Archiv: scheme

25.06.2018 - 08:49 [ New Zealand Herald ]

China pyramid-scheme probe: Xiao Hua Gong charged in Canada, NZ police freeze nearly $70m

Nearly $70 million in New Zealand bank accounts has been frozen as part of a global investigation into a wealthy Chinese businessman accused of running a massive pyramid scheme from Canada.

Xiao Hua Gong has built a business empire in Toronto including a hotel chain and television channels, as well as attending fundraisers for Canada‘s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and donating to the governing Liberal Party.

25.06.2018 - 08:46 [ ]

NZ police freeze nearly $70m in China pyramid-scheme probe

Suppression orders on Justice Paul Davison‘s ruling have been lifted today, following an application by the Herald, which show the judge was satisfied there were „reasonable grounds“ to believe Gong had profited from criminal activity.