Archiv: Stanislaw Pruszynski

06.04.2023 - 06:40 [ CNN ]

2009 BackStory: 2nd gun in RFK shooting?


CNN‘s Brad Johnson on how he uncovered possible second gun evidence in the only known tape of the RFK assassination.

06.04.2023 - 06:36 [ ]

The Robert Kennedy Assassination

Photographs taken by the FBI, LAPD, and AP show apparent bullet holes, which have been circled and initialed. Some pictures show police officers pointing at them; one AP photo is labeled „Bullet found near Kennedy shooting scene.“ Two police officers depicted in the photos told author Vincent Bugliosi that they had observed an actual bullet embedded in the wood of the center door frame. Hotel waiter Martin Patrusky said that police officers told him that they had dug two bullets out of the center divider. FBI agent William Bailey, in the pantry within hours of the shooting, said he could see the base of the bullet in the center divider. Other confirmation comes from photographers and even the carpenter who assisted in removal of the door frame for police evidence.

In 2004, a tape recording which featured the gunfire in the pantry surfaced. Made by Polish freelance journalist Stanislaw Pruszynski, the tape was analyzed by a team led by Philip Van Praag, who announced that the tape revealed thirteen shots fired in the space of five seconds. Sirhan‘s gun held eight bullets.