Daily Archives: 19. Juli 2014

19.07.2014 - 22:32 [ Rettet den Regenwald e.V. ]

Aktion Paraguay: Das Land gehört den Ava Guaraní!

In ganz Paraguay sind es nun schon 900.000 Personen, die auf Grund der Ausweitung landwirtschaftlicher Anbauflächen von ihrer Heimat verdrängt wurden, kürzlich unter anderem hundert Familien der Avá Guaraní, die zur indigenen Gemeinde der Y‘apo im Distrikt Corpus Christi gehören. Hauptgrund dieser Vertreibung ist die Ausweitung der Anbauflächen für Soja-Monokulturen und Viehzucht.

19.07.2014 - 22:16 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]


A bunch of EFFers will speak at HOPE X (Hackers on Planet Earth) in New York City. In its tenth year, HOPE is one of the foremost hacker events, chock full of projects, talks, workshops, and more. Be sure to stop by the EFF booth to learn about the latest developments in protecting digital freedom. You can also donate to EFF, pick up some cool swag, and become an official member! HOPE attendees are invited to join us at EFF‘s Speakeasy: NYC members‘ meetup on Friday night! Get the info at our table.

19.07.2014 - 21:08 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Allianz der Bedrohten

Mit der Verschärfung ihrer Sanktionen treiben USA und EU den Machtkampf gegen Russland in einer Form voran, die Beobachter auch jenseits der direkten Folgen für deutsche Unternehmen für höchst riskant halten. Wirtschaftssanktionen seien seit Jahren ein beliebtes Werkzeug der USA im Machtkampf gegen ihre Gegner, heißt es in einer Analyse aus dem European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) unter Verweis auf die Sanktionen etwa gegen Libyen, gegen den Irak oder gegen Iran.

19.07.2014 - 19:27 [ Ahram Online ]

Dozens of British MPs call for end to Gaza war

Dozens of British MPs have called for an end to the Israeli attacks on Gaza.

The call coincides with the escalation of the pro-Palestine demonstrations in London, protesting the British government’s support for Israel.

In an early day motion in the House of Commons, 38 members of parliament strongly criticised the Israeli onslaught on Gaza, which enters its twelfth day on Saturday, as a “disproportionate escalation of violence against Palestinians.”

The motion calls for an immediate end to Israeli military strikes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and military incursions into Palestinian population centres in the West Bank.

19.07.2014 - 16:37 [ Radio Utopie ]

Russland: Einreiseverbot für hochrangige Folterknechte von Guantanamo und Abu Ghraib

Die russische Regierung hat als Reaktion über die neu verhängten Sanktionen der U.S.-Regierung die Liste der Einreiseverbote nach Russland um zwölf weitere Personen erweitert. Die Neuzugänge betreffen hochrangige U.S.-Militärs, andere Militärangehörige und eine Bundesrichterin, die in der Folter von Gefangenen in den geheimen U.S.-Armee-Gefängnissen Guantanamo auf Kuba und Abu Ghraib im Irak verwickelt waren – als verantwortliche Kommandeure und Ausführende.

19.07.2014 - 16:26 [ samidoun ]

Take action: Protests around the world respond to assault on Palestine

Protests are being organized in cities around the world to respond to the ongoing assault on Palestine and the Palestinian people, including the murders of Palestinians (including 16-year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir, murdered brutally by Israeli settlers), the bombing of Gaza and the killing of over 300 Palestinians by occupation forces, the mass arrests of over 1000, and the raids, attacks, tear-gassing, invasions and closure that Palestinians are being subjected to. If a rally you know of is not listed, please email samidoun@samidoun.ca to have it posted!

Upcoming protests (prior protests moved below upcoming events):

19.07.2014 - 16:00 [ Gerry Adams / Sinn Fein ]

Expel Israeli Ambassador over Gaza slaughter – Adams

Today marks the 17th anniversary of the IRA cessation in 1997. This is a timely reminder of the efficacy of dialogue and inclusive negotiation as an alternative to protracted armed conflict.

That principle is as applicable today to the situation in the Middle East as it was to Ireland in 1997.

The decision of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan to meet the Israeli Ambassador, following the escalation of the Israeli Government‘s military onslaught against the besieged population of the Gaza Strip, is welcome.

However the time has long past for merely expressing concern to a Government that is clearly oblivious to the outrage of the international community at their actions in Gaza.

Irish citizens have been upset and angered at the ongoing killing of men, women and children in Gaza.

All armed actions, including attacks from Gaza must stop.

19.07.2014 - 15:56 [ i24 News ]

Worldwide demos held against Israel‘s Gaza offensive

Hundreds are rallying in support of Gazan Palestinians on Saturday in northern Paris, despite the recent ban of such gatherings in France.

„We are all Palestinians“ and „Israel killers, Hollande accomplice,“ shouted the protesters, according to witness accounts.

President Francois Hollande, during a visit to Niger on Friday, said the march would have been a „risk to public order“.

19.07.2014 - 15:43 [ Daily Mail ]

‚In our thousands, in our millions, we are all Palestinians‘: Global anger grows as 15,000 protestors mass outside Israel‘s London embassy

Up to 15,000 people marched through the capital from Downing Street to the Israeli embassy in Kensington.

Sarah Colborne, director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, said: ‚London has already shown its outrage at Israel‘s attacks on the mostly refugee population of Gaza, with people turning out in their thousands last week.

19.07.2014 - 15:15 [ Guardian ]

London protests call for end to Israeli military action in Gaza

In a separate development, David Cameron and Barack Obama have spoken on the phone to discuss the worsening situation in Gaza, according to Downing Street.

„Both leaders reiterated their support for Israel‘s right to take proportionate action to defend itself from the barrage of rocket attacks from Gaza“, a No 10 spokeswoman said.

19.07.2014 - 14:16 [ Fefe ]

Das angebliche Beweisvideo mit den Rebellen, die sich über das heruntergeholte Flugzeug unterhalten, ist laut Metadaten einen Tag älter als der Abschuss. Einmal mit Profi-Propagandisten arbeiten!

Oh und es gab da zwar Buk-Luftabwehrhardware in der Gegend, aber die gehörte der Ukraine und war — so der Generalstaatsanwalt der Ukraine — nicht unter Rebellen-Kontrolle.

Zwei Nato-AWACS waren während des Crashes im Einsatz, einer über Rumänien, einer über Polen.