Daily Archives: 21. April 2013
kreislauf : Nemesis by Blackdaylight
Kreislauf 138
Mit dem neuen Album Nemesis von Blackdaylight begeben wir uns auf neue Expeditionen in der elektronischen Klangwelt. Irgendwo am Puls der Zeit bewegt der Mann aus Chicago die richtigen Knöpfe. Wir lauschen entpsannt dem Ergebnis. Wunderbar!
Syria: opposition anger over US refusal to fund arms
Moaz al-Khatib, leader of the mainstream National Opposition Coalition (NOC), the rebel group backed by Arab and western governments, registered his dismay by confirming on Sunday that his resignation – first announced nearly a month ago but not implemented – was now final.
King George II
„The parties in their death throes, have received life-giving blood, but they’ll just have a few more months of life, maybe even a year, no more than that, because the virus of the MoVement has already infected their bodies and it’s no longer possible to eradicate it.“ Paolo Becchi
Obama accused of nuclear U-turn as guided weapons plan emerges
Plan to spend $10bn on updating nuclear bombs goes against 2010 pledge not to deploy new weapons, say critics
Margaret Thatcher funeral guest list: Who is going to St Paul‘s service?
Former US vice-president Dick Cheney and ex-secretary of state Henry Kissinger will also be there but not as part of the delegation.
Germany leader Angela Merkel was invited but is instead sending Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle. Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy is also staying away.
Israel cabinet OKs Europe open skies deal despite strike
Israel‘s cabinet on Sunday approved an open skies agreement to boost airline traffic to and from Europe, defying a strike by workers at El Al and two smaller airlines who fear the greater competition with foreign airlines will cost them jobs.
Israeli airlines threaten strike from Sunday if cabinet approves EU open skies agreement
(18.04.) El Al shares sank 6 percent on Tel Aviv Stock Exchange on news of impending vote on pact, as investors fear further damage to carrier‘s bottom line.
There‘s no need for all this economic sadomasochism
The intellectual justification for austerity lies in ruins. It turns out that Harvard economists Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff, who originally framed the argument that too high a „debt-to-GDP ratio“ will always, necessarily, lead to economic contraction – and who had aggressively promoted it during Rogoff‘s tenure as chief economist for the IMF –, had based their entire argument on a spreadsheet error.
More inmates join Guantanamo hunger strike
US official says 77 inmates now on hunger strike over jailing without charge or trial, nearly half of total population.
#TuttiaRoma – Proteste in Rom gegen Nomenklatura Italiens halten an
In der Hauptstadt der Republik Italien haben sich Tausende Menschen, wie viele genau ist zur Zeit schwer abzuschätzen, vor den Regierungsgebäuden versammelt, um gegen die Nomenklatura des Landes und die hinter den Kulissen organisierten zweite Amtszeit von Giorgio Napolitano als Präsident zu protestieren.
Thousands in Spain protest health privatisation
Thousands of doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers, many wearing white lab coats, and their supporters marched in Madrid Sunday to protest against government spending cuts and plans to partly privatise medical services.
Israeli airlines begin strike to protest expected cabinet approval of Open Skies agreement
Hundreds of employees from Israel‘s three airlines picketed outside the government compound in Jerusalem on Sunday during the weekly cabinet meeting, to protest ministers‘ plans to approve an Open Skies agreement that would gradually grant competition to foreign airlines by increasing the number of flights and destinations over five years. One protester attempted to break into the compound, but was restrained by police.
Israeli airlines ground flights over EU Open Skies deal
Under the Open Skies agreement, signed with the EU last July, all European airlines will be able to operate direct flights to Israel from anywhere in the EU.
Egyptian justice minister resigns after Islamist protest
„Mr Mekki will continue to undertake his assignments until a new minister is appointed as part of a planned cabinet reshuffle,“ added Alaa al-Hadeedi, the cabinet spokesman.
U.S. special envoy, Pakistan army chief discuss Afghan reconciliation
The U.S. delegation comprised Ambassador David Pearce, Acting Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Dagulas Lute, Special Assistant to the President on Afghanistan and Pakistan Peter Lavoy, Principal Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs and Ambassador Richard Olson.
Iran‘s top official meets Syrian FM, parliament speaker
The visiting Iranian national security head on Sunday met with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al- Moallem and Speaker of the Parliament, Jihad Allaham.
Paraguayans start to vote in general elections
Paraguayans went to the polls on Sunday to elect their president, lawmakers and governors among other officials.
Chinese army officials to go to grassroots
Stressing grassroots units as the foundation and support for the army‘s construction, the CMC attaches great importance to the order in hope that high-level army officials could follow a righteous work style and develop emotional ties with grassroots units, according to the circular.
