Daily Archives: 21. April 2013

21.04.2013 - 20:09 [ Beppe Grillo´s Blog ]

King George II

„The parties in their death throes, have received life-giving blood, but they’ll just have a few more months of life, maybe even a year, no more than that, because the virus of the MoVement has already infected their bodies and it’s no longer possible to eradicate it.“ Paolo Becchi

21.04.2013 - 19:46 [ Reuters ]

Israel cabinet OKs Europe open skies deal despite strike

Israel‘s cabinet on Sunday approved an open skies agreement to boost airline traffic to and from Europe, defying a strike by workers at El Al and two smaller airlines who fear the greater competition with foreign airlines will cost them jobs.

21.04.2013 - 19:44 [ Guardian ]

There‘s no need for all this economic sadomasochism

The intellectual justification for austerity lies in ruins. It turns out that Harvard economists Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff, who originally framed the argument that too high a „debt-to-GDP ratio“ will always, necessarily, lead to economic contraction – and who had aggressively promoted it during Rogoff‘s tenure as chief economist for the IMF –, had based their entire argument on a spreadsheet error.

21.04.2013 - 16:21 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli airlines begin strike to protest expected cabinet approval of Open Skies agreement

Hundreds of employees from Israel‘s three airlines picketed outside the government compound in Jerusalem on Sunday during the weekly cabinet meeting, to protest ministers‘ plans to approve an Open Skies agreement that would gradually grant competition to foreign airlines by increasing the number of flights and destinations over five years. One protester attempted to break into the compound, but was restrained by police.

21.04.2013 - 16:11 [ Xinhuanet ]

Chinese army officials to go to grassroots

Stressing grassroots units as the foundation and support for the army‘s construction, the CMC attaches great importance to the order in hope that high-level army officials could follow a righteous work style and develop emotional ties with grassroots units, according to the circular.

21.04.2013 - 06:33 [ NBC News ]

Secret weapon? How thermal imaging helped catch bomb suspect

In 2001, the Supreme Court ruled that the use of thermal scans to monitor heat sources inside a person‘s home should be considered a „search“ under the Fourth Amendment, and thus would require a warrant. The court said such scans could reveal private details about the homeowner, including the time of night when „the lady of the house takes her daily sauna and bath.“