Archiv: John McAfee

24.06.2021 - 08:34 [ ZDF ]

Software-Pionier – McAfee tot in Gefängniszelle gefunden

Möglicherweise handle es sich um Selbstmord, hieß es in einer Erklärung.

Stunden zuvor hatte das Oberste Gericht Spaniens grünes Licht für die Auslieferung des 75-Jährigen an die USA gegeben. Die Staatsanwaltschaft im US-Staat Tennessee wirft dem britisch-amerikanischen Programmierer Steuerhinterziehung vor.

12.11.2019 - 16:42 [ ]

Antivirus software pioneer: Crypto companies don‘t have obligation to combat criminal activity

John McAfee, who pioneered the McAfee antivirus software, pushed back against the notion that cryptocurrency companies have an obligation to combat criminal activity on their platforms.

McAfee argued in an interview that aired on Monday that officials can’t expect companies behind digital currency exchanges or cryptocurrencies to police such activity, even as he called himself troubled by digital currency being used for illicit means.