids to losing your home – is possible.

03.09.2014 - 13:22 [ Ahram Online ]

Egypt‘s FM flies to Ethiopia on Thursday for dam talks

According to the diplomatic source: „Shoukry, who has been on a European tour visiting Germany, France and Italy, will head directly to Addis Ababa to discuss the findings of the latest round of negotiations between both countries.“

03.09.2014 - 13:18 [ GEESKA AFRIKA ONLINE ]

Kenya: African Peace and Security Council Summit on Terrorism ended

The aim of the meeting is to agree on “practical steps to enhance the implementation of the AU counter-terrorism framework at national, regional and continental levels;” explore ways on how to mobilize support for Africa’s fight against the threat of terrorism; and coordinate and harmonize Africa’s efforts to prevent and combat terrorist activities.

03.09.2014 - 13:16 [ GEESKA AFRIKA ONLINE ]

Djibouti: U.S. Marine helicopter crashed again

The UN navy helicopter were carrying 25 military members, 17 marines and eight sailors, aboard the Super Stallion chopper were safely recovered from the Gulf of Aden and taken aboard the USS Mesa Verde, according a Navy statement. – See more at: http://www.geeskaafrika.com/djibouti-u-s-marine-helicopter-crashed-again/5321/#sthash.Xzpp447P.dpuf

03.09.2014 - 12:54 [ Radio Utopie ]

Ex-Botschafter Craig Murray: “Grossbritannien handelte wie das Hitler-Regime – das ganze System stinkt.”

Im Rahmen einer öffentlichen Veranstaltung in St. Andrews über die kommende Entscheidung der Unabhängigkeit Schottlands vom “Britischen Empire” wiederholte Craig Murray seine Anklage gegen die vergangene Politik Grossbritanniens, die sich bis heute unter Ministerpräsident David Cameron nicht geändert hat. Murray verglich die Londoner Regierung mit dem Nazi-Regime:

03.09.2014 - 12:43 [ Statistisches Bundesamt ]

Ukraine-Krise: Exporte nach Russland gehen um 15 % zurück

(14. August) Ende Juli hat die EU aufgrund der Ukraine-Krise um­fassende Wirtschafts­sanktionen gegen Russ­land beschlossen. Der deutsche Handel mit Russ­land ist jedoch bereits vor dem in Kraft treten der Sanktionen deutlich zurück­ge­gangen: Seit Mai 2013 ist ein stetiger Rück­gang der Exporte nach Russ­land zu beobachten.

03.09.2014 - 12:24 [ Kreml ]

Telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

The two presidents continued their detailed discussion of the military and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and exchanged views on priority steps needed to bring about a swift end to the bloodshed in Ukraine’s southeast.

Mr Putin and Mr Poroshenko expressed to a large extent similar views on possible ways out of the crisis.

03.09.2014 - 12:01 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wir sind keine Sklaven, Mr. President. Vergessen Sie Ihren neuen Terrorkrieg.

Mr. President, Sie haben heute in Estland vorgeschlagen, worüber wir gestern geschrieben haben. Das ist die angemessene Reihenfolge. Nichtsdestotrotz, rechnen Sie nicht damit, dass die Berliner Republik Ihnen und dem Imperium dieser Epoche, den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, noch einmal 13 Jahre in einen auf Lügen aufgebauten Terrorkrieg, a.k.a. “war on terror” und eine “Koalition” für diese folgt. Nicht einmal dreizehn Minuten. Mögen Sie auch die schäbige, korrupte Nomenklatura, mit ihren Prominenten, Spionen, Geheimpolizisten und sonstigen ausführenden Dienern der Macht, in dieser Republik eingekauft haben und kontrollieren, mögen Sie diese auch zu Sklaven, zu Untertanen, zu gewissenlosen Handlangern eines neuen Imperialismus, Kolonialismus und exzessiven Kapitalismus gemacht haben:

Mit uns nicht. Denn wir sind keine Sklaven. Wir sind freie Menschen auf diesem kleinen Planeten, in unserer Republik, in unserem Land und hiermit sage ich Ihnen deutlich, mögen auch alle anderen vor Ihnen kriechen und sich den Lügen ihrer Massenmörder und Attentäter, bzw denen Ihrer Geheimdienste, bzw denen ihrer “Alliierten”, unter falscher Flagge beugen, so gilt das nicht für uns.

