The Obama administration‘s war on leaks and, by extension, the work of investigative reporters, has been unrelenting
Daily Archives: 30. Juli 2013
IVE: „Corporate media coverage of the #Manning trial has been utterly shameful,“ says reporter @JeremyScahill. Watch
Transcript: Judge Lind giving verdict in Bradley #Manning trial (PDF)
Ashton bei Nacht und Nebel zu Mursi
Ägyptens Militär gibt sich weitere Sondervollmachten / Geheimpolizei wieder da
Bradley Manning found not guilty of aiding the enemy, convicted on other charges
An Army judge on Tuesday acquitted Pfc. Bradley Manning of aiding the enemy by disclosing a trove of secret U.S. government documents, a striking rebuke to military prosecutors who argued that the largest leak in U.S. history had assisted al-Qaeda.
Bradley Manning not guilty of ‘aiding the enemy’, convicted on 19 other counts.
More details to follow ASAP.
Landesbank-Debakel: CDU-Landesregierungen bundesweit verantwortlich für Milliardenschäden – Regierungspartei weit entfernt von Wirtschaftskompetenz
Man wundert sich doch immer mehr, warum sich die Wahrheit über die zahlreichen Unzulänglichkeiten (#fails) der CDU/CSU nicht in den Wahlumfragen niederschlägt. Es scheint als könnte sich die stärkste politische Kraft in unserem Land alles erlauben. Derzeit stellen sich die Christdemokraten im Umgang mit der Überwachungs- und Geheimdienstäffäre ein Armutszeugnis aus, was auch kaum anders zu erwarten war. Doch auch in Sachen Wirtschaftskompetenz bewegt sich diese Partei offenbar immer wieder auf Neuland.
French foreign minister urges release of ex-leader Mursi in Egypt
„France calls for the rejection of violence and for the release of political prisoners, including former president Mursi,“ Fabius told journalists in Paris.
European Union to continue Egypt mediation: Ashton
Speaking alongside interim Vice President Mohamed ElBaradei, Ashton said EU diplomats would be in Egypt to continue the effort. „I will come back,“ she said, adding it was up to Egyptian politicians to „make the right decisions“.
Athens SOS: urgent appeal for cancer patient without insurance
A woman, 45, with cancer cannot afford to pay for chemotherapy drugs worth 4,450 euro. The Metropolitan Community Clinic in Elliniko, south Athens, made an urgent appeal seeking for donations.
JP Morgan to pay $410m in penalties for manipulating electricity prices
Regulators said the bank used improper strategies to squeeze payments from agencies which run midwestern power grids
Italy issues 3.75 billion euros in 10-year bonds
The yield fell to 4.46% from 4.55% at the last bond issue in June.
‚Berlusconi ruling likely Wednesday or Thursday‘
The supreme Cassation Court will rule on Silvio Berlusconi‘s appeal to a four-year fraud conviction „tomorrow evening or more likely Thursday,“ the three-time premier‘s attorney Franco Coppi said during recess Tuesday.
Die Zustimmung in den U.S.A. zum Orwell-Staat steigt, während in den relevanten 0,01 % ein Machtkampf tobt
In einer aktuellen Umfrage des Pew Research Institutes steigt die Zustimmung der Bevölkerung zu ihrer faktischen Totalüberwachung durch den Staat auf 50 Prozent. Vor einem Monat hatte die Zustimmung der U.S.-Amerikaner zu der “Sammlung von Telefon und Internet Daten durch die Regierung im Zuge von Anti-Terrorismus-Maßnahmen” noch bei 48 Prozent gelegen.
Der Rest der Umfrageergebnisse ist irrelevant.
Gunmen kill eight Tunisian troops as political tensions rise
Protests aimed at ousting the government intensified last week after the second assassination of a politician from the secular opposition in six months. The government blamed hardline Salafist militants for both attacks, but the opposition holds Ennahda responsible
U.S. Army won‘t bar contractors linked to Afghan insurgents -watchdog
„I am deeply troubled that the U.S. military can pursue, attack and even kill terrorists and their supporters, but that some in the U.S. government believe we cannot prevent these same people from receiving a government contract,“ Sopko wrote in an introduction to his office‘s quarterly report on the U.S. reconstruction effort in Afghanistan.
Al-Qaeda Backers Found With U.S. Contracts in Afghanistan
The U.S. Army Suspension and Debarment Office has declined to act in 43 such cases, John Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, said today in a letter accompanying a quarterly report to Congress.
Experts: Unlikely U.S. helped New Zealand spy on reporter: Communications are routinely monitored in midst of war zone.
If the National Security Agency monitored phone conversations between a New Zealand journalist and his Afghan sources, as reported this weekend, it was more likely to have been done under standard military intelligence monitoring of enemy communications in war zones, intelligence officials and experts said Monday.
Senators Not Impressed With James Clapper‘s Carefully Worded Responses
You may recall that, back in June, 26 Senators had teamed up to send Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, a series of rather direct questions about the NSA‘s surveillance efforts. Clapper took his sweet time (nearly a month) to get back to them, but finally did so on Friday (always have to avoid the news cycle, I guess). T
Berlusconi faces verdict that could endanger Italian government
Italy‘s supreme court convenes on Tuesday to rule whether Silvio Berlusconi should be jailed and banned from public office for tax fraud, a verdict that could endanger Italy‘s shaky coalition government.
Few See Adequate Limits on NSA Surveillance Program: But More Approve than Disapprove
The national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted July 17-21 among 1,480 adults, finds that 50% approve of the government’s collection of telephone and internet data as part of anti-terrorism efforts, while 44% disapprove. These views are little changed from a month ago, when 48% approved and 47% disapproved.
Russia To Ban Swearing On The Internet
A year ago, we wrote about a Russian law that introduced a blacklist designed to block access to information on drugs, suicide and child pornography (all for the children, of course.) Strangely, that same law was then used to silence leading reporters who dared to criticize the government (bet nobody saw that coming….)
The NSA Fight
The Michigan congressman determined to stop the NSA’s abuses wins a battle against House GOP leaders.
All About The Money: Reps Who Voted For NSA Surveillance Received 2X As Much Money From Defense Industry
For many years now, we‘ve pointed out that so much of what drives the fear-mongering about the „intelligence-industrial complex“ is pretty simple: money.
EU-Außenbeauftragte: Ashton besucht Mursi in Geheimgefängnis
Überraschender Besuch in der Einzelhaft: Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Catherine Ashton ist mit dem ägyptischen Ex-Präsidenten Mohammed Mursi zusammengetroffen. Das Gespräch an einem geheimen Ort dauerte zwei Stunden.
Washington auf der Jagd nach Moby Dick
US-Außenminister Kerry will den weißen Wal der Weltpolitik erlegen – und einen Friedenschluss zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern erreichen. Präsident Obama dagegen bricht mit einem jahrzehntealten Dogma: Der „pazifische Präsident“ sieht keinen Sinn mehr darin, Geld, Blut und Prestige in dieser staubigen Ecke der Welt zu investieren.