02.06.2013 - 17:22 [ AltHealthWorks ]

TV Station Ignores March Against Monsanto, Offers Curious Excuse

The response from Fox 2 Detroit’s Facebook page:

“Kryssi, your event is obviously very important. Like you, we are human and can’t possibly kow about every single event happening in the entire area. There are hundred and hundreds each month. People in charge of the event need to make sure we know about it with a simple email or phone call. Please let someone know for the next time so we can make sure to get the word out.”

The response from Jones was direct:

“I sent out 17 press releases to you. I called, emailed and did it old school, sent it by stamped mail. Id on’t know how else I could’ve told you. Not to mention, myself and others, posted it on your Facebook.”