Ex-Finanzminister Kudrin neuer Vizechef des Kreml-Stabs? – Putins Sprecher weiß von nichts
Der russische Ex-Finanzminister Alexej Kudrin hatte im September 2011 wegen Meinungsdifferenzen mit dem damaligen Staatschef Dmitri Medwedew sein Amt, das er seit 2000 innehatte, zurückgelegt.
Kampfjet in Iran abgestürzt – Piloten tot
Bei der iranischen Luftwaffe stehen laut AP bis heute US-Kampfflugzeuge vom Typ F-5 im Dienst, die noch vor der islamischen Revolution von 1979 gekauft worden waren.
Tarak Barkawi – Atomwaffen und orientalische Verhältnisse
Die von den Medien und Sprechern der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika gelieferte Grundidee geht davon aus, dass orientalischen Despotien – als welche der Iran und Nordkorea regelmäßig dargestellt werden – unmöglich getraut werden kann, was Atomwaffen betrifft.
ITALY People about to march on the Presidential Palace
Italy‘s Grillo denounces party deal making over president
The leader of Italy‘s anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, Beppe Grillo, on Sunday criticized the re-election of President Giorgio Napolitano as a desperate attempt to retain power by a discredited establishment.
Zerstörtes Land: USA wollen eine Milliarde für Syriens Opposition einsammeln
Um welche Ausrüstung es sich dabei genau handelt, werde in „Zusammenarbeit mit dem Obersten Militärrat“, der militärischen Leitung der syrischen Opposition, festgelegt. Nach Berichten von US-Medien planen die USA den Rebellen Schutzwesten, Nachtsichtgeräte und gepanzerte Fahrzeuge zu liefern.
Arriverò a Roma durante la notte e non potrò essere presente in piazza. Domattina organizzeremo un incontro con la stampa e i simpatizzanti
(20.04.) …
#TuttiaRoma per il „no“ al #Napolitanobis
#Napolitanobis – le proteste di Piazza Montecitorio. E adesso #tuttiaroma
oma, 20 aprile 2013. Dopo la rielezione di Giorgio Napolitano a Presidente della Repubblica, la folla presente in Piazza Montecitorio protesta a gran voce. I
Als Infrarotstrahlung (kurz IR-Strahlung, auch Ultrarotstrahlung) bezeichnet man in der Physik elektromagnetische Wellen im Spektralbereich zwischen sichtbarem Licht und der längerwelligen Terahertzstrahlung.
Eine Wärmebildkamera (auch als Thermografie-, Thermal-, oder Infrarotkamera, oder beim Militär Wärmebildgerät bezeichnet) ist ein bildgebendes Gerät ähnlich einer herkömmlichen Kamera, das jedoch Infrarotstrahlung empfängt.
Secret weapon? How thermal imaging helped catch bomb suspect
In 2001, the Supreme Court ruled that the use of thermal scans to monitor heat sources inside a person‘s home should be considered a „search“ under the Fourth Amendment, and thus would require a warrant. The court said such scans could reveal private details about the homeowner, including the time of night when „the lady of the house takes her daily sauna and bath.“
Police release thermal images of Boston suspect in boat
Massachusetts police release thermal photos taken from a helicopter of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev lying in a boat. Rough Cut
Innere Sicherheit: Verfassungsschutz überwachte 962 Verdächtige mit Kameras
Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen späht das Amt aktuell 20 mutmaßliche Islamisten, aber auch Rechtsextremisten mittels Kamera-Equipment aus. So steht es in einer Antwort des Innenministeriums auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Linksfraktion im Bundestag.
America cannot assert moral authority while Guantánamo remains open
For those not charged with any offence, their long detention is a most serious stain on the human rights record of the US
Shaker Aamer: ‚I want to hug my children and watch them as they grow‘
In these poignant words from Guantánamo, Shaker Aamer reveals exclusively to the Observer the pain of being separated from his family for 12 years
Last British resident in Guantánamo ‚may never be allowed home‘
Shaker Aamer has claimed in testimony to Metropolitan police detectives that MI5 and MI6 were complicit in his torture
Into the Fire: The Hidden Victims of Austerity in Greece
Today Into the Fire is simultaneously released on websites, blogs and other platforms around the internet.
The film is available with subtitles in Albanian, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian and Spanish with more coming soon!
Two people shot during ’4/20′ rally in Denver
Two people were shot during an annual rally celebrating marijuana in Denver, Colorado on Saturday, the Associated Press reported.