03.09.2014 - 11:32 [ Wikipedia ]

United States Transportation Command

Das United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM; deutsch Transportkommando der Vereinigten Staaten) ist eines der zehn teilstreitkräfteübergreifenden Unified Combatant Commands der US-Streitkräfte und stellt den weltweiten Transport der Truppen zur See, Land und in der Luft sicher.

03.09.2014 - 11:31 [ Defense News ]

Interview: Gen. Paul Selva, Commander, US Transportation Command

We have got multiple avenues to use the northern distribution network. So northern distribution is more than just the rail access to Russia. You have got the Baltics as a sealift offload location with an option to go by air or by surface into Afghanistan. Then you have got — we call it the southern tier of the northern distribution network, which is out through Turkmenistan in Tajikistan into Azerbaijan and across. And you have got an air route into Azerbaijan with a surface route out. And then you have an alternate air route that is still considered northern distribution, although it is almost all western, that gets you into places like Aqaba, Jordan.

03.09.2014 - 10:18 [ Mondo Weiss ]

WATCH: Ultra-Zionists protest Muslim-Jewish wedding saying miscegenation is ‘gravest threat to the Jewish people’

While the Israeli army continues to pummel the Gaza Strip and its residents for a second month, the upsurge in anti-Palestinian sentiment in Israeli society shows no signs of abating. As even mainstream Israeli politicians threaten the Palestinians of Gaza with ethnic cleansing and genocide, Israel’s far-right figures take to the street to rile up racist supporters and to chase Palestinians out of public spaces and enforce racial-religious separation.

03.09.2014 - 09:56 [ Palestine News & Info Agency ]

Israeli Forces Arrest Twenty One Palestinians from West Bank Districts

Israeli forces arrested early Tuesday 21 Palestinians from West Bank districts, said security sources.

In Jenin district, Israeli forces raided ‘Anza, located to the south of the city, where they arrested 17 Palestinians aged between 18 and 30 years old and interrogated many others after breaking into, ransacking and wrecking havoc into their homes.

They also raided al-Almaniya and al-Jaberiyat in the city, where they arrested two Palestinians after breaking into and ransacking their homes.

03.09.2014 - 09:43 [ Jonathan Cook - the Blog from Nazareth ]

Defrauding Gaza: Israel’s vulture culture

It’s outrageous but entirely predictable that Israel is ensuring it is the chief beneficiary of the reconstruction aid being directing at Gaza. Israel has an informal policy of allowing into the Strip only Israeli-made goods for reconstruction – mainly steel and cement – and thereby guarantees its contractors and middlemen a large slice of the profits.

03.09.2014 - 09:06 [ RIA Novosti ]

Kisseljow: Stenin ist vor einem Monat bei Donezk umgekommen

„Unser Kollege, der Fotokorrespondent Andrej Stenin, ist umgekommen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass er nicht in Gefangenschaft gewesen ist. Man hatte nicht die Absicht, ihn weder gegen einen der ukrainischen Militärs auszutauschen noch ihn einer terroristischen Tätigkeit zu beschuldigen. Alle Erklärungen über Stenins Schicksal, die wir von der ukrainischen Seite zu hören bekamen, haben sich als Lügen erwiesen“, erklärte Kisseljow.

03.09.2014 - 08:02 [ Ria Novosti ]

Kreml: Putin und Poroschenko weitgehend einig über Wege aus der Krise

Putin und Poroschenko besprachen die militärische und humanitäre Krise in der Ukraine und tauschten ihre Meinungen darüber aus, was in erster Linie zu tun sei, um das Blutvergießen im Südosten der Ukraine schnellstens zu beenden, so Peskow. „Die Standpunkte der beiden Präsidenten über mögliche Wege aus der schweren Krise stimmen weitgehend überein.“

03.09.2014 - 07:19 [ Caleb Rossiter ]

(My LAST Piece on “Climate Change,” I Promise) The Debate is finally over on “Global Warming” – Because Nobody will Debate

I’m gonna miss a lot of it – the excitement of learning about modeling, paleoclimate, satellite sounding, the 100,000 year cycles, how ice cores can provide temperature estimates, and the fun of watching students grapple with the possibility that everything they have been taught about climate change in college might be wrong. But I’m not gonna miss the stress of being the odd man out in my lefty think-tank, or of being in agreement with my usual foes. All I can say is, to people in both developed and developing countries, I hope I’ve helped just a little bit by being part of the resistance to the plan to de-industrialize your economies. So far, so good — not because we skeptics convinced anybody about the dangers of emissions, but because people remain convinced of their benefits.